Leo and Jon try hair products
Hey guys!! This is Leo, and my wonderful assistant here on my left is Jon!
(A few seconds pass)
Okay, let's start!! First off, a big thanks to Clary who got us this stuff. And I would also like to apologise for the strange recording location, but we're hiding from Tori and Bunker 9 is the only place with artillery strong enough to hold off an angry Aphrodite child. Something tells me these hair products are Tori's, although I'm not sure exactly what.... hmmmmm.
All right!!! Now first off.... This is a can of hairspray.
I wonder how it tastes?
Mighty fine question my good friend Jon, why don't we find out?
*Points can at mouth*
*About to press the spray button...*
(The camera cuts to Leo alone in the Big House)
Okay, Chiron has just informed me that I should probably add a 'don't try this at home' warning. Well, here it is, Chiron. Don't try this at home, kids. Before I show you the aftermath of me trying hairspray, I would like to say that I believe I took it valiantly and with great dignity.
*The camera goes back to Leo and Jon*
*Leo is spluttering and gasping for air, making gagging noises and fanning his face with his hands*
WhY aRe YoU aCtInG lIkE iT's SpIcY
HoW cAn HaIrSpRaY bE sPicY?!
WeLl wHy dOn'T YoU tRy It FoR yOuRsElF aNd fInD oUt
oh My GODS
(The camera cuts again and moves forward. Leo is drinking a lot of water and keeps grimacing, possibly from the foul taste in his mouth)
How are you feeling, Leo?
My mouth is sticky
Who knew hairspray would be sticky??
Anyway, after that little incident, we were met with a sudden realisation. Sure, deodorant sticks and stuff have been eaten before on camera, but never has anyone tried hairspray before. I hope you all hold this moment in your hearts, knowing you have witnessed history in the making.
But now I'm gonna use hairspray for its intended purpose. I'm gonna pull my hair back and then spray it to hold it in place
I think you're supposed to use gel for that...
Shhhhhh Jon, the gel's for later...
Now it's your turn!
Okay. I want to bleach my hair.
I don't think we have any hair bleach in here.
Don't worry Leo, I brought some bleach from the cleaning cupboard in the Big House.
I think those are two different types of bleach...
But they're both called bleach, so what's the harm?
Once again, my good man, you astound me with your smarts. Proceed, fine gentleman.
(At precisely this moment, Claire, Alyx, Tori, Angie, Clary, Belle, Becky D, Lorelai and October burst into Bunker 9)
Jon household bleach in your hair can burn your scalp and cause permanent hair loss. Unless you want to go bald, I'd be more responsible.
Awwww. But I wanted to dye my hair!
Angie: here, you can borrow some of my hair chalks. *all the girls leave*
Jon, you have to chalk your hair rainbow.
Of course, my good friend. I feel offended that you have to say it out loud.
(Jon opens the box of hair chalks and squints at the contents.)
Leo... they look like licky licky ice pops
...They do.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Let's do it.
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