Part 4
Raven's Island: Crackstone's Crypt
Y/N and Wednesday both gasp awake. They're back in the real world, in the cold and dark crypt that belongs, or belonged, to Joseph Crackstone. What probably felt like hours going by was mostly only minutes in real time, since the blood dripping down the boy's palms still feel warm as they flow down his skin and skin into it. That was definitely not what he was expecting for a simple revival.
"The last thing I remember, I was stabbed, causing me to feel a mixture of rage, pity, and self-disgust." Is the first thing that Wednesday says once she realizes that she's not dead, but in fact, able to sit up as if she just had a simple nightmare. Then, she looks down at the knife that's fallen out of her chest. "I thought it would be better the second time."
"Yeah, well, I didn't feel like letting you die today." Y/N remarks with a tired sigh as he sits himself back up, feeling his body for anything different. But, looks like he's still in his sweater and pajamas with only an extra splotch of dirt on them. Hearing his voice makes Wednesday looks over at him with genuine shock.
"Y/N L/N?" Wednesday utters his name, to which the boy faces her and nods, confirming that it's him. She actually believed for a minute that he was just some hallucination her mind conjured up before her inevitable death. "You came back."
"Yeah, I did." Y/N confirms, to which Wednesday raises a brow.
"Because." Y/N simply responds with a shrug, only to earn a weird look from Wednesday. "Because, I..... I was" He stutters, playing with his sweater. "Because, Thing told me...... Thing, he....." He awkwardly clears his throat. "Because, you...... you.... we.... you...." He drops his head with a small sigh. "You were right, and I was wrong." He finally admits. "And I got you stabbed."
"Of course I was." Wednesday says with a big and proud smirk on her face, causing Y/N to softly face palm. "But the stabbing part can be blamed on my bad timing. I failed to predict Joseph's staff to carry telekinetic power." She mentions, causing the boy to blink at her.
"He has a staff with magical powers?" Y/N responds with surprise, before shaking his head in a slightly frustrated manner. "Oh, you gotta be kidding me...." He mutters with a heavy sigh. Just when he thought things couldn't get any more difficult....
"He danger he posed to all Outcasts is why I casted such a heavy curse on his soul." Goody's voice suddenly chimes in, causing Wednesday to look over and see her re-appearing from the air like she always does. "He learned how to tap into the world's elements and has mastered their destructive aspects. Your friends will try to fight back, but nothing they do will be able to stop his wrath."
"Not if we have anything to say about it." Wednesday states as she tests to see if she can stand up all determined-like, and she easily can. It's like she was never stabbed to begin with. "The only one who gets to torture Nevermore is me."
Y/N raises a brow before turning to where she's looking at, putting two and two together fairly easily. "Oh, now I can't see her?" He questions out loud, throwing up a hand since he doesn't have time to think about the stupid rules behind it.
"A necro isn't as easy to kill as a human, but it isn't all to different either." Goody tells them, assuring that it won't require some ancient ritual like what it took to bring the evil pilgrim back to life. "Joseph must be stabbed through his black heart. Then, nobody will be able to bring him back ever again."
"No need to worry, I've taught myself in the art of stabbing vengeful ghouls." Wednesday responds, to which Y/N lets out a tiny scoff.
"Yeah, assuming we get to Nevermore in time." Y/N remarks in a low lone, causing Wednesday to turn to him.
"Are you suggesting for us to go home where safety is while we still can?" Wednesday questions him with a raised brow, to which Y/N looks up at her before shaking his head.
"Good." Wednesday says as she gives him an encouraging and somewhat grateful nod.
"It will be a long time before we see each other again." Goody lets Wednesday know, since her knowledge can only extend so far as to what's relevant to her quest. "Goodbye, Wednesday." She says before she slowly turns into wind and flies away, back to her own world.
"It's time to go." Wednesday tells Y/N, letting him know that her conversation with her ancestor is over. But then, Thing then re-appears from the corner, rapidly crawling towards Wednesday. "Thing, I was starting to worry that you finally took the chance to stab me in the back." She comments, to which the hand waves that idea off.
"I think he's grown too soft for you to do that." Y/N humorously quips, to which the hand confirms that, having thought nothing else but to free the Hyde for the sake of Wednesday.
