Part 4
*Warning, the first scene contains dark thoughts about certain serious topics
Wilderness: Evening
Y/N can feel the shadows creeping on him as he steps through the trees. He just needs a minute to himself before he and the gang confront their new main suspect. There's been something crawling inside him, wanting to rise back up to the surface as this entire monster situation continues. He's constantly reminded of it, parents fighting amongst each other, past mistakes delivering their due. He wishes he could say he's confused by it all, but he knows what it's like.
Y/N closes his eyes with a deep breath, hiking down the trail like he should be out here in the night sky, breaking curfew once again, but only for petty reasons. He tried to go to sleep, but it was.... it was too quiet. Because, you know, Xavier wasn't there. He didn't hear lens rubbing against paper like he usually does. It was just..... dead.
Why am I still here? I thought I would find some kind of answer, some kind of peace. But so far, the only result I've gotten is death and misery, the one thing I was trying to escape from. Teenage drama? Sure, it's here, but not in the way that I wanted it. I just wanted to be a part of something important, but it feels like all I've done is bring harm. Is that why I care so much? Is that why I wish I didn't care at all?
At this point.... how the heck am I supposed to know anything?
Y/N stands on a wannabe dirt edge, below him is the river that he once did the Poe Cup in, the water looks deep. He can see the moon's reflection in it, shining so bright that it casts his own aside. From his point of view, he is nothing, and he can't find a single reason to argue against it. He rubs his face with a tired sigh, wondering what he's doing here.
He walks across the edge like it's a rope, but he's not carrying any pole to maintain his balance. He closes his eyes, feeling like he's walking along the clouds, with his family, and someone else, but he can't make out their face. They're someone his age, that much he can tell, but everything else is blurry like it's some kind of YouTube video on the lowest quality except ten times worse. Yet, he knows that he's happy. It truly is like a dream.
He doesn't realize it when his body leans too much to the right, and gravity takes him down into the waters with a slightly loud splash. His eyes remain closed still, his body not moving as he's too focused on the happy place he's found himself into. It reminds of the Rave'N, but a more.... a more blissful, peaceful version of it, way up into the clouds.
There is no Peace for us...
"What did you do?"
The dead body speaks....
"What did you do?!"
Wake up!
Y/N's eyes open up at a rapid pace, finding themselves back into the real world. He considers treading the water, but is too tired for it. No one would ever hear it, because why would they? He's been declared innocent, but no one believes him. If anything.... this is the better solution. But then, he looks over and sees death itself, and that's when he finally starts screaming, bubble popping out of his mouth like soap.
A few seconds later, he feels a great weight suddenly grabbing him and swimming for him underwater, throwing him back onto the surface where he coughs out a bucket load of water. Thankfully though, he doesn't need any kind of CPR to save himself. He takes heavy breaths as he sits up, feeling awake again.
"Y/N, are you freaking crazy?!" A voice asks him with a scolding tone, and Y/N looks up to see Divina, half-naked, the Siren that spotted him falling and was able to save him the trouble of swimming all the way back up to the surface. "You are so lucky I go outside my dorm as well."
"I saw her again...." Y/N mumbles out loud as he looks down at the ground with a perplexed face. He saw Ruby.... undead, like he did those first couple of times before he met Wednesday. But it didn't feel like a simple hallucination. It felt..... real. "I thought that wouldn't happen again."
"Saw what?" Divina queries as she sits down next to him with a raised brow, but the guy just shakes his head with a sigh, knowing that he must've just had a weird mental moment or something.
"Nothing, nevermind." He waves it off as he stands up, knowing that he spent way too much time here already. "I should head back, our mutual friend was waiting for me at the shack."
"Y/N?" Divina calls out his name again as he starts walking away, causing him to sigh as he turns back around with his hands in his pockets, a dead, black smoke across his entire facial features. "What the hell was that back there?" She asks him, but in a soft, worried tone. Y/N eyes the trees, not answering for a good thirty seconds.
"I think...." Y/N sighs, smirking at bit as if he's just come up with the most ironic joke a human being can make. "I think nobody would ever miss me when I eventually kick the bucket." He states quietly before heading off back towards Nevermore, fully meaning it.
I mean..... who would?
Nevermore: Hidden Library
Wednesday's mother's prints were on the saber that was used to kill Garrett Gates, or so it says. As mentioned before, it would make sense given her past on the fencing team, but given the circumstances, the idea of it being one tiny coincidence is way too risky to write off. Morticia isn't anywhere to be found around Nevermore, but any Addams would know that she would be somewhere alone, where no one can find her. Like a room that requires a riddle for one to open.
They find the statue already welcoming people in, and so they walk down the steps to find Morticia Addams standing in the center of the society's symbol on the floor, her arms outstretched as if wanting the pale moonlight shining on her to make her disappear from this reality.
"Hello, mother." Wednesday greets her in a somewhat confrontational tone, just to announce her presence. Morticia turns around, looking like she's slightly caught off-guard by her being here, but slowly recovers with a straight face.
"Hello, Wednesday." Morticia greets back with a dark smile as Wednesday walks down the steps. The older woman looks like she's seen five thousand demons and wish they would finish the job already. "So, you're a Nightshade. That didn't take long."
"Actually, I rejected them." Wednesday corrects her as she now stands in front of her. She still doesn't want to, no matter how many amateur cocktails and good times are thrown into her face.
"Why, because I was a member?"
