Part 2
Jericho: Weathervane
Whatever you may have grumbled or complained about employees behind their back, you might want to apologize to them after working this kind of job. Y/N most certainly will, he can promise himself that. "You did something wrong." The lone female costumer complains to the female as she almost slams her cup to the table hard enough that everything might have jumped out.
Y/N blinks, understandably confused. "That's exactly what you ordered."
"You sure? But it doesn't taste right! It's too sweet!" The female insists with an angry look. "Get me another one!" She demands, her face possibly challenging him to do something that he'll no doubt get arrested for. Though, he definitely won't regret it for the most part. Still.... he has to play it cool, for now.
"Fine..." Y/N mutters as he gives her a heavily fixed smile before walking back to the counter where Tyler is working on another order. He may call the Galpin kid a lot of things, but he can say that he was right about one, that the Weathervane is hectic around this hour. "Hey, um......" He sets the cup down, getting the guy's attention. He knows what he has to say, but it feels like he's ruin his dignity much just pronouncing even one word of that sentence.
"Miss Crazy wants another Double Tall, Vanilla Latte with three-eights a pump of Vanilla?" Tyler helps say it for him, showing just how aware he is of the woman who has been forcing them to mark each of her cups with a sharpie. No, not as in, 'we had to do it because her order was just that crazy'. She actually forced them to do it, that's how precise she wants it.
Y/N sighs before nodding. "Yeah...." He confirms with a whisper, almost sounding like a defeated man with the way the day is currently going along. Tyler hums in a way that says, 'welcome to my life, pall'.
"Let me see it." Tyler says as he takes the cup and takes off the lid before bringing it next to the machine. "So, how's Wednesday?" He then idly asks him as he does nothing but take a spoon and start mixing the cup around, sometimes doing it very dramatically as if trying to show off to the woman. "She hasn't escaped from Nevermore yet, right?"
"Escaped?" Y/N questions with a raised brow, causing Tyler to awkwardly freeze, having assumed that he would've known. "You know what, don't answer that." He assuring holds up a hand, knowing that whatever Wednesday does is best left to be Wednesday's business. "She's fine, I guess. I mean, she may still hate it, but I see her getting used to the place."
"Yeah, I know what you mean." Tyler agreeingly comments with a small chuckle. "She's not as hard to read as she probably thinks she is." He quips humorously as if thinking it would pass as a joke to Y/N, only for the boy to raise a suspicious brow instead.
"Yeah, but you're not, right?" Y/N remarks with a snarky stare, wiping the smile off of Tyler's face. "Tell me, does she know who you really are? What you did to me and Xavier?" He queries, causing the guy to noticeably shift uncomfortably. "I told her to stay away, but considering the way she took my advice, I'd guess no."
"Funny, I was wondering the same thing about you." Tyler replies as he decided to give Y/N the same kind of look. Wednesday may have gotten enough clues, but something tells him that she doesn't know the whole story. "Does she know what you did?"
"There's nothing to know." Y/N retorts with a glare, as if trying to say the infamous 'that's different' line. Tyler responds to his slight hypocrisy with a slow, sarcastic nod.
"Ditto." Tyler quips smartly before holding up the cup of latte and setting it back down in front of him. "Here, give that too her." He then instructs him. Y/N slowly takes it, gives it a quick look before noticing that this is the same one.
"All you did was mix it up." Y/N points out with a raise brow, perplexed as to what's going on. However, Tyler just nods back at the lady, encouraging him to bring it back and see what happens. "Okay...." He mutters and gives up, knowing that he has to be used to whatever verbal abuse comes his way next.
He walks back and sets it down in front of the lady who gives him a glare before taking a small, two-second sip. Then she smiles. "It's perfect." She says before waving him away.
Y/N can feel the vein popping out of his forehead. "Great!" He exclaims, his voice high-pitched. He then slowly turns around and walks off to the next thing, continuously reminding himself to take deep breaths. During which, however, he notices a book on the table carrying a very similar symbol, the same one that Tyler said belonged to the Cravens. He blinks as he looks over at the man sitting in the booth. "Are you a Craven, too?"
