Part 3
Jericho: Weathervane
Y/N never intended to come back to town while it's dark to find a siren-blaring crime scene in the middle of the streets. He's separate from Kent at this point, as they've mostly gone their separate paths to get back to campus, one being able to swim fast and all. He stopped when he saw the ambulance, and Noble being taken away with his head bloody. He watches everything go down with a haunted expression, getting some flashbacks of a dark moment that wasn't that long ago.
"Hey..." A cautious voice calls out to him, prompting Y/N to turn and see Tyler who was clearly not expecting this to happen on his shift slowly walk up to him. He notices him carrying a plain plastic bag in his dominant hand. "Did... did you see it?"
"No, I just got here." Y/N answers with a blank face, keeping his tense emotions from boiling at the sight of such a harsh hit and run. "Did you?"
"Y-Yeah, I-I kinda did....." Tyler confirms with a shaky nod, at least having heard the massive thud before watching the mayor's body hit the ground. After everything that's happened, Y/N honestly thought that Normies were safe from whatever mess was going on around here, guess he was horribly wrong. "Hey, um.... can you give this to Wednesday when you see her?" He requests as he then holds up the bag to him, to which the guy glances at it like it's some kind of alien device. "It's Enid's gift, she must l forgotten it."
"Why do you want me to get it?" Y/N asks him with a raised brow, not that he wouldn't but if he was Tyler, he wouldn't trust him not to throw it into the trash or something the moment they broke paths. "She's your girlfriend, isn't she?"
Tyler scoffs. "Definitely not." He bitterly mutters with a mixed smile on his face, causing Y/N to blink at him. He slowly takes the bag, allowing the Galpin to leave with a sad sigh on his face, hinting that something must've went wrong between them.
Yeah, join the club, buddy.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Galpin and Wednesday sit on a booth in the coffee shop, the older man grabbing his forehead as he struggles with the fact that an old friend of his just got slammed by a car right in front of him. "He's alive... barely." He relays to the girl who glances down at the wood, also re-playing the three second image in his head. "I'll take you back after I get your statement."
"I already gave it to your deputy." Wednesday points out to the man who sighs. "Blue Cadillac with no license plate."
"Yeah, I know." Galpin replies before pulling out a tape recorder from his breast pocket and sliding it across the table in front of her. "I want a better one. What were you doing in the back of the mayor's SUV?" He interrogates her, and Wednesday, although slightly caught off guard, is able to answer calmly.
"I saw him coming out of the Gates mansion."
"The Gates mansion." Donovan drops the name with a lace of suspicion, knowing the history of that place and seeing her snooping around there to be troublesome at best. "What the hell were you doing there?"
"House-Hunting." Wednesday sarcastically asks as a way of hiding some things while also telling him that he should be able to guess what's up. Galpin rolls his eyes, unamused. "I overheard the voicemail he left you, I was intrigued."
The Sheriff lets out a small exhale as he looks out the window remorsefully. "Back when the mayor was sheriff, he used to have a lot of wild theories on cases that he couldn't solve. So, we'd dissect them over pie, sitting right back there in that booth." Donovan shares with Wednesday as he points towards the one he's referencing. "Most of the time, they went nowhere."
"Call me old-fashioned, but when someone is run over on their way to give the police key information, it usually means they were on to something, correct?" Wednesday points out to the sheriff, not wanting to use movie cliches for this investigation, but if someone else saw Walker scavenging through their home.... "And all signs point to the Gates family and that house."
"The Gates family?" Donovan quotes her with a look, wondering if she's starting to go on a whole new level of Psychic. "How? They're all dead, every last one of 'em, and I don't believe in ghosts." He points out, ironically saying something she once said to herself when she went to the mansion.
"Maybe you should." Wednesday coldly advises before turning of the recorder and sliding it back to him swiftly, grabbing her stuff and exiting the coffee shop before the man can try calling out for her to come back. Looks like she'll be going into the mansion after all.
As she steps out of the Weathervane, she and Y/N accidentally engage eye contact, which makes her swiftly turn her heels in the opposite direction as if she just spotted by the press. The boy squints at her, wondering what her problem is.
He hears it speaking in his ear....
She's hiding something from us.