"I'll never live up to your legacy here, so why try?" Wednesday states as she gives her mother a look to stop pretending like they have the same purposeful standing. "I tried to win the Poe Cup, you claimed it four times. I join the fencing team, you captained it. And I already told you about my oath against love, yet you were permanently happy, no matter what happened. Why would you send me somewhere where I could only ever exist in your shadow?"
Morticia stares at her with a sad glint in her eye. "It's not a competition, Wednesday." She tells her, shaking her head.
"Everything is a competition, mother." Wednesday corrects her with a crack of insecurity spilling out of her voice box. "But mostly, I rejected them because they're a trivial social club." She adds, knowing that even her mother would've have wanted her to be in that version of the society. Morticia nods, admitting that she's right about that.
"We used to be so much more...." She muses as she looks back up at the moon. "Our mission was to protect Outcasts from harm and bigotry. In fact, the group was started by two ancestors from Mexico. One of the first settlers in America. One was from the Craven bloodline, the other was from your father's."
"Goody." Wednesday names drops, and Morticia's face confirms it for her, a little surprised that she already knows. "I saw her painting at Pilgrim World, assuming that was the original piece."
"Oh." Morticia nods, guessing that she shouldn't be surprised. "How ironic, since she was the one who killed Joseph Crackstone." She reveals, much to Wednesday's interest. She wonders if that was actually the image Rowan's mother drew, and the timeline was simply mixed up. "The Nightshades were her secret but deadly answer to his oppression." She says, but swallows as she looks back at the artistic portraits. "But even she wasn't able to stop..... him."
Wednesday matches her gaze, once again seeing an intimidating looking figure, once she also saw from Pilgrim World.
"What is it?" Wednesday asks, earnestly curious to know, but Morticia shakes her head with a sigh.
"I don't know, no one does. But he was the one who avenged Joseph Crackstone in the end, so the legend goes." Morticia shares with Wednesday, though ironically wishing she had the dark answer she was looking for. "I know why you're here, Wednesday." The older woman states as she turns around to face her again. "So, go on, ask it."
"Father didn't kill Garrett Gates, did he?" Wednesday calls mother out, causing to drop her head, guilty as all sin can shed.
"No....." Morticia confirms, closing her eyes so she can open them back to thirty years ago. "Despite whatever he told you, I didn't just sit back while Garrett chased Gomez up onto the balcony. By the time I made it up the stairs, I found your father fighting for his life. It was terrifying." She takes a shuddering breath. "I yelled at them to stop, but Garret didn't even glance at him, all he was focused on was making Gomez paying for taking the one good thing he had left. When Garrett threw Gomez aside, I ran up to my love's side. Garrett saw it, and realized that he finally lost everything. I'll never forget the way he looked at me, so much murder and death in his eyes, ee was even foaming at the mouth, it was like I was staring into the eyes of a rapid beast. It is true that Garret charged at your father, but in reality, I was the one who picked up the sword.... and took his life, before he threw himself over. It was only when I heard the scream that I realized what I'd done. Your father was so.... calm, and brave. I was too frozen in terror to notice that he took the sword from my hands and purposefully stood over the edge, to let Weems see him. He told me to put the sword back on the table, go into my room, and lock the door. Your father took the blame in order to protect me." She concludes with a single tear drop falling from her eye. "I was so grateful when they cleared him of any wrongdoing, but I knew someday, this would come back to haunt us."
Wednesday glances down at the floor. Once again, the story sounds extremely truthful, and technically, it is. But there's still one part of Morticia's tale that helps shines some light on something she was theorizing in her head a couple times, but thought it was just guesswork at first. "You said Garrett was foaming at the mouth, his eyes didn't look human."
Morticia nods. "I've never seen someone so blinded by rage."
"Well, maybe it wasn't rage at all." Wednesday proposes as she feels herself getting a sudden rush in thought, so many clues coming together to provide the conclusion she was looking for. "Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion. What are those all textbook symptoms of?" She asks her, a tiny smirk creeping up her looks when Morticia gasps in realization.
"But how can that be?" Morticia asks her, not seeing how it can be possible. Wednesday's smirk grows wider.
"Only one way to find out."
Nevermore: Art Studio
Wednesday and Y/N meet up along with their respective parental figures to an old wooden building in the woods they know in well and love. The formal thought she wouldn't see it again after last week's events, but it seems like there was a reason the L/N brought them over here for a quick 'pitstop', so here they are. Honestly, she can play the moment Xavier caught her sneaking around in her head, and it feels kind of bittersweet now, in spite of her true personality.
"This was Xavier's art studio, correct?" Wednesday points out with an inquisitive brow as she and Y/N step inside, while Freddy and Morticia stand outside just for age gap reasons. "I see that you were very quick to claim it in his name..." She comments as she curiously scans the interior while Y/N closes the door. She notices a few of the artist's best paintings in here, one of which containing an adaptation of the monster.
"Well, I wasn't going to let it collect dust, was I?" Y/N remarks as he goes through the closet, walking past her to go into the closet so they can find the appropriate tools for their grave-digging exercise. "I just.... I don't know, felt like it was necessary that I'd at least keep this place clean, even if I can't keep it as an art studio anymore."
"What do you use it for?" Wednesday queries curiously, causing Y/N to pause a bit as he realizes he doesn't really have a good answer for that.
"Nothing...." He quietly tells her honestly as he leans out and glances around, causing her to raise a brow at him. "It's just my secret little hideout, now. Helps remind me of the things I won't have, and who I let down."
Wednesday glances down, knowing who he's talking about and that she feels the same way as him, but she won't admit that to him, even in this private setting. "I'm curious...... why Divina?" She then blurts out the question, causing Y/N to glance at before he goes back to the closet.
