Part 4
Nevermore: Principal's Office
Larrisa Weems listens to everything Wednesday tells her regarding the new mess that has been created in her dorm room, excluding the part of the walking hand that was stabbed, still needing that little card up her sleeve. Thornhill has just returned, confirming what has happened for herself, meaning that the principal has the reason to take this report seriously.
"I'm guessing this is not some kind of random prank." Weems correctly assumes, pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. That should be obvious enough, the only damage damaged furniture and pages lying around accomplished is her having to now put them back in the order she stacked them in all over again.
"Whoever ransacked my room also stole Nathanial Faulkner's diary." Wednesday reports as well, the name immediately making Weems stop and turn to her with a pointed look.
"That's supposed to be safely locked in the Nightshades library."
"So you do know about that diary." Wednesday calls her out, having wondered for a long time if Weems ever actually believed that a bear was responsible for these attacks or if she was just hiding something. "Which means you also know that the Monster we're after is called a Hyde."
The two engage in a tense stare down while Thornhill blinks and stares at Weems with a perplexed look, wondering if that's been true the entire time. "Thank you, Ms. Thornhill, I'll take it from here." The principal calmly dismisses her with a fixed smile.
"Of course." Thornhill responds with a nod, swallowing whatever questions she has in mind at the moment. "If you need anything, I'll be right down the hall." She informs them before exiting the room, giving them their privacy.
Once she's out, Weems drops the expression with a tired sigh, turning around and resting a hand on the tooth of her fireplace, staring down at the cackling flames. Wednesday waits to hear this glorious explanation with her arms crossed. "Faulkner spent years studying Hydes. He wanted to determine if they were just mindless killers or conscious of their actions."
"What was his conclusion?"
"He was killed by a Hyde before he could reach one." Weems bluntly answers, showcasing the brutality of the creatures with just her words. "Others tried to carry on his research, but the Hydes were too unpredictable and violent. They were officially banned from Nevermore thirty years ago."
Wednesday processes all of this information, feeling like he's gotten the context she needs, but also now realizing what this means from the woman herself. "All of this time, you've known the monster was a Hyde." She tells Weems with a squinted look. "Why didn't you tell the Sheriff?"
"Because I've made the mistake of enrolling one a year ago, when his master was killed two minutes into his first transformation. Claimed he was a psychic, but I wasn't a fool." Weems reveals, causing Wednesday to look at her as if she's the one who lost her mind. "I've yet to see any proof, but he seems to think he's the one who'd done everything so far."
"Who is it?"
"It doesn't matter, he's practically expelled himself. He'll be leaving in about a week, or so Thornhill tells me." Weems tells her dismissively, once again not giving Wednesday the one piece of information that will keep her satisfied. "And if I tell the Sheriff about him, Nevermore is done, over, shut for good, and that's not happening on my watch." She tells her without any shame. "But I'm not the only one withholding. If you suspect someone, you need to tell me."
"Why? All you've ever done is gaslight and obstruct me." Wednesday questions her with a raised brow, taking a mean step closer. "Y/N was right, you don't care how many people die as long as your reputation is safe."
"I am protecting our Nevermore family, which also includes you, Ms. Addams." Weems states with a cold passion in her voice. Wednesday doesn't take that for a very good answer and turns around to leave, having much better things to listen to.
Like the silence of sleep.
Nevermore Library: Morning
The next day, Y/N was in the Conservatory class when he got a note slipped into her bag. No, it wasn't some silly date letter at a horrible time such as thing, but a message from Bianca telling him to meet at the library. Whatever she heard from Lucas must've been so important that a text message itself would've been too risky. So, who would he be to not listen to his own favor being rewarded?
He quickly steps through the already opened statue and walks down the steps to see both Lucas Walker and Bianca Barclay waiting for him at the center. "Didn't think you would actually take my serious request seriously."
