21 = White Lies & Wolf Hunts
I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I would put my new kitten in it. She is adorable and I am in love with her.
Song - Awkward // San Cisco
Celeste's POV
The rest of the day had passed by in a blur of oddities. The two most peculiar happenstances were the occurrences of Stiles acting as though she had died and gone to hell, and the incident with Scott.
Stiles' behavior was unexplainable, ever since he had seen her on the lacrosse field after Scott went full on Hulk on the beautifully structured, Armani scented being that was Danny Mahealani. She wasn't sure what she had done wrong, but it was apparently bad enough that Stiles didn't even laugh at her John Cena joke.
Scott, however, was acting even stranger. Earlier in the day, they had been walking down the hall when Greenburg whistled at her and tried to grab her arm. She was going to bark at him until he went away, but Scott beat her to the punch by promptly grabbing Greenburg by the throat and shoving him in to Jackson's newly assigned locker, denting the metal almost inside-out in the process.
Poor Jackass.
Currently, she was facing both of her problems head on by heading to Scott's house. She and Stiles were supposed to "contain" Scott together, but the girl was running a little late due to an impromptu training session with her now fully recovered trainer, Derek.
She entered Scott's house, locking the door behind her. Heading up the stairs, she paused as she heard yelling. Confrontation made her want to euthanize herself.
"She's m-, she's the one girl-," Celeste frowned as she heard the distress in Stiles' tone, "I've never felt this way about anyone, Scott. You know what she means to me."
Celeste frowned in confusion. Who could he possibly have been talking about? She very much did not appreciate the pang that ran through her at the thought of Stiles having thoughts about someone so strongly.
"You know, for the past three hours I've been thinking it's just the full moon," Stiles continued on, "You know? He doesn't even know what he's doing and tomorrow he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend."
Celeste's heart broke as she heard his voice crack, rushing in to the room and surprising both boys.
"Woah, hey," she spoke softly, but firmly, placing her hand on Stile's chest gently, "What the hell is going on?"
Stiles scoffed, and the look of disbelief in his eyes hurt Celeste more than she cared to admit, but he backed away at her touch nevertheless, moving out into the hallway.
Scott sniffed the air, and his eyes began flashing yellow dangerously. He panted heavily, and his breath came out more growl than huff.
"Why do you smell like him?" Scott began thrashing, his voice laced with anger, "Why do you smell like Derek?"
Celeste was taken aback by the fight in his eyes, and she was beginning to worry he would break through the handcuffs that kept him bound to the radiator.
An idea sprang in her mind, and she carefully moved over to his computer chair, grabbing the hoodie that was slouched across the top.
She slipped it on to her form, the fabric pooling down to below her knees and well past her hands.
"Okay," she sighed in relief, holding her hands out in front of her as his shaking figure slowly relaxed, "Is that better? I'm sorry."
Taking his silence as a good sign, she slowly backed into the hallway.
Stiles laughed in disbelief as he saw the pullover she was now wearing, and he suddenly threw his fist into the wall, rattling the pictures and lights that lined the walls.
"Oh my god," he shook his hand out, "That hurt way more than it looks like it does in the movies."
Celeste's eyes widened, backing away from him in fear. She expected such behavior from the blood-thirsty werewolf handcuffed to the radiator, but not from Stiles. Not from her Stiles.
"Stiles," she breathed out, as frustration radiated off of him in waves, "what the hell is wrong with you?"
Stiles looked at her, as though she had run over his puppy. Last time she had checked, she had not run over Scott McCall.
"Why'd you do it?" Stiles asked hoarsely, pain glistening like unshed tears in his whiskey colored eyes, "I understand why Scott would, any guy would be stupid not to want you, but why did you kiss Scott?"
"Oh my god, gross," Celeste crinkled her nose in disgust, "Where in the land of Hades did you come up with that idea? God, ew. I didn't- why would I ever?"
"What?" the corners of Stiles' lips turned downwards in confusion, "You didn't- what about the smudged lipstick?"
"Is that seriously the basis of your entire assumption?" Celeste scoffed, "Scott said it was smudged so he used his finger to try and- Scott, you little shit."
Celeste began glaring at the shut door that held Scott behind it as she came to the realization that Scott had planned this from the beginning.
Scott growled in response.
Stiles sighed in relief, his entire demeanor changing to one of ease.
"Oh my god," he held the bridge of his nose between his forefingers, "I'm an ass, aren't I?"
"Yes sir," Celeste nodded with pursed lips, as the two slid down the wall and to the floor outside Scott's bedroom, "If we had a douchebag jar you'd be putting like twenty dollars in it right now. We should get a douchebag jar."
"Oh thank god," Stiles let out a breathy, slightly delirious laugh, "You have no idea how worried I was."
