Part 3
I changed some continuity involving the confrontation between Kent and Y/N, because to be honest, my Y/N shouldn't actually be that physically strong..... yet.
So, that part's re-written, if you wanna re-read it for context.
Wednesday now has one of those annoying days of the week where she goes to see the therapist. Weems drives her into town of the Normies that, according to Thornhill, could possibly tear her into two separate pieces if she dared as looked the wrong way. She's not intimidated by it in the slightest however, at least that'd sound like her preferred social environment. She'd provide the perfect basement for the bodies.
"Dr. Kinbott's office is on the second floor." Weems tells Wednesday as she brings the car in front of the building. She scans the place and sees the painfully white building with the rooftop separated into two bits by the mentioned second floor, a waterspout connected to it. With that in mind, stating that the office is on the second floor is like saying that water is wet. "Other Nevermore students swear by her."
"And you'll be waiting here until I'm done?" Wednesday asks for the sake of minor information, to which Weems nods.
"Perhaps afterwards, we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Weems suggests with that overly polite grin that Wednesday hates every single time she wears it. Does she really seem like the person that is 'warmed' by that?
"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." Wednesday criticizes before opening the door and stepping out of the car, knowing that she could be putting effort in something a lot better. "And chauffeuring your students around is clearly below your paygrade."
"Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away." Weems mentions to the girl, her plastic expression dropping a little bit. "I'm here to prevent that from happening."
"I wish you luck." Wednesday states before closing the passenger door.
She then walks into the building belonging to the therapist, and she screams 'polite professionalism'. The way she stands, the way she talks. Wednesday is neither impressed nor comfortable with this. "I read the notes about your Counsellor." The woman, Doctor Valerie Kinbott, mentions as she invites her inside into the creme decor of the room Wednesday will be imprisoned it for a few days. It's vomit-inducing.
"Mrs. Bronstein." Wednesday obviously remembers the counsellor, what a fun moment that was. "She had a nervous breakdown after our last session, had to take a six month sabbatical." She calls with a slightly proud edge to her voice.
"Go ahead and take a sit." Valerie invites with a hand gesutre, and the two both take a spot on the separate sofas simultaneously. "How did you feel about that?"
"Vindicated." Wednesday emotionlessly answers, always ready to fight with words instead of poisons."But someone who crochets for a hobby isn't a worthy adversary." She states as she glances judgingly at the blankets hanging on the arm rests of her couch.
"Adversary?" Valerie queries as if surprised she would use that term, but she should know better. "I hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual respect." She tells Wednesday who lets out an audible sigh, already bored. "This is a safe space, Wednesday. A sanctuary where we can discuss anything. What you're thinking, feeling, your views on the world, personal philosophy."
"That's easy." Wednesday replies with a cold stare. "I think that this is a waste of time, I see the world as a place that must be endured, and my personal philosophy is kill or be killed."
"So, for instance, when someone bullies your brother, your response is to dump piranhas in the pool?" Valerie then asks in response to that, seemingly trying to challenge Wednesday on something, as if she isn't expecting that kind of dialogue.
"You know the old saying, never bring a knife to a sword fight....unless it's concealed."
"The point is, you assaulted a boy and showed no remorse for your actions." Valerie reminds her with a slightly serious tone. Though, honestly, what else what she expecting? "That's why you're here."
"He lost a testicle." Wednesday simply points out, as if admitting to mutilation provides a much easier sentence. Though, judging by who she did it, too, that's understandable. "I did the world a favor, people like Dalton shouldn't be allowed to procreate." She says to defend her act of justice. And already, she's grown tired of this predictable line of questioning. "I've answered all your questions."
She stands up.
"We're not done yet." Valerie verbally stops her before she can even move a foot towards the door. She gives her a frightingly calm smile despite every single word Wednesday has chosen. She mentally seethes but reluctantly sits back down. "Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions. It can also help you build a life that you want-"
"I know the life that I want." Wednesday cuts in with an irritated glare. Valerie once again doesn't seem to take any verbal offense to the tone, and remains purely patient with her.
"Tell me about it." Valerie encourages with an inviting smile, though only gets a blank stare from Wednesday in response. "Everything said in these sessions is strictly confidential." She assures her, though the girl still doesn't respond, just glances sideways. "Do your plans involve becoming an author?" She correctly assumes, leaning in with a plastic curiosity. "I understand you've written three novels about a teen girl detective, Viper De La Muerte. Can you tell me about her?"