"Well, hearing the same 'we think we're getting close to a suspect' explanation on the news for the sixth time has a way of pushing my buttons." Bianca remarks with a shrug. Hearing Xavier die was bad enough, but hearing the same obvious old news after Divina's report? She is just tired of this now. "Besides, I had a feeling you needed this the most."
"For sure." Lucas agrees with a nod as he steps forward, holding a bunch of papers he's put in a folder which he hands to Y/N. "Printed these off my dad's computer, seems he was trying to track down someone? Laurel Gates?" He guesses randomly. "Looks like he started right after Outreach Day."
"Laurel Gates?" Y/N says the name out loud with a confused brow, Pamela Voorhees certainly not being the first idea for a suspect he would have. "Didn't know we believed in Zombies as well as everything else."
"Well, according to the British Report, Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was ever recovered." Lucas points out, causing Y/N to squint as he reads the report. He was expecting based on himself, but if someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes, this can help track down a potential second killer. According to this report, the mansion was bought a year ago by a ninety-year-old candy heiress who mysteriously died and gave all of her belongings to her caregiver, Teresa L. Glau.
"Well, your dad was certainly on point with one thing, all of this is way too convenient, especially with a recently bought house that still looks centuries old." Y/N comments as he closes the folder with a thinking look on his face. "But, if Laurel Gates is controlling the monster, how is she able to do it without it realizing that it's under her-" He abruptly freezes as he comes to a realization, Bianca and both squinting at him as they can tell he seems to now know who's behind this.
"Son of a bitch"
Jericho: Kinbott's Office
After another pitstop to Uriah's Heap, Valerie Kinbott makes her way back to the motel hosting her office. However, when she opens the door and steps inside, she finds Y/N L/N sitting down on one of the chairs. Even though she only sees the back of his head, she jumps at the sudden appearance of them.
"Oh my goodness, Y/N...." She utters with a heart on her beating chest, prompting Y/N to glance over and acknowledge her arrival. "We don't have an appointment scheduled for today."
"Yeah, that's the thing, I can never remember how exactly our sessions go every time I come here." Y/N remarks as he stands up and slowly turns around to face her. "But now, I think I pretty good idea as to what this feels like the actual first time we ever met." He remarks as he pulls out his own file from Valerie's desk out of his jacket, causing the therapist to squint at him.
"I don't recall giving you permission to go through my files." Valerie points out with a judging stare. "It's called confidentiality for a reason."
"What you wrote on this thing? You were right." Y/N states with a nod as he opens it up, pretending to read. "When my parents finally learned of what happened, that I was going to trial for sexual assault, that everyone was pointing us at the boogeyman. They did disown me, like I was the one at fault for being falsely accused. And when my dad pushed me to the ground, you sure as hell bet that was my first transformation. The funniest thing is, out of all the things I remember, I never remembered what happened when I woke back up to see their mutilated bodies around me, ripped apart with me covered in their insides." He confirms as he then slams it on the desk. "Here's the thing, though.... I don't recall telling you any of that!"
Valerie gasps when he abruptly raises his voice at her, his glare coming from something of pure rage. "Y/N.... please, calm down."
"Tell me that, again! Someone tell me one more time, to calm down!" Y/N almost-threatens her while also warning her not to use such a harmful choice of words again, once again making the woman mentally jump. "I know how to trigger a Hyde, takes one to know one. Traumatic Events, torture of any kind.... and hypnosis. I found the hypnotherapy tools in your desk." He tells her as he angrily points to it. "You have been making me unknowingly tell you everything Wednesday and I learn every step of the way, that's how you're always a step ahead."
"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." Valerie insists with a genuinely intimidating face, but Y/N doesn't buy it so quickly.
"At first, I thought I was going insane, and I probably am. My Hyde stops talking to me on a frequent basis all of a sudden, the monster always seemingly letting me get away, but it's so freaking obvious now." Y/N stresses as he almost grabs his head due to being hit with all of these revelations. "You've been using me as your pet-hound this entire time, when you can't get the job done yourself."
