Part 4
Nevermore: Rave'N
Tyler frantically patrols around the dance floor for his date, only to see that she's still nowhere to be found. He runs a hand through his hair as he wonders just how much Y/N said to her that could possibly make her not want to even look at her anymore. Eventually, he spots a neighboring room that pretty much functions as a bench for everyone to take a quick break, and sitting on one of those benches, is Wednesday, arms crossed as she stares into thin air.
"Hey, was in the thin mountain air or the Yeti-tinis that got to you?" He asks her playfully, trying to start the conversation with some humor. However, when he sees Wednesday's face as she looks up at him, he knows that he should probably take this a little more seriously. "How much.... how much did Y/N tell you?"
"Enough." Wednesday answers with a knowing look. At least, she hopes it was enough. "He told me what you did last year, about how you and your friends assaulted him after his sexual assault trial, despite him being declared innocent. One of which, was the one who falsely accused him." She shares with Tyler, who nods guilty, knowing that he can't keep it from her anymore.
"I guess that was inevitable..." Tyler mumbles as he slowly takes a seat next to her, swallowing nervously. "Okay, I wish..... I could say that it was an accident or that it wasn't half as bad as it sounds, but I'd be lying." He confesses to Wednesday, hinting that part him knew Will was talking out his ass, but didn't bother to listen to it. "And.... he could've turned us over to the police, but he didn't."
"Why'd you do it?" Wednesday interrogates him with squinted eyes, causing him to softly chuckle a bit.
"I could give you a million excuses, like that I actually believed what Will said..... but truth is, I'm still trying to figure that out." Tyler answers her as his eyes fall back down to the floor in shame. "I got sent away to this boot camp and realized that's not the version of myself I want to be.... a bitter townie that blames everyone else for the shitty hand he's been dealt." He looks back up at her, looking scared that her opinion of him has now changed. "Look, I did a terrible thing, but I swear I'm not a terrible person."
"Do you think I would judge you over one lousy prank?" Wednesday questions him with a raised brow, seeing Tyler's remorse, causing him to let out a sigh of relief when he sees that she's being serious. "If I heard that it was my brother, I would've taken it a step further."
"You mean, like, putting piranhas in a swimming pool?" Tyler humorously queries, causing Wednesday to blink at the reference. He knows about that? "I may have done a little digging on you after we met." He admits, though the girl doesn't show a hint of shame in her expression.
"I'd do it again." Wednesday claims proudly, prompting a grin to appear on Tyler's face.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." Tyler quips, causing a weird feeling to pop into Wednesday's chest. Like.... that's a concept she never thought was possible. "Come on, I heard they're going to start their next song in a couple minutes." He then mentions as he stands up, offering his hand to her. She doesn't know why she jumps to readily into taking it. Love is a weakness, and yet... it's hitting her straight in the face.
However, she feels like something is..... wrong........ like something is out of place. Maybe it's because deep down, she knows still isn't caring about other people's feelings, she's just caring about this moment with Tyler.
Honestly, she wishes she cared a little more.
Nevermore: Outside
Meanwhile, during all of this, the truck that's going to play a part in a disastrous prank rolls through the gates of Nevermore grounds. The kids driving it eventually pull it over onto a custom parking spot where Y/N marked it on their map, where a hose connected to the sprinkler system is attached to the outside wall.
"Let's go!" Jonah yells as they jump out of their cars, ready to dump a whole lot of trauma onto their mutual friends. Carter opens up the back and grabs the hose, pulling it as fast as he can. "Come on! Come on! Let's go!" The tall kid taps on his shoulder impatiently as he stands closer to hose.
"You got it? Take it!" Carter rushes as he hastily hands the end of the hose towards him with the same amount of impatience. However, by the time he joins Jonah, the guy is having trouble trying to attach the darn thing into the building. "Oh- Move! Move! I'll do it! Go turn it on!"
As they try going through with it all at a very fast past, the door next to them opens, but it's only Y/N to steps out. "You guys are ten minutes early." He comments as he glances back before closing the door behind him. "You sure that thing's filled?"
"Yeah, we got every drop." Jonah insists with a low-tempered look that requests Y/N not to doubt them on everything, to which the boy rolls his eyes at them with a somewhat amused face. "So, is this really pig's blood we're putting in here?"
