Part 3
*Still mentions of Suicide
Jericho: Sheriff's Station
Y/N idly inserts the amount of coins into the vending machine that is needed to get the snack he's looking for, plus one more because the stupid thing didn't count his first one in. Yes, he was robbed by a food dispenser.... as if life can't get any worse.
He finds himself staring into the feint reflection of the machine, hearing things that only his ears are able to catch in this hallway.....
"You should've stayed out of my business, Y/N...."
"Not guilty? We just told you he did it!"
Y/N frantically shakes his head, not wanting to think about those again. But.... all of these events force in all of these flashbacks of injustice, like it reminds him of that. Gomez Addams being arrested right as murders happen, and the logic behind all of it too....
It all feels so wrong to him.
As he considers what the heck he's going to do next, Y/N hears some deputies walking behind him. "So, did they clean it up?" One of them asks, not knowing that a kid is able to their quote on quote, 'quiet voices'. Hearing all of those words used together in that order, gets his attention as he listens in while trying not to glance and make it obvious.
"Yeah, every single bit. It was in a complete mess in there." The other deputy replies to his buddy with a shape whistle, as if he just saw something from Terrifier in that morgue or something. "Seriously, I can't believe a guy will kill himself one hour before retirement."
Y/N can feel the goosebumps crawling down his arms as he processes what the heck he just said. What the heck does he mean 'kill himself?' Is that what this whole ruckus is about? What the heck was left behind that made Gomez become targeted for arrest about a murder that happened thirty years ago?
Before he can try and put any of these pieces together, he gets a call from his cell phone. He pulls it out and, to his surprise, he sees that it's coming from Divina's number. He's not really sure if he's in the best mood to speak, but he answers it anyway. "Hello?"
"Y/N.... he's dead...." Divina can be heard whimpering on the other end, causing Y/N to rapidly blink as he quickly steps into a quieter space. She knows about it too? Is he just late to the party, or is this just now being released to the press or something?
"Wait, are we talking about....?"
"The news, we saw it..... we saw it and, oh gosh....." Divina explains in an emotional voice, unable to get more than four words out per second. Y/N squints his eyes, wondering if she knew about him or something for her to be reacting this way. "We.... we need to talk, like, right now."
"About what?"
"Just come back to Nevermore, okay? There's something about him that the cops don't know." Divina frantically tells him before abruptly hanging up. Y/N stutters as he looks down at his phone, unable to know how he's supposed to take that. Something that the cops don't know? What do they possibly know about something that just happened this morning?
What kind of rabbit hole as he just stumbled upon?
Jericho: Sheriff's Station
After talking with her father, Wednesday can safely deduce that whatever story everyone's been told isn't the real one. It did sound quite plausible, but like she said before, she's played Russian roulette with them in the past to know her parents well enough. The way he smoothed his mustache, the way he gives a comforting wink, the real truth is still being hidden from everyone, including her.
"We need to talk." Wednesday simply states with a serious face, prompting the off-guard sheriff to turn around and blink wildly at the sight of her suddenly being in his office at this specific hour.
"How the hell did you get in here?" Galpin asks the obvious question as he stares at her as if she's Batman. He walks towards his window where the woman who should be holding the door is supposed to be at. "Bernice? Bernice!?"
"Bernice may or may not have received a call that her tabby cat, Swifty, is being held for ransom." Wednesday doesn't explain as she calmly walks into the room as if she's a business woman. Needless to say, she's taking this potential conversation very seriously. "My father did not kill Garret Gates."
Galpin sarcastically nods, knowing that Gomez was what this is was going to be about. "Well, I have his signed confession." He reveals as he taps on a piece of paper laying in the dead center of his desk like it's a relic for Indiana Jones to find. "And he identified the saber he used to do it. Both of which, I'm about to deliver to the District Attorney."
"Don't you find the timing a tad bit convenient?" Wednesday brings up with a raised brow, wondering if the man has forgotten that a kid from Never has been (confirmed) killed by the monster, or officially by a bear, but she knows he still isn't that naive. "The coroner 'kills' himself out of remorse for a decades-old murder case the very weekend my father, your prime suspect, deigns to return to town."
"All I see is a guilty man who's finally gonna pay for his crime." Galpin simply responds, softly shrugging his arm. "And cuffing him myself?" He smacks his lips like he just tasted the best donut on the market. "Oh, that was the icing on the cake."