Wednesday visibly rolls her eyes, knowing that she won't be able to help but talk about her passion. "Viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood." She tells Valerie in a bothered manner.
"Any luck getting your work published?"
"Editors are short-sighted, fear-based life forms." Wednesday responds in a way that is clearly venting her frustration on that part of the plan. "One once described my writing as 'gratuitously morbid' and suggested I seek psychiatric help." She references, noticing the way Valerie hums. "Ironic, isn't it?"
"How did you take that?"
"I sent her a thank-you." Wednesday answers with a hint of a smirk on her face. The 'thank you' involved six-armed mouse traps bigger than necessary hidden under a fake row of flowers stuffed inside a bag that she knew the editor would blindly open. "I've always been open to constructive criticism."
"I'm glad to hear that." Valerie says with a nod. "Because I was sent the manuscripts as part of your psych evaluation. The relationship I found most intriguing was that of Viper and her mother, Domonica. Why don't we dig into that?" She suggests, causing Wednesday to blink as she starts feeling genuine fear for the first time. She.... she knows the personal motivation behind her writing, she's learned the means behind her personality. She feels exposed. "Wednesday, part of this journey requires us going to uncomfortable places emotionally."
"I don't travel well." Wednesday states in a dry tone, but inside, she knows that she has to get out of this place now before Valerie learns more about her than she's comfortable with. "Would you mind if I used the powder room first?" She requests, and Valerie gives her a pointed look before pointing towards the non-clear door on her left.
Wednesday calmly stands up and steps inside, remaining eye contact with Valerie as she closes the door. Once it's shut, she quickly locks and turns around to give the area a quick scan, knowing that she now has to be swift if she's going to choose now as her time to act. During which, though, she turns herself around a little too fast, and her bag accidentally knocks off a candle next to the sink. "Wednesday? Is everything okay?" She hears the muffled voice of Kinbott. "You can't hide in there for the rest of the session."
"I'm alright. Just.... preparing myself for our uncomfortable journey." Wednesday calls out back to her in an anxious manner before eying the window and remembering the mental notes she made earlier when the car rolled in front of me. She taps on her back and holds out her hand. "Nail file." She orders, and Thing pops out and hands her the item.
She steps over and uses it to easily lockpick the locked window quietly, allowing her to lift it up and crawl over it to set her feet down on the rooftop. She then marches over and uses her bird's view of the area, and notes that the food trucks and stands on the other side of the street will provide the perfect hidden in plain sight scene for her to blend into. She uses the waterspout to slide down and quickly walks behind Weems' car while she's distractedly on the phone.
However, her eyes are too distracted on her that she accidently bumps into the owner of one of the food trucks.
The second she makes physical contact, her brain enters another state of shock.....
The farmer drives with a smile before hearing a loud ding from his phone.
The second he pulls it out, his hand accidently slips on the wheel and it turns straight in the direction of a semi-truck.
The farmer screams before paying for his huge error.
The driver steps out in horror and sees that the farmer has broken his neck horribly.
Meanwhile, the farmer loudly groans in frustration as he picks up the peaches she knocked over when they bumped into each other.
"Who let you out?" The farmer angrily asks Wednesday in frustration as stands back up, seeing that she's one of the Outcasts that go to Nevermore. "You goddamn weirdo." He growls at her with a glare before setting them into the back and closing it with a bad attitude. If Wednesday was considering telling him about what she just saw.
She no-doubt has just changed her mind.
Nevermore: Weathervane
"I'm standing behind what is confirmed to be the third bear attack in the woods surrounding Jerichio and the Outcast school of Nevermore, according to the local town's Sheriff's Department." The reporter on the screen states as he points his thumb back at the crime scene where, if you squint close enough, you can see the medical professionals escorting body parts into their vehicles. "The aftermath follows the same as the previous animal attacks, as both victims suffered a brutally painful death from having their-"
Y/N closes the laptop before the video can go on any longer, rubbing his hands alongside his face with a large exhale. He knows that he shouldn't force himself to be looking at this kind of violence, but he has to confirm it for himself that any involvement on his part is just him assuming crazy things. Why would he think that?
That's a.... a long story.