"I'm satisfied to hear that." Wednesday replies, glancing at Thing with a genuine softness in her eyes while the hand salutes her. "Come, let's get a move on." She suggests. The boy nods as they stand up, ready to finally end all of this chaos. Thornhill likely thinks that after everything she did to get her, that her plan has finally been completed and can't be stopped. Too bad she's going to be proven wrong.
"Hey, Wednesday?" Y/N says her name really quick right before she's marched out of the door, prompting her to reluctantly turn around and face him. "I'm...... I'm really glad you're alive." He expresses whole-heartedly as he steps closer to her, their body inches away from each other. Wednesday may be new to this, but she can read his body language.
"You can kiss me after Crackstone and Thornhill drop dead." Wednesday tells him with a look that tells him to slow his roll there. Y/N emits a small sigh, but knows that he probably should've expected that response. "Maybe I'll even allow two."
"Yes ma'am." Y/N accepts with a small chuckle at her added offer. Wednesday nods, encouraging them to leave, though not before giving into one selfish desire of hers, gripping his hand and giving it a tight squeeze before she marches out of the crypt. Thing signs to him that about timing before hopping into the Addams's hands as they leave.
Time better not be one of their villains as well.
"Come on, we need to make it there as fast as possible." Wednesday tells him as she ends up taking the lead, which Y/N doesn't argue about. There's no time to painstakingly go through the river on a four-person canoe all over again. Running through the woods feels like a race with the commentary shouting in their ear is the anxiety of what will happen if they aren't fast enough. The blood moon over-head doing a pretty good job of inducing that into them.
However, no more than a couple feet through the woods, the three of them are abruptly cut off by a figure stepping out from behind a tree in their way. The Hyde that's been responsible for so many brutal murders. "Laurel said you were dead." Tyler Galpin mentions as Y/N protectively stands in front of Wednesday, glaring at the homicidal teen. "I had a feeling she was wrong."
"I'm feeling a lot better now." Wednesday responds with her usual monotone sassiness, to which Tyler scoffs as if she told an un-funny joke. They wouldn't be surprised if he came up with one of his own in his head, with them being the punchline.
"Man, the two of you together look like the characters in some supernatural drama story. I shouldn't be surprised you got Prince Charming over here to come back." Tyler remarks as he takes a menacing step closer, prompting Y/N to give him a gesture that he should stand back unless he wants to start a fight he'll regret. "What'd you do to her? Give her true love's kiss to bring her back?"
"Worked for Beverly, didn't it?" Y/N quips with a shrug. They could go back and forth all day, but it's clear that this is eventually going to end in the way they all expect. "Go." He orders his two friends with a serious tone, causing Wednesday to blink at him.
"What are we? Scooby Doo?" Wednesday sarcastically questions him, knowing what he's trying to do and judging it harshly. "I'm not splitting up from you again."
"How romantic...." Tyler mockingly chimes in.
"I'll be fine." Y/N promises her, a weak one at that, but he knows who has to make it to Nevermore in order to save it. "Look, if I end up getting heavily injured again, I'll buy you a bunch of live squirrels for experimenting, all right?" He tells an obviously skeptic Wednesday who still doesn't approve of this plan. But, she doesn't have time to argue, so reluctantly, she and thing bolt past Tyler who lets them go for now.
"You.... are like a cockroach." Tyler berates with absolute distain for the enemy as he stares into his soul like it's a pack of fresh meat. Y/N's not sure if he should take that as an insult, threat, or a compliment, probably best to stick with all three. "A radiated one at that."
"That's the tamest degrading nickname anyone's ever told me." Y/N informs the fellow teen as they then start circling around each other like a pack of lions ready to decide who is the strongest. I mean, after all, he's talking to the official Woods-Creep. "You'll have to do better than that."
"Lessons about insults.... from an Uncle's child." Tyler counters with a taunting shake of his head, though Y/N doesn't show a visible reaction from that. "You should've stayed in your cell where you belonged. At least there, you didn't have to cling onto Wednesday to have a purpose."
"This is coming from a momma's boy, who had to get adopted by a new one to exist." Y/N instantly shoots back, causing Tyler to clench a fist hard enough that his palms might bleed. "Is that the lesson she taught you before she died? Kill everyone once you got the first excuse to do so?"