"What about her?"
"She kissed you, which leads me to believe that you've been some kind of scandalous relationship before I came to Nevermore." Wednesday points out the obvious, though that doesn't really explain why she's bringing the Siren up. "Tell me, what exactly did a rich girl who had everything given to her on a silver plate, see in someone like you?"
"Relax, Mrs. Yandere. We only went on a couple dates, then the Nightshades accepted her and her twin brother as pledges, and then she dumped me as easily as a string noddle that slipped off a fork." Y/N explains with a slightly amused smirk as he finally gets the shovels out without making any of the other tools fall and collapse into an unorganized position.
"And now she wants you back?" Wednesday queries with a confused query in her mind. She can't help but feel like this is part of one of those obnoxious novels that she threw up on and fed to one of her arch-nemeses in school number three. "I can never understand our own generation..."
"I think it's more like she just feels isolated in her own group." Y/N guesses with an amused chuckle at Wednesday's assumption. He then goes throughout the drawers, looking for the gloves. "She says I make her feel safe, that no one judges her in my space." He says as he puts on his gloves, handing her one of the shovels. "Maybe if you weren't so stabby-stabby with your potential Rave'N dates, you would appreciate the backup and emotional safety I provide a woman." He remarks with a cheeky grin as he steps out of the studio.
"I find those terms are overrated." Wednesday comments with an unamused stare as she puts the gloves from her own inventory and follows him out. "Only the desperate would look for them."
Y/N chuckles.
Jericho: Cemetery
"Oh, boy, are we done yet?" Uncle Freddy asks tiredly as the group excluding Morticia continues digging through Garrett Gate's burial site. They've been going at for about an hour and a half now, the pile of dirt growing bigger and bigger by the second. "I think my back is going to re-pop any second now..."
"You that every time we go on a hunting trip, and your back has now never popped it once." Y/N calls him out with a matter of fact look, causing the older man to sigh in defeat.
"Way to show some love to your uncle, kid..."
"Ah, this reminds me of when my daughter got her first grave-digging kit." Morticia comments with a dream-like smile as he remembers the nostalgic memory. She stands up on the surface while the rest of them continue working, making up for that by trying to bring back possibly embarrassing moments. "You were so happy, you nearly smiled."
"Are you sure you don't wanna join?" Wednesday questions her with a raised brow, to which Morticia's smile drops.
"Oh, no, that's okay, darling. I don't wanna spoil your fun." Morticia declines in a way that seems to indicate a slight unease at the idea of ruining her dress and nails. Wednesday doesn't complain and gets right back to it.
"You know, miss, I gotta know. How exactly did fate force you to settle for a guy like Gomez?" Freddy then queries her with an odd smirk that he gives her. "You seem much more important for trouble like this."
Morticia blinks at him with a weird look. "Should I even answer that?"
"No." Y/N tells her with a shake of his head, assuring her that she doesn't have to humor his uncle. "No, you don't."
Eventually, his shovel hits a hard surface, signaling that they've reached the bottom. Wednesday and Y/N quickly swipe aside the dirt, showing a coffin with Garrett's name right on the front. "Moment of truth." They open it up to find a thirty-year-old deceased skeleton, the girl glosses her eyes and inhales deeply, which does not go unnoticed.
"Did you just.... breath in a dead body?" Y/N questions her with a quick double-take.
"Of course, this is amazing bone structure for a posioned man." Wednesday states with clear admiration, to which Y/N blinks before he decides to just nod and accept it. She ignores him and uses a knife to cut open a little body part, stuffing it in a sack and stuffing it under her shirt. The condition of Garrett Gates is quite interesting, and noticeable, even as undead as he is. There's blue everywhere in his bones, meaning only one thing....
"This is the Cravens' work." Y/N realizes like he recognizes the aftermath, causing Wednesday to turn to him.
"You know what this is as well?"
Y/N looks at her and nods, but before he can reply, lights from all directions suddenly shine on them. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Richtie chimes in as the multiple deputies flash the caught suspects with their lights. "Guess there's gonna be an Outcast reunion in lockup tonight. You're both under arrest."
Y/N sighs as they all hold their hands up so they don't get shot.
Sheriff's Office: Cellblock
"Get comfortable." The guard advises as the kids, Morticia, and Freddy are throw into a separate cell alongside Gomez's. "You can post bail in the morning." He informs them before walking away. Thankfully, that won't be a problem for both Addams and L/Ns combined, so they won't be in these cells all that long. Doesn't make them any more comfortable though, especially for certain people.
Freddy has somehow already passed out on the bench, snoring like a hog. Must've had a few drinks in his alone time. Y/N stands on the edge of the bars, idly tapping on them without a care that the dust and grease on them will stain his palms for a couple more weeks. Wednesday, just standing their robotically like she always does, can't help but notice him staring at the walls as if he has an imaginary friend standing in front of him. "Having a nostalgic trip?" She queries, to which the boy bitterly chuckles in response.
Yeah, he's having a blast.
"I thought that when I get thrown in her a second time, it would be for a very different crime." Y/N replies with a blank face as he rubs his finger against the cell door, an odd choice of words that peaks Wednesday's curiosity.
"Sexual assault once again?" Wednesday guesses, but Y/N shakes his head.
Manslaughter, or worse, murder.
They would be exchanging more dialogue, if not for the fact that it's overdrawn by the obnoxiously loud smooches coming from behind them. They both turn around to Morticia and Gomez making out without like hungry animals through the cell bars. "At least they're not using tongue...." Y/N remarks with a face of pure cringe.
