Part 2
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
In this infamous clock tower room of Ophelia Hall, there is no longer 'Wednesday's side' of it anymore, as her stuff is now all over the place ready to be put into steamer trunks. In spite of what she tried to do, Wednesday was expelled for the sake of Nevermore still being around and Sheriff Galpin not pressing charges for torture, physical assault, possible trauma, kidnapping, all etc, etc. She doesn't regret it one bit, but she'll admit that she underestimated Tyler's subterfuge.
She looks over at the typewriter Y/N got for her on her desk, bringing a now bittersweet emotion inside of her, the good kind of bittersweet, but still bittersweet, nonetheless. She puts it in her special typer-writer sized suitcase and closes it with a click. Enid sheepishly helps her pack up, but can't help but frown every time she glances at her now ex-roommate.
"I can't believe I'm actually gonna miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up every morning." Enid laments to the dead squirrel who has just suffered through an electric chair he's still strapped to, a single teardrop falling from her eye. "It won't be the same without you."
Wednesday stares at her, wondering if they switched places for a moment before she just continues on without thinking about it too much. "So, I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko, leaving me in the past." She assumes like she doesn't care.
"Not ever." Enid denies with an emotional shake of her head, likely still going to be staying her for a long time to grief the loss of the roommate she spent undeniable bonding time with. "What about you? Will you forget about me?"
Wednesday stops and looks at her like she's stupid. "Enid. The mark you have left on me is inedible." She confesses to her. "Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow, or I hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll be thinking of you."
"Thanks." Enid gratefully replies, though not while glancing off to the side with a mixed brow. "I guess..."
"I always believed that relying on other people to be a sign of weakness, that inevitably they would lead me to disappointment." Wednesday shares with Enid, before mentally letting out a sigh in her head. She puts her books into a trunk, one of the titles making her stop and reflection upon her former self. "Turns out I've been the disappointment."
"Are you kidding me?" Enid emits a conflicted laugh. "I've learned so much from you. Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give." She compliments with slightly green eyes. "Well.... except maybe for Y/N. I'm really sorry about that, by the way."
"He made his decision." Wednesday says with a seemingly matter of fact tone, but the ex-roommate can tell that she's still hurt by his refusal. "However, without his help, there's a ninety-six percent decrees of the chance that my possible plan to stay around anyway will eventually work."
"Wow, you were really starting to depend on them that much, huh?" Enid teases a little bit, knowing she'll get away with that remark in spite of Wednesday's small glare. "Okay, love-teasing aside, you don't a plan that depends on your, uh.... independence?"
"I shouldn't force him into something he's given up on." Wednesday replies with a conflicted and partly defeated expression, suspecting that part of her is to blame for her first kiss's downfall. "Maybe Rowan was right, if I stay away, nothing bad will happen, to the school, or...." She pauses for a brief second, a shake of black around her eyelids. "Or him."
The vison she received comes to mind. They always happen because she tries to act, right? Maybe that's the problem, maybe that's why she keeps getting them, they're a warning for her to stop. She doesn't know. All she does know is that as much as she doesn't want to give up, that could be the real weakness. Her stubbornness. "Still, it kills me to believe that he's behind those bars, and Tyler is walking around free."
"If he tries anything, we have a school full of Gorgons, Vampires, and werewolves, ready and waiting." Enid assures Wednesday, confident that they'll be prepared, though the Raven can't help but glance down, scared to be too optimistic. "We've got this, Wednesday, I promise." She insists before remembering something a little more Dove-live. "On a good note, I got a text from Eugene's moms. He woke up last night, maybe Weems will let you drop by on your way to the station."
Cutting into their conversation, Thing hops on a suitcase and snaps his fingers to get their attention, signaling that it's almost time and that the adults are waiting for them. "I think we're all set." Wednesday notes as she closes her last trunk. Enid and the hand turn to each other.
"Thing, I'm going to miss our make-up tutorials." Enid expresses to him with a clear grieving sadness, almost sadder than for Wednesday herself leaving. "And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips." She half-demands, before Thing closes his knuckles, allowing them to fist-bump. "Stay in touch, okay?"
As Thing then hops into her back, he taps a small comment of mourning on her shoulder, relating to Y/N. "Agreed, it was a huge mistake." She replies, to which the hand hastily corrects himself. "Of course, you meant it that way."
"So, we're gonna....?" Enid steps forward one more time, spreading her arms out, but like always, Wednesday immediately takes a step back, causing the two of them to freeze before the werewolf accepts it and drops her hands. "You're right. Not hugging is kind of our thing."
