PT. 7
Anna's POV
"You're an idiot." I mumbled to myself as he closed his eyes slowly. I pressed on his wound and his eyes snapped back open. I had to keep him awake, not because of his injuries because I has to talk to him tonight.
"Anna why are you helping me?" He asked looking down at the floor. He looked vulnerable, and all I wanted was his eyes to meet mine. He's been avoiding it every since I dragged him to my house to care for his injuries. I decided to take a brave move and make my wish come true.
I grabbed the sides of his face and made him look at me. "You deserve my help Dan. Trust me."
I looked into his ordinary brown eyes, and in that moment they were the prettiest eyes I had ever seen. He was staring deep into my eyes as well, and the distance between us was closing. From his sitting position on my bed he was still able to reach me as I stood between his legs. He locked his arms around my waist, we were really close.
"D-Dan." I said in a hushed voice, but he only got closer to me. I closed my eyes slowly and so did he.
"What the..." A voice was heard, and we both snapped our head in the person's direction.
Two Days Earlier...
"I don't want to hear a joke Phil!" I said for the fifth time. He pouted and I watched another plane in the sky.
"When is Dan going to get here?" I whined picking a rock from the ground and throwing it up in the air and quickly catching it. Phil opened up his phone and shrugged.
"We don't need Dan for fun." Phil said and I nodded in agreement.
"You're right, but we can't start the fun sitting in the park. Dan needs to get here so we can go." I said, throwing the rock in the distance. Phil had gotten Dan's number yesterday and I had foolishly forgot to ask. Phil refused to give me his number unless I ask myself. So Phil had asked Dan to come along with us on our day together. Even though it was Phil's idea a part of me couldn't help but want to see Dan.
"Tell me more about your girl." I said, batting my eyelashes as a way of begging. He looked into my eyes and shrugged again, it seemed shrugging was his new thing.
"She's really pretty, I saw her yesterday and I felt like I had a chance for a kiss but that would be totally awkward if I went in for it." He said and I nodded along with him.
"I would not go in for a kiss unless the guy went along with it. My advice is don't go in for it unless you know she'll go along with it."
"What if I'm not sure?" Phil asked and I bit my lip. I don't know why I was giving him advice, I've never been in a relationship before
"Well speaking from my own opinions, if I liked a guy I would do anything to be near him. If she's always texting you and trying to talk to you a lot for your attention...she into it." I said hitting his side and wiggling my eyebrows.
"Shut up." He said hitting me back.
"Why are you even asking me? You never ask me." I questioned. I've never really helped Phil with girls because he never asked for my help. So this was a first for me and I liked advising him.
"I don't want this to go wrong." He said simply and I spotted Dan entering the park on his phone. His hair looked in place and his outfit consisted of black. I tried to imagine him in another color but failed.
"Dan!" I called him and he snapped his head towards me and smiled. I waved to him and he waved back, walking towards us sitting on the park bench.
"Hey Dan, you look tidy." Phil said and Dan laughed.
"Thanks I'm going for that dead look." He sarcastically replied and I laughed. I wouldn't have laughed normally but somehow everything Dan said was funny.
"I could tell." I responded, just because I want him to glance at me. I tidied up well this morning, wanting to look my best.
I had dressed causal in some tight black jeans that were ripped at the knees. Since it was chilly I had put on a simple navy blue cropped sweater that showed some of my belly. I had let my long hair loose, I had spent half an hour making it pin straight. I had worn some black combat boots to match the look, and I hope the dark colors impressed Dan. I just wanted to get in his good books, a good first impression.
I had some red lipstick and winged eyeliner, I just hoped Dan wasn't repulsed by makeup. I just crossed my fingers he wasn't those guys who liked the natural look because I liked my makeup. I put it on for me and for no one else, and if someone hated something I liked...who cares?
That thought didn't make sense, since my main goal was to impress Dan. I stood confidently with a small smile.
"Thanks, I see you have adapted my style." Dan said pointing to my clothes, and I nodded, resisting the urge to bite my lip because of my lipstick.
"You guys are matching. I feel left out." Phil added, he wore a dark purple shirt with little captain america shield and bows and arrows.
"It's dark I guess." Dan pointed out, I kept my eyes on him as he pointed out the different symbols on his shirt.
He was attractive, I couldn't help myself but think those thoughts. I never found anyone so appealing before, not even the really hot boys in our schools. Not even the time I liked Troye Sivan, who is now in a relationship with another boy. I cringed thinking of that moment and hit myself in the face, not realizing Dan and Phil were still there.
"What happened?" Dan asked and I shook my head, rolling my eyes.
"I just remembered something really stupid." I said and Dan nodded knowingly.
"You had a cringe attack?" He said and I stared at him in amazement.
"That's a perfect name for it!" I said grabbing his shoulders, it was just an excuse to touch him.
"Finally someone understands." Dan said, Phil pouted in the background.
"Will I just be the third wheel while guys flirt?" He said, I jerked my hands away from Dan and pulled the sleeves of my seawater over my hands to create paws. Dan laughed as he answered Phil.
"Anna and I are just friends." He said and disappointment filled my chest.
"Yeah just friends, Phil. Come on let's go get some pizza." I said grabbing Phil's hand and pulling him with me, hoping Dan would follow behind.
Why was I so eager to be with Dan? I'm so confused why this stranger had an impact on me. I didn't even know his last name and I already want to intertwine our hands together. What has happened to me in the last twenty four hours?
I didn't even notice Dan and Phil had began a conversation while I thought. I listened in with Dan agreeing to go somewhere with Phil.
"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, curiosity has gotten the best of me as Phil replied.
"Joe's party tomorrow." Phil said and I knew this would end badly.
"Dan's the new kid! You think Joe and his group of friends would just accept him with open arms." I said as we neared the pizzeria.
"Yes they will, you know Joe. Zoey will be there with Lousie. They'll love Dan." Phil said and I couldn't help but agree.
"Lousie will love him..." I agreed with uncertainty and Dan decided to butt in.
"I'm right here guys." Dan said and I nodded my head, lost in thought.
"We should get ready at my house." Phil said and I nodded in agreement.
"Ready?" Dan asked.
"Like meet up at his house to leave together." I said and Dan nodded to show he understood.
"Fuck!" Dan cursed before stopping in his tracks, grabbing the nearest thing, which was my arm. I stopped because of his strong grip and looked at him.
"What happened Dan?" Phil asked as I stared at his face which was turning paler each second. His eyes were straight ahead staring at someone. I looked curiously, as did Phil.
"Who is that?" I asked looking at her long blonde hair, and curvy figure. She was talking to another girl as she stood two stores down.
"'s a long story, but I have to hide now." Dan said as he ran into the clothing store beside us. The beautiful blonde girl only flipped her hair over her shoulder and smiled. She was beautiful, I wish I was that beautiful...
"Anna are you coming?" Phil asked and I nodded before walking into the store to look for Dan. I glanced one more time at the blonde only to see her eyes on me. She smiled at me like a confused puppy, before our stare off could continue I was yanked into the store by Phil.
Who was that girl?
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