The man looks up upon realizing that Y/N's talking to him, staring at him curiously. "Oh, uh.... no, not really." The man awkwardly explains as he holds it up, waggling it around with a sheepish smile. "Just a fan of their work, I guess."
"Oh, really?" Y/N queries with a curious hum, to which the man nods. "Trying to open your own coffee shop?" He asks humorously with a chuckle, although the man shakes his head in response.
"No, I mean the other thing they were famous for." The man specifies, causing Y/N to give him a look that asks for elaboration. "They were also mixologists. You know, in the potion industry? They made almost everything Jericho has today in terms of medicine. Cure Werewolf bites, calm telekinesis, I heard they even made a different version of Nightshade." He explains, fueling his curiosity even more. Is he talking about the flower? Someone made an elixir of that?
"What's Nightshade?"
"Hey, Y/N!" Tyler calls out to him, breaking the conversation. "I got another here for you!" He says as he holds up an entire try of cups, causing Y/N to sigh as he gives the man a grateful smile for talking to him before walking away.
"Hey, wait a minute...." The man then raises up a hand, standing up slightly as Y/N turns around. "You're that kid, aren't you? The one with a record?" He then asks, squinting, causing the boy to glance down in a way that accidentally gives him the answer. "You should be careful about asking about Nightshade, some people may think you're gonna use it yourself..." He warns Y/N as a member of those 'some people', judging by his look.
Y/N sighs and nods as he walks away.
Glad to know......
Jericho: Pilgrim's World
Wednesday is also not having the best of times at her position of handing out samples. However, she's made her own bit of fun of the situation by doing the exact opposite of what Y/N advises her not to do, make herself the go-to-translator for the current tourists the attraction is having.
"Enjoy your 'authentic' pilgrim fudge made with cacao beans produced by the oppressed indigenous people of the Amazon." Wednesday, you guessed it, speaks in German while also dropping trivia that makes the tourists all gasp and share an uneasy look. "All proceeds go to uphold this pathetic whitewashing of American history. Also, fudge wasn't invented for another two-hundred-fifty-eight years." She adds before raising the tray with a sanguine smirk. "Any takers?"
They all quickly shake their heads and pour out of the store one by one, just in time for Arlene to come in and see the highest amount of potential customers retreat and possibly already be grabbing the bus back home. She looks over at Wednesday who smirks at her before stepping away, now able to do more important things.
She's sure Arlene won't be disappointed when she disappears.
She eventually sneaks out of Ye Olde Fudgery to where she needs her potential minion. It's not easy, given other male Outcasts wearing the same outfits as him, but the true key is to mark off anyone that isn't abusing the opportunity to eat their own samples, which is 99% of all of them. This part will just as simple.
She eventually hears thuds and sounds of a struggle, soon followed by the sound of heavy vomiting caused by eating way too much of the high doses of sugar. Yup, that is definitely Eugene alright. She follows it over to the Witch Trial Stage that was advertised heavily on the signs of this playground, where she spots the similar faces of the Jericho bullies trying to stuff the poor kid into the wooden device made for pure humiliation.
Right as the tall bully's about to entrap him though, her hand stops the lid. "Howdy, Pilgrims." She quips, causing all of their eyes to turn towards her. "Let him go." She then demands with a blank stare.
The bullies all laugh at her in response, however. "What? You wanna end up in the stocks, too?" The tall bully threatens, though that is fairly hard to do with his clothes and half his face covered in chocolate-colored puke.
"Remember what happened last time we did this dance..... Twice?" Wednesday queries with a look that advises them to not be more of a fool than they already are. However, the bullies just once again laugh in her face as if that's not enough to scare them off.
"Yeah, and I recall you needing your little boyfriend, the Woods-Creep, to help you." The tall bully mocks Wednesday, the three of them clearly not seeing her as much of a threat now that she's alone, and the only backup she has is clearly in no condition to help her, spitting out remains of vomit out of his mouth.
