chapter one grandDaughter
phoebe sighed as she was working on a ship trying to keep the fishes from falling out
"why me of all things do I have this crapy job" she sighed "oh iruma I wish i could see you"
the ship started to shake a lot and the large fished started to fall out phoebe screamed but nothing came she opened her eyes to see that they stopped in mid air "what the-" she suddenly noticed a man and just stared at him and suddenly she realised she was tied up "w-what the?!"
the strange man put something on her chest
phoebe was shocked "sold?! what is this?!"
the man smirked as they telported out of there and were now somewere eals
phoebe "where am I?! who are you?!"
the man said something but it sounded no human
phoebe "um....what?"
the klicked his thingers "I've made it such that you may understand the netherworld language phoebe-suzuki this is the netherworld"
phoebe "n-netherworld?!"
strange man "the world of demons"
phoebe "demo-wait I can understand you!"
strange man "thats because I've cast magic on you"
phoebe "m-magic you say..."
strange man "I am a demon, so its only natural I can use magic"
phoebe "demon!?"
starng man "yes,demon my name is sullivan.oh phoebe,your parents have sold your soul to me" he chuclked
phoebe "sold my soul to a demon?! how can it be-yeah thats something that they would definitely do"
phoebe then noticed the large mansion "is that-"
sullivan "my mansion" she smirked
phoebe paniced "w-what are you planing to do with me!?
phoebe "eh?"
sullivan "can you become my granddaughter?"
phoebe "huh?"
sullivan "actually,I'm single...and I have longed to have another 'grandchildren'"
phoebe "grand, children..? wait im not the only one?!"
sullivan nodded "yes hold on let me get him for you"
he went into another room and pulled out iruma!?
phoebe was shocked "iruma?!"
iruma "phoebe?!"
sullivan "wait you know each other?"
phoebe nodded "yes we're brother and sister!"
sullivan smiled "this is even better my two grandchildren will go to school tomorrow!"
phoebe "wait theres a school here?!"
iruma nodded "yeah its a demon school"
phoebe "demon school?!"
sullivan "well you two will have to share a bed for now while I'll get you a room and some clothes for Tomorrow"
phoebe sighed "fine"
later that night
phoebe "night brother"
iruma "night sister
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