"What? You think is all dry paint? Trust me, everything you put in that thing is biological." Y/N insists with a sarcastic voice. He's not going to ruin the flavor of this bring by bringing something boring like that. He got motivated from the movie he watches a couple days ago, and he's not going to change the practical effects one bit.
The door then opens again, and this time, it's Lucas Walker that steps out. But interestingly, he doesn't have the same mischievous expression he had with this whole plan was presented to him and the boys in the Weathervane. "Guys, I was thinking..... that maybe this isn't such a good idea." He tells them, much to their shock. "I don't want my dad to get any blow-back or anything, you know?"
"Dude, did you forget why we're doing this?" Carter questions him as if he's gone crazy or moronic. He's the one who said yes about this whole plan in the first place. "We're trying to get revenge on these freaks for everything that happened on Outreach Day."
"Did something happen, Lucas?" Y/N queries him with a raised brow, causing Lucas to turn towards him, the instigator of this plan.
"Y/N, listen, maybe we're not thinking about the big picture here." Lucas suggests to the Outcast, the irony of the situation makes Y/N blink rapidly at him. "You like Wednesday, right? Or maybe you're at least still friends with that Thorpe's son. Whatever, point is, I think we may be overreacting, letting our hate get the better of us?"
"Seriously?" Y/N utters as he's the most surprised out of the three of them to be hearing this. One of the Jericho bullies, who has been shown to hate Outcasts, is trying to convince him that he might be doing the wrong thing? This causes him to blink rapidly, wondering if maybe the Hyde is influencing his feelings a little too strongly.
"Come on, don't tell me you've gone soft, like Tyler." Jonah mocks with a teasing grin, finding the idea that this is coming from the mayor's son all the more hilarious. "You might as well go with that other freak who decided he'd rather went hiking than go to this lame dance." He then remarks, which makes Y/N glance at him.
"Hiking kid?"
"Yeah, I saw some other kid running down the woods earlier while we were driving here." Jonah references as he points back towards the road they came here in. "He was hiking gear and everything. Guess not even freaks stick around, no offense, guy."
Not in the mood to say none taken, Y/N blinks again as he processes that information? Hiking gear? Now? During the Rave'N? He was sure that everyone would be here, including Wednesday. The only ones who possibly wouldn't have, excluding Wednesday, is that one girl from werewolf breeding class, and that beehives kid, Eugene. That's the kid who owns the club that the Addams is going to.
But why would....?
"It's not just a hunch." Wednesday retorts as she decides to bring up something that she suspects will sway Y/N over to her side of thinking. The sketch that illustrated the cave. "Xavier knew where the monster's lair is, dreams like that can only be vivid."
But that's strange, why would he do it now?
"Come on, let's go." Jonah taps on Y/N's shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts. Back to the game plan, he quickly sets aside those for now and nods as they jog back into the Nevermore building, with Lucas hesitantly following close behind. It's time to create end this year's Rave'N with a bang. Or to be more exact, a shower.
Tonight's the night.
Nevermore: Rave'N
Tyler brings Wednesday out onto the dance floor. According to him and his bright expression, this seems to be his favorite song. The two stand in front of each other, the other dead still while the other shows clear signs of nervousness, like he knows he's going to be judged by everyone and doesn't like it. The girl on the other hand, has no shame.
A few feet away, Xavier is still with Bianca, stopping what he's doing when he sees the two dancing. He doesn't really know why, but something about it feels off to him, especially the girl's movement. He wants the use the word, robotic, to describe it, but maybe he's just seeing it the wrong way. "Hey, you okay?" Bianca taps on the guy's shoulder upon seeing him just stand there.
"Hmmm? Oh, yeah, yeah...." Xavier quickly snaps out of it, giving Bianca a nod, but finds himself staring back at Wednesday and Tyler anyway, as if what the two are doing is any of his business. "Just, um.... just wondering what it would be like if Y/N was standing there." He shares with the Siren, wearing a conflicted expression on his face. "You know, if that.... makes any sense."