Nevermore: Boy Dormitory
Y/N is at the longue with all of the other boys in a temporary bad mood. The moon is still up, but they are still able to stick around for a couple wild longer, and it's not like he has anyone to hang out with during the few hours that are left....... yeah. Anyway, that's not exactly why he's irritated right now, he's irritated because the school is now in lockdown on account of the recent hit and run that's come to bit Nevermore in the butt because the mayor once hinted at someone at the academy might be behind the monster aspect of this case, leading to a lot of fingers being pointed at the moment.
"Who know that timing had to be the biggest enemy on this planet." Y/N mutters with a loud sigh as not even Brooklyn Nine-Nine on the TV show is curing his frustrations. The Hyde is also making it worse. "A lockdown? Really? All because an Outcast was being an Outcast?"
"Yeah...." Ajax nods in response, though his eyes remain plastered on the television. "I just can't believe it..... the main the cause of divorce is marriage, man...."
Y/N blinks, turning his head towards him, confused. "What?"
"Waiting for the waiter, makes you the waiter, you know...." Ajax continues with a small hum, chuckling at either one of the comedy show's jokes or that he's coming up with all of this mind-blowing information. "Six without S is nine, bro.... And when the computer overheats, it freezes, right?"
Y/N shakes his head at him. "How high are you?"
"What?" Ajax utters, raising a brow as if he's the one who said something weird. "No, dude, it's, 'hi, how are you?"
"Oh my gosh.... " Y/N grumbles as he face palms in a tried voice, not sure why he's even trying to figure him out at this point. I mean, it's a Stoner he's talking to. "Remember when we talked about the Cravens? And how their bodies, if they're dead, would still likely be in Jericho?" He brings up, to which Ajax nods slowly.
"Why do noses run, but feet smell?"
"I went to one of the places they should've been in, and guess what? Every single burial was re-dug, and filled up, with nothing in it." Y/N shares with Ajax with a serious face, in strong comparison to, well.... everything else about his dorm buddy. The Gorgon hums as he scratches his chin.
"So.... somebody did kill them and hide the bodies?"
"Yes, but why would you change the place you buried them, unless you either knew someone was coming for them, or you needed their corpses for something special?" Y/N wonders out loud, before glancing down at the floor as another thought pops into his mind. "Or maybe..... it wasn't bodies someone put there....."
Ajax drags on a whistle, as if impressed. "Why do we cook cookies but cook bacon?"
"Wednesday probably has more clues than me, being the one who knew Noble was a person of interest before he got run over." Y/N mentions sarcastically, rubbing his forehead as he thinks about just how much he's being kept in the dark about. "I wish she would tell me what it is.... I feel useless right now."
"Whoa, hey, think about it this way...." Ajax scoots and turns towards him as if actually going to drop something serious, prompting Y/N to give him his attention. "People can't use you, if you're useless."
Y/N drops his eyebrows. "Somehow, that actually made me feel a little better." He admits reluctantly.
Ajax grins with a thumbs up.
Nevermore: The Quad
Wednesday needs a new plan now that her 'off-campus privileges', as Weems called them, have been revoked. Thankfully, she remembered a few of the interactions she had earlier this week and have decided to use them for the greater good before they all go rotten, and she's forced to risk a guaranteed expulsion. So, the second morning comes and she's able to exit her dorm, she walks over to the phone booths attached to the walls, guess the board never thought of getting rid of them, and inserts some change to contact a phone number she memorized from the first time she had him call it.
After a few seconds, Tyler Galpin picks it up fairly quickly. "Hello?"
"I' ve reconsidered your offer." Wednesday informs Tyler, who chuckles confused at her odd choice of words.
"My offer?"
"The non-birthday dinner?" Wednesday brings up, reminding Tyler on how he blatantly asked her out earlier and she made an even more blatant excuse to ignore it because she was conflicted about..... wait, what is she doing? Even she wouldn't discuss her feelings, even when it's being narrated on a fanfic about a story of her life.
"Oh, really? That's great." Tyler responds with a earnestly happy voice, likely having thought that the two were approaching a phase where they would start drifting apart. That will, likely, happen, sooner than he thinks, but not right now. "Um, when are you free?"
"Pick me up outside the Nevermore gates at eight-a-clock." Wednesday instructs him, practically hearing the smile growing on his face as she tells him that it's tonight. "Cut your lights." She also adds, hanging up the phone before the man can respond with some kind of query she doesn't want to answer.