"I didn't need him. Your friends over there will tell you the same." Wednesday responds coldly. The tall bully glances at his buddies, who look a little bit more hesitant in confrontation, but that doesn't stop him from scoffing at her.
"You don't scare me, freak." The tall bully says as he aggressively pulls Eugene out of the stocks and throws him to the other two. He marches over and grabs her by the throat, however, Wednesday simply kicks his shins from under him, causing him to fall down on his side. He groans angrily as he quicky gets himself back up and throws a punch at her, only for her to duck down and dodge it. He tries to palm her nose, but she grabs it and twists his wrists and fingers, causing him to grunt as they let out a crack. Then finally, she grabs him by the arm and forces him into the stock, and stomps her foot down to trap him in it.
With him now struggling pathetically against it, Wednesday then looks towards Eugene as well as the bullies that were watching. "Are you two still here?" She asks them with a glare. The heavy bully looks like he's considering throwing hands, but Lucas quickly puts a hand on his shoulder before he does.
"I can't get into any more trouble with my dad." Lucas tells him, knowing when to fight and when to back down, and it looks like he outta back down this time in spite of his tendencies. "Sorry, Jonah." He apologizes to his friend before he and the heavy bully push Eugene towards Wednesday and calmly walk away, not risking any further embarrassment.
"What? No, hey!" The tall bully, who Wednesday now has a name for, yells at them as he tries even harder to break free, much to no avail. "Lucas!"
With them taken care of, again, Wednesday turns to Eugene. "Let's get you cleaned up."
Eugene gratefully nods, as his stomach makes another putrid noise.
Jericho: Weathervane
Y/N still thinks about the Cravens every time he doesn't have to memorize an order or remember which person's getting which. Coffee and potions? Something about that and having them disappear without a single trace of what happened feels off to him. Taking that, and the whole deal with Rowan's death that was covered up so expertly except for that one piece of clothing left behind, something inside can't help but wonder if this is a similar case.
Like he said, one thing he hates is when the truth is blatantly ignored in front of him.
"Man, I hate this....." Xavier mutters next to Y/N as he glances over to find him going through his phone despite the obvious image it paints him as. "Bianca still won't stop sneaking me texts about what happened in the library." He vents to his new roommate, sighing as he pockets it.
"Are you mad that I shut down your invitation in front of everyone?" Y/N asks, as he looks over at Xavier, noticing that his usual expression has kicked up its moody side to the max. "How mad are you?" He queries with a slightly scared face.
"Relax, bro, I'm not mad." Xavier quickly assures him with a slightly calmer look. "Although, I'll be lying if I said I didn't go out on a limb for you, what with the whole court thing you have going on..." He mutters as he tries getting back to work.
"Look, I'm honored that I was invited, and the whole kidnapping thing wasn't what turned me off, it's just not my thing." Y/N says in his defense, arms raised for a few seconds before going back to figuring out the espresso machine. "If you have to call your group 'elite' to feel special, then that's a group I don't want to be a part of."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Xavier questions as he turns to Y/N with a raised brow, not sure if that's supposed to be advice or a slight jab towards him.
"Let's just say that people who are 'special' tend to show it off...."
Before Y/N can further explain what that means, they hear the bell ringing and looks over to see Thornhill and Principal Weems walking into the building, signaling that the Nevermore staff is soon about to start having a break of their own. "Oh great, talk about stressing expectations..." Xavier mutters with a tired sigh.
"No kidding...." Y/N agrees, but while Xavier isn't looking he adds a little extra powder to the espresso, which absorbs into the liquid perfectly swift, before closing the lid. He taps Xavier on the shoulder as if to say, 'good luck with them' before he walks over to the order he's currently working on. "Here you go."
The customer, too distracted by her laptop like she's been for the past twenty minutes, takes the cup and sips it without thinking, causing her to abruptly spit it out when she tastes something extremely off with it. Y/N's apron and uniform takes the entire blunt of it, which every single person in the store witnesses. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She quickly apologizes upon realizing what she did.