"I guess...." Bianca responds with a shrug as she also stares at the two, though not seeing what the big deal is with the Thorpe kid. It's not like he, too, has feelings for the Addams girl, does he? "Honestly, feels like a step-up from the Woods-Creep."
"Hey, can you lay off of him for two minutes?" Xaiver snappishly questions Bianca as he jerks his head towards her with a glare. "I don't know what you keep hearing, but he's not like that. He can at least row a paddle pretty well."
Before Bianca can respond, Divina slips into the conversation. "Hey, have you guys seen Y/N?" She asks them with a look that looks like it's gone from perplexed to full-on worried. "He's totally disappeared on me."
"No, I haven't...." Xavier is the first to answer, realizing that the only time he saw him was when he and Wednesday entered. That's been, like.... an hour ago, hasn't it? "When was the last time you saw him?"
"He split up from me to go talk to Wednesday or something, I think. Said he would be right back, but never did." Divina shares with them, biting one of her nails as she anxiously looks around, wondering what could have made him disappear like that. Xavier remembers that too, Tyler and Y/N looked very pissed after.
"Something must have happened...." Xavier guesses as he sets down his glass and is no longer in the mood to dance. The way he says it, hints that maybe unwelcomed drama is just around the corner, Y/N might do something he'll later regret. "I'll help you find him, he usually finds someplace he knows others won't look for him."
He takes off before Bianca can call out for him to slow down. The two girls awkwardly stand there in comparison to everyone else vibing, until the lead Siren chuckles. "Your brother still dances like a fool." She comments, and Divina looks over to see Kent doing an attempt at the worm on the smoky floor.
"Better than last year..." Divina shrugs before heading off to continue her search for Y/N as well.
Something's.... wrong.
A few minutes later, the music abruptly ends as the DJ grabs the mic. "Yo, yo, yo. It's almost eleven o'clock-itty, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'N says Nevermore." Blood Suckaz announces, prompting almost everyone to rush back as if all the energy they've used up before has returned with a full gas tank.
Meanwhile though, as all of this is happening, Y/N slowly peaks his head out from behind a couple curtains, seeing everyone so hyped and ready, including Wednesday and Tyler who ironically have a pit of what could be called a spotlight shined on them. Like he said, tonight's the night.
He looks across at Jonah who sneaks over to the fire emergency switch, eventually engaging eye contact and giving him a thumbs up, signaling that he's ready. "Are you sure about this?" Lucas whispers next to Y/N, who just gives him a blank look in response. "This one hell of a way to enact jealous revenge."
"Jealousy has nothing to do with it..." Y/N mutters as he looks back at the dancing crowd, not wanting to meet his eyes. However, part of him wonders how much of that sentence was genuinely honest. He eventually hears buzzing from his phone and pulls his out to see the inevitable text from Carter.
Carter: Ready, rain some hell on em!
Smirking, Y/N then looks up at Jonah and gives him a nod, signaling that it's time. The tall kid grins as he makes sure nobody can see him before he opens it up and presses down on the switch as hard as he can. And at that moment, the music abruptly stops again, but not because of DJ Blood Suckaz.
Wednesday, Bianca, Tyler, Enid, Divnia, Yoko, Ajax, and everyone else that's on the dance floor all pause in confusion before they feel something warm and liquid-y fall onto their suits/dresses, or their head, hair, and face. No, scratch that, soon, it's everyone on them. Wednesday sees it on Tyler's, who looks up, bewildered as they are the first to realize that it's coming from the sprinkler systems.
Crimson red liquid.
Soon, tiny spays turn into showers as the liquid now comes in full forces, dousing every single person in the Rave'N that isn't in a hiding spot in what appears to be human blood. Once the female screams finally come in, everyone begins running for their lives. Slipping on the wet floor, falling over tables and chairs, all in a rush to get away from the horrifying substance.
Wednesday looks up at it as it falls, but her expression, in comparison to everyone else, isn't one of fear. In fact, it's one of pure glee. The perfect cherry on top of the milkshake for her night. She glances at everyone as they run away, screaming. She smirks as they bump through her, trying to get away while she just stands there, taking it all in. Tyler is also standing there, but more out of frozen fear, as well as a few others like Ajax.
