'What the fuck is that?!'
'For fucks sake!' I lazily open my eyes and sit up in bed, trying to adjust my sight to the morning light. I turn my head towards the noise. The alarm clock.
I grabbed my pillow from and tossed it at the evil metal box. It flew of the stand and clattered to the floor.
"Good morning, Sweetie!" Dad bursts the door in, beaming his brightest smile. I choke back my words and force a smile. He eyes the noisy box and the pillow, goes over to the clock and shuts it off.
"You could've just walked, y/n." He sighs.
"And waste all my precious energy?" I scoffed, hanging my legs over the side of the bed. " No thanks!.
"Well I'm glad you're saving your energy for the hike! I'm so glad you remembered!"
" The WHAT?!"
He walks out the door and closes it, but not before adding " Be ready in ten, honey! "
I internally screamed out for a storm or any kind of disaster to strike and save me from the hike. I groaned and finally stood up. I rummaged through my bag for something to wear.
~Max's POV~
"Nikki, no."
"C'mon Max! You should at least try! I know you can do it!" Nikki coaxed.
"Not a snowballs' chance in Hell, Nikki." I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes.
"But Max-"
"N to the fucking O." I cut her off and continued walking towards the campfire. She was trying to get me to ask out y/n...again. The first time, she kept harassing me with a stone sharpened stick and crawling around me.
Now she's following me and restarting her little plea. Just fucking great.
"You know Max I never understood why you're so fucking stubborn. Does it really hurt you that much to confess your feelings?" Nikki huffs and gives me a scowl.
I'm a bit taken aback by this. Nikki never raises her voice or swears..
I start to protest, but she continues. "Whatever. You better hurry though Niels gonna ask her out today" with that she storms off Niels going to...WHAT?! I took a few seconds too realize what had been said and in that time, Nikki was too far away.
~Y/N' s POV~
"Ah, yes! The hike! Thank you for reminding me Nurf!" Dad says as we all sit gathered around the campfire. I sat between Nerris and Dolph, waiting for this damn day to be over with. Dusks' colors were showering the skies perfect blue. Although the sun was hidden, it still felt like the heat was cooking us alive.
"What? I didn't even say-" Nurf started to argue but was cut off by Dad finishing up his boasting moment.
"Don't think of it as a hike, just think of it as another way of exploring nature." He sounded a lighthearted chuckle from his throat. A sly snicker came from the other side of the fire.
"So basically.... A hike?" Max retorted, rolling his eyes. I let out a "supposed to be inaudible but VERY audible" giggle, and all of the camps' eyes' were on me.
I glanced over at Max, who was grinning ear to ear. I turned away with a furious blush across my face and slightly lowered my head.
"As I was saying," Dads smile strained while he held eye contact with Maxs' side of the campfire, "We'll obviously have to stick together but.. I guess Gwen can take a few."
"Wait, what?! I didn't have a say in this bullshit, David!" Gwen hissed.
'The fuck did she come from?!'
"Now, Gwen, not in front of the campers. Plus! Its gonna be a blast!"
"For you! I'm not the nature type!" The word "nature" rolled off her tongue as if it was poisoned by the word.
I raised an eyebrow in pure confusion mixed with curiosity. I turned in her direction. " Then why are you a camp counselor? Out of all the things-"
Gwen smiled wickedly and pointed a nail painted finger my way.
"I think I want you to be in my group, y/n."
'I'm cool with that, to be honest. Knowing how Gwen really doesn't give a shit, its easier to sneak away.' I shrugged.
"Alrighty then! I guess I'll take Preston, Nikki, Space Kid, Enrid and Dolph." David says, pointing them out as he says their name.
Gwen sighed. "So that leaves me with Neil, Nerris, Harrison, Max, Nurf and y/n. Great. "
After Dad goes over the rules, makes everybody, including Gwen, repeat the rules, then going over them a few more times, we set off into the woods with our groups.
The pike trees towered over us, blocking most of the skies mixed shades of pinks, blues, and oranges. The air was kind of humid but it wasn't that bad. Now if only the insects, animals, and human race wasn't around, it'd be pretty nice.
"...Maybe my Drastic Dragon Beast could kill you, mortal!" Nerris hissed and yelled out a battle cry at a squirrel trying to just enjoy life. Harrison face palmed and shook his head.
Gwen was walking along side Enrid, who was talking about what would happen if she ran camp.
Nurf was harassing Space Kid with a broken branch and walking at turtle speed, with his hands stuffed into his turquoise hoodie, was the infamous Max. He briefly made eye contact with me before lowering his head down and walking even slower.
Something or someone bumped my left shoulder and I quickly spun my head around.
"Oh! Hey y/n! I-, um, didn't see you there!"
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