22 ☆ Darth Deku
I went out of town then got the flu so that's why it was delayed lol
Trust me the flu is n o t fun mah dudes
Woah. That kiss I shared with Hitoshi was. . .
Mind-blowing no pun intended.
He was the best kisser the world ever knew. He didn't deserve a ten—HE DESERVED A THREE-THOUSAND!!!
And to everyone's surprise, a punch was thrown at Hitoshi. It caused him to land back. The offender was. . .
"What?" every single one of us said in unison.
Hitoshi smirked. "Ah, Izuku."
"I'm tired of being a pushover," Izuku grumbled, clenching his fists like Arthur. "I won't allow Quirk jerks like you to take away the things I want in life. First, it was the possibility of becoming a Pro Hero. Second, it was that ice cream Kacchan stole from me in second grade. Now, it's the girl I love. . ."
Did he mean. . .me?
"Boi, what are you rambling about?" Hitoshi wondered.
"I'M TIRED OF IT!!" Izuku spat. "That's why I'm not playing this stupid game anymore." In that tense moment, he held out his hand to me. "(Y/N), join me."
"Join whut?"
"I am no longer Deku. I am Darth Deku."
"Wow, like Dark Link," Tenya referenced.
"Hush. Anyway—(Y/N), forget these weak freaks. Join me in the League of Villains."
We all gasped. Even the guy from the other room gasped.
Izuku flashed a villainous smirk. "We don't need heroes. What we need is power."
Katsuki rushed up in front of my horrified figure and nervously laughed. "Wait, Deku. That's illegal—"
"Shut up, Kacchan. You spent your whole life bullying me—when I did nothing except give you my Pillow Pet when you forgot yours in daycare. REMEMBER?? THEN YOU EXPLODED IT!! YOU EXPLODED GORDAN THE GIRAFFE, KACCHAN."
"It gave me head lice. What else was I supposed to do? Y'KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE WHEN YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR HAIR RIPPED OUT BY YOUR ANGRY MOM!?!? WELL, DO YOU, DEKU?"
"IF I COULD, I'D RIP IT OUT RIGHT NOW!!" Izuku lunged for Katsuki, which made Denki and Tenya restrain him.
"Don't call me that. Call me 'Darth Deku' instead, peaches."
Peaches? What the hecketh?
"Don't you dare call her that," Shouto spoke in a defensive tone.
Izuku laughed. "Oh? Kacchan can call you all whatever he wants—but when I say something, everyone flips out?"
Denki shrugged. "Dude, it's Kacchan. We don't set standards for him, y'know?"
Before Izuku could utter another insult, All Might crashed through the wall.
"OH, YEAH," he said, mimicking Kool-Aid Man. "NO NEED TO FEAR, BECAUSE I AM HE—" When he took another step, a suppressed wheeze was heard. He glanced down to see that he had accidentally walked on Tomura. "Wait—what's happening? Why is Hand-man here?"
"Haha, oh, All Might~" Izuku chuckled. "The Symbol of Peace. But uh, are you though? I mean—you kept the secret from everyone that (Y/N) is your daughter which you abandoned."
All Might's smiling face didn't change—but it seemed anxious now. "Wait, pal, chum, amigo—that's illegal."
I threw my fists down and turned into a sobbing mess. "HOW COULD YOU!? YOU LEFT ME AND MOM!! THEN MOM LEFT ME—"
"Child, I—"
I rested my head on Katsuki's shoulder and wept hysterically. He held me protectively. Now that I think about it—I wonder if he was free next Friday. However—it wasn't the time to think about that. We had real issues to deal with.
"The reason I left—is because I was scared that the media would exploit you and your mother. So, I made like a pair of socks and left."
"Ok, boomer," Izuku said, rolling his eyes.
My tears practically soaked Katsuki's shirt.
"Aw, man. Not my seven-hundred-dollar white shirt from Gucci."
"I'm—I'm sorry," I managed to choke up.
He only patted my hair. "It's okay. Don't cry. Here—let me tell you something to make you feel better."