"Planning on sneaking out?" A voice chimes in from right behind her, causing Wednesday to turn around and see that it's just Y/N leaning against the wall with a playfully suspicious look. "You aren't planning to break curfew, are you? That's kind of, you know, against the rules?"
"I thought I would finally be free of your awful attempts to get on my nerves." Wednesday remarks with a blank stare, causing Y/N to chuckle at her, glad that she still remembers the Harvest Festival days back-to-back.
"Last I checked, they worked pretty well, it took until the day I freed your parents for us to actually consider respecting each other." Y/N points out humorously as he stands up straight, putting his hands in his jacket's pockets. "Who was that?"
"I thought we were done with you trying to intrude on who I talk to as well...."
"Wednesday." Y/N says her name with a now-very-serious tone. "You know something, don't you, that's why you asked about the sketch you drew? And the day after you come to me for help, the mayor gets run over with you being the main witness?" He points out, giving her a pointed look. "You don't think I'm that stupid, do you?"
Wednesday would shrug if she could. "Depends on what you think my definition of the word is." She remarks as if trying to make a funny joke in her own Addams way, only to see Y/N roll his eyes at her instead, unamused. "I just want to handle this on my own." She tells him, trying to make him understand.
"You clearly were calling someone to get them to help you try and escape Nevermore for the hundredth time." Y/N calls her out as he gestures towards the phone with a hand. "What am I? Not suitable enough for the cool club?"
"I have my reasons." Wednesday states dismissively as she turns around to walk away, causing Y/N to blink rapidly at the audacity.
"Wow, you should know yourself by now how this dance works, right?" Y/N mentions as he follows her with a scoff. "The more you keep trying to push me away from this super-secret clue you have, the more I want to be involved-"
"Y/N, please." Wednesday pleads as she abruptly turns around to face him again, her expression normal but her eyes showing a rare sense of emotional begging that causes Y/N to freeze, shocked to see it. "Eugene ignored me when I begged him not to got to a place that was obviously dangerous for him, and look out he turned out." She brings up, a rather dark, brutal point to make. "And after being reminded of what Rowan said, I can't risk the same thing happening to you. So, if you value your life... don't play stubborn and follow me."
She says that as if it was a threat, giving him this cold stare before she leaves him behind. The stunned Y/N processes her words as she brings up Eugene. If she was willing to use him as a reference to make him go away, then, now that he thinks about it, maybe he should....
She thinks we're useless.
Y/N groans annoyed as he forcefully closes his eyes. "Stop it...."
She knows something about what happened to Xavier and she's keeping it from us, what favor do we owe her?
"She's just thinks she's protecting us, it's not something selfish...."
Of course, it's selfish, why would she go in the first place?
Y/N fails to find something to respond to that with, as he looks over with a extremely conflicted gut feeling.
"Damn it...."
Nevermore: Hallways
Wednesday walks down the hall with her usual robotic, brisk, purposeful march. She knows that Y/N wants the same thing she does, but the closer she gets into the investigation, the more she sees that Rowan may have been right about what he said about Y/N, and Goody Addams only confirms it.
Too deep in her thoughts, while looking like she just sees everyone as invisible from the outside, she barely sees when she passes a certain Siren who pauses upon seeing her black uniform and hair. "Addams." Divina softly said her name, her tone sharp but laced with a veneer of politeness.
Wednesday stops as well as the two girls turn around to face each other. "Divina..." She calls out her name as well with only a sliver of respect left. "I see you've been teaching yourself to live without depending on your old school."
"Oh, me and Bianca are still friends, but she's been dealing with her own baggage right now." Divina responds with a bright and friendly smile, a little too bright. She takes a few steps closer so she doesn't have to raise her voice. "What have you been up to? I mean, this lockdown has got to suck for you, right?"
"Classmate, this pathetic attempt at playing nice is beneath you." Wednesday notes with criticizing eyes, causing Divina to hum at her though her smile widens. "If this about what I think it is, I regret to inform you that I've found better things to do."
"Oh, relax, Wednesday, I'm not here for another battle of wits." Divina assures her sarcastically as she softly pats her arms, obviously trying to push her luck. "I just want to ask if Y/N's doing okay. I mean, you two are supposed to be friends, right?" She asks curiously, as if actually concerned, prompting a mental eye roll from Wednesday.
