26 ☆ Ya Like Jazz?
So, the guys and I escaped from Mirio. Right now, we were chilling next to some garbage cans, just trying to find food. And we were also exhausted.
"Man, today was horrible," Denki brought up. "We're probably gonna miss school tomorrow. It's starting in like, only a few hours."
I leaned against Shouto for warmth. I was so hungry, I could eat that suspicious McDonald's bag (yes, the actual bag) in the street.
"Guys, are we gonna die out here?" Denki asked.
"You're gonna die if you keep running your mouth."
But Hitoshi joined in on the complaining. "I need a bath, y'all."
"You bathe?"
"Katsuki, stop with the rude comebacks," I spoke up.
But finally, our wishes were heard. A white van pulled up.
"If he offers us candy, I'm out of this place," said Denki.
Katsuki murmured, "Honestly, I'm so hungry I might take it."
The driver manually rolled down the window, and fortunately, it didn't turn out to be a creepy clown. It was Mr. Aizawa!
"What are you kids doing out here next to some garbage cans at three in the morning?"
"Well, what are you doing out here in the city, driving around in a white van at night?" I shot back.
"Looking for you rebellions teens, what do you think? I never thought you would stoop so low as to hang around a bunch of trash in a seedy area."
"LET ME IN! LET ME INNNNN!!" Denki screeched as he was trying to bust through the window of the van.
So, Mr. Aizawa let us in the vehicle. I couldn't choose who I wanted to sit with, so we all just crammed in the back, and I was practically sitting on Denki and Shouto's laps.
But what I saw next was truly curious—it was Deku in the passenger's seat! Except. . .he was wrapped in Mr. Aizawa's capture tape.
"Uh, Mr. Aizawa, what is Deku doing being tied up in the front?"
He answered, "I found him passed out on a worn-out mattress outside the League of Villains' hangout."
Deku sighed. "Yeah, they kicked me out because I wouldn't share my Reese's Pieces with them. I let down everyone around me. I'm sorry for being so rebellious, guys."
Of course, Katsuki had to reply, "It's okay. I never set my expectations high for you in the first place."
"WHY'RE YOU SO MEAN?" he squeaked back.
"I HAVE UNRESOLVED ISSUES." Katsuki angrily lolled back in his seat and crossed his arms.
"Guys, let's just relax!" I tried helping. "Deku, don't be so hard on yourself. We all go through edgy phases when we're teenagers!"
"Wait—I thought Deku was like, ten."
I elbowed Katsuki in the side, whispering, "Stop making him feel worse."
Deku smiled though. "You're right, (Y/N). But uh, can Mr. Aizawa get me out of this tape already?"
"Sure thing, kid."
After that fiasco, we arrived at U.A. High School. The sun was rising, and we were about to pass out from being so tired. But at least we got some leftover Doritos in the back of the van from the floor.
Mr. Aizawa told us, "Alright, I'm pretty sure some of the other students are still lost somewhere in the warp zones, but you know what? We'll find them eventually. Somebody will bring them home, or kidnap them and hold them for ransom. Either way, I'm good."
I only stared at the class and vice versa. But around that time, Tenya, Hanta, and Eijiro entered class.
"I LIVED!" yelled Eijiro.
"Yeah, yeah. Now sit down and shut up," Mr. Aizawa instructed.
Our first class of the day began, and I tried to catch as many naps as I could during lectures. So, Mr. Aizawa was having to scream at me to wake up every ten seconds.
When that period was over, I just couldn't take it anymore. I decided to find a cozy locker and sleep in it. I dragged my sad self across the school and to the lockers. When I got there, one of the lockers opened up and Deku walked right out of it like he had been stuffed in there a while back.
"Hey, uhm, (Y/N). I wanted to apologize for my villainous attitude. I realize it probably terrified you."
"No, I was good."
"Oh—well, uh, I was suffering a pre-life crisis!" he nervously laughed.
"Is this conversation gonna be long? I was just gonna come here to take a nap."
"(Y/N), I need to tell you something important. I've been sweet on you since the first day I laid eyes on you."
My eyes widened. How many boys were secretly in love with me? It was like a never-ending pile of them—but frankly, I didn't mind~
"Really, Deku?"
"Really, really~"
Without warning, he took my hand in his, and ever-so-gently kissed it. It was like something from a C-list Hallmark movie.
"There's more where that came from," he told me.
"I don't know where it's been."
But of course, someone was stalking us because Tenya appeared from the shadows.
"(Y/N), don't listen to this boy. Do you really want someone who's obsessed with your deadbeat dad?"
"I'm not dealing with this right now, goodnight." I zipped myself up in a rainbow sleeping bag, hopped inside my locker, closed it, and fell asleep. Because what better way to escape my problems rather than sleeping?