"Sheriff, how are you failing to see that someone is desperately trying to derail my investigation?" Wednesday persists to the man while trying to hold in her complete frustration. Though, she will keep that smug smile of his into consideration in case she gets to have an 'I told you so' moment. "I gave you the monster's cave and I gave you the DNA evidence. Did you even bother to test it?"
"This may come as a shock, but the world doesn't revolve around you, Addams!" Galpin snaps at Wednesday with a glare for her using that kind of smart-ass tongue with him as if he depends on her help twenty-four seven. He slides open his drawers and pulls out both results that she wants to point out so much. "Here, DNA results." He says as he slams it closed. "No match. Inconclusive. It's now even more useless considering that the blood belonged to the boy your friends found dead outside that little dance of yours. Honestly, what were you thinking bring that up?"
"So you truly believe this is all some coincidence?" Wednesday questions him with a look that wonders if the man really can't at least try to connect the two cases together. "Whoever hurt Eugene and murdered Xavier also murdered the Corner."
"Unfortunately, someone sabotaged the security camera in the morgue, so we don't know what happened. They stuck bubble gum behind the lens." Galpin points out before putting his palms on the desk and leaning closer towards Wednesday. "Black bubble gum." He specifies, giving her a pointed look. "Maybe I should run DNA on that."
"Someone is trying to throw me off my game." Wednesday declares, certain of it. "This is all a distraction."
"No, this is about justice being served!" Galpin retorts with his voice raised, his fist passionately tapping on the desk. "Garrett Gate's family deserves closure, even if none of them are around to take comfort in it." He states, causing Wednesday to give him a weird look.
"What happened to them?"
"His mother hung herself in the back yard, his father drank himself to an early grave, and even his little sister didn't escape. She was orphaned, sent overseas, ended up drowning." Galpin lists every fate off with a dark expression on his face. "Every one of them is gone. So your father doesn't just have Garrett's blood on his hands, he's got the whole damn family's." He states before leaning back and sitting back down. "Now get the hell out my office before I arrest you for trespassing."
Wednesday glares at him for a few seconds before turning around and leaving the room with a begrudged seethe. Great, a monster is tearing people apart and the Sheriff is more focused on avenging the dead than protecting the people that are still alive, or give closure about Xavier's death to someone like....
As she steps outside, she closes her eyes with a deep breath, unable to believe that she's about to go talk to him about her case.
Nevermore: Hallways
One thing video games teach you, depending on the genre, is that you don't go to a random location because a phone call stated that you needed to meet with them there. However, given the fact that this is Divina on the line, who went from semi-happy to see their parents to shaken up in a manner of hours, hints to Y/N that this is something that needs to be addressed. Besides, he's not doing what the trope usually entails and going by the word of a stranger, is he?
As there are some other things he would prefer to avoid.
"Y/N!" A voice loudly calls out to him. He thoughts he was mishearing it at first, but as he turns around, to his surprise, he sees Wednesday marching down the empty hallway towards him like she needs to use the bathroom urgently, and he's the door to get inside of............ wait a second-
"We need to talk."
"We've already done more than our fair share of that for the day, wouldn't you agree?" Y/N responds while giving him a weird look for following him this badly. Something about it makes it feel out of character for her. "Don't know about you, but I've filled my quota for the day."
"It's about my father's case, and it's urgent." Wednesday states in spite of Y/N's obvious attempts to dismiss her. He keeps walking, but lets her follow anyway. Though not without rolling his eyes. "I need your help in getting him out of-"
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You've already lost me right there." Y/N abruptly declares as he cuts Wednesday off with a hand as if delivering the old saying where he wants her to talk to that instead. "What happened at the station and graveyard were just us being human. Me trusting you with anything that involves your 'investigation' is like actually thinking the basement is an actually good place to hide when your house is being invaded."
"Do I sound like I'm trying to invite you to some meaningless dance or trick you in any way, shape, or form?" Wednesday questions him with a raised brow, only to have Y/N abruptly turn back around and open his mouth. "Do not answer that second part."
"Trust is a two-way street. We don't just change our minds about people just because something bad has happened." Y/N states bluntly to her as he gestures between the two of them as if they have some kind of strained connection. "And honestly? I'd rather not be used as some kind of body shield."
"An innocent man is going to be sent off to jail, Y/N. I thought you would hate that more than others." Wednesday points out with a knowing tone, successfully making the boy to freeze the second he tries turning around from her. "Except this time, he's not going to be let off."