"Why?" Celeste frowned in confusion, and Stiles tensed, "Why would it be such a big deal to you if I had kissed Scott? Not that I ever would, because he probably has dog breath."
"Well, uh, you know," Stiles stuttered out, looking rather nervous, "We just have a really good trio going, you know? Like our own little Justice League. I didn't want to mess that up."
"Okay," Celeste was still hesitant, wondering how that warranted throwing his fist into the wall.
"So," Stiles was quick to change the subject, "why the hell did you smell like Derek, anyway?"
"Oh," Celeste panicked slightly, "You know, I ran into him at the grocery store. The dude buys organic ketchup, isn't that a fun fact?"
Stiles looked skeptical, but any further inquiries were cut off by a sudden mood change from Scott.
"Guys, please let me out," he pleaded, his voice taking on a helpless tone, "It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do any of this on purpose. Please, let me out. It's starting to hurt. It's the full moon. It's Allison breaking up with me. I know it's not just 'taking a break'. She broke up with me. It's killing me. I feel hopeless. Just please, let me out."
"I can't," Stiles sounded remorseful.
Celeste almost couldn't take it, but it was as if she could sense the pent up chaos riddling Scott's body.
Sure enough, the teen wolf collapsed into a heap of screams that shattered Celeste's heart.
She held Stiles' hand tightly, both of them having to cling on to each other to refrain from giving in to Scott's pleas.
They stayed this way for a while, finding comfort in each other's' touch, when suddenly Scott emitted one final roar before falling into silence.
"Scotty?" Celeste called cautiously after a moment.
"You okay?" Stiles' voice was thick with concern, "Scott?"
The two looked at each other in a panic, scrambling to open the door.
They were greeted with the sight of a werewolf-free room and a broken pair of bloody handcuffs.
"Zoo wee mama," Celeste muttered.
☾ ☽
"Freaking werewolves," Stiles tapped his thumb repeatedly against his steering wheel in annoyance as he and Celeste drove around, looking for Scott.
"Okay," Celeste took a deep breath, "I figured we could start with Alli's house, seeing as Scott wants to jingle her jangle, and if-,"
Celeste cut herself off at the worryingly familiar sight of the flashing lights of an ambulance and the sheriff's car just outside the Beacon Hill's preserve.
Stiles immediately pulled into the lot, exchanging a worried look with Celeste.
"Dad?" Stiles had leapt out of the car before Celeste could even unbuckle her seatbelt.
Celeste could practically feel the nerves bouncing off of her friend at the sight of a gurney and the lack of Sheriff Stilinski's presence.
"Dad?" Stiles panicked, and Celeste put a soothing hand on his arm, "Has anyone seen my dad?"
"Stiles? Celeste?" the two teens could have cried in relief as Stiles' dad made himself known, "What are you doing here?"
Stiles rushed forward and pulled his father into a bear hug.
"Uh, hey Mr. Stilinski," Celeste waved awkwardly once they had pulled away, "Glad to see you're not dead."
She high fived him.
"Uh, thanks Celeste," the sheriff nodded confusedly, turning back to his son, "now, what the hell is going on?"
Stiles launched into a story that Celeste didn't bother to pay attention to, as she was more focused on the fact that they were being watched from a distance.
Derek had taught her to keep her line of sight in a swivel, rather than facing forward. Using this knowledge, she pinpointed the dark car parked in the shadows almost immediately.
She casually strolled towards it, using the protection of the trees to keep her out of sight.
Approaching it, she tapped on the glass, causing the occupants of the car to jump.
"Hey Mr. Argent," Celeste tilted her head to the side, smiling sweetly at him and the blond she assumed was Kate as they looked at her nervously, rolling down the window to see her, "What are you doing out here?"
"Celeste," the hunter cleared his throat, "Just, uh, concerned about the accident. We saw it from the road. Is everything okay?"
"Depends on if you define a man being burned alive as 'okay'," Celeste gaze did not waver as she met the mint blue eyes of Chris Argent, "Isn't that crazy? How people can just go around killing others?"
Chris blinked at her steeled tone, but Kate simply smirked.
"Maybe he deserved it," Kate spoke up, causing Celeste to turn her gaze sharply to her.
"What a primitive way of thinking," Celeste's smile turned into more of a condescending smirk.
Kate only laughed, holding out her hand for Celeste to take.
"I like your crass, kid," she spoke as Celeste cautiously shook her hand, "I'm Kate. That's a firm grip you've got there. A friend of Allison's, I presume."
"You presume correctly," Celeste not-so-subtly wiped her hand on her jeans after their conjoined hands were disconnected, causing Kate to laugh more.
"Hey kid," she nodded to her, "Have you ever been hunting?"
"Kate," Chris warned sharply.
Kate held her hands up in lenience, but a ghost of a defiant smirk danced upon her lips.
"Sorry, Celeste," Chris smiled tightly at her, starting up the car, "We should really get going."
