PT 11
It was the night of the party and I was suddenly aware of my surroundings, holding on to Dan as if he were my child, hoping he would get lost.
"Nothing will happen Anna." Dan said, he was trying to go get a drink but I was too busy in a game of truth or dare to accompany him. Of course he was also part of the game, but his turn was further away than mine.
"Fine." I said as he walked off. I sat in the circle listening to the dares and personal questions that went around. Right now Caspar was dared to go ask a girl to guess his penis size. Which was pretty much sexually harassment, but these immature teens won't listen to me.
"I got slapped." Caspar said returning with a hand print on his face. I silently smiled, but I was disappointed the girl hadn't knees him in the crotch. Everyone burst out into laughter, and suddenly it was my turn. I was too busy chewing my nails, nervously looking for Dan from my seat.
"Truth or dare, Anna?" Caspar asked me with a little nudge.
"Uh...truth?" I said and he sent a look to Joe.
"Who do you like?" He asked, My mouth parted in a bit of shock.
"What is this? The ninth grade?" I asked him but he only laughed a little.
"Answer the question. Be honest." He said and I but my lower lip.
"No one." I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Well if you had to date someone, who would you date? No one will tell." He said, I grew even more nervous.
"Anna." Caspar cooed and everyone looked at me with interest.
"Is it that guy you brought here?" Joe asked and I bit my lip, should I tell them I find Dan attractive?
"Uhh...yes." I said and Caspar closed his eyes and grabbed his forehead in disappointment. Joe got up from his seat in the circle and walked off. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when Caspar pulled me away from the circle and into the kitchen. The game continued on.
"Anna what have you done?" Caspar asked and I heard a crash from the backyard, followed by a 'what the fuck'
"What's happening?" I asked, trying to walk off but Caspar held onto my arm.
"Anna, Joe kinda likes you." Caspar said.
"What's happening Cas?" I said and he shrugged, letting go of my arm. I ran to the backyard and saw Joe on top of Dan, hitting him repeatedly.
"Joe!" I yelled, yanking him off Dan.
"What the fuck were you doing?" I asked Joe as Dan sat up disorientated. I quickly sat by his side and helped him sit up.
The back door opened again, I saw Zoey and Alfie. They were both a couple, Zoey was Joe's sister.
"Joe." Zoey said in shock looking at Dan in shock.
"I just..." Joe trailed and I looked down at Dan once more.
This is stupid and cliche. I hate this, why are all the boys of bridgework so fucking immature? This will be the reason I will hate parties.
"Come on." I said and helped him stand up. Once he was on his feet he put his arm around.
"I feel like a changed man." Dan said, sounding slightly intoxicated. I couldn't help the smile that made it's way to my face.
"You idiot." I said, the commotion died down, Zoey was talking to Joe with Alfie by her side. I ignored them and was determined to help Dan.
"Come on my mother is out with her boyfriend." I said as we made our way to my car.
"Anna you're pretty hot and all but I don't think we should be doing things while your mother is-" he began to say and I could tell he had some sort of alcohol. I blushed nonetheless, he bought I was hot? I shook my head and focused on his health.
"Dan have you been drinking? You know you can't drink while you're underage, it kills your brain cells. Your brain is developing you can't just-" I was silenced by him pressing his finger to my lip.
"Shh...I'm almost 18." He said and I rolled my eyes, removing his fingers from my lips.
"The age limit is 21 here in America you idiot." I said and he laughed. It was quite odd that Dan was British. Although Phil did sound a bit British, since his father had the accent, Dan was someone with a full accent.
"Sit in the car." I said opening the passenger side. He sat down and I buckled him in before shutting the door. I got out my phone to text Phil.
"If you want a ride, you better come outside now." I sent the message and looked at the big house, my phone buzzed and I looked at it.
"It's fine, I have a ride." He texted and I shrugged before rubbing my exposed arms. It was quite cold, and I had forgotten a coat. I walked around to the drivers side and buckled myself in.
"You're bleeding." I said and got some napkins from the glove department. I he grabbed Dan's chin and began wiping under his eye. He stared down at me and grabbed my hand, taking the tissue and wiping it himself.
"I'll do it." He mumbled.
I began to drive to my house, knowing my mother and William had gone to dinner and wouldn't come back until late. They had told me they would probably stay at William's house.
"Dan just stay awake." I said and he nodded, looking at his lap.
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