"Okay, points for knowing what to use to try and persuade me." Y/N notes as he points her, only to scoff her away still. "Though coming from you, it needs a little bit of work."
"I'm not letting you say not to me, Y/N." Wednesday declares with a tone that indicates she's being very serious, causing the boy to blink before taking a menacing step closer.
"Is that challenge, Wednesday?" He asks in a low voice, to which Wednesday stares back, not flinching a muscle.
"You have a strong fist, but no actual skill to keep up with me...." She points out in the same tone as if asking if he wants to be knocked down again, causing a tense stare down to engage as Y/N clenches a fist....
"Hey!" Divina's voice abruptly chimes in, preventing a duel from possibly breaking down in the middle of the halls. "Come in, quick! Before someone sees you two." She urges them with a loud hiss. Although Y/N doesn't wish it, Wednesday instantly marches inside, causing him to roll his eye before he eventually follows suit.
Inside, Divina closes the door of the empty classroom as they both find Kent also in here, standing in one of the chairs like a dog in shame. "What the heck is he doing here?" Y/N jumps straight to asking as he points to him, not sure if he likes the idea of being in a room with a guy who wants to tear his spine out.
"He's the reason I called you in the first place." Divina explains as she locks the classroom door before walking over to them, giving Wednesday a look over to acknowledge her presence. "And.... you too, I guess." She adds with a mixed look, prompting a blank glare from the quiet girl.
"What's this about, Divina?"
"Look, I just wanna say, before my dumbass of a brother says anything stupid, that I wasn't involved in any of this, okay?" Divina starts giving a frantic speech instead of answering Y/N's question, causing him and Wednesday to share a glance. "We're told very strictly not to use our powers for dumb stuff like this, and we know better. And please keep in mind that Kent's a moron, not a criminal, so please don't-"
"What-!" Y/N abruptly says while raising a hand, his temper slowly lowering as she accidentally keeps making things worse for them by talking that rubbish. "....did you do?" He questions her with a serious look that is getting very worried about what he's going to hear next, in spite of her attempts to give him an open mind.
Divina lets out a deep exhale as she rubs a hand against her face. "I didn't want this..."
"Still not helpful." Wednesday points out before turning to Kent with a suspicious glare. The siren looks down, looking uncomfortable as everyone turns to him as they notice he's looking the most guilty in this room.
"Okay, um...... remember the thing with the doctor and the gun?" Kent brings up to start with, and Y/N reacts to a scoff.
"No, not really, that was like, so long ago." Y/N sarcastically responds with a look that urges the Siren to get to the blasted point. "Like.... a whole five minutes."
"Um..... Well, there was this person online who slipped me, like, a hundred or so bucks in venmo for me to sneak over into the medical examiner's office? You know, where the morgue is and stuff?" Kent hesitantly reveals with a slow stutter, causing Wednesday to blink at him due to obvious reasons. "Look, in my defense, it was enough to buy me both issues of Freddy vs Jason vs Ash I found on Amazon."
"Glad to see that bribery still works." Wednesday comments with a small hint of sarcasm as she was wondering if her money was losing attraction or something on this side of New England. "Even on with people with questionable tastes."
"Okay, let's put the horrifying lack of comic standards aside." Y/N chimes in as he gives Kent a look. "Focus on the important parts, please. Paid to do what in Anwar's office?"
"Right, right..." Kent quickly nods, anxiously scratching his neck as he feels Wednesday's deadly gaze stabbing itself into his skull. "So..... the message said that I all had to do was write down this document that would be sent to me, and...... and siren song the morgue guy into copying it all down.... into his suicide note."
Needless to say, both Y/N and Wednesday react shocked in their respective ways. She goes wide-eyed while he looks like he just spilled his favorite stash of candy into a molten lava vat. "A what?!" Y/N utters after a few seconds.
"I didn't know he was actually going to do it!" Kent protests in his defense, quickly standing up and standing back so he can raise his hands to push them back with the power of air or something. "I mean, I-I-I thought it was just some dumb joke, you know? Creep him out by having him come back to reality with a suicide note right in front of him. I didn't know he had intents to shoot himself."
"Even then, you didn't bother to think about what you were forcing a Normie to write?"