"I'm gonna kill you..." Tyler growls venomously, having been wanting to do that since the second he started having eyes for Wednesday too. "Just like I killed Divina." He adds, making the two of them stop pacing.
"Divina......" Y/N whispers the name, his eyes widening in realization. "That was you?"
"What? You think you actually had the balls to do what needed to be done? Your Hyde is completely nothing without a master!" Tyler barks as he points at her, a small grin on his face as he reveals the true events of everything to him. "And just so you know.... I gutted that wench like the fish she is." He tells him, obviously trying to get a strong reaction out of him.
And it works flawlessly.
Y/N literally ribs off his shirt himself before he starts turning into the Hyde, groaning at the pain of his bones popping, influenced by his rage. Tyler watches with a proud face before he starts doing the same, their clothes shedding themselves apart as they turn into their darker selves. Once their fully transformed, the two roar at each other to declare combat.
Y/N charges first, but Tyler sees this coming and grabs his face before shoving him aside where he punches and scratches him torso wherever he can. The more experienced Hyde then grabs his opponent when he tries getting back up to lunge at up, and then slams him into a tree, impaling him on a branch. L/N roars in pain as he desperately forces himself out, but the sadistic slasher increase his pain by slowly pulling him out of the sharp branch as slowly as possible, seemingly in the mood to play with his food before devouring it.
He then squeezes his opponent's shoulder before then tossing the wounded Y/N onto the dirt, where he then hops on top and starts wailing onto him with his claws. He scratches, slashing, and tears into his skin as much as he can while they're both in this form, prompting roars/screams of pain mixed with rage. The pinned Hyde tries to re-gain the advantage, but the swift savagery of Tyler makes it impossible for him to grab a hand or something.
Tyler then grabs his neck in a tight squeeze, now going for his eyes....
Tyler screeches at the sudden gunshots as he finds himself getting hit by the bullets. He's forced to crawl off of Y/N as he jerks his head at the person ruining his fun. His own father, Donovan Galpin, who slowly lowers his pistol when he looks into the monster's eyes and is still able to recognize them. His son, on the other hand, only sees him as meat and an annoying distraction to get rid of.
But before he can try and kill the Sheriff, Y/N uses the brief distraction to kick Tyler off of him, sending his opponent a few inches away. He gets back on his massive fists, but stops himself from charges when he glances down at how his claws easily scoop up a patch of dirt by accident. This gives him an idea.
As Tyler gets him, full of rage. He ignores Donovan who stands back while he lunges at Y/N with murderous intent, only to get a face-full of dirt and leaves that Y/N tosses into his massive eyes, causing him to accidentally ram into a tree instead. The other Hyde then roars and slashes at Galpin before uppercutting him, dealing some strong damage to his jaw. He then shoves him away so he can then scratch him a few more times, his vengeful motivation shining bright in the way he fights, but manages to cling to his brain as well.
The more savage Hyde, however, does manage to grab one of Y/N's claws to counter his attacks with a punch of his own, but when he then tries to follow up with a lethal swipe at his neck, the other monster instead kicks him with his two lower paws, causing him to fly into a tree that he once again crashes into.
Y/N then watches as Tyler quickly gets himself back up. The two roar loudly in each others faces once again before charging at each other at the same time.....
While the two do manage to pierce each other's skin with their claws simultaneously, the impact sends them both falling onto their own separate broken tree spikes with a loud and fleshly thud. The two impale themselves on a separate one, causing them to screech in pain. They then focus on getting themselves out of it before they end up having nature be their resting place.
Eventually they do, but by the time they're out, both of them have lost the energy to continue fighting, and slowly de-transform back into their Normie counterparts.
Tyler harshly coughs out all of the dust he swallowed once he comes back to, his mind as fuzzy as after post-awakening as he looks around to get his bearings. By the time he remembers what happened, he spots an also naked Y/N who's already beat him to the punch. He grabs the killer by the neck and gets on top of him while he squeezes tightly.
Y/N roars like an animal in his face as if he never transformed back as he presses on his neck, not finishing until he hears a crack and a pop. Tyler tries to fight back against the vengeful man's hold, but his struggles do much against the L/N's fury. His grip on his arms and gnawing at his face slowly starts getting weaker as the crushing palms get closer to the jugular.