"Tell Alli I said hi," Celeste waved goodbye as they drove off, Chris waving a hand out the window as they left.
Her smile dropped as soon as they disappeared from view.
"Hey," Stiles jogged over to her, "What was that about?"
"Kate Argent is a sociopath," Celeste said ominously, "I'm calling it."
☾ ☽
"Vroom vroom, motherfuckers."
Celeste sat in the backseat of Derek Hale's Camaro, scrolling through Tumblr in the midst of a high speed pursuit as Kate Argent tailed her, Scott, and Stiles, thinking they were Derek.
"Celeste," Stiles sighed, "please stop saying that. This is the eighth time I've asked."
"No can do kiddo," Celeste reblogged a picture of a puppy wearing mittens, "Scotty, you drive like a beautiful, puppy-dog eyed grandmother."
"Faster?" Scott glanced at her in the rearview mirror from his positon in the driver's seat.
"Much faster," Stiles nodded, and Scott slammed on the gas pedal.
"Congrats," Celeste's words were dripping with cynicism, "You moved from the speed of a turtle to the speed of a man in a race. With two broken legs."
She may have still been a little salty with him about making Derek a wanted criminal and playing mind games with her and Stiles.
"Okay, Scott?" Stiles glanced behind them as Kate inched closer, "I don't think you're really grasping the concept of a car chase, here."
"If I go faster, I'll kill us," Scott snapped.
"Well, if you don't go faster," Stiles sassed back, "they're gonna kill us."
Celeste laughed maniacally as the whir of the vehicle amplified, and Scott started going even faster.
"They're gone," Stiles said suddenly, and sure enough, the car that had been chasing them had made a turn and vanished.
Celeste turned on the police radio that Stiles had temporarily misappropriated from his father, completing her only assigned job for the night.
"All units," they heard Stiles' dad's voice come over the radio, "suspect is on foot, heading into the iron works."
Scott groaned in annoyance, swerving the car to alter their path.
"This is fun," Celeste chirped, "We should do this more often."
"You worry me tremendously," Stiles looked back at her.
Scott skirted to a halt in the middle of the iron works, shoving the door open for one seriously grumpy looking Derek Hale.
"Get in," he shouted as Stiles dove into the backseat next to Celeste.
Derek swan dove into the car.
"Oh jeez," Celeste muttered as gunshots rained around them, "those do not sound like police issued firearms."
"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott shouted once they were on the road again.
"Are you okay?" Celeste leaned forward in concern, causing Stiles to roll his eyes.
"Dammit, I had him," Derek shouted, and Celeste flinched at the noise.
"Who?" Stiles popped his head between the seat next to Celeste, "the Alpha?"
"No Stiles," Celeste drawled sarcastically, "his lover in the nighttime."
"Yes," Derek snapped.
"You had your lover in the nighttime?" Scott was confused.
"What? No," Derek glared at him, "the Alpha. He was right in front of me, then the freaking police showed up."
"Woah, hey," Stiles defended, as if they weren't harboring a wanted fugitive, "they're just doing their jobs."
Derek looked so intensely at Stiles that Celeste wasn't sure if he was going to rip his throat out or make out with him.
"Yeah," Derek snapped, "thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."
"The man raises a valid point," Celeste nodded wisely.
"Can we seriously get past that?" Scott whined, "I made a dumbass mistake, I get it."
"Alright," Stiles flailed, "how did you find him?"
Derek glowered in silence.
"Can you try and trust us for half a second?" Scott tried.
"Yeah, all of us," Stiles nodded, and Derek leered at him, "or just them, I'll be back here."
"Buckle your seat belt," Celeste fussed over Derek.
"Why didn't you tell me to buckle my seat belt?" Stiles whined at her.
"The last time I told you to buckle your seat belt you called me a fascist dictator."
"Still," Stiles huffed, falling back in his seat, "it'd be nice to know you cared."
"Look," Derek grumpily fastened his seat belt, "the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out. She found two things: the first was a guy named Harris."
"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles flung himself forward again.
"Why him?" Scott frowned, confused.
"I don't know yet," Derek admitted begrudgingly.
"That's okay," Celeste chirped, "You'll get there kiddo."
"What was the second thing?" Scott pressed.
"Some kind of symbol," Derek unfolded a slip of paper, and what was on it made both Celeste and Scott tense.
"What?" Derek noticed their discomfort, "You know what this is?"
"We've seen it on a necklace," Scott admitted, "Allison's necklace."
"Oh Alli-cat," Celeste sighed, "What have you gotten yourself into?"
Sorry about the shorter chapter!! I just couldn't find a place to end it that wasn't super awkward.
Also I'm so tired bc school ew so I think I might do shorter, more frequent chapters for a little while.
Anyways I love you all so much!!
Stay hydrated,
-Belle xx
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