08 = Curfews & Corpses
I do not own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. I only own Celeste. If I did I promise I would have given up Stiles' name during the pilot.
Song - BITE // Troye Sivan
Celeste's POV
"Celeste, can I have these Doritos in your pantry?"
"Actually I was saving those for binge watching Alphas- and you're already eating them," Celeste sighed exasperatedly at a sheepish looking Stiles.
"Scott ate your Doritos," the guilty looking boy pointed to his friend with a nacho cheese covered finger.
"No I didn't," Scott cried indignantly, looking at Celeste with wide eyes, "I didn't Celeste!"
"I know, wolf boy," Celeste assured him, already regretting her decision to let the duo into her house while she changed for their impromptu adventure, "just please try not to break anything while I'm gone."
Scott nodded and Stiles awkwardly saluted as Celeste half-jogged up the stairs, stopping at the top to catch her breath.
Hurriedly, she flung open her bedroom door, her heart beating wildly at the idea of the odyssey ahead.
Though grave robbing wasn't exactly on the top of Celeste's bucket list, it was infinitely more appealing than falling into a cycle of normalcy for the rest of her life.
Celeste wasn't an adrenaline junkie, but inside she craved the feeling of reaching beyond society's rules and divulging in something more exciting. Achieving a constant state of happiness was unrealistic, especially for a girl like Celeste, so she was excited at the prospect of the next best thing: liberation.
She rummaged through her drawers, extracting a cozy black sweater and some slightly ripped black jeans before reaching into the back of her closet for her knit black beanie.
She shimmied into her gothic ensemble and raced back down the stairs and slid to a stop at her front door, plopping down on the beige carpet and reaching for her worn black converse to complete the look.
"Okay, great, we should get going before- what are you wearing?"
"Too much?" Celeste asked an amused looking Stiles, biting her lip in worry, "I was going for Charlie's Angels meets emo teenager."
"Oh my god you look adora- I mean abhorable," Stiles caught himself, his cheeks splotching pink, "this isn't a confused preteen's Tumblr page, this is serious business."
"Eat my shorts, Stilinski," Celeste stuck her tongue out as she laced up her left shoe, "sorry I don't know the acceptable aesthetic for illegally exhuming bodies."
"Eat my shorts?" Stiles questioned, his pink lips twitching into an entertained smile, "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know, I'm just trying to be relatable."
Scott had been watching the two bicker with a knowing smirk, but chose this moment to purposely cough, causing the two to jump a little as they were drawn out of their own little bubble.
"Right," Stiles mumbled, pulling open the door as Scott helped Celeste up from her position on the ground, "let's go dig up a body."
The trip was met with a blast of cold air as they stepped into the crisp autumn evening, and Celeste blinked as she took in how dark it was.
She had forgotten how quickly it became dark out as winter approached, and felt a warm rush of familiarity creep in as she recognized her favorite time of the year.
For most, night time was equivalent to sleep, and away into their temporary comas they would go as they awaited a new day. For Celeste, a doctor certified insomniac, the darkness had become a comfort, like an old friend.
She felt like the lack of traditional vision that came with it provided the opportunity to see the world with a different perspective. This way of seeing was like a secret whispered to her by the night, a secret everyone else could hear too if they allowed themselves, rather than getting caught up for tomorrow instead of living in the present. At least, that's what she told herself to put a positive spin on her disorder.
Stiles pulled open the door of his mint blue Jeep, beckoning Celeste forward like an old coachman.
She finger gunned at him before sliding into the backseat, flinching slightly as he slammed the door behind her.
"Sorry," he mumbled through the open window, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.
He and Scott slid into their respective seats up front and Stiles shoved the keys clumsily into the ignition, turning it forcefully more than a few times before the vehicle finally rumbled to life.
"So," Celeste drawled out as her seatbelt clicked into place, "at what time are we officially breaking curfew?"
She glanced at the digital clock in the amenities section of the car, which read 7:04.
"Nine thirty," Stiles informed her, glancing at her through the rearview mirror, "hey, what happened to your cheek?"
"Oh," Celeste panicked, "I slapped myself when I came to the conclusion that werewolves were real."
Celeste had never dug up a dead body before, but she prayed silently that it took less than two hours or her mother would raise hell.
The Jeep fell into silence, each of them waiting for the others to explode as though they were all ticking time bombs.
"How'd you know what- who I was?" Scott finally broke the silence, "Are you a hunter?"