Wednesday nods and begins heading towards the door. "Oh, and, um..... tell Y/N that I'm sorry for the Woods-Creep blog." Enid requests. Although she doesn't see it, The Addams girl can tell that she's a little embarrassed-red. "I know I can't... take it back, and stuff."
"I doubt he'll want me to visit again." Wednesday says with an oddly monotone in spite of how dark that sounded. "But I'll send him a postcard written in pig's blood."
She then leaves before Enid can ask her not to do that.
Nevermore: Hallways
Wednesday marches down the halls, looking at all of the mixed looks she gets as she passes everyone. Some of them nonchalant, some of them looking respectable and maybe even jealous of her, and half are judging her like all of the million other students before them, thinking of her as a weird creature that was somehow given the gift of birth anyway for some strange and unexplainable reason.
She walks down the steps with her coat on that blocks the Nevermore crest on her uniform where she sees the Nightshades talking with each other right down the staircase until they see her, apparently having been waiting for her. Wednesday stops right in front of the group, raising a brow.
Bianca steps forward. "The plan wasn't to get you expelled." She explains as all of them share an awkward and sheepish glance. "We're sorry."
"The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming, or a lot of people are going to die." Wednesday warns them in a rather blunt manner, causing them all to give her a perplexed look, especially Bianca. Before any of them can ask for more details, they hear rapid footsteps approaching them.
"I'm so glad I caught up with you!" Thornhill expresses with a grin after jogging up to Wednesday in her red mud boots she didn't have time to switch out of, holding up yet another plant pot in her hands. "Sheriff Galpin didn't let me see Y/N for safety reasons, so I had to distract myself with weeding my Wolfs Bane, and I.... completely lost track of time...." She glances down with a sad face before quickly fixing it back up. "But I was able to get this parting gift."
She hands the pot to Wednesday, who once again is able to easily identify what's rooted into the soil. "White Oleander, one of nature's deadliest."
"It also symbolizes destiny and renewal." Thornhill adds, making sure Wednesday pays attention to the point she's actually trying to show with this. "You're a very talented young woman, Wednesday. I can't wait to see what you do next."
Hearing her say this makes Wednesday stare at the plant under a different light, though it's still in immense shades of black. "Make sure to give one to Y/N, when you're able to." She suggests, to which Thornhill agreeingly nods.
"Of course, I'm sure the asylum will accept innocent gifts like that."
"Wednesday!" Ms. Weems loudly says her name, stepping into conversation between them to hint that the clock is ticking. "This time, I'm personally escorting you to your train." She tells her, which she's sure Wednesday is just glad to hear.
However, there's one more bridge she has to close the gate for.
"I have one final favor."
Sheriff's Station: Cellblock
Y/N is still sitting like that on the floor, arms on his knees that are up so he can hide his face behind them. He sometimes snaps his fingers to keep the silence from getting painful and torturous, being able to awaken his inner beast with just it alone. It's very silent today. Or maybe.... maybe he always just imagined what it would be saying, and blamed it on someone else that wasn't him. Maybe that nightmare in the library was just that, a nightmare. Maybe.... maybe all that weird stuff with the girl was just some hints that he needs more than just punishment for his crimes.
But like he said, does it really matter in the long run? You can't fix what's unfixable.
"We're going home, so stop screwing around and I'll let you go."
"You heard about the new kid?"
"The cops? Seriously? My dad is the damn cops, stop trying to use that card."
"They said he hurt a girl who rejected him..."
"Trouble found you, smug boy!"
"Honestly, Tyler and Will had the right idea."
"Shut up, bitch!"
"Why did Weems accept a creep like him?"
"Unless you want my dad to figure how about your brother's drug problem and get him fired from his job. I know he's the only reason you two are still able to stay in that broke-ass house of yours...."
"I bet you ten bucks he'll get himself expelled by the end of the year. No, wait, thirty!"
"....he suddenly came out of nowhere and pinned me to the ground.... and grabbed at my clothes."
"What a creep...."
"I will if a girl tells the story."
"Look! it's the Woods-Creep!"
"How long are you gonna keep that up?" A feminine voice whispers through Y/N's right ear drum, causing him to look over and see Divina in the neighboring cell, leaning her shoulder against the bars. "You give Xavier a run for his money when it comes to self-brooding."