She looks down at herself, which is also drenched in the crimson liquid. Still in the enticed mood, she raises a finger and licks a bit of the stuff off of it, letting out a satisfied moan. "They actually brought real pig's blood..." She comments to Tyler who just stares back at her, frozen. "I give it fives stars~"
As she circles her body around to milk all of the people's reactions, she abruptly stops when she sees Y/N L/N standing across the room, also just standing there as he gets soaked. But it's not because he's scared, his body language is way too casual for that. He tilts his head at her as if trying to say something, before his expression turns into a twisted grin as he turns around and walks away, having gotten Wednesday's reaction to his evil prank.
She's about to turn back to Tyler when he accidentally bumps his elbow against her back due to the fleeing crowd.
And she suddenly goes into shock.....
"I said it's none of your business" Y/N snaps again as he finally manages to his face in check enough for him to turn around and face him, driving a finger directly into his chest.
"I just came back to find out that you doused an entire dance full of blood, it is my bussiness!" Xavier remarks as he steps forward to see what the heck is going on with his friend, only for him to take a step away. Before he can try arguing again, the psychic's face goes pale.
Finding herself on the floor, Wednesday looks around with wide-eyes as she stands up. She feels a hand grabbing her shoulder. "Wednesday! Are you okay?" Thornhill's voice asks her in worriment upon seeing her gleefull-to-haunted expression.
"The monster's after him....." Wednesday blurts out as she recognizes the background Y/N and Xavier were standing in, and saw them wearing the same suits they would be wearing in a couple minutes. "Y/N's in danger!"
She takes off without elaborating further, causing a very bewildered Thornhill to follow out of fear for a student.
Someone's about to use the chaos to their advantage!
No matter Wednesday says, the mission is coming first for Eugene. This is the first time he's taken something so seriously in his life, aside from bees of course, and he's going to commit. He may not have a date to bring to the Rave'N, but he still has Hummer spirit, and that has to count for something, right?
Walking up towards a tree which he uses for cover during his stake-out of the cave, he keeps watching, but doesn't see anything. All he can hear is the grass rustling under his boots, and the crickets chirping. "Eugene Ottinger." He talks into the same voice recorder Wednesday had on her. "twenty-one-hundred hours. No movement at the cave, no sign of the target." He notes before hearing another cricket, this one being a different pitch than the rest. "Although.... I just heard a rare club-horned grasshopper." He decides to add into it, because why not?
He nods, grinning.
With a bait and a switch, he captures in his jar, easy as honey pie. He admires his work for a few hours before a car then pulls up into the road, its headlights shining down on Eugene's face. He quickly gets back to the mission as he hides behind the tree so the lights don't reveal his position, before pulling out the recorder again. "Eugene Ottinger, twenty-two-forty-two hours. Potential suspect has arrived at location." He reports into it.
A person then steps out of the vehicle, carrying something in their hands. However, due to the headlights and how used to the dark his eyes are, Eugene is able to get a good look at the person's face. All he can make out is the color of the person's boots and their trench coat. Then, the most craziest thing happens. They take out a lighter, and he thinks ignites a weapon of arson, and throw it into the cave, with the intent to burn everything inside.
"Oh my gosh...."
As the figure is about to flee the scene, he's able to make out the other object that they are holding, a flashlight. They abruptly stop and point it directly at Eugene, who stands there stunned as he realizes the person only came there because they knew he and Wednesday would be there.
But how?
Before he can potentially confront the suspect, everything inside the cave combusts into a small explosion, roasting whatever possible evidence was inside. The mysterious figure takes the moment to retreat back into their vehicle while Eugene is sent backwards a tiny bit due to the shockwave.
With it now being incredibly obvious that his position's exposed, Eugene runs away into the woods, scared that he may or may not have just antagonized the monster. He finds another a tree to hide behind, and looks around, but doesn't see or hear any rustling or growling. Looks like everything's clear. He lets out a small sigh of relief....
Until the monster comes out of nowhere and swings a claw at him.
Nevermore: Outside
With the dance in total chaos, the four troublemakers behind this Carrie re-enactment quickly rush out of the building and back into the trick where they plan to make a quick getaway before someone can see them. "Come on! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Go!" They yell to each other as they bolt it out of the door they used to sneak in here.
