24 ☆ Monster Thiccburger
"Hosu City. . ." I read the kanji off the sign. "I've heard of this place. Isn't this where heroes go to do their internshi—KATSUKI!" I yelled at him, gaining his attention.
"Why are you eating the sandwich?? You don't know where it's been!"
"My hag of a mom makes stuff worse than this. This is actually edible."
"It's made by prisoners, Katsuki. You don't know if they wash their hands!"
"I sweat stuff that makes me blow up, I don't think I care."
I raged on the inside but it was no use. He did have a point. But he didn't have to be so frustrating about it.
"How about I buy you something actually good at the next shop we come across?" I offered.
"Sure." Yet he still continued to eat the sandwich. So, I snatched it away from him and hurled it into the unknown.
"GROSS—WHAT IS THIS!?" I heard someone recoil from the distance.
"You realize you just hit a cop in the face," Katsuki informed me.
"Did I?" I tried to do a Jedi mind trick on him, but it didn't work.
"Those only work on Calamari or whatever his name is."
I corrected, "You mean Kaminari?"
Shortly after our conversation, I realized we'd get nowhere just standing around.
"Well, where should we go next?"
Katsuki laughed. "Don't worry. I got this. Just follow my league."
He walked over to a greeting center and pulled up a map. He held it upside down and said, "Y'know, it'd help if they printed them the right way. How do they expect people to live like this?"
We were going to die.
"Katsuki, you're holding it wrong."
"No, I'm not."
"Why do we even need a map?"
"To find a Hardee's, bruh."
He held out the piece of paper toward me. "There's an H on the map. We could go there."
"Why? That stands for hospital."
"But they're having a buy one get one free with their Monster Thickburgers."
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT HAR—Wait, buy one get one free?" My eyes lit up with interest. "And what's a Monster Thickburger?"
"It's like the biggest hamburger in the world. I only ever heard of how glorious they were. Honestly, I thought they were a myth among the hamburger gods."
"Wow, they must be good."
"Yeah, you haven't turned into a real man until you actually try one. That's why I must."
"Now, I'm hungry. . ." I pouted.
So, I gave in. After following directions off Katsuki's busted SmartWatch—we found a Hardee's among the dump of fast food restaurants. When we walked in, the menu was literally glowing. An image of the Monster Thickburger was plastered across it in all its greasy beauty. It was about ten dollars a combo—but we'd get the second one free. I guess I was going to become a dude or something if I ate it.
"I am not afraid to die. Today is the day I become a true man," Katsuki said to himself in the most serious tone I ever heard come from his mouth.
All around us was other men—not a girl in sight. I felt so overwhelmed by the sheer manliness. It made me start to feel uncomfortable.
"This place is too manly; can we just get take-away?"
"It's probably all hype."
But I was so wrong. Once we ordered, the waitress brought us both the hamburger and. . .it was bigger than my face. It was bigger than Katsuki's hair. I feared for my life from how humungous it was.
"It's. . .it's almost as beautiful as you," he managed to choke up.
"Uh, thanks?"
Manly tears were shed at the sight of how majestic it looked. It was like Zeus if he were in the form of a hamburger. It almost looked too good to even be bit into by the mouths of us mere humans.
What the heck was I saying? It was a hamburger from a fast food restaurant—they probably made the meat from pink goop in a suspicious factory somewhere. Katsuki's weirdness was starting to rub off on me.
"You uh, go first," I said.
Katsuki lifted up his hamburger and started at it in awe. Just before he took a big bite out of it—a portal appeared over our table and Hitoshi dropped out of it right on top of the Monster Thickburger. Katsuki let out a scream of horror when he heard the food he hyped up so much get squashed by Hitoshi's bodyweight.
"Sup, my dudes." Hitoshi flashed a peace sign while still face flat on our table.
"Oh, please. Everyone knows you aren't a true man until you take your little sister to see a Kidz Bop concert and you don't die."
"Here, Katsuki!" I held my hamburger over to him. "You can have mine—I don't think I'm manly enough to eat this anyway."
He accepted it and neared it toward his mouth—but before he could taste it, Hitoshi stole it and said, "Thanks, I'm starving."
Katsuki was one blink away from erupting into a fuming mess, but I stepped in to restrain him. I pulled him out of his seat and told the two, "Alright! Why don't we uh—head back now?"
"Musutafu!" I replied, giving the name of the location we had to be. That's where U.A. was—and school was starting again tomorrow, so. . . .
"We have no money for a bus ride though," Katsuki said. "We spent it all on the wasted Monster Thickburger."
"No need to be sullen!" I tried cheering up. "Let's just steal from a charity fountain or something."
"But that's not heroic," Hitoshi pointed out. "Those are meant for the poor."
"I am the poor!!" I spat back.
"Whatever, I don't know about you two, but I'm gonna be out of this place by noon," Katsuki assured as he slumped out of the building. I followed behind him with Hitoshi.
After exiting the street Hardee's was on, we found ourselves once again lost. It was starting to become dark, and I don't think this is what Katsuki meant by 'being home by noon'.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"I dunno, my SmartWatch died six hours ago."
I looked down. Being lost in a big city I didn't know anything about brought a huge damper on my mood. Especially since we were entering a shady area right about now. . . .
"What is this place?" I asked, noticing the tacky graffiti of Squidward sprayed on every building we came across.
"It looks like the place my grandmother's plastic surgeon works in," Hitoshi commented.
Katsuki and I both raised an eyebrow at that sentence.
"Stay close to me, (Y/N)~" Katsuki told me in an overconfident tone. I was deciding if that was a good idea or not at the moment.
"No, me." Hitoshi literally grabbed my shoulder and held me close to him—death-glaring down all the creepy-looking pedestrians which walked past us.
"Uh. . .guys—please don't cause a scene—"
Katsuki pushed Hitoshi away from me in an aggressive way. "Look, I told you to back away from my girl. Don't make me go all Edward Cullen on your pathetic self."
Did he refer to me as his girl!?!?
Hitoshi smirked. "Do you remember who you're messing with? I can make you do the chicken dance while singing Shakira with my mind."
"But you won't. Cause you're too much of a sissy to use it."
"Oh, you think so, eh?"
"Yeah." Katsuki took a step closer toward Hitoshi, towering over him with an intimidating demeanor. "Go ahead and use it, Troll hair."
"BEGONE, PLEB." Hitoshi did a Z-snap with his fingers when that was said.
Then another portal mysteriously opened up, and Denki dove down from it headfirst, arms in a Naruto stance, and he crashed right into Katsuki.
It was then I realized I had to put matters into my own hands. I may have been surrounded by utterly drop-dead gorgeous boys—but that didn't mean they were smart enough to survive out in the streets (unlike me, a person who lived in a trashcan up until last week).
"Alright, guys. It's time to get back home once and for all," I announced.
"WHEEYYYYY~" Denki did his shaky thumbs up with a dazed facial expression.
"Wait, did Katsuki die?" I asked, looking down at his limp body.
"Gee, I sure hope so," Hitoshi responded, kicking him lightly.
I shook my head in disappointment. "Well, what are we gonna do? Denki's an idiot and Katsuki's unconscious."
"We should leave them in the dumpsters and bail—"
"Fine. Let me get something to help us out." Hitoshi wandered off with that being said. When he returned, he had two garbage empty bags in his hand.
"Uh. . .what are those for?" I asked.
Passing one to me, he explained, "We're gonna put them on top of these and drag 'em behind us."
"Okay, sure."
So, we did just that. It earned us a few weirded-out stares—but who cares at this point?
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