PT. 2
Dan's POV
I was never someone who would move without any thought, it was always me who wasn't excited. I'd ask my mother if we really had to move and she'd just roll her eyes reassuring me for the last time. I would nervously look at my room the last time and slowly pack my room like it was a dead relative's room and I had memories touching each piece of furniture. I would mope around the house, looking at each and every piece of chipped paint like it was my last time and it was. I was always attached to the houses never wanting to move away from the memories
Except this time.
This time I was the first person to pack, not glancing at the house once, avoiding each room like I was avoiding an old friend. I sat outside on the steps of the porch as my family smiled and hugged each other inside. I sat outside being disgusted to even sit near the house.
I remember my best friend ran to my house to say goodbye along with the rest of our friends. I remember hugging my ex-girlfriend who I had to break up with because of the move. They never wondered why I was so unhappy, why I sat on my porch late at night, why I always snuck out. They thought I was just trying to be a rebel or the typical badass but in reality I just wanted to get out of that damned house.
I don't understand how my family could be happy, how could they feel attached to that house? I don't understand why I'm the only one who doesn't like that house.
How could they have just let go so easily? After the incident I feel disgusted even looking into that room. The room where it had happened, my mother locked it but I have the key to open it. I sat there in the dark writing, looking the empty bed post with no mattress. The mattress was removed anyways, but the carpet still had little specks of blood that only I had noticed. I would apologize before I left that room, feeling sorry I couldn't so anything to save her. If I had stayed behind with her while my family went to the cabin trip. If only I had not been a little brat and stayed with her, she would still be here.
So that night I went into her room, it was empty, the carpet was removed. It almost seemed like a normal room. It was horrible to think that someone would sleep here every night not knowing that horrible things that have happened here.
"Daniel I need you to go outside." My mother said barging into my new room. It was great actually, the walls were white, and I had almost made everything in my room a shade of black. Right now I had put the little stuffed bear my best friend gave me on top of the wardrobe.
"To do what?" I asked her in curiosity as I stood up from my bed, leaving my laptop alone. I looked at my mother's serious face and somehow she still showed some kindness under that tone.
"Go be social or something. You'll be going to High School in a week, you need to make some connections." My mother said, she made it sound like I could go on a walk and meet someone who could introduce me to the whole neighborhood.
Yeah like that could happen.
"Mom if you haven't noticed this isn't a movie. No one goes on walks to meet people who magically befriends them." I sarcastically replied thinking back to when I was staring into my neighbors house.
There was a guy there, he seemed my age, or I could be wrong. I watched him run around his house preparing for someone, probably some friends. My room window was parallel to his, and I got a clear view of him messing about in his room. He seemed to neaten his hair a lot, making it seem like he wanted the evening to be perfect.
"Well try it, you never know if you'll meet someone. My mother told me the same thing and that's how I met my best friend. Just go on a walk Daniel!" She pleaded and I shrugged silently agreeing to her orders. I guess I should find out more about this neighborhood.
"Fine whatever." I said pushing her out of my room as she smiled in achievement.
If it's one thing I love about my mother, it's her smile. It's was always nice when I saw her smile when I was younger. She would laugh when my father would accidentally make his shirts an ugly shade of pink, or when my brother and I got flour all over ourselves when we tried to make her breakfast. No matter how angry we made her she never failed to show a bit of kindness.
I slipped on a black jacket over my entirely black outfit as I took my phone with me. A quick walk around the neighborhood wouldn't hurt would it? I made my way outside, hearing my father's laughter from the kitchen. I feel as though we're happier here in this small area known as Brigdewood.
I began to remember the one time my family stood with pale faces with an expression of shock. No one could believe it and I know this because I stood with them outside our house. I remember my mother violently shaking her head as if she couldn't believe it. I remember my father grabbing her like he was falling apart and she was the only thing he could hold onto. I remember my brother clenching my arm, shaking me as I felt the lump in my throat grow. I even remember the sentence the man in the dark suit told my brother and I.
"Your sister is dead."
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to shake the thoughts out of my head but to no avail. I had managed to make it around the block, looking towards the ground thinking of my sister, how I let her down. I began to quicken my pace as I didn't look ahead.
I began to remember that my sister was going off to college, and she wanted to prepare instead of go with us. I was stubborn and she convinced my father and mother that she didn't need me to stay back, that her friends would come over. At least I remembered her smiling and bragging about her college at the dinner table. I remember I was jealous that she was perfect and I was socially awkward. I felt like I was a disappointment, that I could never get into a fancy college like her.
I quicken my pace hearing a girl's voice. Dammit are these some weird hallucinations?
"Yeah I just passed Caspar's block." A cheery voice uttered, I quickened my pace even more. Who's Caspar? The girl sounded like her, but her voice was a little less high pitched. The voice I heard was attractive in a way. Wait is someone in front of me? I looked up but it was too late, I had crashed into a girl who was quite shorter than me, she fell forward as she shrieked a bit, her phone collided with the floor and I heard her knee hit the floor.
"Oh my god." I said and she quickly flipped herself grabbing her phone. She looked towards the pavement where a bit of blood was laid. I looked towards her knee and saw it beginning to bleed. I began to panic but I saw her and my face was full of shock. I stared at her beautiful features, her eyes were light green, and her skin was pale. She looked up towards me. And her eyes widened. Was she weirded out by me?
"Um...that's alright. Can you hold on a second?" She said quickly pressing her phone to her ear causing me to mentally face palm. I didn't even apologize for causing her to fall over.
