Pt. 4
Dan's POV
Obviously I'm not much of a daring guy, I don't want to go out of my comfort zone and make the first move. Asking someone out was a hard task for me, even awkwardly asking for their number seemed really difficult with me. My last relationship wasn't successful, turns out she loved how cute and akward I was. I never had the courage to ask her out so she kissed me at the school dance and it kind of started our relationship. Somehow with Anna I want to take over and play the cards at my fingertips, I want to make the first moves.
I had winked at her and later she returned the motion. We had been repeating the cycle over and over, I'm pretty sure Phil had caught on but he didn't seem to care. Maybe it's because she's never had a boyfriend. That still mind boggles me that she didn't get into any relationships because she was so likable. If anything I wouldn't be surprised if it was Phil who never was in a relationship than Anna.
Phil didn't seem like a dating type of person, he was innocent. A curse never left his lips and if it did he would apologize. Somehow he had girlfriends in the past, but the move time I spent with him I knew his relationships were cute, the ones where people continuously 'awed' at.
Anna was screaming and yelling in the kitchen. Her phone rang earlier and she stomped to the kitchen, handing me her pizza crust. She made it clear she didn't like the pizza crust, that it was too dry. I volunteered to eat it with her, looking at some of her light pink lipstick littered across it. It didn't bother me though.
We had set up some pillows and blankets on the floor. We had put on a movie but ignored it, the three of us were engaged in a conversation. That was until Anna began her angry phone call. I looked to Phil and decided I should start a conversation with him, might as well befriend him.
"Who is she talking to anyways?" I asked hoping to get some answers to why she held the edge of Phil's kitchen counter holding her head in annoyance. Phil looked away from the TV and shrugged.
"It's just her sister, her wedding is in like a month." Phil said looking into the kitchen where Anna picked up a knife and thought before dropping it. I worried about what she thought but I was annoyed to a point where I consider murder. Anna yelled something about a boyfriend but I chose to ignore it.
"So?" I questioned, why would Anna be so frustrated if it was just a wedding? Phil was quick to answer.
"Well she needs to bring a guy with her or something. Her sister is kind of...difficult." Phil answered, I could tell he was trying to be as polite as possible as he described Anna's sister. I could tell by his expression he wasn't very fond of her sister, and I could tell by Anna yelling 'fuck off' in the kitchen, that she didn't like her sister that much either. Then again I could be mistaken because everyone has those bad moments I could tell because I had told my brother to fuck off this morning. I still love my brother obviously because he's been there for me and honestly I couldn't consider anyone else my best friend besdies him. I wouldn't tell him that ever because he would call me a nerd and walk away.
"Why doesn't Anna just take you? You could pretend to be her date or something. You are best friends right?" I suggested, I would take my old friend Amanda to some stupid wedding knowing we were just friends. I don't take it any of them would be uncomfortable with each other considering Anna had taken one of Phil's hoodies earlier. They seemed comfortable with each other and they seemed like solid best friends.
"Well I've met her sister and she knows Anna and I no more than friends so she can't take me." Phil explained and again the movie on the screen was forgotten as Anna walked into the room. Phil and I both looked at her in curiousity as she loooked at Phil and then her eyes flicked to me.
"Yes I have a date!" She said sitting down between us, maybe the phone call would end soon. Phil gave her a warning look like he knew she was about to do something regretful. I gave Phil a questioning look as she sighed.
"No it's not Phil." She denied and looked at me and covered her phone.
"Please forgive me." She said, forgive her for what? My question was not left unanswered as she said the next words to her sister.
"I'm bringing Dan, see you in two weeks bye!" She said and shut off the phone. Everything became crystal clear as I saw her look towards me, she put her hands on both my shoulder and began to beg me.
"You have to come with me or I will die of embarrassment. You don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend just come with me. Phil can come too we could just hang out and stuff please please please!" She begged shaking me back and forth. I was still shocked that she had told her sister that I would be her date to her wedding. I had just met her, this was all moving to fast for me and I began to realize it. We had just hung out out of the blue and now she wants me to be her date to a wedding. This was too quick, I barely know her she could psychotic and demanding, maybe even sensitive and over dramatic. I had decided to give an honest answer but the look on her face seemed to influence me as well.
"Anna we've just met. I'm not saying no but let me get to know you first and then I'll give you an answer." I replied trying to be polite as possible, I looked at her face and knew she wasn't at all sensitive as her face lit up and Phil didn't give me a glare of some sort for not agreeing to her demand.
"So what you're saying is if I prove to you I'm nice then you'll go with me?" She asked and I nodded, she threw her arms around me as I inhaled her scent.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said, I'm not sure why she was thanking me if I hadn't even said yes to to her.
"I haven't even said yes." I told her as my hands lightly wrapped around her waist. She giggled as she pulled a bit back, her arms still around my neck as mine were still on her waist.
"You didn't say no." She said as she gave me another squeeze before releasing me. I saw her blush a bit as she grabbed another slice of pizza. I couldn't help smile at her, I wanted to tell her I will go with her if that meant spending more time with her but I'm not a fool.
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