"If you don't mind...." She tries to turn around and head to her dorm. "I need to check on Enid-"
"I wasn't done talking, bitch."
Wednesday freezes the second that word gets dropped, she slowly turns around with a highly offended look, which only makes Divina smile brightly, for real this time. "I just want to offer some advice, woman to woman. I know you've been.... struggling, with the idea of being social lately." The Siren tells her with a bop of her head.
Wednesday gives her a look as she crosses her arms. "I can't wait to not take it."
Divina giggles as she then steps closer, so nobody else in the hallway can hear their voices. "I saw how you talked to him back at the grass where somebody left a little message for us." She tells him with a serious voice that heavily contradicts her facial language. "You want to hate Sirens all your life? Fine, but don't act like your jealous of him when you don't have the balls to admit you like him."
There's then a painful silence as she waits for another one of Wednesday's snappy comebacks, however, the girl looks speechless for the first time, something that even Bianca couldn't do. "Thought so." Divina quips, smirking victorious before commencing a dramatic turn and walking away, her heels clicking against the floor.
Before anything could come to mind for Wednesday, the girl is already gone, leaving her to squeeze her arms tightly while they're still crossed. She didn't even need to say anything, and yet that Siren figured out a way to live in her head rent free.
She can't believe it.
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
Wednesday clenches a fist as she tries typing her Viper story, only for her typewriter to constantly start having a malfunction. She's resorted to everything, even the useless predictable thing and bang it a few times, but nothing clicks back into place. Something has rendered this writing device out of shape.
"Having issues?" Enid asks dryly as if wanting to tease her, but too tired to even try hard enough.
"I never thought I would have unfixable problems involving a childhood tool." Wednesday responds as she uses the word 'tool' as if it's helpful, and not the degrading kind. "Sadly, with me being forced to stay cooped up in this cell thanks to our beloved principal, and home being far away, I will not be fixing it for a long time."
"Sounds relatable..." Enid mutters as if trying to hint at something, causing Wednesday to turn her head around towards her with a mental sigh. She's aware about what she's currently depressed about. She stands up and goes to collect her bag and things, while Thing takes that as the cue that she's about to do her thing in a couple minutes, going over to the desk to play with the black and white rubix's cube.
Yeah, don't ask....
"I've been thinking about my less-than-enthusiastic response to your surprise soiree, and I must admit, I regret not showing my gratitude towards you more appropriately." Wednesday tells Enid as she stands in the front of their mutual line, arms folded. The roommate looks at her surprised, before sitting up with a bright smile on her face.
"You really mean it?" Enid asks her, teasingly swinging her feet up and down.
"Take the wind, Enid." Wednesday demands with a look, prompting Enid's smile to turn into a proud grin, not knowing what she's about to agree to. "If only there were a way for us to get off campus and have a little birthday redo, just two best friends. Too bad the school is on lockdown." She mummers, doing a good job at faking it as she steps in front of the window, looking up at the night sky. "Look at that full moon...."
Enid glances down with a thinking face on, her lips pressed together, before her eyes explode into a cool idea. "Oh! How 'bout I say that I'm about to wolf out and get a pass to the lupin cages and say you volunteered to lock me in?" She suggests with a massive grin.
Wednesday turns around to look at her with a genuinely impressed look. "My deviousness has finally rubbed off on you." She remarks with a proud smirk, to which Enid giggles excitedly. The girls then turn to their alibi. "Thing, you know what to do." The Addams tells him, and the hand gives them an assuring thumbs up before going back to the rubix's cube, though it's doubtful that he's actually trying to match anything unless he's counter-colorblind.
As Enid is about to grab her winter jacket though, she remembers something and gasps loudly. "Oh! We should wear our snoods!" She suggests excitedly, causing Wednesday to freeze and look at the girl like every teen who's been reminded of a responsability that they were trying to ignore.
"Oh, I.... I believe I left mine at fencing."
"Actually, you left yours at the Weathervane." Enid corrects her as she extends her snood towards her with a bright smile, not knowing that she left it there on purpose. Wednesday looks down at it with horror in her eyes. "Luckily, Y/N brought it back."
Wednesday slowly nods, still able to keep a straight face.
"Like a money's paw."