"Not even the long lost arm of the law could keep us apart!" Gomez declares passionately, grabbing his wife's arms.
"At least we'll have one last night together...."
"I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two." Wednesday scolds them loud enough for them to hear, causing them to thankfully break away and notice the dirty looks the kids are giving them. "Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And lucky for us, you won't have to." She assures them as she pridefully takes out the chopped finger.
"I recognize the blue tint." Y/N states as he goes back to leaning his upper body against the steel bars, causing the Addams family to turn towards him. "It's one of the Craven family's second deadliest versions of Nightshade, I read about it in their book. It's lethal to the touch, it includes rabies symptoms because it's supposed to make the infected go ravenous before they die. It'd make the best of friends tear each other apart...."
"Second deadliest?" Wednesday quotes him, wondering what the actual deadliest is supposed to be. Y/N shakes his head.
"They never finished it, because Garrett Gates happened." Y/N states coldly, his dark tone hinting at the possible worst effects if the final version was ever batched. "But, as you were saying.... if Garrett was poisoned during or before the fight with you, then that means he was dying...."
"Before you stabbed him." Wednesday concludes, meaning that the conclusion is even more satisfying than they originally thought. There's no one that can be sent to jail, because Garrett's death was all one big accident.
The parents share a surprised and extremely relieved look together. "You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman." Gomez tells Morticia with a flirtatious grin, followed by the both of them to lean in once again.
"No, don't-" Y/N pleads, but it's too late, they are already making out even more passionately than two minutes ago. "Are they always like this?" He asks Wednesday as he rubs the bridge of his nose.
"You have no idea...." Wednesday tells him deadpan, glad that they can at least agree that she's not the only one who finds this extremely annoying to watch. "For once, could you two get off each other and focus!" She demands as she reaches over to grab the finger before it gets contaminated by them.
And when she pulls it out of Morticia's grip, her head shoots back...
"Prove to me that you're still worthy to be called my son!" Ansel demands to Grates as he reaches into the glove box and pulls out a vital of Nightshade. "Kill all those Outcasts! Sneak into that dance and spike the punch bowl. Do it!"
Garret looks at his father with shame before taking the glass, stepping out of the car and putting it in his breast pocket.
However, he gets distracted when he sees Gomez and Morticia sneaking out of the dance to make out, igniting his wrath. He storms up the stairs and catches them. "ADDAMS!" He yells at the man with fury, causing them to snap their heads towards him with a gasp.
He grabs a fencing sword and the two of them fight it out, until Gomez pushes Garret off of him, causing him to slam into a pillar. The vital shatters on impact, infecting him with the deadly poison.
He stands up, looking at Morticia while foaming at the mouth, violence now being the only thing on his mind. He charges at her.... only to be stabbed in the chest with the tip of the saber.
He falls back, onto the ground of the quad, right in front of Weems, who screams in terror.
"Okay..... okay, yeah, I'm on my way."
Mr. Craven hangs up the phone, heading towards the old meeting house.
When he gets there though, he finds the meeting place in the escape tunnel completely empty. At least, at first, until a figure slashes his neck with a box cutter.
He falls to the ground dead, and the killer takes the vial of Nightshade from his suit's breast pocket.
And they leave the scene, thinking no one would find them.
"Oh, crap!" Y/N exclaims as he quickly safes Wednesday before she falls onto the hard floor. Her and her messy hair come back as everyone, excluding the still sleeping Freddy, turn towards her. "Now would've been a really bad time to hit her head."
"Wednesday? Did you have a vision?" Morticia asks her with a extremely curious reaction, mixed with excitement. She always suspects as much, hence her constant wants for her daughter to go to Nevermore, but she didn't know for sure until now. "What happened? What did you see?"
Wednesday slowly moves her head up to match her gaze, processing both visions at once before responding. "The night Garrett died, he had a vial of Nightshade poison that broke in his pocket." She tells them, the consequences of the entire Gates family now making more sense. "He wasn't just trying to kill Father, he was going to use the Nightshade poison to murder the entire school."
"And they had to have found the glass on his body after the crime was committed." Y/N adds with a point, getting on the same page as her. "That means...." He mummers before snapping his fingers. "Someone in the police knew about it."
Their next move couldn't be anymore clearer.
However, Wednesday glances down, finding the other half of that vision extremely confusing. He touched Garrett's dead finger, so seeing him and his last moments made sense.....
But why did she see another man's death?
Jericho: The Next Day
Y/N, Wednesday, and Morticia stand in the mayor's office after sending a very innocent message. All that it said was that they may or may not have just learned about a few things about Garrett Gates, and that it could potentially pose a threat to his position if the public learned about these 'things' from their point of view. You know.... nothing too crazy. Okay, maybe there was also a less subtle threat about jail, too. That part couldn't be helped after what they went through.
"Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor." Morticia expresses her gratitude to the man with a fixed smile, showing that she's glad in a 'we got you now and know you no choice but to talk' sort of way.
"Yes, well... veiled threats have that effect." Noble Walker replies while giving the two kids an irritated, pointed look. He wouldn't have humored this if they hadn't brought up something that only he should know.
"Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound." Wednesday states confidently as she steps forward and shamelessly unwraps it in front of Noble on his desk, causing him to hold in a gag like he was Edward Cullen.
"That blue sheen mixed with a tiny tint of purple is a telltale sign that this is the Craven family's variant of Nightshade poisoning." Morticia points out as she taps his finger, uh.... near, the mutilated body part. "Something that was in Garrett Gate's possession during his fight with Gomez."