"Stop!" A loud voice shouts. They glance over at Sheriff Galpin running over to him, frantically pointing his pistol towards the boy choking his son. "Let him go!" He demands, although he doesn't seem like he has real intent to shoot, not a kid. Y/N doesn't listen, though, and adds even more pressure onto Tyler's neck, prompting him to make gargling and gagging noises.
"I said, let him go!" Donovan enforces in a slightly passionate voice, which makes Y/N glance at him one more time, not seeing a simple cop on a job, but a man who is begging for him not to take the one thing he has left from him. "Please...."
Y/N grinds his teeth as he looks back down at Tyler, the person who killed Xavier and Divina, all just to get to him. All it would take is one more squeeze and he would go down into the pits of Hell with all the other serial killers who took lives for the pleasure of it. The other Hyde looks like he's even encouraging it, grinning a way that reminds the L/N of what he took from him.
But Y/N finally lets go, causing Tyler to let out a wheezing gasp the second his lungs find air again. The other boy crawls himself away from the murderer, just in case he changes his mind, which he was a strong mind to do.
"Why.... did you stop him?" Tyler growls at his dad while he starts coughing again very roughly, his voice slightly raspy from the damage his voice box has temporarily taken. Donovan doesn't respond at first, just glances down in shame. "WHY DID YOU-!?"
He's cut off by Y/N who bashes a rock against the back of his skull, knocking him out cold. He drops it once Tyler goes down, looking at his sleeping body while breathing heavily, signaling just how close he was from ending the killer's life. He looks over at Donovan, who stares back at him with such vulnerable eyes, looking like they just got hit with the darkest pits of reality.
"I need some clothes."
Nevermore: Quad
Bianca, Ajax, Enid, and Kent have all been getting everyone out of the school with the Siren's Song. They're sure the teachers will understand once they explain things and they find the aftermath of whatever's going down. Soon, however, one of the doors of Nevermore bursts open with a blast, and people are fleeing in terror when Joseph and Thornhill arrive to the scene.
"I can't tell you how I've longed for this moment." Thornhill gushes to Crackstone as they march into the quad, spreading fear amongst the student body with just the pilgrim's presence alone. "The death of the Outcasts.... what it means to my famil-"
"SILENCE, WOMAN!" Crackstone abruptly snaps, his terrifying voice easily shutting Thornhill. She freezes in place with the way he snaps his head at her. "Be gone! Or I will cut thy tongue from thy wretched mouth!" He barks at her, causing the girl to take step back with an understandably offended face.
"Never meet your heroes..." She quietly remarks to himself, wondering what she did to deserve that, but complies as she turns around to go handle other business. She trusts that Crackstone will still enact her vengeance all over the Outcast threat.
While running, Ajax and Bianca spot Joseph Crackstone from above the second-floor balcony, causing them to stop and look down as he seems to just be standing in the middle of the quad at first. "I will expunge you abominations from this Earth!" The pilgrim declares as he ignites magic from his staff before slamming tip into the dirt, creating a wave of destruction.
An explosion is created from the tips of the fountain, waking up even the birds. The raven's eyes open, it caws and flies away as the fountain of the Quad bursts into flames, forcing Ajax and Bianca to duck as they almost get caught in the blast. The result being that the flames spreads as far as they can, ensnaring every exit possible, cutting off the people that failed to get out of the school in time. The lunch benches get caught in too, setting them on fire.
Thankfully, though, Wednesday has managed to make it into the school in time. If there's anyone that wouldn't love to prove a now-dead Psychic wrong, it would be her. As she sprints through the hallway, past everyone who's going in the opposite direction as her, she spots a sword on display on a dresser, the same one that impaled Garrett Gates before he fell to his poison-induced death. Accepting the irony, she takes it as her weapon, hoping that her fencing skills will have a dramatic and satisfying pay off.
She sprints as far as her feet can carry into the Quad, where she correctly predicts the pilgrim to be enjoying his chaos. She arrives just in time to see him about to execute a couple of Outcasts who have the misfortunate to bump into him. "Howdy, Pilgrim." She quips, her voice making Crackstone turn around, and saving the two teens' lives as they back away.
"How canst thy heart still beat?" Crackstone hisses at the girl with a look of shock, having known for a fact that he stabbed the girl right in the heart. "What demon sorcery is this?"