"No, no, it's fine.... I must've messed something up." Y/N assures her as he looks down at the mess, exactly what he wanted. Check. "Let me go make sure nothing's wrong with the machine and make you another one." He says as he takes the cup with a nod, walking back to the counter.
"Ain't that karma, creep?" A young adult whispers as him as he passes, causing him and his gang to chuckle amongst themselves. Y/N closes his eyes, hearing the dark whispers, but calms himself and moves on.
"You okay?" Tyler asks as he walks back, a confused look on his face as to what happened. "What did you put in that thing?"
"What? You actually care?" Y/N questions with a look as he takes off his apron, prompting Tyler to just roll his eyes in response. "Look, you mind taking care of that? I need to change really quick." He requests, walking away before the guy actually can answer him.
Tyler scoffs as he's left to handle it without much choice, especially when Thornhill suddenly pops in front of his counter next. However, right as he's about to turn the corner, Y/N slowly turns back around and scans the area very quickly. With him and Xavier occupied with various tasks now, he makes a U-Turn and sneaks into the Manager's Office, not even needing a key to get in.
Jericho: Pilgrim's World
A few feet away from the Witch Trial location, Wednesday is currently wiping all of Eugene's left over fudge off of his costume with the help of her cap that she hated in the first place. She finds it to be a suitable use for the original gag tool that she was gonna throw into the trash anyway the second she snuck out of that troublesome shop.
"Nobody's ever stood up for me before." Eugene mentions to Wednesday while she's cleaning him up, looking a little surprised that she did it still despite that being over five minutes ago. Clearly, he's gotten to the point where he doesn't expect it, as the girl can see.
"You said Hummers stick together." Wednesday references, having assumed that he meant it with the way he was so idiotically sincere. Besides, she still needs her help with a little honey quest of her own.
"I know this might come as a shock, but.... I don't have any friends." Eugene reveals to Wednesday, who just emotionlessly blinks at him. Nope, she had no idea at all, what a shocker.
"You remind me of my brother." Wednesday shares with Eugene as she then throws the tainted cap away, glad to finally not be wearing that anymore. "Sans the desire to strangle him every waking moment." She quips, to which the boy chuckles a bit. It's probably the main reason she tolerates his presence every single time they interact unlike some people. "Now follow me. I need to know more about this Crackstone, so we have a meeting house to break into."
The two sneak around Pilgrim's World until they find the mentioned museum. Wednesday makes sure that Eugene is just as careful as she is, assuring that even the livestock that are available for petting don't notice them. They step around the walls of the building until they get to the door, which is expectedly locked.
However, Wednesday knows a trick that you probably expect her to know. "Give me your retainer." She orders as she holds her hands out, waiting to be able to take it.
"What why? Your teeth are really could." Eugene retorts ignorantly, causing Wednesday to slowly turn and silently stare at him. "Not as straight or white as Enid's but still-"
"Hand it over." Wednesday orders again in a stricter tone, thankfully silencing Eugene who takes them out and rubs them against his sleeve as to not spread his saliva onto her palm.
"What if Mistress Arlene catches us?" Eugene brings up as he reluctantly hands her his teeth-protecters. Wednesday then uses them as her own lockpick to slither through the keyhole and poke at the locking mechanism inside.
"Hive code. Deny everything."
"That's not hive code!" Eugene instantly retorts, wondering why would even have learned it from an outside source anyway. "What's the big deal anyway? The fudge is definitely the best thing about this place." He comments, which she can definitely believe given how well he shared his feelings about it onto the Jericho bullies.
"Stop talking." Wednesday shuts him up as the lock then unlocks with a snap. "Keep watch." She orders she hands him the lock before opening the door and stepping in, pretty much forcing him into his new role of the plan.