"But you already knew that, didn't you?" Wednesday calls Noble out with a knowing stare, and the way the man seethes indicates that they are right on the money. "Because back when you were Sheriff, you were in charge of the case and covered it up."
Noble scoffs at them. "You do realize that you've just confessed that not only did you commit grave digging, but grave robbing as well?" He points out with a raised brow. "I'm not forced to tell either of you anything, no one will believe you."
"They'll believe if a few Outcasts confess that they mind controlled the recently deceased into writing the last paragraph in his obviously faked suicide note." Y/N chimes in and he steps forward, causing the man's attention to go to him. "They've already told me, and they have spent money to prove it, and you and I both know that if I all this goes to the wrong people, that re-re-election campaign?" He shakes his head while clicking his tongue. "You'll have better chances with an illegal lottery."
"You wouldn't. You're the Woods-Creep...." Noble growls at him, only for the Y/N to smirk in response.
"Wanna bet?"
Noble presses his lips together, not sharing eye contact with either of the Addams girls, only giving Y/N a small glare just because of the corner the kid admittedly put him in. Despite his compulsive want to fib his way out of this, he exhales in defeat as he knows that they're no chance against lying to a couple of Outcasts. "Ansel Gates hated Outcasts and Nevermore." He begins. "He claimed the land the school was built on land was stolen from his family almost two-hundred years ago. Garret went there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at that dance." He finally admits. "Ansel confesses the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea."
"Why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report?" Wednesday interrogates him now that they have the mayor talking, knowing that, that part of the suicide note had to actually be written by his hands. "You knew the truth about how he really died."
"Listen, my job was to keep the peace." Noble states in his defense as he presses his fist against his desk as if that's supposed to justify his actions. "Now, if there had been a trial, both Jericho's and Nevermore's reputations would've been trashed."
"I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining you were worried about ruining was your own." Morticia calls Noble out, causing him to blink at her offended. "I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the Sheriff in his pocket. One year later, you get elected as Mayor." She points out with a knowing smirk. "Hmm.... no doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates."
"I resent your implication!"
"What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett's death if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking me." Morticia remarks with a venomous bite to her words, easily causing the mayor to tense up in his seat. Y/N can't help but watch her let all of her frustrations out at him in awe. "But no, men like you have no idea what it feels like to not be believed."
"Ooooh, that's a scandal I'm sure the trouble-making press will love to eat up." Y/N comments humorously, looking at Noble with a grin that only a jester would wear. "What do you think, Mr. Mayor?"
Noble's eyes shift towards various directions before he drops his shoulders, letting out a sigh of defeat. "What do you want?" He asks them with a tone that wants to get it over with, causing the other three to share a satisfied look.
"All charges dropped." Morticia demands with a hand on her hip and on the desk like she's the woman in power here, which she is.
"My father will be released immediately with a full and unequivocal apology from the Sheriff's Office." Wednesday adds, before looking at the cornered mayor with the deadliest eyes a female could have. "Do we have a deal?" She asks him, prompting Noble to reluctantly nod.
Victory is theirs.
Jericho: Streets
Outside of Town Hall, Y/N, Wednesday, and Morticia walk outside after getting their terms successfully met by the mayor himself. Although this mystery had little to nothing in relation with the monster's attacks, it feels nice to finally have this weight lifted off everyone's shoulder, except maybe for Walker. The mentally exhausted boy goes to sit on a bench, leaving the two Addams to finally talk. Talk, as in...... talk.
"I never thought doing something that wasn't on my own would feel so satisfying." Wednesday comments as she looks up at the cloudy sky, causing Morticia to turn towards her with a smile.
"When did your visions begin?" Morticia asks her the inevitable question, causing Wednesday to look down and face her, knowing that it was going to eventually come up.
"A few months ago." She answers her, to which Morticia hums in understanding. "Before I left for Nevermore."
"I'm sorry you didn't feel like you could tell me." Morticia formally apologizes, having done a good job at hiding it for the most part, but regrets that their strained relationship prevented much communication between them. "I know we've had our difficulties lately, navigating the treacherous shoals of our mother-daughter relationship. But I'm always here for you, Wednesday."
Wednesday glances down, mentally thinking that what she's said felt like a major understatement before she got her father thrown in jail over some black bubble gum, but decides that now would be a good time for advice from someone with more experience. "Sometimes when I touch someone or something, I get these very violent glimpses from the past or future. And every instance, no matter what I do, the future ones come true. I don't know how to control it."
Morticia slowly nods, having heard someone who has triggers from that nature. "Our psychic ability resides on the spectrum of who we are." She tells Wednesday. "Given my disposition, my visons tend to be positive. That makes me a Dove."
"And for someone like me, who sees the world in a much darker lens?"
"You're a Raven." Morticia easily answers with a knowing mind. "Your visions are more potent, more powerful. Both without the proper training, it can lead to madness." She warns her daughter, also knowing a few people who went to asylum for it. Wednesday glances down, wondering if it'll feel better than that whole dilemma with Rowan she hasn't solved yet. "If I could help you, I would, Wednesday. But we're not trained by the living, somebody from our bloodline reaches out from beyond to help us when we're ready."
"Goody has." Wednesday mentions with a small nod. "I've seen her before."
"Be careful, Wednesday." Morticia advises her, having an rather odd reaction to the mention of her name. "Goody was a witch of great strength, but her vengeance pushed her too far and even she couldn't save herself." She tells her. Wednesday takes that into consideration, wondering if it has anything to do with that boy who slaughtered the Outcasts in the meeting room.