"Get away from her, you ugly Nazi!" Another voice yells, and Wednesday turns around to see Y/N running into the quad with a dirty set of new clothes and a bow he grabbed from Archery club on his way here, apparently having found a way inside. The man angrily lines up an actual sharp arrow and shoots it towards Crackstone. However, the wannabe wizard simply uses his staff to catch it in mid-air before flipping it around, pointing the trajectory towards him instead.
Right as he sends it towards him though, Wednesday jumps in front it and catches the arrow instead, falling to the ground with a sharp gasp of pain. "No!" Y/N exclaims before running towards her, worried that he accidentally got her killed. However, as he kneels down to check on her, he sees that it only pierced her shoulder. "Why the heck did you do that?!"
"Returning the favor." Wednesday simply responds before wincing a bit at the pain the sharp arrow is inflicting. "I'm fine, get them out of here." She orders as she nods towards the kids who are running into dead ends like headless chickens. Y/N hesitates, though, looking at her like she's the crazy one.
"I thought you didn't want to split up?"
"You had your glory, let me have mine." Wednesday delivers her personal version of a humorous remark. "Remember the sketch? I'm the one that has to fight him. You need to get yourself out of his sights if you're gonna use those arrows of yours." She reminds him as Y/N glances at Crackstone who cranks his neck, looking ready to kill. "Go!"
Y/N swallows as he looks towards the kids, before his eye then falls onto the balcony as well. "Okay....." He gives in, her fingers brushing against Wednesday's cheek before he stands up. "You just gave me an idea.... keep him distracted and we'll give you a window to stab his heart." He advises before running off to help the helpless teens get to safety.
"We?" Wednesday asks him, but Y/N has already taken off. Mentally sighing, she then gets the arrow out of her shoulder with a sharp fleshly crack, throwing it to the ground before standing up to face her enemy.
The two stare each other down, with Wednesday glaring into Crackstone's growing smirk, no doubt thinking that she has no chance of getting her new-found payback. With one had to guess, this would likely be the moment that was sketched by Rowans's mother.
As the two march towards each other, she swings her sword at the pilgrim who blocks it with his hard staff. Then, he responds with a similar attack, but Addams ducks under the easily spotted move. Crackstone takes a step forward in an attempt to overwhelm the girl, but Wednesday backflips away, kicking the pilgrim's face at the same time.
After his hat rolls over the ground, Crackstone angrily brings his staff down on Wednesday who manages to side-step before it hits the stone, creating a small spark. She parries with a swipe at the pilgrim, but he blocks the attack, as well as the rest of the combo she delivers his way. Then, with an angry roar, swings his weapon, right as she swings hers, hard enough that it shatters her blade on impact.
Wednesday gasps as the blade's pieces clatter all over the dirt, right before Crackstone then sends her back with his staff's magic, pinning her onto a burning table. The telekinetic energy making distorted growls that scratch at the girl's eardrums. The pilgrim can't help but laugh menacingly as he steps forward until he presses it against her torso, knocking the wind out of her lungs.
"I will send you back to hell!" Crackstone darkly threatens Wednesday as he presses his staff further against her chest, the glow of the tip turning into a bright shade of red, which usually means bad in most cases......
However, he's stopped by a sword going through his dead lung, causing him to scream in pain as he looks down at the blade pulling itself out, before turning around to see a Siren, Bianca Barclay, standing behind him with a saber of her own. Furious about the interruption, he backhands her hand, sending her flying a few feet away. Wednesday spots the handle of her sword that still has a sharp edge to it, and grabs it to stab the pilgrim, only for him to grab her dominant hand, right before he can.
He twists her wrist, causing Wednesday to hiss as she tries to re-direct it back to his chest's center point. Bianca stands up and charges to swing her sword at Crackstone, but he manages to block it with his staff. The three are now engaged in a deadlock with the outcome being out of their deaths.
However, Y/N runs up to the second floor balcony, having returned from helping his fellow teenagers escape through the lesser-known passage he found. He sees the clash between the three individuals, and acts fast before he loses his golden shot. He pulls out a second arrow, gets into the correct stance, and points it directly at Crackstone, making sure he pulls the string as far as possible before, as his best friend used to say, letting it fly.
