really dark bad poem i did in class
its for sschool
dont judge
i made it up in the shower
literally no joke
Note: This is something I made up. I am perfectly fine, Don't worry for my sanity.
Your Prison
It's only now... that I realize where I am.
Only now... that I realize how I ended up here
what force... put me here,
Yet... I don't know how to escape... from here.
So I’ll scream... like the anger is my soul,
Until... you find me,
Until... you release me.
I know I can't do it alone. I know I'll need help,
You’ll find me and it will all be over... right?
No... it's not that simple,
It... never will be.
I'm talking to myself, screaming inside my mind
screaming for a way out of this cell.
I'm not an exhibit. Stop glaring at me.
You’re the only light I have,
the little ray of sunshine creeping in from the cracks.
Without you, it's pitch black.
And the only thing I have to light my way is a candle,
with no match to strike.
You put me in here, trapping me,
making me depend on your every move for a chance to escape.
Yet you hold the keys right in front of me,
like gold just out of reach from a king.
As you stare at the lock and look at the key, what are you thinking?
Why won't you open that door?!
I was flooded with affection, the spotlight was on me!
What happened? Was it a dream?
This game of cat and mouse, chasing you down like your love is my prey,
but your too fast. You’re too smart,
you found a way to get rid of me, to shut me out of your life.
You don't pay attention to anything I say. It's like I’m mute, only screaming inside my head.
Please. I beg you. Come find me. Come get me out.
But you won't.
You turn the other way like I don't exist, like you never knew me.
Erased my memory from your mind
from your very being.
If you won't help, I’ll do it myself!
I'll wander around until I find something I can use to escape.
A crack, a hole, anything! And I'll pray my way out.
You can't stop me!
I'll break your wall. I will destroy your prison that you built.
You can't break me!
I'll just emerge stronger than ever before!
Stronger than you could have ever imagined!
And I’ll make you feel the pain of an empty room.
A room with no life, no light, no sound.
Then, you’ll finally understand what's it's like,
to chase after something that you want…
but that doesn't want you.
Are you happy with the creation you made?
Are you happy with what I’ve become?
Are you happy with the cage I’ve built?
Are you happy with the prison you’re in?
This is all your fault.
You could never know the feeling of living without light,
living without wanting to go on, to live, to thrive.
That’s what you made me feel.
You were all I knew, all I wanted, and then you left,
leaving me with nothing. Inside a cage of sorrow and despair,
And that's exactly where you are now.
Only, I'm still here. Only you still have light, only still are living.
only... I still love you.
But one false move,
and you'll be pushed back so far that you can't see me,
can't hear me,
you don't know what is up or down, left or right,
until you’re so deep into the cage that you can't find anything,
and soon depression will slowly engulf your body,
until you lose your very being.
Until you lose your mind until you lose your very will to live.
Then you will know... how I felt.
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