"No, I- what the hell is a hunter?" Celeste interrupted herself at the alarming word.
"All in due time," Stiles waved off her confusion, "seriously though, how did you find out?"
"I guess I just figured it out," Celeste frowned at how lame that sounded, "I just pieced together all the weird things that had been happening and then came to that conclusion."
"And your first assumption was werewolves?" Stiles questioned in equal parts awe and disbelief, "Celeste, that's kind of amazing."
"Its really not," Celeste shrugged, "sometimes the only solution left is the most illogical one, and it ends up being the most logical of them all. Besides, I have always kind of believed in this kind of thing. I mean, how else can you explain the appearance of the same mythological creature in so many disconnected cultures throughout the world except through experience? Kind of like dragons. Dragons are definitely real."
"This is what I'm saying," Stiles exclaimed, clearing his throat after Scott shot him a look, "anyways, we're supposed to be interrogating you all suspicious like, but I honestly think you're just really smart. That or we're really terrible at hiding things. Probably both."
"Do you have any questions?" Scott turned to look at her, obviously trusting Stiles' intuition, "I know this is probably a lot to take in."
"I know about cliché werewolves from movies," Celeste offered lamely, "but I don't want to sound ignorant. So I guess just tell me everything."
☾ ☽
Celeste was so saturated with her newfound information - werewolf 101, hunters, Allison's family being hunters, the terms and conditions of knowing this secret, the whole shebang - that she failed to notice they had pulled up to the Hale House.
"Are you alright?" Scott inquired with worry.
"Jinkies," Celeste replied simply.
"That means she's good," Stiles explained with furrowed brows, "I think."
"Wait," Celeste narrowed her eyes as she took in their surroundings, "why are we at Derek Hale's house?"
"You know that body that was found in the woods?" Stiles asked, to which Celeste nodded in confusion, "We think Derek killed her."
"No," Celeste shook her head adamantly, "there's no way."
"How would you know?" Scott frowned at her.
"Because," Celeste shook her head again, "I don't know. He just doesn't seem like he would. Are you guys maybe stereotyping because of the leather jacket? How rude of you. He wouldn't kill someone."
"Celeste," Stiles pushed on gently, "Derek is a werewolf too, and we're like ninety percent he's the one that bit Scott."
Celeste's mind started to race, and her heart rate sped up obviously enough that she was certain Scott heard. She pondered if that was what the man had been trying to tell her earlier.
"Look," Stiles coaxed, "Scott smelled blood earlier on this lot. We went to the morgue, and it matched the other half of the body's scent. How about we just go and check, and if we're wrong you can punch me in the stomach as hard as you want. We only need you to hold the flashlight."
"Fine," Celeste relented, "but you aren't going to find anything."
Scott smiled at her encouragingly, and Stiles handed her a flashlight that she begrudgingly took.
At this time, they heard the rumble of a motor on the property, and watched with bated breath as the black Camaro drove swiftly off the lot.
The three of them stumbled out of Stiles' parked car, and Celeste silently wondered how they hadn't been discovered immediately.
The boys retrieved shovels from the trunk, and the three of them made the short trek to Derek's home.
"Wait," Scott huffed out, the cold air making his breath cloud in front of him, "something's different."
"Different how?" Stiles peered at him curiously.
"I don't know."
"Well that was ominous," Celeste muttered, still miffed about going behind Derek's back.
"Let's just get this over with," Scott said earnestly before shoving him shovel into the soft, recently moved patch of earth in front of them.
Celeste tapped her foot against the ground nervously as her new friends dug tirelessly. Well, Scott dug tirelessly. Stiles was wheezing dramatically as though he had just completed a marathon.
"This is taking way too long," Scott said in a worried tone, and Celeste couldn't help but agree.
"Just keep going," Stiles grunted out, and Celeste smiled to herself as she watched them exert themselves physically while she stood on without moving a muscle.
"What if he comes back?" Scott griped.
"Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles retorted matter-of-factly.
"What if he catches us?" Scott pressed further.
"I have a plan for that," Stiles said simply.
"Which is?"
"You run one way," Stiles elaborated with a shrug, "Celeste and I run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."
"I hate that plan," Scott whined.
"I have to agree with wolverine," Celeste chimed in, "I'd rather go with the guy who has supernatural speed, thanks."
"But Derek has more motivation to kill Scott," Stiles rationalized.
"True," Celeste pointed at Stiles in agreement.