All time seems to slow down as the arrow sprints towards the pilgrim, the target not exactly sure. Eventually, though, it lands, right on his shoulder. Crackstone roars in pain, the sudden tip making him stagger a bit, which causes him to break his hold in the clash. With the target literally right in front of her, Wednesday stabs the sword-now-dagger into his heart.
As Y/N runs back down to the first story, Wednesday twists and turns, and scrapes as much of Crackstone's heart as possible, giving it the same treatment he gave hers. After she eventually pulls it out, everyone watches as the hole in the evil pilgrim's torso begins to incinerate itself, growing and growing until it turns the rest of his body into ashes. His mouth spews out a similar black smoke until he finally bursts in a big but non-lethal fiery explosion.
The only thing that's left of him is his ring, which lands on the grass with a soft thud.
"Wednesday! Bianca!" Y/N calls out to them as he runs towards them, looking around and the Quad that's now completely dark, the fires having disappeared along with Crackstone.
"Y/N...." Wednesday quietly says his name back, seeing how calming it feels to say it, now that nothing is trying to kill them anymore. The boy walks up to her, a big smile growing on his face even though he has to breath heavily.
"That was really awesome." Y/N can't help but comment as he looks at Wednesday. Her face still has some of her dry blood on it, and her uniform is a dirty mess, but still, she looks incredibly hot in it, at least for him. "Heck, what am I saying? You're awesome."
"Careful, flattery will get you nowhere." Wednesday playfully warns him, doing something the same thing as him while the two are staring at each other. His clothes were clearly grabbed from some random squatter or something, but knowing that it's because he just got back from kicking Tyler down a notch gives it an alluring spark.
"Geez, you two, get a room before you start having a victory make-out session." Bianca chimes in before they potentially start doing so, seemingly cringing even though there's clearly an amused smirk creeping up her lips. The two of them glance at her until Y/N chuckles.
"You're right, we should make sure everyone got out now that the fire's gone." Y/N brings up as he points towards the doorway behind him. "They're definitely gonna cry the second they see us-"
Y/N gasps and suddenly grips on Wednesday's shoulders, causing her to freeze alongside Bianca upon hearing the gunshots. The Addams and L/N stare into each other's eyes, their expression slowly changing like a poison seeping into a liquid, until the boy eventually collapses.
He falls on his knees, wheezing and coughing hard as he feels his chest, which he realizes has been riddled with bullet holes. He slowly looks up at Wednesday who's too frozen in time, unable to process what's happening in record time. Soon, Y/N is failing to breath, grabbing at his neck while pleading for air to come back.
But it never does.
He stops moving right as his face hits the grass.
"Y/N!" Wednesday finally utters out a word, kneeling down to Y/N's side and flipping him around. However, it's like his body has suddenly shut down, just like Weems's did.
"I can't believe he made me do that." A third-party voice chimes in with a disappointed voice, causing Wednesday to stand up and slowly turn her head towards the person holding the gun filled with Green-Nightshade coated bullets, Laurel Gates, aka, Thornhill. "You know how much I planned for him? He was going to be my Chax. My, special Hyde. Now, he's...." She looks at the body as if it's just roadkill she accidentally stepped on. "Nothing."
"I'm gonna kill you....." Wednesday whispers under breath, her blood boiling to increasing levels towards the woman who just shot her man. However, Thornhill just snickers at her, knowing that she's the one who brought a gun to a swordfight.
"I may not get to kill all the Outcasts...." Thornhill acknowledges with a smirk, accepting the defeat she's been spoon-fed despite her best efforts at making that a reality. "But at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday." She concludes with a sanguine expression on her face, pointing it the gun right-between her eyes.
However, she gets distracted when a bee flies into her field of vison, and lands itself on her barrel. Then, another flies in from her right, and stings her. She yelps in pain as she swats it away, but then another one comes and stings her again. And then another, and then another, and then another, and then another....
The process repeats until the entire hive buzzes towards her and attacks her with their stingers, defending the person that's been taking care of them this entire school year. Laurel shoots into the air as if it will do something, but her clip obviously isn't big enough for the swarm that consumes her.