"See?! This is what I was talking about!" Divina exclaims as she points at her brother, rubbing her forehead as she looks like she's about five seconds away from sweating bullets or something. "When this idiot finally told me, I was barely able to keep it together in front of our parents, and then Gomez gets arrested?! You know what that'll do to us if they find out we gave a retired man the push he needed."
"You didn't, that note was simply meant to throw the police the wrong scent." Wednesday simply replies with a knowing voice as everyone turns to her. Her eyes are faced to the floor, everything piecing together in her mind. "Someone must've have been waiting for Kent to leave before they shot Doctor Anwar, making sure his handwriting complimented their story."
"Okay, but why do all this?" Y/N asks out loud as he turns to Wednesday, temporarily ignoring the mentally stressed out Divina and 'hiding in the guilty closet' Kent. "You're telling me our bad guy waited all this time for Parents weekend to happen just so he can put your father back in jail?"
"Or someone is simply trying to distract the Sheriff from the real investigation while they plan their next move." Wednesday adds before glancing down again as she also considers the fate of the Gates family that Galpin detailed, there may be a hidden family member no one knows is still alive. "Or maybe both..."
"Whatever it is, they got your family nailed to a wall." Y/N states the obvious as he roll his tongue, deep in thought. "We have to tell the cops."
"No! No, please don't!" Divina pleads as she abruptly walks over and grabs Y/N's arm, gripping it tight like it's a lifeline of hers. "My idiot brother created a straight up crime, and I could be considered an accomplice, I'm too pretty to go to jail!"
"Point taken." Y/N responds with a nod as he softly pulls his arm away. Wednesday glances between them with a pointed look, as if not exactly liking what she just saw for some reason or another. "What else can we do?"
"My father was convincing, but his story his clearly fabricated. He must be leaving something out." Wednesday points out with a knowing look, and since it's her blood, no one bothers arguing with her. "Sheriff Galpin mentioned that he confirmed the saber he used to do it, which has to be getting taken to the lab right now."
"And if I remember correctly, it's being done on foot." Y/N also points out as he's slowly getting on the same page as her. "There has to be something in the evidence that contains a clue of something wrong with Gomez's story." He states before turning towards Divina. "Have any of you seen the cops here?"
"Yeah, that's one of the other reasons I called you here." Divina answers with a small sniffle, prompting Y/N to snap his fingers.
"We should make sure we catch him the second he leaves the office."
"We?" Wednesday queries with a raised brow, causing Y/N to turn to her with a look. "I thought you didn't want me around to help you?"
"Well, you kinda leave me with no choice, sorrow at the disco." Y/N replies in a sassy tone filled with frustration. That aside, it looks like they finally have a plan they can put into action, in spite of everything that's been thrown at them, specifically Wednesday, so far.
Divina continues pacing around, clearly too stressed to be dealing with this, before she suddenly jumps into Y/N's arms in a bridal embrace. The boy stumbles a bit, but manages to hold her. "I'm too pretty to go to jail..." She repeats, whimpering in his ear as he awkwardly clears his throat. Wednesday squints even harder at them with a tense glare.
"Should I leave to let you two plan your wedding?"
Kent shakes his head with a sigh.
Wilderness: Pond
Wednesday suspects that she still knows about where Pugsley would go to be alone when he's feeling very sad, it's how she always managed to kidnap him for waterboarding and apple toss with knives, which obviously involves the fruit being on her brother's head. She walks over to a pond known for hosting lots of fish where she finds him sitting on the edge of the dock. Although the back of his head is turned towards her, she doesn't need to be a psychologist to guess what he's feeling.
She walks behind him carrying a few things, and he can hear her footsteps tapping on the wood with a small creak. "Go away." Pugsley demands in a slightly emotional voice, obviously not in a mood to talk, but Wednesday isn't being dismissed that easily.
"You forgot your fishing gear." Wednesday tells him as she calmly sets the sticks down, as well as the bag she bright in-between the two of them before sitting herself down. Although they sit at the edge, neither of their feet touch the water below. There's a comfortable silence as the flow of the surface of the pond reflects onto their faces.
"Stop trying to be nice." Pugsley advises Wednesday as he glances at her with an awkward smile on his face. He's not exactly sure where this apologetic bond attempt is coming from, but part of him appreciates the effort. "It doesn't suit you."
"Father packed your favorite bait." Wednesday lets Pugsley know, signaling that it's going to be just like she never left the house. He opens it up to find a handful of grenades, which makes his smile brighter as he takes out one. However, it quickly goes away when his mind goes away from the present and into the future.