"Alright, I have better things to do than to listen to your delusional fantasies!" Valerie almost snaps as she doesn't take these accusations she's giving her all too well. "If you weren't moving out next week, I would-!"
"Oh, don't worry about that, starting now, there's gonna be no more communication between either of us." Y/N coldly remarks, giving Valerie one more glare that causes a chill to go down the woman's spine. "Find another Hyde to do your dirty work." He tells her before grabbing his bag and stomping out of the room, leaving even the normally patient therapist shocked.
She can't even wait two seconds before grabbing her phone and frantically dialing a mutual friend's number. Her foot taps impatiently against the floor in spite of her normal character as she wants for them to finally pick up. "Hello?"
"Principal Weems, it's Valerie Kinbott." The woman quickly tells her as she paces around in her office, still emotionally creeped-out by what just happened. "Y/N L/N just barged into my office." She reports in an emotional voice.
"I wasn't aware that Y/N had a session today...." Weems replies, confused.
"No, he didn't, and his behavior was completely irrational!" Valerie stresses, still unable to believe it herself. "I think something might be happening at your school, because I never seen such an angry reaction like that since-"
Valerie freezes when she hears glass falling down in her bathroom, reminding her of the time Wednesday accidentally knocked a candle down in it. However, it didn't seem like Y/N had invited anyone else in this room. "Dr. Kinbott?" Weems calls out to her in response to her sudden silence, but the woman stands there frozen as she hears sounds thudding of someone opening and closing the window from the other side. "Dr. Kinbott?"
But, there's no way someone is able to climb up onto the roof, are they?
Valerie slowly steps closer, not liking the fact that it's completely silent inside the room now. She eyes the door handle and reaches her hand over to twist it....
Revealing the face of the monster.
The woman screams as the Hyde roars at her with bloodlust, causing her to step back until she accidentally trips against her coffee table, allowing it to easily jump on top of her and start digging its claws into her torso, slashing her apart until it sees her insides flying out.
Once it's clear she's done, the monster than changes back into it's human form, takes a shower, grabs his clothes, and exits out of the office the same way he came in.
And no one sees him.
Jericho: General Hospital
How ironic to now be in the hospital, waiting to hear about the condition of the person you just accused of murder and manipulation. But, that's what Y/N's doing, biting off the dry skin of his lip while Wednesday and Weems sit on the chairs nearby, both having their arms folded nicely on their lap, one thing they oddly have in common.
"Where were you doing at Doctor Kinbotts?" Wednesday whispers to him, but Y/N just shakes his head in response, way too ashamed to even face her direction.
"Doesn't matter anymore, I think I was wrong."
Before Wednesday can ask about what, the doors to the hall open and they all see Sheriff Galpin stepping out with the report of the aftermath. The three of them all stand up and stare expectedly at him, hoping or some good news, but sadly, that isn't in Jericho's department. "She's gone." Donovan reports as he talks off his hat. "Doctor Kinbott's dead."
The three of them all react silently, in their minds, letting their faces do the job for them. Wednesday marches out of the hospital, wanting to process another loss at the hands of the monster. Meanwhile, Weems turns to the Y/N who looks incredibly haunted by this, something that sadly isn't a stranger to him. "Do you need-"
"I change my mind." Y/N abruptly tells her, accidentally cutting her off. "I'm leaving tomorrow night." He says, glancing at the Sheriff. "You won't have to worry about the Woods-Creep in your town anymore." He assures him before walking out of the building as well, leaving Galpin and Weems to share a mixed look.
This needs to end, right now.
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
After yet another depressing day, Wednesday goes to her dorm room, expecting the same number of emotions for the rest of the night. However, when she steps inside, she finds the place to have that horribly colorful lighting, and she turns to Enid's side of the room to find her back inside, in her sweater, unpacking her bags onto the bed. "Hey." She casually greets her, prompting a raised brow.
"You're back?" Wednesday questions, wondering what accidental nice thing she did that made her want to return.