Stiles pointed back before turning back to his work, crying out as his shovel hit something.
"Alright," he said, reaching out to Scott as Celeste peered in curiously, "stop stop stop."
They both dropped to their feet and uncovered a dirt covered cloth tied together intricately with knotted rope.
"Hurry," Scott demanded futilely as they scurried to undo the rope.
"Yeah I'm trying," Stiles glanced at Scott in annoyance, "but did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?"
"Oh my god," Celeste groaned, trying not to focus on the way her heart sunk as they actually found something, "I'll do it."
She slid into the grave and shooed away their clumsy oaf-like hands, her slim fingers expertly untying the knots.
She pulled free the last knot and then stepped back, not wanting to actually uncover the contents.
Scott lurched forward again and tugged at the cloth, and they all let various shrieks of surprise as the disembodied head of a wolf came into view.
Celeste's tides of emotion churned within her as she felt a storm cloud of sadness at the disfigurement of the wolf's body, and crushing relief as they proved Derek was not a murderer.
"What the hell is that?" Stiles yelled as they leaped from the animal's grave.
"That's a wolf," Scott said in a state of confusion.
"Yeah, I can see that," Stiles managed to stutter out caustically despite his initial fear, "I though you said you smelled blood, as in human blood."
"Told you something was different," Scott rasped out with a shrug.
"This doesn't make sense," Stiles expressed with an obscure hand gesture beside his head.
"We gotta get out of here," Scott said.
"Yeah," Stiles agreed as Celeste nodded fervently, "okay, help me cover this up."
His efforts were halted as a small fist came in contact with Stiles' innocent stomach.
"Okay, ow," Stiles clutched his stomach dramatically, even though it didn't really hurt, "Celeste what the hell?"
"You said I could punch you," Celeste peered up at him through her lashes innocently.
Stiles was about to make an undoubtedly sarcastic retort when his attention was brought elsewhere as his gaze fixated on a familiar looking flower.
"What's wrong?" Scott questioned, always confused.
"See that flower?" Stiles pointed and his two friends observed it curiously.
"What about it?"
"I think its Wolfsbane," Stiles explained, and Celeste made the connection in her head with wide eyes.
"What's that?" Scott asked, obviously antsy to leave the Hale estate.
"Haven't you ever seen The Wolfman?" Stiles scoffed, "Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Raines?"
Scott shook his head and Celeste side eyed him inconspicuously.
"The original classic werewolf movie?" Stiles practically yelled out.
"No, what?" Scott snapped back.
"Seriously Scott?" Celeste added, "What about Harry Potter? Did Snape teach you nothing?"
Scott only looked at her questioningly, and Celeste blanched.
"Don't you dare say you've never read or seen Harry Potter?"
Scott blinked.
"Oh my god," Celeste murmured disgustedly, "this is more shocking than finding out you're a werewolf."
"You are so unprepared for this," Stiles eyed Scott as he moved toward the flower.
He gently pulled on the plant, and Celeste watched in fascination as they found it was attached to a string of rope. Stiles unraveled it slowly, Celeste following him with her eyes as he walked circles around them.
She glanced back at the grave, and was shocked into silence as she jumped away in terror.
Scott frowned at her before reaching the same realization that the once wolf corpse had transformed into half a girl.
"Stiles," Scott called softly with a wavering voice.
Stiles ambled over, holding his rope proudly.
"Oh," he called out, and Celeste instinctively reached for his hand in terror.
Celeste looked away with tears in her eyes, and wondered what exactly Derek Hale had gotten himself into.
HELLO FRIENDS!! WE HAVE OFFICIALLY GOTTEN OVER 900 READS AND 60 VOTES!!!! Obviously it isn't about the quantity but to know that many people are enjoying (hopefully) my story is breathtaking. Thank you so much, I only wish you guys would talk to me more, but that's ok!!!! (Imsolonely)
I would like to say that I am actually a diagnosed insomniac, so I am not just throwing that disorder into the story for character development. Insomnia is when you have serious trouble sleeping, and if that pertains to you I ask that you speak to a doctor about it because sleeping through the night makes living life so much easier.
This chapter was originally a lot longer, but I decided to split it into two parts because I forgot to add in an entire scene. Oops. But hey!! I updated soonerish than last time!! Also major Celeste/Stiles scene next chapter ;).
I hope you are all doing well, and if you're not okay right now than that's perfectly fine too.
Stay hydrated,
- Belle xx
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