"That's because he didn't kill someone when he lost control for just one second." Y/N remarks with a dark voice as he brings his head back down, causing Divina to roll her eyes.
"You know good and well Xavier or anybody else died by your claws." Divina points, knowing full well that the guy knows better. "Wednesday literally just told you it was Tyler, that means what else did you think you did that was actually done by-?"
"Like I said to Wednesday, what does it matter?" Y/N asks out loud, rudely interrupting the Siren.
"Wow, you are really hopeless, aren't you?" Divina remarks with a shake of her head, her eyes poisoned with disappointment. "You know, Wednesday just her shit kicked by everyone because of her mistake. You didn't see her moping around, did you?"
"You hated Wednesday..."
"Yeah, you're damn right. She was a bitch and still is." Divina proudly doesn't take back that statement. "But she's also your bitch." She adds as she points to Y/N, who gives her a weird look. "Oh, you know what I mean! Tyler could probably kill her because she makes it to the train station, and you couldn't do it because you put yourself in here."
Y/N jerks his head up and gives her an intense glare, knowing that she should know better than to test his negative emotions like that. "What would you do? I can't just turn into the hulk and safe the day. Sure, maybe I'll stop the bad guy, but who's stop me from then killing the people I just saved?" He brings up as he throws his hands while angrily getting up on his feet.
"Simple, you fight him in an isolated location." Divina answers easily with a shrug, sarcastically rubbing her chin. "Like, oh, I don't know..... the woods? The thing we've been surrounded by since Jericho and Nevermore were created?" She points out, before scoffing at him. "What happened to the awesome guy I knew?"
"Hey, Y/N!" Galpin's voice loudly chimes in before the boy can respond, causing him to turn towards him. "Stop talking to yourself and get against the wall, it's time to get you out of here." He informs him with a surprisingly professional look, given the fact that in his mind, Y/N almost killed his son.
When Y/N glances back at where Divina was, he finally remembers that she's dead to. With a depressed sigh, he turns around and presses his head against the wall, allowing Galpin and another deputy to detach the chain from the floor before wrapping them around him like a strait jacket.
Once his arms/chest are fully bound, he's then escorted out of the cellblock and into the Sheriff's personal car.
Time to go meet justice....
Jericho: Hospital
Weems has granted Wednesday's final request, much to her immense gratitude. But, obviously, she was only able to humble herself down to a grateful nod at best. She's sure the principal was able to feel it though. She is taken to the hospital room of Eugene which is covered in yellow balloons and bee plushies, likely some celebration gift from his mothers in response to him being awake right as things looked dire for him.
Eugene doesn't notice her stepping into the room at first until he sets down the stuffed bee. "Wednesday." He expectedly recognizes with a tiny smile, his face is completely scratched and bruised, but he's able to tell it's her in spite of his lack of glasses.
"Eugene." Wednesday greets back as she professionally steps towards the side of the bed. "Glad to see you're finally awake."
"I heard you visited me all the time."
"Don't ever mention it again." Wednesday 'playfully' threatens in response to Eugene's teasing remark, though with her tone, it's hard to tell just how not-serious she is. Still, the boy chuckles as he takes that as confirmation. "Listen, I've been meaning to tell you.... I-" She begins to apologize, but nervously stutters in the middle of it. "I shouldn't have gone to the dance. I should've been with you."
"When the dance floor calls, you gotta answer." Eugene shrugs with a response that he clearly just made up on the spot. Wednesday lets out a small irritated exhale, though, knowing that she fell for a trick by Tyler who likely used the Rave'N date just to distract her from the cave and give the perfect distraction for his master to torch the cave. "It's not your fault, it's the monster's." He adds to try and help make her feel better, knowing that they would've likely both been attacked if they went together.
"It's actually called a Hyde, and it's still out there. Which means you can't go back to Nevermore, not even to check on your bees." Wednesday instructs Eugene with a strict glare laced with oddly good-intentions. "And you have to listen to me this time. I thought Hummers were supposed to stick together?"
Eugene slowly nods, understanding. However, he then looks down at his lap with a depressed look. "So.... it isn't true? What everyone is saying? That Y/N was the monster and is arrested?" He asks with a small bit of hope, but when he sees what Wednesday's eyes say, his un-deserved smile quickly fades away. "Oh.... he's still locked up?"
"He's also a Hyde, but Tyler confessed to everything." Wednesday tells him with a mixed expression, telling them that it also means no one believes her on that second part though. "Y/N thinks he's trying to protect us."