Stepping inside, she finds a room filled with a lot of the stuff she did technically expect. She opens up her back and Thing plops down onto a casing display so the two of them can search together. As mentioned earlier, there's old looking farm tools, old looking pictures, an old looking pot, but what oddly grabs her attention more is the mannequin in the center of the room, painted and dressed exactly like the man of the town.
She stares down Crackstone's soul, knowing that something about him is different than what everyone else is saying about him. Her grandmother once told her that zombies are like secrets, they can never truly die. She doesn't know this pilgrim man has been hiding for four-hundred years, but she has a strange feeling the answers to her future lie in the past, especially when she eyes the staff that the pilgrim in her drawing was holding, guess that's how Y/N identified him earlier.
She feels Thing tugging on her robe, causing her to snap out of her gaze and look down to see him pointing over at what he thinks is an item of interest. She steps over and sees a massive Rennaissance-like painting. "The Old Meeting House, 1625." She notes as she stares at it and sees Crackstone seemingly hovering around a crowd of pilgrims separated into two separate parties it seems. Given the heroic pose, it seems like it's trying to say how he brought the Normies and Outcasts together, but something's off about it. That's when she notices a girl that isn't staring at Crackstone, she's starting at Wednesday herself. She squints at her, before her eyes-widen when she scans her face. "Thing, this is the girl from my vision!" She tells him. "She's even holding the same book. That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt."
But then, she as she glances around, she notices something more morbid about the painting next to it. She walks over, and notices a similar craft, this one more rectangular from top to bottom, and focused on one single person. However, this person isn't paitned as some kind of hero.
This person is shrouded in satanic darkness....
She's not sure how she should feel about it. Whether it's Ivan terrible....
Or bad terrible.
Jericho: Weathervane
Right after Y/N disappears, the Mayor of Jericho steps in and casually looks around before noticing Weems at a booth, her face being very familiar to him. "Principal Weems." He quietly calls out to her, causing the woman to look up and blink in recognition.
"Ah! Mayor!"
"Well, it looks like another successful Outreach Day is upon us." He remarks as he gestures around with that fixed smile still on his face, one that Weems similarly has as she laughs in response. "And, uh, thank you for your..... generous donation to my re-election campaign." Noble also expresses his gratitude on that.
"Consider it a token to our ongoing cooperation." Weems replies with a smile that says she was more than happy to help him stay in office, considering just how much he helps in keeping Nevermore safe from certain Normies that could re-consider the law now that organizations like the Nightshades no longer exist.
A third party who is currently still at the counter notices the principal and quickly makes her way over to her. "Apparently, everyone is off to their assignments. And so far, no incidents." Mrs. Thornhill reports, to which Weems nods, grateful to hear that.
"Mayor Walker, I'd like you to meet Marilyn Thornhill." Weems introduces the man to her, to which Thornhill nervously nods in greeting. "In the spirit of Outreach, she's Nevermore's first Normie teacher."
"Ah, well, the pleasure's all mine." Walker quips as the two politely shake hands with one another, during which, he does another scan of the teacher's face. "Hey, have we, uh..... have we met before?" He then asks with a slightly perplexed expression, feeling some similar about her eyes behind her glasses.
"Not officially, but I see you in here every morning." Thornhill explains with a big smile, as if really happy to finally be talking to him face-to-face. "You're always tucked into that little back booth when I come in for my daily matcha latte."
"Hehe, I knew it!" Walker replies, chuckling as he points at her like that was the answer he was looking for.
"Mrs. Thornhill, please keep me posted, especially about a certain pig-tailed upstart." Weems requests as she gives him a look that knows she's aware of who she's talking about. She doesn't want a repeat of what happened at the Harvest Festival, where she will have to pay for possible damages.
Thornhill nods but also swallows nervously.
Jericho: Pilgrim's World
Everyone else in the Outcast group is still handing out samples. However Arlene has noticed that two sheep in the herd are unaccounted for. One of them including a certain someone that was speaking in German earlier. Finding one of her little helpers, she walks over to Bianca Barclay.