Breaking him out of his thoughts is the abrupt deafening hissing coming from the counter, Y/N looks over and is once again reminded of the sight of Tyler Galpin, one of the baristas working here that he knows a little too well, struggling and failing to fix the machine that keeps their business intact.
Y/N smirks and chuckles at his expense, now feeling a lot better. He wishes he could be distracted by that douchebag's struggles more often. He sees Tyler giving everyone a very embarrassed smile every time the machine lets out that blow of steam, knowing that he'll possibly be blamed if this thing doesn't get fixed soon.
However, when the door to the coffee shop opens. Y/N quickly puts his head around and puts his fist against his mouth as if having just digested something disgusting.
During another one of those new definition of hissy fits, comes Wednesday who suddenly appears behind the smoke. "Holy crap!" Tyler exclaims and jumps, having not even seen her walk up to him. "Do... you have a habit of scaring the hell out of people?"
"It's more of a hobby." Wednesday remarks with a mental shrug, to which Tyler slowly nods as he eventually notices the emblem on her uniform.
"You go to Nevermore......" Tyler acknowledges, taking the moment to notice the very different color that she wears in comparison to the dark blue he's used to seeing all of their Outcast visitors to come in. "Didn't realize they changed up the uniform."
"I need a quad over ice, it's an emergency." Wednesday orders in a way that highlights how much of a rush she's currently in. However, all Tyler does is stare hesitantly at her. "It's four shots of espresso."
"Yeah, I know what a quad is. But, I mean, spoiler alert, the espresso machine's having a seizure." Tyler points out as he gestures towards the piece of machinery in front of them, wondering if she hadn't noticed until now. "So.... all we got is drip."
"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." Wednesday refuses with a cold statement, causing Tyler to blink before awkwardly glancing at Y/N who is currently refilling his mug at this moment.
"It's true." Y/N acknowledges with a nod, dead expression as he walks away, taking a sip of it. "Very true....."
"What's wrong with your machine?"
"It's a... temperamental beast with a mind of it's own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian!" Tyler complains as he waves the manual around in frustration, having gotten no help with it what-so ever, even with the pictures. Wednesday mentally hums before walking around the counter and taking the pages herself, doing a quick read before easily learning the steps.
"I need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench." Wednesday states confidently, causing Tyler to blink at her.
"Wait, you read Italian?"
"Of course, it's the native tongue of Machiavelli." Wednesday mentions, though Tyler clearly has no clue what the heck who or what that is. "Here's the deal, I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you're going to make my coffee and call me a taxi."
"Uh, no taxis in Jericho." Tyler informs her while finding the screwdriver she mentioned and handing it to her. "Try Uber?"
"I don't have a phone. I refuse to be a slave to technology." Wednesday tells him as she gets to work, using the appropriate tool on the correct place without needing to re-read the instructions it seems.
"Then, you're out of luck." Tyler remarks with a blunt shrug, though also a little surprised at hearing someone his age show a clear distaste for mobile devices. "Where are you going, anyway?"
"That's on a need-to-know basis." Wednesday dismissively replies, to which Tyler nods as he knew that he probably should've seen that response coming. "What about trains?"
"Nearest station is Burlington. It's half an hour away." Tyler answers while watching Wednesday continue to fix the coffee machine. This is looking a little too easy for her, like this whole deal isn't something new to her.
"You have a valve issue, I've seen it before." Wednesday tells Tyler, who squints at her oddly massive show of experience and knowledge.
"Where? You have one of these monsters at home?"
"Steam-powered guillotine. I built it when I was ten." Wednesday explains, before quickly noticing Tyler's face that's obviously wondering what the hell she needs a steam-powered guillotine for. "I wanted to decapitate my dolls more efficiently."
Tyler nods, clearly regretting that he even considered asking. "Sure, Grim Reaper barbie. Makes perfect sense." He sarcastically remarks as Wednesday finally finishes fixing the machine, which hisses one more time before the valve shuts and the steam stops wafting out. "Wow. Thanks. Never met a Nevermore kid who got their hands dirty." He expresses his gratitude while closing the top of the machine with a relieved sigh. "I'm Tyler, by the way. I didn't catch your name, or is that on a need-to-know basis too?"
The girl scans for a few seconds as if quickly going through her mind on if this man is trust-worthy enough for her to exchange that small but possibly exposing information. She did help save his job, so there shouldn't be any harm now. "Wednesday." She introduces herself, to which Tyler smiles.