"I'm gone for a few days, the places gets trashed, and Thing almost dies." Enid points out while making a 'oh boy' face that indicates part of her may be feeling guilty thanks to the butterfly effect. "Someone's gotta look out for you two."
"What happened to rooming with Yoko?" Wednesday asks her while folding her hands. Last she recalls, she seemed pretty excited to be moving out, and she practically gave Thornhill permission to sign the papers that registers her out of sight.
"Yoko's great, I just decided I needed a few more boundaries." Enid answers with a small shrug, making one wonder what happened in there to make the werewolf miss the clock-shaped window. The werewolf then grabs the tape they used to make their line, but Wednesday almost instantly holds up a hand to stop her.
"S-Skip the tape." She demands, causing Enid to freeze and stare at her with shock.
"Don't tell me Wednesday Addams is mellowing out?"
"Never." Wednesday denies even faster. "More like evolving." She corrects it as, though it's still enough to make Enid feel excited as if they were the ones who won the Poe Cup this year.
"Well, one inch of duct tape at a time." Enid quips with a shrug before tossing the roll onto the bed, accepting that as a victory.
"Why the sudden change of heart?" Wednesday queries curiously. Although she gave her explanation, she feels like there's more than just survivor's guilt that the werewolf is feeling.
"Because we work. We shouldn't, but we do. It's like some sort of weird friendship anomaly." Enid answers with a confident nod. "Everything you said about me is true, but I don't apologize for it, not anymore." She states in a firm stance. "It's just who I am."
Wednesday soaks that in for a moment before nodding, accepting that answer. "Thing said he missed you." She relays to the werewolf, who nods back.
"I missed him too." Enid responds, the feeling being more than just incredibly mutual. But, now is probably the best time to end the sappy stuff before it makes Wednesday uncomfortable. "By the way, Thing may have blabbered about your date with Tyler, how did that go?" She asks her, trying to show off that blog-gossip face the girl is used to.
"It's a mixed bag...... he tried to kiss me." Wednesday lets her know, causing Enid to raise her brows, very intrigued to hear what she finishes her sentence with. "But, I didn't let that happen." She then tells her, to which the girl hums, a mixture of surprise and not-surprised that she didn't.
"I guess things don't always go together as well as we hope they do." Enid remarks with a shrug before going back to her stuff. "Well.... I think there's still some time to sneak out of the dorm before lights-off." She mentions, and Wednesday squints at her.
"Why are you telling me that?"
"Call it a fellow teenaged girl's intuition, I guess?" Enid responds with a sheepish chuckle, hoping that she isn't just randomly assuming things. "Looks to me like you finally know what you really want." She notes, but leaves it there before she jumps to anymore conclusions. However, Wednesday glances down after hearing that, feeling like she's starting to reach that point as well.
Wednesday walks back towards her desk where she remembers the letter Y/N handed her the night before. Curious, and now having the time, she pulls it out of the drawer and rips it open, unfolding the page inside.
Wednesday, if you're reading this, then I guess I was just as much of a pansy as you probably-
She then slams it back down on the desk, marching out of the dorm room's door as if she's on a mission.
She already knows what her answer's going to be.
Nevermore: Old Art Studio
Just like with all late nights, Y/N is once again spending time at Xavier's old home away from home like he said he would be. He's going through old Xavier sketches, using them to lament about how his sick idea of a prank led to the death of his best friend, and then another friend a couple days later. She should've just done what the Nightshades were doing at the beginning and stay out of this mess.
But... you can't fix what's done.
He puts some the sketches into his bag that he's backing for tomorrow, planning to follow up on his promise to leave. Half-way done though, he hears someone knocking on the she'd door. Thinking that it's Thornhill who's just heard the change of plans, he walks over to open it with a sigh. However, he finds Wednesday Addams staring at her instead. "Wednesday?" He utters in slight surprise.