Nevermore: Boys Dormitory
Y/N finishes his shower, though even the satisfying afterheat doesn't make him feel any better. He hates that he has to stay in this room, even though he'd much rather move into the shed and be done with it. he grabs his new clothes, but hesitates for a brief second when he takes the pajama pants. Nothing against him, he just.... he just doesn't want this day to end so swiftly.
As he stands into the bedroom, his mind trails off as he knows that there's some kind of next move he's supposed to make, but uncertain of whether or not he should go for it. Wednesday made it pretty dang clear that she wants him away for a reason she thinks is good, but is Y/N capable of listening? Now that is a question one can only be curious about if answered.
He almost freezes in place the second his eye accidentally falls on Xavier's old bed, this side of the room being completely clean in comparison to his, mostly because he never dared try using the extra room to his advantage. He just stared down at the bed with no thoughts in his mind, just flashbacks.
"You know, if you keep staring at that thing like that, it's going to disappear."
"Geez!" Y/N exclaims in fright as he steps back and turns his head to see Divina standing in his room all of a sudden, not exactly what he was expecting. "Crap, Divina, I thought you were-"
"Wednesday?" Divina name drops with a raised brow, causing Y/N to awkwardly glance to the side.
"Well....... yeah. Usually, it's her who does the appearing-out-of-nowhere thing." Y/N mentions with a small shrug, to which Divina takes a moment before admittedly humming that he's right on that. "Anyway, what are you doing here? I at least missed the nights when you actually knocked."
"Tonight's an exception." Divina simply remarks as she walks past Y/N to sit on the boy's own bed. "You've been mooching to yourself all day, and you didn't make one sarcastic remark to either me or Ghostface Beth, so I'm pretty certain you need at least some form of company." She claims with an offering smile, which oddly makes Y/N feel more uncomfortable than anything. Probably because this is the moment he feels like he needs to address... the thing.
"Right, uh...." Y/N takes a deep swallow as he briefly scratches his head. "Listen, Divina, I don't wanna assume, but.... I'm worried we're not exactly on the page we think we're both at." He tells him cautiously, not wanting to piss of a person of the opposite sex, because he knows how well that can go.
Divina blinks at him. "What are you talking about?" She questions him, not getting it at first until she sees how nervous he is and puts two and two together. "Wait, are you referring to that kiss in Jericho?"
"Yes, and no? I mean.... that wasn't the only thing I was thinking about." Y/N responds as the look on Divina's face is already making him regret not finding a different rehearsal for this. "Call me a guy, but I keep thinking that you might be assuming that whatever I'm doing is being taken as me being.... interested, again."
"What? No." Divina denies, though feels a slight beat in her heart when she says that word. "Well.... maybe, a little bit, but it's not like I'm trying to force it or something." She confesses as she tries giving Y/N an assuring smile. "Why are you asking?"
"Because I don't wanna break your heart?" Y/N simply answers, a 'duh' kind of response that makes Divina's expression slowly change.
"Wait, is this about Wednesday? You think I'm jealous of her?" Divina realizes, causing Y/N to glance down with a half-confirming shrug. "Are you two up to something again? Y/N, come on.... it hasn't even been the seventh day since you got arrested."
"Okay, but this isn't about Wednesday-"
"Oh really? That's a new one." Divina remarks bitterly as she stands up, stepping towards the desk with a heavy sigh, that makes Y/N close his eyes as he can now see that he's pressed the wrong button. "Look, I've tried not to assume, but let's face it, no matter what happens, it's always about Wednesday. The Poe Cup, Outreach Day, hell, what you did at the Rave'N was because she stood you up and you were pissed about it." She brings up, looking at the guy with a panicked face. "She's turning you into an asshole, Y/N, can't you see that?"
Y/N looks down in guilt, at his hands as he thinks about the events she mentioned. "It's not her that did those things." He corrects Divina with a serious face of admission. "I did that." He tells her. He's not blind, he knows deep down why he poured blood rain, wanted to win the Poe Cup, or helped Gomez Addams, and it wasn't because he was being manipulated.
"Oh, Y/N...." Divina whispers his name with empathy, seeing the conflicted look on his face. "What happened to you?" She asks as she walks past him to leave before she says something she'll regret, angrily grabbing the knob.