"What will happen to him now?" Pugsley asks Wednesday, obviously talking about Gomez.
"Well, he's confessed, so there won't be a trial. After he's sentenced, he'll be sent to a state penitentiary where he'll lose his mind being separated from mother." Wednesday answers him, giving the brutally honest outcome since she knows that's why he asked her the question in the first place. "Did you know they haven't spent a single night apart since they've tied the knot?"
"Sounds like it will be you in a couple years." Pugsley teasing comments, as if noticing something about her school life. Wednesday almost instantly gives him a glare which wipes it off his face, as he anxiously looks back down at the water. "S-Sorry..."
"Trust me, anyone who tries that will be dead or put in a straight jacket before they can even ask the question."
"Yeah, probably." Pugsley agreeingly comments with a shaky laugh. "You know, I always thought I'd be the first one in the family behind bars."
"Lurch and I had a bet going." Wednesday mentions casually, and Pugsley turns to her with a face that honestly isn't all that surprised to hear about it, but is curious about which side she was on. She looks back at him with a nod towards the water. "Come on, let's see if the fish are biting."
Pugsley takes a swallow before pulling the pin and throwing it far into the water. With a massive boom and a splash, at least two handfuls of fish float up onto the surface, deceased. Wednesday nods with an honestly impressed look. "That's quite a catch."
"I'm gonna miss him, Wednesday." Pugsley tells her with a massive frown.
"It's not over yet. He's innocent." Wednesday promises him, subtly letting him know that she's already got a plan to proof that Gomez is simply trying to take the fall for something, whether it's for them or something a little more selfish. She doesn't care, she wants him out of that disgusting looking orange jacket.
"Well, if anyone can figure out who really committed the crime.... it's you." Pugsley states at he's look at Wednesday, fully confident in her. "You have to find out the truth and free Dad."
"Well, until that happens, we both know Mother will be falling apart. Which means we'll have to be strong." Wednesday tells him with a serious face, her eyes daggering into his. "And by 'we', I mean you." She lets him know, not wanting him to fall for the weakness of emotion. "Now, give me one of those." She demands as she holds up her hand expectingly. Pugsley swallows before reaching into the bag and handing her a grenade, which she throws into the pond with ease.
The boom that follows creates an even bigger amount of casualties than Pugsley's, signaling her as the potential winner for this fishing event. "Wow.... where did you learn to throw like that?" He asks her as he feels like that was much stronger than before.
Wednesday glances down with a bit of insecurity before answering. "A boy."
Pugsley blinks. "Who?" He asks curiously, only to get another glare from Wednesday who doesn't answer.
He did know how to sink a bully with his wicked curve ball....
Jericho: Streets
Y/N currently sits in a booth at the Weathervane as the time for a quick trick or treat grab arrives very soon. This isn't going to be anything too intense, or risky, as he plans to use his phone so he doesn't risk even an even longer sentence by straight up stealing the evidence itself. They just got to get their own version of a hard-to-read copy, and the police will never know that they're a step ahead of them.
"You look a little tired..." One of the baristas comments as they approach his booth, and Y/N looks up to see that it's Tyler of all people who likely didn't mean what he just said, go figure. "Where's your parents? I thought it was that special weekend or whatever."
"In the bathroom." Y/N answers in a monotone, to which Tyler just raises a brow before setting his drink down in front of him without questioning it too hard. "What's up with your dad? He's taking this whole thing with Gomez a little seriously, don't you think?"
"Why? You think I actually know something about that case that will get him free of guilt?" Tyler accuses with a distrusting look, since it's coming from Y/N and all. The other boy just scoffs with a shake of his head, wondering why he even bothered asking. "Sorry, but there's not much one can do when he has a dad who thinks his only purpose in life is the badge."
"You know, you're not that all guilt-free either." Y/N points out with a dirty look, knowing that Wednesday confronted him about the post-trial incident he suffered at his hands. Tyler gives an angry stare that confirms it. "I'm just asking a question, man."
"Yeah, well, it's a question about my personal business, which I would appreciate if you stayed out of. Tyler acidly quips, only for Y/N to cackle in response to that instead of whatever cold reaction he was expecting.
"That is something else, coming from you."