"Well, tell you what, Wednesday. To show my appreciation, how about I drive you to Burlington myself?" Tyler happily offers her, having a car of his own so she won't need an Uber for that as well. Looks like Wednesday made the right strategic choice in helping him.
"Perfect, put that quad in a to-go cup." Wednesday instructs before turning around to leave, causing Tyler to blink at her abruptness.
"Uh, but, I don't get off for another hour." He brings up before she starts getting the idea to take off, still valuing the means he used to get that car in the first place. Wednesday, however, doesn't really have a lot of time to waste, so she reaches into her purse.
"I'll sweeten the pot." Wednesday offers as she pulls out a twenty-dollar bill, showing some clear signs of desperation to leave.
"Twenty whole dollars...." Tyler chuckles as he stares at the cash, not at all impressed by the attempted bribery. "Tempting, but no."
"I'll make it forty." Wednesday adds, pulling out another one on top of it. Tyler sighs, seeing that she's clearly not seeing the point that his snarky remark was making.
"Uh, listen, Wednesday. One fun fact about me, I can't be bought." Tyler tells her with a tiny, amused smirk, making it very clear that she could pull her entire wallet out and it wouldn't work on him. "So, either wait or find someone else to drive you."
Wednesday stares at him before accepting his stubbornness, rather respecting it as almost everyone else usually accepts the bribery, no matter if it was twenty or five dollars. She walks away, leaving Tyler to resume his job. But as she's looking for a table or booth, she catches Y/N on one of the booths, writing down on what might possibly be a diary.
She remembers him chiming in earlier, but she doesn't plan on giving him any undeserved attention, until.... "You shouldn't be wearing that." Y/N tells her without even looking up, causing her to pause.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Wearing your Nevermore uniform around here is like lighting up a cigarette in an oil factory. Something's bound to ignite and blow up." Y/N remarks as he glances up at her with a look that knows or at least is certain he does. "I thought you were smarter than that."
"I fail to see how it's any of your business." Wednesday retorts with an unfriendly glare, finding another reason to feel irritated at this boy. "Plus, circumstances didn't give me much choice, else I would've chosen a more tactical choice of clothing." She claims, although Y/N raises a skeptical brow in response.
"You couldn't even bring a jacket to wear over that?" Y/N questions as he glances down at her emblem. "Are you really this clueless over people? First, you can't even thank someone when they save your life, and now, you walk into a popular hangout place while looking like you're about to murder the entire staff. You're not even standing normally."
Wednesday blinks, staring at him for an uncomfortably few seconds. "The Tell-Tale Heart."
"In Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart, what psychological condition best explains the narrator's obsession with the old man's eye?" Wednesday sits down across the table from Y/N and quizzes him, to which the guy opens his mouth, but nothing that knows the answer comes out. "It's paranoia and guilt—a classic case of moral projection, something you showed from outside the window." She mentions as she nods towards the glass, having noticed his weird face earlier while he was on the laptop.
Y/n scoffs at her. "Why would I care?"
"Because my point is that you shouldn't lecture me on the arts of socialism when you have little to no intellectual on them to begin with." Wednesday states while giving him a cold hard stare. "You're the dullest knife in the drawer that I've come across."
Y/N hums as he slides his diary away, putting his elbows on the table as he gives the girl an amused look. Wednesday doesn't know it, but her constantly bashing him every chance she gets only fuels his point of her. "You're not really good with people, are you?"
"I'm good enough."
Before Y/N can respond, his eye catches three boys their age walking through their window. They stop and point at them, specifically, Wednesday's uniform. "Oh, great..." He mutters, hating that he was right on the money.
The three walk in, and Y/N immediately recognizes the Walker kid. Wednesday doesn't seem to know that they exist. They all walk over to the table with troublesome faces. "What's a bunch of Nevermore freaks doing out in the wild?" The supposed leader of the gang, a boy with black skin, questions them.
"This is our booth." The kid who's clearly put on more than a few pounds he needs states in a very dominant manner, as if they own them. Y/N sighs, thinking that he was finally done with these moments.
"Does it have your name on it?" Y/N questions with an obviously bothered face, to which the kids squint at him.
"Oh wow, the Woods-Creep too, why am I not surprised?" The black kid, the son of Mayor Walker, recognizes him as all of the bullies share a cocky look as they start reading the sight in front of them in their own way. "So, who's this? The newest victim for your sick, twisted desires?" He asks as he gestures towards Wednesday.
"Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing."
"Why are you three dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday abruptly chimes in, finally turning her head up to look at them.
The three bullies share a perplexed look, wondering where the heck she got that description from. "We're pilgrims." The third kid, a very tall boy, points out like it should be pretty obvious.
"Potato, pot-ah-to."
"We work at Pilgrim World." Lucas Walker points out like she's stupid as he flips over the add on the table, sliding it towards her so she can keep up. Wednesday quickly gives it a re-read, and is rather amused in an ironic way by what she's seeing.
"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide." Wednesday comments as she doesn't even read the entire small thing before sliding it away, unimpressed.
"My dad owns pilgrim world." Lucas points out in an offended voice, glaring daggers at the girl in all black. "Who you calling stupid?"
Wednesday looks back up at him. "If the buckled shoe fits..." She quips, showcasing that she didn't stutter.
"Strong start..." Y/N mumbles with a sarcastic nod.
"Guys, back off!" Tyler orders and he marches over and grabs onto the heavy bully's shoulder. However, he just gets shoved away in response.
"Stay out of this, Galpin!"
"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday agreeingly advises as she abruptly stands up and gets face-to-face with Lucas. As the confrontation gets more tense, Y/N starts hopping his leg up and down, his pen rapidly tapping on the table, looking very obviously uncomfortable as things build up.
Hurt them.....
"So tell me, freak...." Lucas takes a menacing step closer, looking like he's ready to throw a punch if he feels like it. Tyler swallows nervously while Y/N continues to anxiously tap his leg, a fist against his mouth. "You ever been with a Normie?"
"I've never found one that could handle me..." Wednesday responds in a dark, quiet tone. The two glaring at each other in silence which doesn't look good to anybody else.
"Okay, enough!" Y/N cuts into the confrontation as he abruptly stands up, only for the tall bully to stand in between him and Wednesday. There's now a dark change in his expression, blank like Wednesday's, and his body language very stiff, only moving when he needs to. "Look, this isn't some funny joke, guys, so would you please leave us alone for someone does something they'll regret?"
Kill them! Don't talk! Kill!
"Who are you, creep, our dad?" The tall bully questions with a mocking chuckle as every turns towards him. "Was the girl being funny, huh? You get nasty in the woods, under the bushes, pinning her down like the animal she is?" He asks as he starts softly jabbing at Y/N's shoulder. "No one's take any advice from a rapist like you, but how you, just, get lo-"
He's interrupted when Y/N snaps and swiftly lifts the tall bully all the way up into the air before bringing him down onto a table when breaks apart on impact. (Tommy Jarvis Style) Then, he goes to town and starts punching his chest with a stressed face.
Kill! Kill! Kill!
"Hey!" The heavy bully yells as he running to his friend, only for Wednesday to grab his arm, twist it, and knee him in the stomach. He grunts as he tries to then punch her in the face, but she easily steps aside, causing him to sock Lucas instead. She then pulls him by the arm she's still holding and bumps him into his friend, knocking the main bully down, before turning him around and kicking him in the face.
The both of them fall like a sack of potatoes, right as Y/N quickly snaps out of it and swiftly stands himself up, looking down at the tall bully in horror. Thankfully, he doesn't look as bad as Will did, but the flashbacks he gets doesn't make him feel any better. "Wow..... I didn't know I was serving to a backstreet brawler and a martial artist." Tyler reacts understandably surprised, looking at all of the bullies who are all panting and groaning on the dirty floor.
However, Y/N isn't so proud of it, he grabs at his mouth as he feels his jaw and teeth changing size inside, and his eyes once again start changing in pupils. "Mmmm...." He shudders before shoulder past Tyler and Wednesday in a desperate attempt to leave. During which, he accidentally bumps into the Sheriff right as he walks into the coffee shop. "S-S-Sorry..." He quavers as he quickly walks around him and bolts it out of the building.
"Dad." Tyler acknowledges nervously, not expecting to see him here at this time.
"What the...." Sheriff Galpin utters as he sees the kid taking off before turning around to see three defeated kids and a broken table. "Tyler, what the hell is going on here?" He asks the obvious questions as this looks really bad for anyone who wasn't paying attention to what's going on.