"How now." She slithers behind her, causing her to turn her head around with a weird look. "Your Nevermore sister, the one with the dark eyes and the sour face, where has she hithered?" She queries, to which Bianca's expression changes into a mischievous one, and she giggles softly.
"You mean Wednesday Addams?" Bianca obviously knows which girl she's talking about. "Knowing her, she's hithered somewhere she shan't be." She answers, causing Arlene to frown as she marches away, unknowingly making the Siren's day.
Let's see her talk her way out of this one.
Jericho: Weathervane
As Y/N steps into Mr. Craven's office, he double checks and assures himself that no one saw him inside. Timing's great, but he likely doesn't have much of it, as he has however long it is for Tyler and Xavier to remain busy and who knows when the man himself will return. He quietly closes the door behind him and flicks the light switch.
Once he does and the lights flash on, he finds the place to be a little.... different, than what he somewhat expected. There are drawings posted to the wall like posters, showcasing various Zodiac signs. There are also odd-looking bottles placed across the two massive shelves in the room, and then, right across from him, there's a painting showing devils attacking from below and angels defending from above. Something about it rubs Y/N the wrong way.
But then he quickly shakes his head and forces himself to get back to the task at hand before somebody realizes he's gone and/or in here. He circles around the desk and looks over, though the folders all carry useless stuff, and he obviously doesn't know the password to get into his computer. However, looking through the dressers, he notices that one of them is hidden behind a lock, the true thing that Mr. Craven didn't want anyone to see. Interesting....
However, what could the code be?
"Oh, it's the symbol for the Cravens. They were the most popular families here next to the Gates until most of them suddenly disappeared a few years ago. Our manager is the only one that's still around."
Eh, worth a shot.
Since it's a four-digit number lock, Y/N uses some quick math for 'a few years ago' and sets the first two numbers as 2 and 0, before doing trying every duo possible for the other half. Starting with 2-0-1-0. To his total shock, it actually succeeds at 2-0-1-8, snapping open and giving him full reign of a man's personal privacy. His hands start searching the inside until he feels something made of leather, there, he then finds a notebook, where inside it is a bunch of maps drawn by hand.
Man, remember when he was angry about his diary earlier? Yes, his hypocrisy is not completely unaware to him. He's possibly going to end up committing a very similar crime. However, when you're currently dealing with a monster that has killed four people, one of them being someone you know, you might need to stary changing your standards.
However, right as he's about to hide this thing under his messy apron to store inside a locker later or something, he hears the knob of the office door turning. He goes wide-eyed as he frantically looks around before deciding to go with a closet that's conveniently here for some reason. (I'm sure it's there not because the author needed a plot device to keep Y/N from getting caught, nah)
He puts the notebook back and quickly hides himself, though doesn't have enough time to re-lock the drawer. The second the closet door is shut, Mr. Craven walks in, none the wiser. He lets out a sigh that Y/N can hear as he closes the door behind him, walking over to his desk and practically falling onto the seat. He looks over at the photo display next to the computer, staring at it with remorse. From what the hiding boy can see, he clearly has no idea what happened to his family either, or maybe he does, but doesn't want to accept it.
However, he stops his sulking when he glances down and notices the drawer keeping his notebook safe, is unlocked, the thing that should be keeping it shut is causally laying on the desk like it needed a coffee break or something. He blinks as he grabs and holds the lock, seemingly looking around. Y/N feels a knot in his stomach. Oh no, he's figured it out. He knows.
It's over.
Or it's not, as Mr. Craven hears his desk's landline ringing. Ignoring the bad feeling he has, he walks back to his desk to answer it. "Weathervane...." He tiredly answers it, only to instantly wake up upon hearing whatever it was that his caller just said. "Already? What did it say?" He asks them, to which he then slowly nods in response. "Okay..... okay, yeah, I'm on my way."
He hangs up and leaves the office almost as soon as he entered. Y/N takes the moment to thank his religious figure before stepping out and sneaking out of the office to go change for real this time.