"What? You think I've just been a jerk for the fun of it?" Tyler questions with an angry brow, before abruptly sitting down on the opposite side of the table with a serious look on his face. "Listen, you play the whole 'hard to get' game with Wednesday, but you can't fool me. I know what you're trying to do with her." He tells Y/N with an accusatory glare. "You want to help her like I do? Here's some advice, stay away from gwe, before we find her body next."
He than stands up and marches away before Y/N can respond, leaving him to glare passionately at Tyler as he watches him go. Before he can potentially snap and start a scene, Freddy returns from the bathroom, fixing his coat with a mixed expression on face. "Man, that was the most painful and yellow-ish piss I've ever taken." The older man comments as he re-claims his seat, before noticing his nephew's face. "Kid, why do you look like you're about to murder somebody?"
"Because I probably will..... starting next week." Y/N half-answers with a casual sip of his drink as he looks out the window, causing Freddy to squint at him. But he doesn't get to comment anything as the teen catches the query outside. "There he is." He says as he points towards a man in uniform walking professionally down the sidewalk as fast as he can.
"Oh boy, I'm excited!" Freddy silently exclaims in a loud whisper as they both stand up, leaving their money on the table for the employees to grab. "I mean, this isn't exactly new to me with the whole shadowing thing, but that's usuall on animals. Not people." He shares with him, before glancing down with a weird face. "That didn't sound good...."
"Shh!" Y/N shushes him as they stop and follow the cop at a slow pace, waiting until the cue to move in arrives.
Eventually, Kent comes running out of small alleyway while laughing like a douche right in front of the cop as he holds up the neckless that is meant to weaken a Siren's power. This obviously makes the man stop in his tracks. "Stop it, Kent! Give me that!" Divina yells at him as she runs out as well, both of them out of their Nevermore uniforms in this moment. The confused cop watches them engaging in a tug-of-war with the piece of jewelry until one of them 'accidentally' bumps into the deputy roughly with their back.
The cop steps back, his foot bumping against a fire hydrant in the sidewalk which makes him tumble over and fall on his bed, dropping a few items that he was hiding under his jacket. "Whoa! Sorry about that copper." Kent apologizes with a small chuckle as he looks down at him, which Divina uses to snatch her jewelry back and put it back on.
"Come on, your moron, before you get us both in trouble." Divina says as they quickly jog away for the sake of letting the angry cop watch them leave without offering to even help. This gives the L/Ns the timing needed to swoop in.
"Hey there, sir, you need some help?" Y/N offers with a curious brow as he and Freddy walk over to him and eye the stuff that stumbles out of his inventory, more noticeably, a interesting looking bag.
"Sure, whatever..." The deputy distractedly accepts before turning around and going slightly wide-eyed when he realizes that he's starting at the alleged 'Woods-Creep.' As Y/N looks at the folder and opens it for more than a few seconds, the cop frantically swoops it out of his hands. "Oh! Careful now, that's evidence of a crime." He explains to him as he double checks to see if he touched anything, before looking back up at him. "An old crime."
"Oh, yeah? A cold case? You gonna re-open the once that involves my missing socks?" Freddy jests with a charismatic drunk grin, causing the deputy to awkwardly chuckle at him without knowing that a walking hand is creeping under his legs, sneaking out of the scene.
"I'll consider it." The deputy tries to match his humor before putting his stuff back under his jacket. "Anyway, I gotta go. See you later!" He says as he quickly walks away from the two of them, or as Y/N can see, away from him, the accused assaulter.
With him gone, Y/N just sighs as he turns to his uncle. "Thanks for coming along, even though I was kind of asking you to do risk something that breaks the law." He says with a grateful look, causing Freddy to cackle and pat his shoudler.
"You kidding? We both know why you're trying to fight for the truth here." Freddy tells him with a knowing look, to which Y/N glances down with a slightly dark face. "Hey, don't forget that some of us are still proud of you." He reminds him, not wanting the poor kid to constantly think about his negative parents.
Y/N smiles at him before glancing over and silently telling his uncle with his eyes that he should check with his group. Freddy gives him a nod and the two split up, with Y/N crossing the crosswalk before finding himself standing behind a random building. He looks around, but only Kent and Divina show up to meet back up with him. "Hey, have ya'll seen Wednesday?" He asks the two of them curiously, to which they share a look before shaking their heads.
He hums as he turns around, as a car scraps past and sends a splash of water in their direction, which they narrowly step back to dodge. The second Y/N blinks again, Wednesday is standing there in front of them. "Whoa!" Kent exclaims in fright as he glances around. "How the heck did you do that?"