"Alright, you guys get outta here, I'll come up with an alibi." Y/N lets the others know the second they bring themselves back to the truck, constantly playing the screams and tumbling around of everyone in their minds.
"Alright, yeah!" Carter says as he heads towards the driver's seat, while everyone continues to laugh except for Lucas and Y/N.
"Hey, you know what? You ain't that bad, Woods-Guy." Jonah quips as he pats Y/N on the back, giving a slight alteration to his name. The two of them have a big massive hoot except for Lucas and Y/N for completely separate reasons. The L/N kid does smirk devilishly, but franticly rubs his mouth as walks away into the grass.
He hears the door opening again and Enid's crying voice, but it all eventually fades off as Y/N continues to walk further away, grabbing his head with small growls. That's because he feels it coming back again, threatening to make him lose control because of how much power he's just given it.
The Hyde....
"Dude!" A voice yells as a hand suddenly grabs Y/N's shoulder and forces him around, and the boy sees Xavier's bloody face looking at him like a mad man. "Was this you?!" The Thorpe questions him as he points back towards the Nevermore building.
"That's none of your business, Xavier..." Y/N mutters with a slight growl towards him as he turns back around, trying to hide his eyes that are once again growing in size and his teeth changing from normal to sharp every few seconds. "I'm fine."
"Fine, my ass, I just saw you running away with the same bullies that have been giving us Outcasts trouble for the past year!" Xavier is quick to retort, wondering why his roommate is all of a sudden in cahoots with them and is seemingly not wanting to look him in the eye. "What the hell happened with Wednesday, man?"
"I said it's none of your business" Y/N snaps again as he finally manages to his face in check enough for him to turn around and face him, driving a finger directly into his chest. He doesn't want to be taking all of this Hyde anger out on him, but his emotions are overclouding the logic in his brain, and he's talking without thinking.
"I just came back to find out that you doused an entire dance full of blood, it is my business!" Xavier remarks as he steps forward to see what the heck is going on with his friend, only for him to take a step away. Before he can try arguing again, the psychic's face goes pale.
Y/N blinks, before suddenly being shoved to the ground by Xavier before he can even turn around. A loud roar then echoes throughout the air before the monster suddenly lunges from the darkness and takes a swing at the boys.
Then, a loud slash emits as Y/N looks up to see Xavier standing still like something jaw-dropping just happened, but twitching uncontrollably. "Xavier?" He calls his best friend by his name as he stands up, shaking. "Xavier, what's wrong?"
Before he can even answer, Xavier takes a step backward, which causes him to abruptly fall down onto the grass, prompting Y/N to hastily catch his fall. "Xavier!" He screams in worriment as he sits up on his knees, and checks his buddy. That's when he finally realizes that there's a massive set of gashes on his neck, the same neck where he was previously scratched. "No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no......" Y/N whispers frantically as he tries to do something, apply pressure to the hound, use something as a towel, anything, but the Thorpe's constant gagging sounds indicate that he's loosing too much blood, too fast.
Before he can even process it in time, Xavier then goes still. His blood keeps pouring out of his jugular however, which does make him twitch a bit, but aside from that, he's no longer moving. Y/N doesn't blink, his mind never telling his body to. "Y/N?" He hears Wednesday's voice calling out to him as she runs out from the fog, standing right behind him. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?"
Y/N just stares into the fog, never glancing back at Wednesday. He can't handle it, the consequences of his actions are too much that his body just completely shuts down. His mind doesn't even allow him to cry, not like there's much use in that anyway.
Tears don't fix anything.
(A/N) And that's the end of Episode 4!
Like I said, mostly short, but It's not like everything depends on word count. I wasn't going to include anything that this fanfic doesn't really need. Yes, you read that correctly, this version of Xavier Thorpe is officially dead. As a nod to all of the..... people, that got Percy Hynes White removed from the show, I've given my own ending to the character. All of this belongs to the theme of this fanfic, so sorry Xavier fans, but this gotta happen.
And this here's my little sorry for taking a long while to update, four chapters published in a back-to-back daily pace. I'll be planning how I write Episode 5, so like with all the others, be prepared to wait a little bit longer for that.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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