A day of video games
Long story short, the other day I was playing a card game with Leo and the squad, and we decided to gamble with dares instead of cash. And I lost.
This is Claire, by the way. As you might know, I'm a bit of a video game nerd. I'm obsessed with Fallout 4 at the moment, but my all-time favourite will always be Skyrim. And Leo and Becky D know this. So, when it came time to give me a dare, they put their heads together and came up with the worst evil imaginable - they dared me to let the squad have free reign on my game for a whole day. I decided to play, and, despite my best efforts, I lost the game, which meant there was no backing out. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. it serves me right for gambling. I shouldn't have played, knowing what was at stake. But if I had won, Leo was going to have to do a drag show at campfire, and no way was I letting that opportunity pass.
So there we were, bright and early the next day, gathered around my prized gaming console. I tried to reassure myself that they couldn't do too much damage to my years of progress. Oh, how wrong I was.
First of all, Becky D went out and spent 1000 gold on clothes. My precious septims. All my money wasted on clothes because 'they look nice'. Grrrrrrr.
Then, Alyx went to the cheese lady and bought 20 wheels of cheese. For no particular reason than because it was a funny colour and the cheese lady looked lonely. And to annoy me. I think that was the main reason, actually.
October, who was originally apprehensive about touching the controllers, got really into it and perked up when she saw the spell books, purchasing a ton of them. But not useful ones, oh no. Ones for really mundane things like summon zombie or or Oakflesh rather than something helpful like Runes or Restoration spells.
Lorelai discovered that books in Skyrim are actually really interesting and spent about 5 hours reading as many as she could. So at least she didn't do much damage.
Jon... oh, Jon. First, he went on a hunt to try to find all the wines in the game. He did surprisingly well for someone who had never played Skyrim before, but he gave up before he got them all. Then he discovered the Unrelenting Force Shout, and he spent a solid 10 minutes stood at the top of a mountain, just yelling into the void. Every time he did it, he yelled 'YEET!'. I tried to explain that it wasn't called yeeting, it was Shouting, but part of the dare was that I wasn't allowed to interact. After he got bored of that, he went down into the village and started Shouting at (or 'yeeting') all the villagers, throwing them here there and everywhere, accidentally starting a fight with the entire town guard. He didn't seem to understand that sending townspeople into the stratosphere counts as 'disturbing the peace'.
Leo went dragon-hunting. He repeatedly found them, and tried to tame them, getting upset when their fire killed him about a jillion times. He indignantly shouted, and I quote, "What do you mean You Died? I'm fireproof, genius!"
Tori got a controller to herself and went into the first cave she saw. She was absolutely scared witless and left confused as to why she got killed by the Dwarven spheres. Leo heard her screaming and gave up on creating a Festus 2.0, instead coming to her rescue and trying to take them apart because he has this weird impulse to understand the technology in spheres.
Becky D finally stopped spending my hard-earned money and went for a walk in the woods, and was completely heartbroken that the all the nature spirits (spriggans) were hostile. She was mumbling something about destiny and how she was cursed and how dryads were meanies no matter what universe they were in.
Belle was too nice to do anything damaging. Instead she travelled from city to city, appreciating the architecture in each one. But then the game began to lag a little and she tried to reprogram the whole thing to upgrade the speed and graphics and increase the quality of gameplay.
Clary travelled with Belle, taking aesthetic pictures of the landscape and buildings (uploaded at bottom of page). She got really annoyed and almost broke the controller by throwing it at the wall after a patrolling guard photobombed one of her best shots.
Angie. oh, Angie.
Angie accidentally completed the main story in the game.
I know.
Somehow she managed to take down Alduin the World-Eater in the span of an hour.
One hour.
Like, from start to finish.
I'm just.
~(*^* )~ ~( *^*)~
Hey, this is Leo. I recorded Claire's reactions and have attached some of the more amusing audio clips. seeya!
"What do you mean THEY LOOK NICE?"
"20 wheels of.... I give up."
"....I can't even..."
"It's called Shouting, Jon!!!"
"I can't watch this."
"I thought we were friends! You're gonna get me a giant bounty in Riften!"
"Brynjolf, I'm so sorry... ;-; "
"nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - ooh, nice pic Clary - ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
"You can't tame the freakin dragons... idiot...... that's not Odahviing...."
"They're called Dwarven spheres actual- NO DON'T TOUCH IT!"
"Belle, if you head to the tavern it's got a pretty cool roof - JON WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?"
"CLARY NO! That's my remote!"
"What's that, Angie? What? no, you can't have, there are loads of- WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!"
Clary's pics:
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