That was close.
By the time he makes it back, Tyler has just finished the whole fender-bender he found himself in, and Xavier is also done with his order as well. The former turns and notices him returning. "Dude, how slow do you change?! I literally had to take care of two things at once and they took to hours... each." He complains and vents at him, to which Y/N just shrugs with a smile.
"I needed to tie my shoes."
Tyler blinks at his so-bad-it-works excuse, as Y/N taps on his face like he's his little brother or something before walking over to go grab a towel and soap to go clean the tables.
"What..... in the name of fu-"
Jericho: Pilgrim's World
Wednesday is still staring back-to-back and the paintings that were presumably written from a long time ago. However, something about both feel incredibly strange. The girl that looks like her in the first painting looks much more detailed than everyone else, like a completely different person included her into it, and then the second one is just..... well, radiates evil all together, you probably get it by now.
Turning around so she doesn't get hypnotized by them, she glances around until her eyes fall upon a book that seems a lot like the one the gold-haired girl was holding in said-painting. She marches over and takes a closer look, Codex Umbrarum, it says on the cover.
"This is the book!" She recognizes, opening up the display casing. "That's Latin for Book of Shadows." She lets Thing know for fun. However, when her fingers touch it, it feels just like everything else in the room.... brand new. That's when she opens it and finds nothing but blank, fresh pages. Disappointing, but also odder, so she flips it over to find a barcode on the back of it. "Great, it's a fake. I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an Outcast settler."
Right as she's about to tell thing to hop into her bag so they can head out, half-unsatisfied, she hears Eugene grunting from outside before the door suddenly opens and Mistress Arlene steps in, dragging the caught kid by the arm. "Just what the fudge, are you doing in here, Missy?"
"Mistress Arlene!" Wednesday greets with a rapidly fixed smile. "How now?"
"How nod, indeed?" Arlene questions as she glares at Wednesday with a very irritated look. "I proclaimed the Meeting House is under repair. I know thoust heard me." She reminds her, knowing that she did this on purpose.
"I told her the door was unlocked." Eugene Tells Wednesday, having tried to do his job to the best of his.... abilities. "And I told her you were dying to learn more about Crackstone."
"Yes, and this display case was already open." Wednesday agreeingly tells Arlene the most blatant lie in the snake history of slithery lies. Arlene lets go of Eugene while smirking amused that the attempt of thievery that she made.
"That book's a replica."
"You don't say."
"The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial."
"It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here." Wednesday quickly calls her out on which she knows to be a possible lie, knowing that the 'old tools' should be much more rusty and overall older than they evidently are. "Yet you still charge $25.95 for a ticket?"
"Hold thy tongue!" Arlene hisses as she doesn't seem to take Wednesday's obviously correct deduction of her practices with a tense lick of her lips. "I'm reassigning you fudge-churning duty!" She declares, causing Eugene to drop his shoulders with a sigh.
"The original Meeting House?" Wednesday brings up, not caring about whatever job she gives her, since she'll likely endanger that one on purpose as well, probably make it worse. "The one shown in that painting, where is it?" She inquires with a look that says she isn't leaving until she gets an answer. Arlene glares at her until she sighs, giving up.
"How the hell should I know?" Arlene questions with a shrug, so tired with Wednesday to the point that she's blatantly breaking character. "I only moved here from Scottsdale to April." She mentions with a defeated sigh.
Wednesday glances down, disappointed.
Why is she not surprised?
(A/N) New Chapter!
Sorry about the slight delay, needing a small break from writing to focus on other things, and Thanksgiving break ended as most of you know, so I now have less time to work on this. But anyway, hope this was worth the wait for now.
I know there wasn't a single bit of Wednesday and Y/N interacting with each other in this part, but don't worry, the rest of the episode will obviously include this. I decided to cut out both of the Ajax and Enid scenes because, let's be honest, those do not contribute at all to the overall plot, and we didn't come here to re-read that stuff. Those two were great together though, so good for them.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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