Only for the door to not open for her. "What the....?" She utters in confusion, pushing on the handle multiple times as she slowly looses her temper with each time it doesn't budge, locking and re-locking the door doesn't work either. "Oh, you stupid motherfu-"
"You're supposed to pull it." Y/N informs her in a monotone voice, causing her to freeze and look at him before slowly realizing that he's right when the door actually opens with a small creak. Divina nods back at him before stomping out of the room, freezing right when she's about to slam the door with a hiss. Instead, she just slowly pulls until she hears that click, letting out a sigh of relief afterwards.
After that awkward bit, Y/N then rubs his face with a tired sigh. "Damn it...." He mutters as he realizes that Divina was right about one thing, his actions and jealousy towards Tyler weren't stemmed from a fear of his Hyde.
He's doing it because Wednesday's the perfect excuse.
Right as that realization crosses him, he hears a knock at his door. Thinking it's Divina again, having forgotten something mid-argument, he goes to open it, only to see Vlad standing on the other side instead. "Y/N, your ordered package?" He assumes as he extends it towards him. "I assume you got it on account of Wednesday's birthday?"
"Oh, thank you, Coach Vlad." Y/N responds with a nod as he calmly takes it, giving the man a grateful nod before his dorm master leaves. He looks down at his package before stepping towards his window and wishing he could see Ophelia Hall from this angle because this would be the shot where he's staring at it.
But, still, at least this will give him something to do.
Nevermore: Gates
Tyler nervously taps on his wheel, having only parked here for a couple minutes yet it feels like three hours. His dad caught him on the phone with Wednesday earlier and not the best of conversations went down, since it was about mom, and this waiting in the dark isn't helping him forget about that.
He looks around nervously before leaning back into his seat to take a deep breath in an effort to calm his nerves, and that's when he looks and sees Wednesday suddenly staring at him through his passenger door window.
"Geez!" Tyler exclaims with a gasp as Wednesday casually steps inside as if she didn't scare the pants off of him for the hundredth time or something. Yeah, that's an overexaggeration, but he's lost count.
"Let's go." Wednesday orders as she sits there, facing forward with her arms crossed, a weird greeting for a first date.
"Uh... nice to see you, too?" Tyler responds with a raised brow, before noticing that she's wearing a new piece of attire. "Oh, um, by the way, you look really good in that." He asks as he points at the snood, glad to see that she's wearing the thing he made for her.
Although she was realistically forced into wearing this, having Tyler comment on it makes her look away as if she's shy or something. "Thank you..."
One of the back doors then open, and Enid in her bright pink winter gear steps in with the same expression she had when she left the dorm, only for it to change when she sees Tyler, the Normie responsible for his fair-share of trouble, behind the wheel. "Wait..... he's our Uber Driver?"
"Uber Driver?" Tyler quotes her with a slightly offended look, before turning to Wednesday. "I thought we were going on a date?" He asks out loud, bewildered, causing Enid to then jerk her head towards her with a similar face.
"I thought this was a girl's night out!"
"There's been a change of plans." Wednesday simply states as if it's no big deal, having just wanted them together since she can't exactly have the combination of Y/N right now to possibly handle both, if he was capable of driving. Tyler and Enid share a look as they both realized together that they've been fibbed.
"Okay, um...." Tyler raises a hand before he even considers starting his car. "I don't wanna judge or anything, but I'm not really into the whole-"
Wednesday glares at him.
"Right, yeah, it's nothing like that... stupid..."
In spite of his feelings, he inserts the keys and stars the engine back up, driving out of Nevermore grounds before anyone can see them.
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
Y/N has also taught himself out to sneak in and out of certain dorms after that one incident with Wednesday in his own. He times Thornhill's mannerisms perfect before pussyfooting past her and into the dorm room he's trying to get into, all with the slightly heavy package in his hands. He can play a little game of hide and seek too, as he plans to show her, assuming she's in there and willing to finally hear his case.
He steps through a back door that leads onto the balcony of the clocktower room, seeing the bright colored tint on one side and the pitch black one on the other lets him know that this is the right room. "Wednesday?" Y/N calls out to her as he knocks on the glass window, obviously not wanting to just barge in from the entrance they probably think is safe. He hears the clacking of a typewriter keys, but no verbal response. "Hey, Wednesday, look, I know your mad about earlier, but I promise this isn't about that, so you mind giving me three seconds?"