"I need to talk to you." Wednesday simply tells him, asking to be led in so she doesn't have to do it in this freezing weather. Y/N nods in response and steps aside, allowing her to step in and see the bag as well as the scattered Xavier paintings/drawings all over the table while he's closing the door. "You're leaving?"
"Yeah, that's what I came into your dorm room to tell you." Y/N confirms with a nod as he steps forward nervously, ironically not as open to admit it when she's around. The two then face each other, both looking like they have a lot to say. "That, and sneak in the.... you know."
"You're smarter than I gave you credit for." Wednesday remarks, her face blank but she's not being sarcastic. She's sure everyone else would be doing that if this school wasn't so much of a pain to return to, or if they were told the truth about what's going on behind the scenes.
"I try." Y/N dryly quips with a shrug.
"But I don't want you to." Wednesday then abruptly adds, causing Y/N to blink at her. "Because I know that it'll imply that we will never see each other again, because both of us have paths, yet they can't coincide." She shares as she glances down, referring to her path of the Raven. "For some reason, that doesn't sound as much fun as I thought it would."
"Yeah, same, guess that's why I kept taking my stupid time to tell you." Y/N agreeingly comments with a bittersweet shake of his head, having it sound so stupid when they say it out loud. "I know we've been... taking each other on a ride, and blaming it on the murders." He finally admits with a nervous swallow. "I'm sorry about that."
Wednesday never thought she would be relieved to hear something like that, but she does. "Me too." She formally apologizes as well, having had the same feelings but didn't realize it until last night. She takes a step closer, causing Y/N to freeze up a tiny bit, before she slowly leans in.... hit with a sudden rack of nervousness.... until she finally kisses him.
Y/N tenses up a bit, but immediately responds, putting his hand softly on Wednesday's neck as he kisses her back. The two separate after a few seconds, looking into each other's eyes as they process what they just did. Now it's his turn for his expectations to be subverted in the best way possible.
A new-found passione growling inside of him, Y/N leans in and kisses her again with more energy, and she doesn't hold back either.
Causing her head to shoot up.
The gun is raised and fires three times, all with laced bullets. Y/N gasps as he feels each one getting his torso, causing him to immediately fall to his knees.
He looks up at his killer, and then at Wednesday one more time before he eventually collapses due to his injuries.
He stops moving right as his face hits the grass.
The second she comes back to the real world, Wednesday looks up to see Y/N's worried face as he caught her fall. "You okay?" He asks her, recognizing her reaction as another vision. "What happened? What did you see?"
Wednesday doesn't say anything, she practically flies herself out of Y/N's arms, her back hitting a table with a rough thud. "Wednesday?" He utters, confused as he sees her eyes more widened than when she got the vision in the first place. After a few seconds, she snaps out of her shock and bolts it out of the studio. "Wednesday!"
She runs, runs faster than if she was being chased by the monster in the woods, faster than she went to go find Eugene and Y/N in the first place. She just keeps running until she knows she's alone, throwing her back against a tree to catch her breath, trying to process what she just saw, but that just makes it hurt even worse.
That.... that can't happen.
But how? How could that happen? What cruel world could allow that to happen? She tries to go back in time, trying to find something that will make her black heart hurt so much less. She told herself she wouldn't do it again, that what happened with Thing didn't count either, but she can't help it.
She starts crying.... again.
And that's ironically when it hits her who the Hyde really is.
(A/N) And there, my friends, is the end of Episode 7!
Now, there's only one more episode left, the finale! I hate sounding like a broken record here, but I cannot believe that I actually have gotten this far. I know this chapter is much shorter than anything I've written so far, but I hope that's not too much of a problem for y'all. I've pretty much concluded most of what I set up, anyway, so now there's only the obvious plotlines left to deliver their pay-off.
Thank you everyone who's been reading this, and I hope you guys keep leaving your comments so I know how I'm doing. Call it an ego thing, but your guys support always helps my motivation to write. The finale is literally right around the corner, so make sure to strap in when that chapter drops!
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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