"More like protect you." Eugene calls out with a playful smirk, causing Wednesday to look up and glare at him again.
"You barely know him."
"I don't, but it's still rare that anyone ever stood up for me like that time in the shed." Eugene mentions as the mood goes back to the mourning part. "I just wish that I could've told him that not everyone saw him as bad before he turned himself in." He expresses regretfully, to which Wednesday agreeingly nods. She did, but it seems like whatever's eating Y/N up inside is too much for him to bare. "You know, that night, in the woods, I don't really remember any of it, I just saw someone wearing black and those boots....." He mummers, causing the girl to squint at her.
"What about her boots?"
"There was an explosion of light and just for a moment, I saw that they weren't black." Eugene shares with Wednesday, trying his best to play every single details he remembers about that moment in his mind. "They were red."
Wednesday slowly nods, not thinking much about it at first......
Until she gets the small flashbacks.
Nevermore: Conservatory
Okay, we'll get through the flashbacks explaining Wednesday's realization later, but right now, she's found herself back at the Nevermore she left hours ago to move out, now with a whole new purpose in her heart.
She watches from behind shelves and school desks as Thornhill stands in front of her own desk where a bunch of her equipment is. The glasses and cylinders are blatantly covered with the bright-teal color of Nightshade, all except one, which Wednesday witnesses her sucking some into a dropper and applying it into to the plate, turning it into an incredibly darker shade of green. Then, she filles up a syringe with it.
Having seen enough, the girl calmly whistles, causing Thornhill to snap her body around with a gasp. Yes, you got to see her sudden appearing act from her point of view, you're very welcome. "Wednesday!" The teacher breathlessly says her name in genuine shock, having been caught off guard. "I-I-I thought you'd be halfway to New Jearsey by now."
"You can drop the act, Laurel." Wednesday bluntly responds with a blank stare, causing Thornhil to blink rapidly at her accusation. "I should've known it was you, but I had no idea Y/N was a Hyde until now, then the motherly act you've been feeding him would've given you away sooner. Faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Typically I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots, but yours was a bit extreme even for my high standards." She remarks, only giving her entire plan a half-compliment since it involved ruining other students lives. She couldn't have just stuck to the killing part?
"Oh, dear.... Weems was right." Thornhill shudders as she turns around with the attempt at a dismissive shake of her head, if her real identity wasn't already so obvious. "You do need psychiatric help. You can't throw out wild accusations like that without consequences." She scolds her as she casually picks up a tray carrying her stuff and moves it to the neighboring desk like some normal day of work that doesn't involve her making Nightshade poisoning.
"They may be wild, but they're true." Wednesday responds with confidence, knowing that this time, she is the opposite of wrong. She just made a few rookie mistakes along the way, that's all. "Tyler told me everything." She reveals, causing Thornhill to turn around with a squint as the Galpin kid himself steps out from behind the cover of plants, silently nodding in confirmation. "Let me guess, given your profession, you used a plant-derived chemical, am I wrong?" She deduces, making the teacher scoff at her. "I know your father kept tabs on all the Outcasts in town, so I assume he told you all about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl."
"That's why you targeted Tyler."
Wednesday gives her a blank look before glancing at her temporary companion. "Miss Thornhill, this is Tyler-"
"Galpin." Thornhill says it for her, showing that she knows completely who the barista is. The boy blinks before snapping his fingers in recognition.
"Uh, yeah. Double cap, no foam, two pumps of sugar-free vanilla." Tyler references as he points at her, remembering her as well. Thornhill chuckles in confirmation.
"It's a small town, hard to keep secrets."
"You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was." Wednesday coldly points out, the obvious tactic that made it all too easy for Thornhill she bets. "Now, what Tyler didn't realize is that the truth wouldn't free him, it would enslave him to you. Now that was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles.... but eventually he willing became your servant. And when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Y/N."
"The only person that didn't do exactly what you planned was him."
Y/N gets off of the bike with the face he had on while standing in front of Wednesday still on, just slightly more blank. He walks towards a car where she sees a woman getting out. It's..... Ms. Thornhill? "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" The woman asks the boy in a seemingly worried voice, walking up to him the second she steps out of the car.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, stop worrying about it." Y/N quickly assures her again with a fake chuckle, looking around but seemingly not able to spot Wednesday or Fester. "Can we talk?"
"Of course." Thornhill accepts with a calm smile as she gestures towards the passenger seat. "What's wrong?" She asks him, but Y/N's voice gets muffled when he starts talking while getting inside the car.