A teenaged boy notices the two of them talking and boldly walks on over. "Uh, greetings...." Tyler Galpin nervously inserts himself into the conversation, and the two females turn to him holding a tiny box wrapped up like a present. "I, um, wanted to give you this as a peace offering in honor of my dad, considering that he kind of bombarded you with the whole arrest thing and all."
"Aww, I'm sure Wednesday appreciates that." Morticia is the first to respond, turning to a surprised Wednesday with a teasing smile. "Aren't you, darling?"
The girl blinks, having a hard time with words all of a sudden.
Meanwhile, Y/N taps in the arm rest of the bench, replaying everything that just went down this weekend in his mind. He's not exactly sure what gave him the balls to confront the mayor of all people the way he did, but it was probably just because he had more cards up his sleeve than the one who used them all.
"Hey there, kid." Freddy chimes in as he walks up, prompting Y/N to look up at him as the man smirks proudly at him. "You look like you went through five hunting trips back-to-back." He quips as he sits down next to him.
"It certainly feels that way." Y/N admits with a tired sigh, as Freddy chuckles a bit as he makes sure the poor boy isn't going to pass out or something after waiting in agony in a cell all night. "I think I've just realized some things about myself, things that explain what the heck is going with me." He shares with his uncle, talking about events like a week ago and his uncontrolled lust to stain posters with his own blood.
"That's good, though you probably haven't learned much still."
"Yeah, don't remind me...." Y/N remarks with a slight mutter, wishing that things like that would be easier than figuring out a character in a movie/tv series. "I saw the way Morticia Addams confronted the mayor, about all the secrets he kept, it reminded me of myself." He references, humming amused. "I wish I could say those things without worrying if my voice will ever be heard."
"Well, that's kind of one of the unfair choices in life." Freddy tells his boy bluntly with a relatable hum, wishing that things weren't so difficult for him, himself. "Do you finally let everything out, with the slim chance that you do in the worst way possible? Or do you just keep your mouth shut and deal with it? And what sucks even more, is that the latter usually is the safest choice."
Y/N hums as he idly glances around, noticing Wednesday and Tyler talking on the edge of the sidewalk like friends, at least from this angle. Freddy eventually notices where his eye is. "You like her?" He asks with a curious tone, not teasing, but happy for him. The boy sighs, though, with a shake of his head.
"I don't know, doesn't feel a simple 'love her' thing."
The good part about this journey though, is that Gomez Addams is once again a free man. He and Sheriff Galpin step outside of the building as the former receives his formal suit back from Lurch, which he can't help but be excited to put on again. "I'm..... sorry for all this." Galpin sheepishly apologizes to the man he once arrested, hands in his pockets.
Gomez smooths this hair before giving the man he sees is embarrassed a forgiving shrug. "I don't hold grudges, only blood debts." He assures him with a calm expression showing no hard feelings. He's just glad that everyone knows the real truth. Galpin just nods, not bothering to question that second part.
"So.... your daughter and my son have become.... close." Galpin mentions with a small bob of his head, not sure what other safe way he can put it.
"I pity any boy who gets caught in her viper's gaze, but he must be a good egg." Gomez gives his opinion as they both glance at the two of them talking. "She wouldn't tolerate anything less."
"Bet she's not as close as she is with my boy." A third-party voice chimes in as both men turn to see the man Y/N has been walking around town with, giving the authority figure a strangely polite smile. "Freddy L/N, I'm Y/N's uncle, pleasure to finally meet you." He introduces himself while offering a hand as if expecting him to shake it.
"L/N, huh?" Galpin hums with a slow nod, the last name and his blood relation sparking a mixed feeling in his gut. Gomez calmly nods his dismissive to head towards his family to say goodbye while the two men talk. "Donovan Galpin." The Sheriff responds as he thankfully shakes the guy's hand.
"This will probably come out of nowhere, but I also lost my wife a few years ago. And my brother too, a year before that." Freddy shares his reasons for approaching Galpin who glances down, getting some bad flashbacks. "I'm currently unemployed, so I'll probably be looking for a job here so I can stay close to my nephew, give him some much-needed advice. But.... I wouldn't mind having a drinking partner that understands what I'm going through."
"I'll think about it." Galpin lets him know with a polite tone that clearly isn't ready to just accept a random friend just yet, but Freddy nods in thanks that he didn't immediately shoot him down though as he walks off towards his car.
Y/N stands up as he watches Wednesday then share a rare hug (sort of) with her family, smiling brightly to himself. His inner objective was accomplished.
It feels..... really good.
Well, Parents Weekend has officially come to an end, though not in the way Wednesday Addams was expecting, that being a family civil war. Just outside the campus building, everyone says goodbye to their parents/parental figures, either on good, mixed, or bad terms. Though for her and Y/N, it is surprisingly on the former.
Pugsley has been taking advantage of his new brownie points from the moment at the pond a little too well as he's been hugging her for more than their agreed time has allowed. "Don't push it..." She grumbles at him, causing him to finally let go.
"Well, at least we can't say Parents' Weekend wasn't a nail-biter." Gomez quips with a bright smile as the two parents approach Wednesday with happy faces.
"I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer." Wednesday tells him with a certain tone, causing him to wince a little bit.
"As much as that stings...." Gomez admits, but still smiles at her. "Gracias, my little death trap." He expresses to her, hugging her one more time before giving her a kiss on the cheek. He walks away, leaving a slightly disturbed Wednesday to give him a weird look as he goes. What did she say that hinted that was allowed? In public especially?