Once again, nobody responds to him, causing him to squint suspiciously. It's way too dark to tell if they're even in there. While Enid would be too scared of him to open it, Wednesday would at least open the glass door just to shut in his face if she didn't want to be bothered, if that's possible with this rotating thing. He hears something from the door he entered in, causing him to risk it and step inside....
Where he finds nobody in the dorm room. He looks around and sees that the lights are all perfectly dim, and towards the desk where the typewriter should be, finding Thing being the one that's making those clacking sounds, though the object doesn't actually move to register the keys, since it's still broken.
"Thing?" Y/N calls out his name with a confused squint, causing the hand to jump and jerk his head like a deer who's heard a branch cracking. "Where's Wednesday?" He interrogates the unusual friend who looks hesitant to answer, which ironically cues him in. "Oh, don't tell me they went there already? It hasn't even been a day."
Thing drums his fingers hesitantly, before eventually shrugging his wrist. "Oh, you don't know?" Y/N mocks his horrible lie, scoffing as he puts his present on Wednesday's desk. "Out of all the people, or hands, or whatever the heck you are, that she trusts, why is the one that's literally watching her back twenty-four-seven not in her backpack?"
The hand glances side-to-side, causing Y/N to roll his eyes. "You know where she is." He calls him out, to which Thing dramatically points to himself before wagging a finger, feigning innocence. "You really suck at this, you know that?" The teen remarks with a teasing smirk, offending the little guy who still plays dumb, in spite of the situation.
"Hey, do I need to remind you that you still owe me?" Y/N brings up with thumb pointed at herself, though if Thing was able to scoff at him, he probably would. "You're still responsible for sliding that fake date-invitation to the Rave'N to Tyler, or do you think I wouldn't have solved that little mystery?" He questions the hand, who just waves it off like it's no big deal. He was just trying to get Wednesday to loosen up, is all. "Yeah, I know you were, but from my selfish point of view, that was a dick move."
He steps closer towards him. "We both know that she's doing something risky and a little bit reckless, Thing. Where is Wednesday?" He asks her again, very serious, his expression darkening. Despite his attempts, Thing just turns himself away so his wrist is facing him, crossing his fingers defiantly. "Really? You're gonna be like that? You know what happened at the Poe Cup and locker room weren't my fault right?"
Thing then signs something petty (which you could probably fill in yourself), causing Y/N's eyes go wide. "Oh, you little-!"
Y/N charges at Thing who quickly hops out of the way, causing him to stumble against the desk instead. As he tries to get up, he throws a punch which the hand dodges before effectively countering in a way that sends him back a few steps. He then grabs some used books from the drawers and chucks them at the teen, who dodges mostly all but one that lies in direct impact to his nuts.
He grabs one though before Thing can throw it, causing them to engage in a small tug-of-war with it until Y/N winds the pout by throwing him and the book away, only for the hand to grab on a wall lamb in the room to catch himself. He think throws himself onto the teen's leg, clawing at his calf. "Get.... off!" Y/N struggles as he furiously swings his leg around, eventually kicking it hard enough that it sends his friend far away until he lands on Wednesday's bed.
Getting back up thanks to it being a soft landing, he jumps and tries to slap this opponent again, only for him to grab him in mid-air with only one of his hands. "Gotcha!" Y/N exclaims with a hiss before slamming him down on the bed roughly, pinning him down in spite of Thing's best attempts to wiggle himself free. "I have a couple guess as to where she is, but I want to know for sure before I risk my hide too." He states before leaning his head menacingly close. "Where's Wednesday?"
After some more failed attempts, followed by the realization that he's going to break free, Thing taps the location in morse code, which eventually makes Y/N let out a long sigh. "Yup, I was worried about that..." He mutters before easing up and softly planting the hand on the desk. "That wasn't so hard was it?"
He then walks away, the two flipping each other off before Y/N sneaks off in a hope that he can catch up.
Leaving Wednesday's gift on the desk.
(A/N) New chapter already here!
Finally about to get to the part where we play haunted mansion at the Gates residence. I was hit with that shower drossiness towards the end of this, but thankfully was able to push myself through.
Excited to get the next part out to you guys when I can, though be warned, it's ending might be a little bit darker than the previous episodes...
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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