Wednesday and Bianca, perplexed, look around until they see Eugene stepping into the Quad with his hand out, commanding the bees with his special powers. "Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore." He quips with a huge grin as his friends go to town on her, stinging her until she's completely out. "Bitch!" He curses her before sharing a look with Wednesday who stares at him, surprised, but ultimately glad that he came over. "Hummers stick together, right?"
Wednesday nods, before staring down at Thornhill who's now covered in bees and extremely week after the punishment she's just received. "I'll take it from here." She says with a dark tone, the darkest they've ever been.
"M-Maybe we should call the Sheriff?" Eugene shakingly suggests, knowing what Wednesday is probably thinking.
"Turn around, Eugene." Wednesday advises, going to do it regardless of what anyone says. He does so, but this time, Bianca stays around to watch as she steps towards the whimpering Thornhill who is trying to reach for her gun, but the swarm keeps her down.
She looks up, right as Wednesday brings her boot down on her neck. Thornhill gags as she pulls on it, still wanting to survive another day. However, the girl doesn't grant her that wish, and with a small twist, the woman's neck snaps, causing her to let go and fully sink into the Earth, dead.
But, sadly, she doesn't get to enjoy the small bit of sadism she feels.
"Y/N...... Y/N!" Wednesday exclaims as she quickly rushes back towards him, causing Eugene to make his bees retreat as he and Bianca kneel down next to the fatally wounded teen with her. Y/N hasn't moved a muscle since she flipped him around, his eyes still closed as they check on him.
"Oh, no.... did she shoot him?" Eugene asks the obvious, extremely worried as he looks down at all the bullet holes.
"He's fine, he said he'd be fine." Wednesday responds somewhat snappishly, but only because she's finding some sliver of hope to cling onto. "Y/N? Y/N!" She yells out his name as if demanding him to wake up less he suffers severe consequences. But... he doesn't say anything...
Until Y/N suddenly lets out rapid coughs, causing everyone to gasp. Wednesday puts a hand under his head as it slightly lifts up, the other on his chest. He blinks, looking around at the three of them until his eyes land on a certain girl. "We..... Wednesday?" He says the name in a weak, quiet voice. "Is that.... you?"
"Yes, it's me." Wednesday confirms in some kind of matter-of-fact voice that betrays her desperate expression. The hand on her chest then reaches towards his hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "Listen, it's not the end of the world, the department's likely sent help this way, you just need to hold out for a little bit longer until we can get you to an ambulance." She instructs him like some kind of teacher speaking to a struggling student.
However, Y/N just chuckles pathetically in response. "You're so..... so..... awesome." He repeats his earlier statement, before abruptly spitting out his own infected saliva all over himself, foam covering his mouth. Then, closing his eyes, his head falling backwards against Wednesday's hand a few seconds later.
"Y/N?" Wednesday whispers his name, not liking the way pleading squeezing his hand once again, but this time, he doesn't squeeze back. "Y/N!" She yells it much louder this time, but still.... nothing. Bianca checks his pulse, trying to see if there's anything still living him. But, she doesn't get anything. She shares eye contact with Addams, hesitating a bit before regretfully shaking her head. Eugene covers his mouth in horror as he and the rest of them processes what this means.
Wednesday's head lowers, her soul as dead anything else.
Bianca sighs, more than disappointed.
The ravens above caw as they fly overhead.
And the blood moon, slowly fading back to white, is covered by the dark clouds.
There's this movie I watched once, don't laugh, Twilight. The kind of thing you only admit to seeing under duress or in the middle of a painfully slow night. The girl in it, Bella Swan, starts with this line about how she never thought much about dying, but if she had, it wouldn't have been for something so noble. It's cheesy, sure. But sometimes, I catch myself thinking about that line.
Not because I'm like her. I'm not staring into the eyes of eternal love or whatever that was supposed to be. But dying? That part sticks with you. It's not the kind of thing most people plan for, but me? I think about it more often than I should. Not in the poetic, tragic way Bella does, either. More like... when it happens, will it matter? Will I matter?
That's the thing, though, isn't it? Dying for someone, dying because of someone... it's all the same in the end. But if I had to choose? I'd want it to mean something. To be something more than just another body left behind. Maybe that's why her line never felt cheesy to me. Maybe it was a warning.
Or maybe it was just a movie. Either way, I can't stop thinking about it.
See the Epilogue for my final Author's Note.
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