Wednesday lowers her watching device with a curious squint.
"Having knowledge of Hydes, it wasn't rocket science for you to deduce who Y/N was, didn't you? He was supposed to be the back-up in case Tyler ever went rouge, or if he ever got caught." Wednesday correctly assumes, causing Thornhill to give her some type of appalled face.
"That's why you did everything possible to make Y/N suffer."
Mother: Kill Xavier on your way out.
Tyler glances up through the doors of all the screaming Rave'N kids as he types out a reply.
You: omw
Freddy gasps as he struggles against the hold, by the person in the backseat has the clear advantage as the wire squeezes his jugular tightly, pressing his lungs together by every millisecond. He gags and chokes as he tries to break free, his feet kicking against the floorboard and hands desperately pulling at the wire, but eventually, his strength gives out. His head slowly slumps onto the steering wheel, making it honk.
When he stops moving, Thornhill feels his pulse and sees it un-reactive, prompting her to pull him into the back and take the driver's seat.
She drives away without anyone realizing what's happening.
Without the kids in the Gate mansion, Thornhill takes the body of Divina into a body bag and brings it with her.
She eventually finds Y/N post-transformation, laying down on the dirt and mud completely naked. She drops the body of Divina and unzips the bag, expertly sliding it down. She smears everything she can with her gloves on the dead kid, making him believe that he is the one who committed this nasty crime.
She then walks away with a sadistically pleased smirk on her face.
"I'm sure when Y/N called, you were expecting to him to use you as a shoulder to cry on, giving you the perfect window to be your slave." Wednesday concludes, lifting her knowing chin up a tiny bit. "But I guess that didn't work out."
"Ugh! That's enough!" Thornhill snaps and quickly cuts off her unnecessary monologue, taking off her glases with an annoyed scoff which makes Wednesday almost look offended by her reaction. "Tyler, honey, make Mamma happy and shut her up..... permanently." She requests Tyler with a smile, causing the boy to blink at her wide-eyed as if not expecting such a request.
"He's not on your side."
"Tyler will do anything for me, just like how Y/N threw himself into the cells for me." Thornhill boasts to Wednesday with a sanguine smirk, walking past her and towards the boy himself. "Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are, and what they did to your mother. The Outcasts made you a monster!" She reminds the kid as she touches her face in a motherly manner, while glancing cockily at her as if demonstrating her dominant power.
"If you only hate Outcasts, why is he killing Normies as well?"
"They're just pawns in a bigger game, just like you Wednesday." Thornhill responds with a sadistic glee to her smile. "Once again, you and Y/N underestimated the situation. Without a monster, Y/N is too soft for him to have killed anyone. And you were never getting on that train, I sent Tyler to intercept you."
"I never made it to the station." Wednesday retorts, causing Thornhill to squint at her confused. She looks over at Tyler. "Heard enough?" She asks as Thornhill turns around to see Tyler growing a few feet taller until he morphs back into Weems, causing her to go wide-eyed as she realizes she's fallen for a ruse. "Your slave is probably still at the station."
"Please don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems quietly pleads to Thornhill with a disappointed look, having wished she was wrong about her. However, the red-head clenches a fist as she reaches into her pocket where she hid her syringe.
"My name..... IS LAUREL!"
Before anyone can react, she swiftly stabs Weems in the neck with it, injecting everything inside her veins. The principal gasps before falling to the floor, causing Wednesday to run over to her, only to see that she's already dead. "Heavy stuff, isn't it?" Thornhill jokes with a shaky breath, causing Addams to look up as the teacher boldly tastes once left on the needle with a small moan. "Look at that? Completely harmless to Normies. This was the Craven family's final version of the poison that only I know of. So did, Mr. Craven, until I slit his throat. Now, all I have to do is simply toss this stuff into the entire school, and.... no more problem."
"You won't get away with this...." Wednesday promises, causing Thornhill to smirk as if the girl told a slightly funny joke.
"Of course, I will." She confidently responds before she knocks the girl out with a shovel.
However, little does she know, Thing was also watching the entire thing, and quickly flees about the confirmed mastermind sees him sprinting away.
He needs to get help!
Wilderness: Street
The ride to wherever place the town of Jericho has been told to escort him to for the safety of everyone else has been quiet. Not a peaceful, or tense quiet, it's just..... quiet. Y/N has been staring out of the same window for the past hour, since the other side pretty much gives him the same view anyway. Trees, trees, and more stupid trees. Galpin has also been silent during the drive in a way that feels noticeable, the way he sometimes glances at his prisoner through the rear-view mirror.