"Uh I might be a bit late. Call you later." She said into the phone, I wondered if she was talking to a friend or maybe her boyfriend. I took the time to find out how she was instead if leaving her to fill the awkward silence.
"Are you ok?" I asked her hoping her would wave it off but she looked towards her knee and winced causing my guilt to grow. She brought her soft pink lips between her teeth and bit down. I was in awe looking at her do a simple action but somehow looking like a model while doing it.
"Not really. Can you help me up?" She asked me snapping me out of my trance. I only nodded grabbing her hand and helping her on her feet. I saw the blood pour down her leg and I began to panic.
"Oh my god this is worse than I thought." I said in panic as I searched her face for any pain. She was short only up to my shoulders. She seemed to notice my height as well as she seemed to show a sense of liking towards my tallness. I smelled her sweet perfume and successfully did it without being a creep.
"It's ok I'll just get to my friends house an he'll help me." She answered, I paid close attention to the word 'he'll'. Is he like her boyfriend or something?
I mean she was beautiful of course she had a boyfriend. Well maybe she has room for a friend of some sort, and I would be happy to fill that spot.
She removed her arm from my jacket, leaving me to wonder how it got there. I realized my arm was around her waist and I quickly pulled my arm away, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. I wanted to keep this friend thing up so I quickly brought up wanting to walk her.
"Where is this place? I could walk you if you want." I suggested still silently praying she wouldn't reject me. Instead she smiled as her eyes lit up. Did she find me attractive too?
I wanted to laugh at myself for thinking that. Why would she think I'm attractive? She clearly very great looking and I don't think I'm her type. Maybe she wants to be friendly, yeah maybe that's it.
"Just a few blocks down. Nothing too far." She said cheerfully, looking at me and the sight of blood pouring down her leg kind of killed the mood, it looked so painful. The sight of blood made me sick, and seeing the familiar specks on the ground made me uncomfortable. All it did was remind me of what happened in my old house.
"Okay then how about we go?" I suggested wanting nothing more than to get her to her friends house so he can patch her up. I still want to be her friend, my mother told me to go make friends and she'll slap me on the back of the head when I tell her what I've been up to.
"What's your name?" She asked and I completely forgot the fact that we didn't know each other's names yet. I took a good look at her before answering.
"Dan. How about you?" I replied, I couldn't match a name to her face. Probably something elegant? Like Elizabeth, no that's too elegant it should be something cute too.
"Anna." She answered and I couldn't think of a better name. Maybe Lianna? Nope I think Anna was better for her.
"So where were you heading before you got stuck walking with me?" She asked and I laughed at her choice of words. I smiled before shoving my hands into my pockets. I wouldn't consider this being stuck with her, I'd say she's stuck with me.
"Just home, I just moved here." I added hoping to spark some sort of conversation out of the simple topic. As she limped her ears perked up at my words.
"Hey my friend just got a new neighbor." She answered and I furrowed my eyebrows. Another guy moved here too? Well I need people to relate to, so I better get to now this guy.
"Really? What does his neighbor look like?" I asked her and she seemed lost in thought for a while. She seemed to be debating with herself before she answered.
"I'm actually going over to spy on him. I do need another friend." She admitted, I felt a sense of jealousy and it was stupid that I wanted this girl to spy on me. Well I guess I'll get to know this legs or since I'm walking her knee to her stalking session.
"Oh really? He must be a lucky guy then." I answered. I was stupid for even saying that but I didn't regret it as I saw a light pink blush cover her cheeks.
"No one is lucky to be stalked." She joked as she glanced down at her knee. I felt guilty but a little thankful, if I hadn't caused her to scrape her knee than I wouldn't be talking to her. Then again causing someone physical pain shouldn't be something you're thankful for.
I slightly messed with my hair, to make sure I didn't look like a complete mess. I felt her looking at me and I quickly glanced towards her causing her blush to return as she looked away. I decided to ease the tension as I saw my house approach. I'd still walk her as promised but walking past my house would be awkward. Do I show her or something? I guess I figure it out when the time comes.
"Well I wish you luck on this journey." I added as she frowned a bit but her smile soon returned as she turned to me.
"There's my friend's house." Anna said with a smile as she limped over to the familiar house.
" right next door." I answered, so that's who the guy next door was preparing for. He's probably her boyfriend or something, and the thought saddened me. I'd probably sit in my house like a loser as they made out or something.
"Oh...I guess I don't have to spy on you." She asked, oh no go ahead I answered her but a small smirk made its was to her pink lips. "Or do I?"
She began to approach me as I grew nervous, swallowing the lump in my throat. I looked into her green eyes as she looked into my plain brown ones. I brought my lip in between my lips as I smelled her familiar perfume.
"Anna!" I heard a voice yell and Anna suddenly turned towards the source. It was the neighbor from earlier, he gasped looking at her knee.
"Hey Philly, I kinda fell..." Anna said and 'Philly' looked at me weirdly before I felt the need to explain myself.
"Hey I'm Dan, your neighbor. The guy who pushed Anna by accident." I explained but he looked towards Anna who gave him the familiar smile as I grew nervous. He shook his head and honestly I disliked him in this moment. Did he think I was some weirdo or something? Did he not like me?
"Hey Dan, wanna come inside and hang out?" Anna said batting her eyelashes towards me. I looked a good look at the guy who looked at me with his apologetic look, I looked towards his house and then back Anna giving me a pleading look. I decided to play it cool and shrug.
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