"They were harassing a few customers until they put them in their place." Tyler explains as he points to the door the kid just left through. Sherrif Galpin glances back, and even though Y/N's gone, his eyes blink in recognition.
"Wait, you mean, Y/N L/N? You let a kid with multiple assault charges help this little girl?" Galpin asks Tyler like he's crazy while pointing at Wednesday, who just rolls her eyes at his gender-based ignorance.
"Dad, I swear, I didn't notice that it was him at first."
Before more questions can get asked, a new person walks into the coffee shop, and everyone turns to see Larissa Weems looking around and all of the damage with no-doubt panicked thoughts. "Apologizes Sherrif, this one slipped away from me." Weems quickly explains sheepishly in front of the law man, while giving Wednesday a fixed smile that's obviously carrying a lot of anger right now. "Come on, Miss Addams. Time to go."
Wednesday blinks at her with an open mouth, but now sees that her first escape plan has failed for the meantime. However, as Galpin blinks as soon as that last name is mentioned.
"Wait a minute, hang on...." Galpin chimes in as he turns around, verbally stopping them from leaving. "You're an Addams? Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father?" He asks her with a serious face, to which Wednesday nods. "That man belongs behind bars for murder. If you're hanging out with a sex offender like Y/N, I'm guessing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He says before pointing at the girl with a pointed look. "I'm gonna keep my eye on you."
"Okay." Weems takes that their cue to quickly leave, during which, Wednesday gives the sheriff a smirk that seems to happily take the promise from him. At least there's someone here who won't give her the parental treatment.
As they re-enter the car, one thing crosses her mind though.
Sex offender?
The two are back on the road, with the scene in the Weathervane still fresh in their minds. "Your first day and you're already on Sheriff Galpin's radar." Weems remarks with a mental sigh, having had this happen before. Guess it's safe to say that lightning does in fact, strike twice. "Wish I could say I'm surprised, but with how fast Y/N's past moved here, I'm used to it."
"What did he mean about my father?" Wednesday asks her curiously, surprised that she never knew of such an accusation about him. "And why did he call Y/N a sex offender?"
"I have no idea, but a word of advice, stop making enemies and start making a few friends. You're going to need them." Weems advises with a serious look, though the way she dismisses Wednesday's question makes her wonder what else her family has been hiding from her. As they keep driving, they come across a nasty scene. "Oh, it looks like an accident." Weems comments a cop directs her towards the other lane. "I hope the driver's okay."
Wednesday scans the accident and finds many things way too familiar. The semi, the food truck, and the peaches scattered all over the road. "He's dead." She bluntly relays to the woman. "Broke his neck."
As they pass, Weems eventually sees the body for herself. "How can you tell from this angle?" She asks Wednesday, squinting at her. As they pass it, she sees it his body now, but with all of the boxes knocked around the seats, it was impossible to see it by the time Wednesday opened her mouth. The girl stays silent, not saying a word, but now she knows one thing.Her visions don't just tell the past...
They can show her the future.
Nevermore: Dormitories
Y/N is now thankfully much calmer by the time he's finished his run back to his dorm room. He's gotten here just in time before curfew. Xavier isn't around, meaning that he's probably snuck out to do his secret painting in peace. He also heard that Rowan isn't around either, but hey, they aren't the Woods-Creep, they'll get by unnoticed. While putting his diary back on his desk, he looks over and re-finds his electric guitar still leaning next to the bed.
He decides, screw it, since he decided to bring it with him in the first place. He steps out onto the balcony, one of the best perks the male Psychic/Gorgon dormitory has since the only one the others have is that one next to the clock on Ophelia Hall. As he starts idly playing with the keys, his ears pick up a cello from the distance, coming from the same direction of the clock he was thinking about.
Whether it's by some sort of respect or compliment, he identifies the song and starts playing the same kind of rhythm it is. Eventually, he feels the two instruments blending in, and he's sure the others do to, as the song turns into a symphonic metal cover. He has no idea who the other player is, but why should he care? This is honestly kinda fun.
By the time it ends, he hears the door to the balcony opening and turns to see Xaiver walking up, playfully clapping his hands for him. "You didn't tell me that you were secretly a gothic soul in disguise."
"That was a lame joke." Y/N response with a look, to which Xavier softly chuckles as he takes the seat next to him. Seeing him reminds the guy of the side quest he accepted yesterday. "Oh, right, your sketchbook." He brings up, pulling it up and extending it towards him. "Here you go."