"THANKS FOR LISTENING TO MY TED TALK," was the last sentence I heard before I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I immediately felt better from my rest. But I was awfully hungry. So, I raided Eijiro's backpack (because he always stores snacks in there), and took out a Fig Nooter to satisfy my hunger.
Ew, how old is this thing? Eh, I'm not picky. I ate trash for the first fourteen years of my life, so this is good enough.
As I munched very loudly in the locker room for three minutes straight, I opened my pink glittery book bag and pulled out an oh-so-familiar journal which I truly missed.
My 'Who's the Best Kisser' notebook.
Time to fill this baby with some pearls of knowledge.
When I opened it, I began to write about my most recent experiences with kissing the boys. Sure, I was skipping class and sitting by my locker writing about shallow stuff, but YOLO. The only reason I even came here was to kiss all the boys anyway. Well, except that hoser, Mineta. But once I started thinking about it more. . .who was I going to end up with in the end? Should I just base that off who was the most amazing kisser? Or should I base it off their looks?
And yes, of course, I know a lot of people say that looks don't matter in a relationship, and that you should base it off more important things like how well you get along. But look how well that worked out for Bill and Hillary.
When Deku kissed my hand—part of me died inside. I thought he'd kiss me for real, but I guess he panicked. I guess I'll give him a 3/10.
So, I placed my journal inside my bag, and headed back to class. When I got there, Mr. Aizawa interrogated me.
"Where were you?"
"Sleeping in the lockers."
"Oh, okay. Well, sit back down, sweetie. We have a test."
I did as he said, and all the other kids stared at me like they had just been betrayed by their own teacher.
"Man, I can't even get up to sharpen my pencil, but she can spend half the school day just napping away?" questioned Fumikage.
"Yes, bird. Now pay attention to class," Mr. Aizawa commanded. "Anyway, today, we're gonna talk about Fig Newton's laws of motion."
And so, he did that for the rest of the time we were in here.
After class, I walked out—only to hear a few kids talking about something interesting.
"I can't wait for the Sports Festival this year. Even though it's only like, the second week of us being in school, screw time and logic."
"Same, but that (L/N) girl will probably beat everyone with her Quirk."
"How so?"
"She's like, more powerful than Thanos and Shaggy combined—you connect the dots."
Is that what people truly thought of me?
"Yeah, but could she beat someone as powerful as Bakugou or Todoroki?"
"I dunno, I'm pretty sure they're in love with her or something."
"Every guy in the school is, it's not much of a surprise."
"It's just not fair! I did everything Kim Kardashian told me in her magazine on how to attract all the boys—but none of it has worked so far."
"That's tough."
That's when their conversation ended. I was just left confused. What was the Sports Festival? I never had cable, so. . . .
I dropped by Denki's locker, and payed him a visit. He was there, just shoving some random books in his unorganized locker. I was trying to get some information from him about this Sports Festival thing.
"So, what is it?" I asked.
"Well, every year, they have a contest thing, where a bunch of students compete against each other with their Quirks. And it's basically something that can get you noticed by hero agencies and all that jazz."
I nodded. "Ah, I see."
"Say, speaking of jazz." Denki turned to me with a flirtatious grin, and did a set of finger guns. "Ya like jazz?"
I blushed. "Y-Yeah, I guess."
Denki swiftly grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me close to him. "I'd sue the human race for you~"
I couldn't help but giggle, so I exchanged the pickup line. "I'd leave my fiancé to bee with you~"
We both stared deep into each other's eyes, while reciting Bee Movie pickup lines. Sigh, it was so romantic! Denki was a pure meme as well, so maybe he'd be the perfect one for me. But there was only way to find out~
Closing my eyes, I leaned in close, and placed a soft kiss on his lips. He did the same, and a few seconds into it, I could feel a total spark! Literally.
Once we stopped, we slowly pulled apart. That was definitely an electrifying kiss. But when we took a glimpse to the left—we saw that Mirio was standing there—one foot away—just observing it all.
"Wow! That certainly was interesting to watch!"
"SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE—" Denki short-circuited from the jumpscare, and went dumb. He stuck out his thumbs and displayed a derpy facial expression. "WhEeEeYY."
"Mirio, what the heck. You made Denki go stupid. And were you just watching us this whole time?"
"Well, I did follow you through the walls, and I guess I just happened to stumble across something a bit personal! Hehe. But no harm done, right?"
"But I'm just trying to protect you!" he explained, with an overly-friendly smile.
"But I—"
I summoned a giant Cheeto and mounted it, only to fly away from that part of campus. At least school was almost over. But still, I was curious about this Sports Festival thing. . . .
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