"Y-Yeah?" I looked up at him with sparkling eyes.
"If you ever think you like one of these other dirtwads better than me—just remember that I'm the rich one and I'm getting a Lambo for my 16th birthday. SO, EAT THAT, SUNDAY DRIVERS—"
Tenya facepalmed.
Anyway, I looked at my father, All Might. "Why would you do dis? AM I A JOKE TO YOU??"
"No—but uh, I could adopt you again if you wanted."
"Excuse me?" an oh-so-familiar voice spoke. It was Mr. Aizawa. "What did you just say, All Might?"
All Might turned to him with a sweat drop. "Oh. Hello, uh—"
"Things just got real," Shouto commented.
Mr. Aizawa stood by my side. "I would erase your Quirk. But what's to erase, fossil? There's nothing left of you. You look like melted ice cream."
I sniffed. "Mr. Aizawa—All Might is my biological dad. HE LEFT ME!! AND NOW HE WANTS TO ADOPT ME AGAIN!"
Mr. Aizawa took me by my shoulders and said seriously, "He may have been your father, girl. But he wasn't your Dadzawa."
Tomura wheezed, "I'M MARY POPPINS, Y'ALL—" But All Might placed his foot on him to silence him.
All the sudden, Mr. Aizawa extended his arm and flapped his hand back and forth. "DANCE OFF, BRO. YOU AND ME. Oh yeah—I just remembered you can't. I've seen ninety-year-old ladies with more agility than you."
"I keep up this form because I have to hide the regret and agony that's seared into my soul. . ."
"Oh, I thought you kept it to hide the rolls you were getting."
"I can see your double chin from here, All Might," Tomura interjected, still on the floor.
As I was helping Katsuki with breathing exercises to calm him down, I said, "Dadzawa was always there for me. You weren't, All Might."
All Might looked kinda shook. "It's okay, Daughter. I forgive you."
"Eat a rock," Mr. Aizawa quipped.
Izuku frowned. "Why's everyone ignoring me? I'm Darth Deku."
"You look like Alvin the Chipmunk if he were goth," Katsuki replied.
Izuku glowered him. "It's bullies like you who disgust me. That's why I'm becoming Darth Deku."
Denki sighed. "Stop with Darth Deku. Darth Deku isn't happening."
"(Y/N)—this is your last chance. Join me or not."
"Naw, boi. I'LL BEAT YOU WITH THE POWER OF. . ." I gestured to all the other boys with my arms and screeched, "INSANELY DROP-DEAD HAWT BOIZ."
Izuku grinned before getting within my bubble of personal space. "Just what I thought. Don't worry, (Y/N)—I'll soon be hotter than any of these Ken dolls combined."
"This is not right, Young Midoriya. You must not become evil. Refuse the temptation of it!!" All Might stepped in.
"Ok, boomer."
All Might kneeled down to reach eye contact with Izuku. "Alrigh, look 'ere, you lil—"
"It doesn't matter, All Might. But uh, thanks for the hand-me-down Quirk. It'll prove to be. . .useful for the League of Villains."
"If you think that 'hand-me-down Quirk' is so great—just take a look at Trump over there," Katsuki said, referring to All Might. "That's what you have to look forward to."
"You're not a villain," I told him. "You can't be."
"Everyone's always telling me what I can't be. Now it's you. Y'know what—I'll get you to join the League of Villains one day, sweet heart. For now, I bid you adieu." He flicked his cape which somehow happened to be there, and headed out the door.
I turned to my other comrades.
"What the chiz just happened?" Denki asked.
Katsuki told him, "Eh, sounds like a prank."
It probably was. So, I just forgot about it for now.
I turned to Mr. Aizawa and All Might.
"I'm filing for custody," All Might declared.
Mr. Aizawa glared at him. "She's fourteen-years-old. She can pick who she wants to live with at this point."
"Don't be so cocky to think she'd pick you over me."
"Cuz I would?" I interrupted.
Mr. Aizawa said, "Yeah, Deadbeat Might. You do that."
I facepalmed. Why was this happening to me?
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