"As I leafed through the pages of this yearbook, I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had here." Morticia references as she extends it towards Wednesday who eventually takes it with a blank reaction. "But they were just that..... Mine. You have your own path to blaze. I don't want to be a stranger in your life, darling. If you need me, for anything, anything at all." She does fun little glass-tapping gesture. "I'm only a crystal ball away."
Wednesday considers that for later, swallowing her pride for this one dialogue exchange. "Thank you, mother." She replies. Morticia smiles as she kisses both her cheeks and rubs her shoulders without physically touching them, before reluctantly walking towards the car where Lurch is still holding the door open for her.
Wednesday glances down at the yearbook, but while considering if she should open it yet or not, she notices Y/N a few feet away, standing alone with his arms in his uniform jacket's pockets.
While waiting around for his uncle, he hears some heals clicking against cobblestone towards him, and sees his good-old Siren approaching him. "Hey there, L/N." Divina greets him in a playful tone. "Parents Weekend survival mission accomplished?"
"Well, since we weren't allowed to go hunting for bears, I can confidently say yes to that." Y/N confirms with a nod and grateful smile, to which Divina giggles a bit just to relive some tension that's been on her shoulders. "No casualties to report. You?"
"Well, aside from the emotional damage in watching my Kent stuff his face in front of our parents because he was wired up on jail-anxiety, I think I came out unscathed." Divina can say for certain, while Y/N cringes in response before it turns into a smirk.
"Did you get a photo."
"Oh, obviously." Divina confirms, allowing the two to share another relieving laugh together. "So, um..... did everything work out." She then queries him, obviously wanting to know if she can break her brother the good news. "With the..... Addams family drama?"
"You want me to skip the investigation part where I was thrown into a cell for a night?" Y/N guesses with a raised brow, pausing for emphasis. Divina nods before blinking rapidly when she processes the second part of that sentence. "No one knows about Kent's involvement, your secret's safe."
Divina holds her chest as she lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Y/N, guess that means we're even once again." She says as she playfully tugs on the sleeve of the boy's uniform, a spark of genuine affection in her eyes. Y/N nods, just glad that he was able to have the good outcome to this Enderal: Forgotten Stories questline. However, the Siren's hand never moves off his arm bicep for a good long minute...
"Am I interrupting something.... important?"
Both teens turn around to see Wednesday Addams approaching with her footsteps as precises as ever, maybe even more so right now. She stares at them blankly, but her eyes feel more dark and calculating.
"Just catching up with Detective Damon Salvatore." Divina answers passively as she smiles sweetly in response, though one may notice a small sharpness in her voice. "You know, since he's my friend." She adds, causing Wednesday to blink at her.
"Friends? How quaint, I wasn't aware Y/N had a friend like you." Wednesday comments as she tilts her head like some kind of statue armed with an army's worth of darts in those eyelids of hers. "I got the assumption that his apparent surliness on the outside scares the rich kids off, specifically, the ones who smell like dead fish."
"I'm literally right here...." Y/N mutters with a hand rubbing his eyes.
"Cynical as ever, aren't you, Wednesday? Xavier wasn't his only friend in the Nightshades, we are always here for him." Divina promises her as Y/N feels her fingers tightening around his uniform a little bit. "Maybe you just haven't been paying close attention to him?"
"Or maybe it's you I've made the mistake of playfully ignoring, since your only role before now was playing as Bianca's second fin in command." Wednesday corrects her with her arms crossed, causing a slight twitch in Divina's 'friendly' smile. "Or maybe I just assumed you had the same number of brains as your brother."
"Ouch, how rude." Divina remarks with a fake gasp. "But I'll let it pass." She then says, giving Y/N one more grateful look before walking off towards Kent. Her hand trails down his hand in a way that's unmissable to those professional in human connection.
Y/N sighs as he faces Wednesday, glad that he didn't witness another murder. "You really know how to make friends, don't you?" He teases her with a raise brow, though the girl doesn't satisfy that little jab at her expense with a response based towards it.
"You were impressive back there, with Mayor Walker. I thought only my mother would have the steel to talk to the man in such a manner." Wednesday acknowledges as she stares at Y/N directly, who blinks at the shocking honesty. "I'll admit, in terms of everyone in this teenage penitentiary, you aren't the worst company to have around."
Y/N hums with a bob of his head as he smirks in response to that compliment. "Didn't know I would earn myself a compliment from the dark and brooding mistress known as Wednesday Addams."
"Don't get used to it." Wednesday advises him, to which Y/N raises a hand as if stating that he never intended to get his hopes that far up. A fair beat of silence kicks in before the girl eventually walks past him, which then reminds the guy of something.
"Hey, Wednesday." He calls out to her with a now serious tone, prompting the girl to turn around. "I did some investigating as well. With all this craziness now over, there's something you should probably know." Y/N tells her as he steps closer so he doesn't shout it to the entire world. Wednesday's eyes narrow, sensing the importance that he's trying to portray.
"It's about what happened to Rowan...."
Nevermore: Principal's Office
"I knew it!" Wednesday exclaims with fury as she slams open the doors of the office, catching Weems completely off guard. She marches into the office without a care while Y/N follows her inside, feeling more or less the same way. "I did witness Rowan getting murdered that night!"
"Excuse me?" Weems utters in response, glancing between the two of them.
"Don't look at me, you're the one getting exposed." Y/N says with his hands raised.
"When 'Rowan' appeared the next morning, it was you." Wednesday spells it out for the woman without stuttering once, easily grabbing her attacked attention. "You see, when you participated in the talent show with my mother, not only did you impersonate Judy Garland, you became her." She states as she opens up the yearbook to the correct page and sets on Weems's desk for her to see the undeniable proof. "You're a shapeshifter."