"Practice." Wednesday simply explains with a blank look, to which the Siren twins give her weird looks as they feel like it still doesn't explain the art of suddenly appearing from nothing. Y/N roll his eyes as he steps forward.
"Can I have a phone back?" He requests with a slightly impatient look, Wednesday glances down at her shoulder as Thing crawls up with the phone in his hands. "Should've known you were Wednesday's creepy ass pet this entire time..." He mutters as he takes it back with a look, prompting the hand to flip the bird at him. Only this time, Y/N flips him off back.
"Anything?" Wednesday questions with a look that urges him to focus on the point at hand. Y/N grumbles something before looking down at the pictures, looks like they got lucky and have the perfect angle.
"Yeah, looks like we got a good shot of the results here." Y/N answers trails his finger down until he notes a very interesting looking bit. "Turns out that the only prints they got from the murder weapon were Garrett Gates's, Gomez Addams's...... and Morticia Lump's." He points out with a small smirk, easily getting Wednesday's attention. "Now, it's not that odd, since it could just be from her time on the fencing team."
"Or she used it on the night of Garret Gate's murder." Wednesday finishes the sentence with a serious face, mentally excited on the inside as this was just what he needed. "I need to go find her, hopefully, my father's imprisonment will help her see the error in her stubborn ways."
"Hey, don't forget, you said 'we', remember?" Y/N reminds her as he points at her with a smirk that says she isn't allowed to just dismiss like that now that his use is over, Wednesday gives him a blank look, but sees an eye for an eye, and doesn't bother arguing.
"So.... does this mean we're good now?" Kent pops the question nervously, prompting them both to turn to the twins who only got involved because of their obvious guilt at getting roped into the situation. "No offense, but this investigation stuff really isn't my jam.'
"Or mine, either." Divina agreeingly adds.
"Yeah.... we're good." Y/N assures them with a smile, causing Kent to let out the loudest of relieved sighs before he turns to walk back to Nevermore. Divina is about to follow, but then turns around as she remembers something she wanted to say.
"I'm.... I'm really sorry about this." Divina apologizes to Y/N as she glances anxiously at Wednesday who is standing a couple feet away, reviewing the evidence that is at her disposal. "I hope you don't think that we're... like.... selfish idiots."
"Well.... it takes one to know one." Y/N quips with a cheeky smirk. "But you strike me as a little less like that." He then adds, allowing her to drop her shoulders as she rolls her eyes with a grateful smile. "Look, I'm sorry about...... what I've done." He then suddenly drops on her, perplexing her. "I know that dress was your favorite, the one from a couple months ago."
"Thank you, but I should be the one saying that stuff." Divina replies with a sheepish smile, knowing that she's not all that innocent either. "I left you high and dry the second the Nightshades accepted me and Kent, and...... I kind of became the queen bee's right hand woman that I used to make fun of."
"Yeah, well..... I had a bad boy phase too." Y/N mentions with a shrug, as a way of saying it's okay. Divina, though, still doesn't feel that way, and while anxiously looking down, takes one of his hands in hers like he did back in the dorm. Only this time, he doesn't pull away from her. "You really want to do this now?'
"Just to make sure we're still.... good." Divina answers, humorously putting it in the way Kent put it. Y/N chuckles before the Siren then swoops it for a loving kiss that lasts for more than a few seconds. When she pulls away, she gives him a happy smile. "Friends." She declares before eventually walking away.
As a slightly surprised Y/N blows out some air, he idly looks back to see Wednesday staring at him with this very weird look on her face, glancing back at where Divina went as if trying to ask him with her eyes about what the devil that was about. Y/N just awkwardly stares back until she eventually pockets her notes back and marches off, Thing giving him one more rude gesture before he slides into her backpack.
Y/N shakes his head with a scoff as he goes to do the same thing.
"That little shit..."
(A/N) New chapter incoming!
I'm having another free week, so I was able to get this chapter to you guys early today, meaning the last part of Episode 5 will be here soon.
Man, if I can be honest, I didn't think I would actually be able to push myself into getting this far, knowing how I can sometimes struggle with committing to a book. Though, I'm glad I did, as I still have what I feel like quite a journey I will have for this characters. I don't want to make these stories a simple, reader gets with this character kind of thing. I want you guys to actually feel like you're part of the story.
Anyway, please vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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