"Thanks." Xavier says with a grateful nod as he quickly checks the pages to see if they were messed with before setting it down. Not a scratch on them, surprisingly. "It was Bianca, wasn't it? She's been doing everything it takes to get my attention." He guesses correctly, causing Y/N to blink as he wonders if he knew the entire time.
"So why don't you just talk to her? I mean, it's been an entire term, hasn't it?" Y/N queries, understanding his hesitation, but feeling like he's taking it too far. Then he realizes something. "Hold on a second, did you purposefully not do anything about your sketchbook just to ignore her?"
"I wasn't gonna play into her stupid mind games." Xaiver explains while confirming it, causing Y/N to snort at his remarkable stubbornness. "Not after she manipulated me?"
"Manipulated you, how?" Y/N asks with a curious look, to which Xavier does that reluctantly shift in his seat again. "Hey, remember what we agreed on? You better not do that cold shoulder thing, again." He brings up, causing the other boy to open his mouth before sighing in defeat.
"She used her song on me last summer, that's why we were together." Xavier reveals with a hardened expression, causing Y/N to blink rapidly. "I mean, she hasn't admitted it yet, but I know she did. I caught her using it on a co-worker at my summer job who was always talking about how we should break up. I didn't listen to him at first, but...."
"Got it." Y/N says with a nod, not wanting Xavier to say anything more if he's uncomfortable. Sounds complicated, unable to trust whether or not your ex-girlfriend is telling the truth when she speaks, that's the immediate deal-breaker.
"Hey, um....." Xavier then starts talking again the second Y/N opens his mouth, looking like he has something he really needs to say. "I know I've been kind of a dorm-dick this whole time, and.... I'm sorry about that." He apologizes, turning to face him to show he means it. "It's just that after Rowan.... I've been starting to wonder if I can ever trust again."
Y/N hums agreeingly. "Well, take it from someone who's had it hit to him just as hard, optimism can be such a scam sometimes." He tells Xavier with a knowing look on his face. "You can never know the person standing next to you, and it sucks balls." He says before blinking. "Well, unless you're Wednesday, that girl's an open case."
Xavier looks like he's about to burst out laughing. "She's not actually that bad, just really sucks with people." He tells Y/N with an assuring look that they just need to get to know each other first. His dormmate responds with a skeptical brow. "I mean it, seriously?"
"You actually mean to tell me that the two of you are old friends or something?"
"Ehh.... depends, but I still owe her my life, and that's not an exaggeration." Xavier responds as he looks up at the sky, still remembering it to this day. "We met each other at my Godmother's funeral when we were ten, apparently, her grandmother knew her. Anyway, we were bored and decided to play hide and seek. I had the inspired idea to hide in her casket. I got stuck as it was headed to the crematorium. Right as the steel was getting hot, she hit the big red stop button and saved me from being flame broiled so...." He shrugs. "I wouldn't exactly call her a 'psychopath'."
Y/N hums putting a hand on his chin and he takes that into consideration, but still doesn't find his mind being changed about her. "You sure she didn't just think your godmother was trying to claw her way out and she wanted to see the woman who cheated death?" He suggests with a still pessimistic opinion. "Or that she was just using the latent chivalry?"
Xavier blinks in response. "The what?"
"Nevermind." Y/N quickly shakes his head, not wanting to talk about her anymore. "So...... we cool now?" He asks Xavier, who just leans into his seat with a shrug.
"For now."
"For now?" Y/N repeats him, raising a brow. "What do you mean, for now?"
"What? You expect us to start hugging?"
"Who says we can't?"
"Alright, stop, teasing is not your thing." Xaiver quickly demands with a raised hand, causing Y/N to cackle at him, something his dormmate eventually follows him in.
He thinks it's working.
(A/N) New chapter!
Hope ya'll are having a good free week and have a happy thanksgiving and Christmas with your family. I obviously didn't update Saturday because of this, but I'm sure you all understand. I added in another hint to Y/N's secret monster species, so if y'all go theories, don't be afraid to comment them. I like surprising you guys when I can.
Last chapter will include a little special flair I'm gonna add to Part 4. For the rare few who have watched the old move Bloody New Year or seen the kill count of it on Dead Meat, you'll probably know what I'm talking about.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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