Weems stares down at it for a few seconds before letting out a fixed scoff. "That is a fascinating theory-"
"Stop, please stop that! It's not working." Y/N interrupts as he pleads for the woman to go one second without trying to gaslight someone. He almost grabs his head in frustration as the guilt is clearly written all over her face, no matter how confused Weems tries to play herself as. "What the heck was the point in all this? Why would you lie and cover up something as important as Rowan's murder?"
Weems looks at the boy who's going slightly emotional from all this with a sympathetic look. "Oh, you poor children.... you make it sound like I did all of this on my own accords." She remarks with a painfully calm smile. "Rowan's father knows about all this, and fully supported the decision not to involve the authorities."
Y/N blinks rapidly, double-checking what she just said. "What?"
"You must understand, Rowan wasn't in his right mind during the past few weeks before his unfortunate death." Weems answers like it's the actual result of what had happened. "His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad, and he attempted to murder Wednesday here twice and say it was for your sake. His tragic murder allowed us to rectify the situation without casting the school, Rowan, in an unflattering light."
Y/N's tongue licks his lips as he stands still, Wednesday glancing as she notices a strange trick in his new body language. "Who.... gives.... a flying...." He mutters....
Before suddenly slamming both of his fists on the desk with a deafening bang.
"...FUCK!?" He loudly questions furiously, a tone that makes even the professional Larissa Weems and impassive Wednesday Addams jump. "We were led to believe we would all be safe behind these walls from a monster that's been killing people out in the woods! And after the Rave'N? The police are stumped, families are crushed, and we are sitting here waiting for answers! And yet at every turn, you adults see us...." He points at him and Wednesday. "... as the renegade nation, the troublemaker squad. But how do you expect us not to get into your business, when you're sitting here, FUCKING WITH THE DEAD!?"
There's now a silence so painful that a nail scratching chalkboard would be more appealing as Y/N finishes letting out something that will definitly nib him in the bud later, but right now, he's too heated to care. "I've been sitting alone for a week, thinking I was the one responsible for Xavier's death, and Eugene being put in a coma, something you willing lied about to everyone for the sake of your... image." Y/N quietly says, breathing heavily. "Guess I'm not the only one."
Wednesday glances between the two of them, not finding a comeback that even she can come up with, while Weems stares at him, looking like he just shot her dog fifteen times in every place. Before anyone can say anything though, there's a hiss outside mixed with loud screams coming from what sounds like everyone person in Nevermore.
The three of them run outside onto the balcony until they see a supernatural image. "What on Earth?" Weems silently exclaims in mass confusion.
A strong bed of grass has been lit on fire in specific letters....
Weathervane: Night
Freddy prefers to do things the practical way, at least since it's part of his specific generation. That's why he's currently writing his resume on a piece of paper with a pen, instead of typing in a laptop like almost every other single person will. Thankfully, he's managed to find himself at the Weathervane during the hour it has left before closing time.
"Burning the midnight oil, huh?" One of the barista's cleaning the joint chimes in, and the older man looks up to see the Tyler Galpin fellow he recognizes that was chatting with Wednesday earlier looking at him. He's currently cleaning up the place with a mop, as he's once again on overtime tonight.
"Something like that." Freddy answers with a small shrug, chuckling to himself as he feels like Tyler a stole a line from his page. "Trying to piece together the highlights of my life so far. Harder than it sounds when most of it involves running off-the-grid bunkers and wilderness survival lessons."
"Oh, that sounds like.... a bunch of solid skills." Tyler comments as he throws a towel over his shoulder, though his awkward face shows that he only being delicate with his choice of words. "Survivalist for a employee, I'm there's a guy like my dad who will be thrilled to have you."
"Doubt I'd carry the badge for that long, but I appreciate the thought." Freddy replies with a modest smile, before checking the time and seeing that he needs to get himself a bed soon. "Anyway... you take care, kid." He says before standing up and walking out the door, Tyler watching him go with a tense glint in his eyes before shaking his head.
Freddy idly walks down the sidewalk until he finally makes to the parking spot that his car is in. He fishes for the keys inside his jacket, during which, a cold wind breezes past his neck, causing him to look back as if ghosts are following him, but quickly shrugs it off as his hunter instincts getting the best of him.
The second he unlocks the driver's side door, he sits his sore butt inside, setting the notepad and pen on the passenger seat. He lets out the biggest yawn his body's been saving up as he inserts the keys, starting his baby up.
Right as he does, though, a wire loops tightly around his neck, yanking him against his seat with brutal force.
Freddy gasps as he struggles against the hold, by the person in the backseat has the clear advantage as the wire squeezes his jugular tightly, pressing his lungs together by every millisecond. He gags and chokes as he tries to break free, his feet kicking against the floorboard and hands desperately pulling at the wire, but eventually, his strength gives out. His head slowly slumps onto the steering wheel, making it honk.
Eventually, the killer lets go and pulls his head back up, complimenting the night with silence again. The car then drives off into the night, into the woods to disappear.
Nobody ever witnesses what happened here.
(A/N) New chapter finally here!
Wow, this took.... a lot longer than I was anticipating. I thought this would only take a few hours in-between days, but this chapter is straight up nine-thousand words, guess I should've expanded the earlier parts so they were all even.
Anyway, excited to finally write Episode 6, which will signal only three episode left until the finale and the conclusion to all of this delicious love triangle/square drama. Don't know what the plot will be for that one yet though, so be paitent with me.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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