"Does it hurt?" Galpin suddenly asks, eventually breaking the silence. "Every time you transform into that...... that thing." He explains, referencing the pictures he saw on the squatter's camera.
Y/N breaks his hour-long staring out the window to glance at him, getting the feeling that the question is being asked for clarity's sake, but clarity for what, he's not exactly sure. "I'm used to it." He simply responds before he turns back towards the window. That's only half-true, but he can say for sure that he's practiced breathing techniques and such that help deal with the worst parts of it.
"I witnessed a Hydes transformation once." Galpin calmly shares with Y/N as he puts his eyes back on the road, admittedly getting the kid's undivided attention. "It wasn't pretty, I can tell you that. If it wasn't for a werewolf and Vampire, she would've killed me people.... including me."
"She?" Y/N asks with a raised brow, catching onto that small detail. However, Donovan doesn't respond, not wanting to get that deep into it. Still, he's clearly haunted by the sight of Hydes, which probably explains why he already knew how to use those chains earlier.
"Let's just say you remind me of someone...." He tells him, right before he hears his radio suddenly buzzing in with him barely able to catch Ritche calling his job title. "Santiago, what's up?"
"Sheriff, we got a situation." Ritche reports to the man with a very serious and somewhat frantic tone of voice. "Eugene Ottinger's mom just called, frantic. Something's going on at Nevermore." She tells him, which even Y/N can hear, causing him to listen in on their conversation.
"Yeah, okay. Get a couple cars over there, ASAP."
"That's just it, I can't. The tires of all the squad cars have been slashed, every damn one of them." Ritche tells him with a tired sigh, seemingly having been running around to try and find one available to no avail.
Y/N blinks as he hears this. That kind of feat can only be done with a monster Outcast's claws, but all werewolves should be in their cages at this time, and the only other one he knows that could do it is.....
"But that's impossible, I've been in here and my cell this whole time." Y/N points out the obvious with a confused voice, causing Galpin to glance at him with this jaw clenched, knowing that he's the only one that can respond now.
"Alright, I'm on my way." Galpin says as he turns the car right around back towards Nevermore.
After half an hour of more driving, Galpin gets a beep from his phone, and for some reason pulls it out despite being behind the wheel. Whatever he sees makes him abruptly turn the car to the side of the road and put it in park. "What's going on?" Y/N questions him with a raised brow. "You didn't piss before we started driving?"
"Shut it!" Galpin barks in response for his horribly timed joke, causing Y/N to lean back into his chair with a sigh as he watches the cop get out of the car and leave him in the back. Great.... more waiting, just when he thought he was finally done with the waiting.
He idly looks around until he hears a soft, muffled thud from behind, causing him to slowly turn around and see a stitched walking hand crawling around the back of the car. "Thing?" Y/N utters with a confused look, not sure why he's here. He watches as his frenemy crawls over and opens the door for him.
"What are you doing?" Y/N questions his savior with an oddly-placed weird look, given that Thing just pulled him out of a bind. "Didn't Wednesday tell you what I said to her earlier?" He points out, but the hand signs that he doesn't care about his self-guild-tripping baloney. "Okay? I didn't freaking ask you. I'm not gonna help-"
He quickly shuts up when Thing tells her the real reason he's come to free him. Wednesday has been captured by Marylin after she tried to confront her about the Hyde business. "Ms. Thornhill?" Y/N utters with a bewildered. "But.... but.... no, she wouldn't-" He stutteringly tries to deny it, but the hand enforces that it's true and that Addams has been taken hostage by her.
Y/N glances down for a brief moment, but he doesn't need to think about it too long as he nods before stepping out, allowing Thing to help get the chains off of him.
"Lead the way."
(A/N) And here's the new chapter!
Sorry for anyone that was expecting a fast chapter or something. Now that I'm at Episode 8, I'm trying to take my time so I don't forget something important. For example, I meant to include the scene where Y/N turns himself in at the end of Episode 7, not at the beginning of 8. (I was really tired at that time, and kind of a moron, lol)
Anyway, the last two (maybe three, wink, wink) parts are going to be a little crazy, so get ready for those. Well, there's an epilogue too, but you get what I'm trying to say. I told you I wasn't going to have Y/N be locked up so quickly, that was mostly just to mirror Xavier and to show how smitten we are for Wednesday now.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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