Part 1
Jericho: Wilderness
Wednesday enjoys funerals. She's been crashing them since she was old enough to read the obituaries section. Being around two at the same time, isn't something new for her, but with people that were nothing alike still feels weird for some reason. Mayor Walker and Divina were murdered, and she knows the killer is standing innocently amongst the crowd of mourners, plotting their next move, and watching everything she does. That Laurel Gates box contained potoroids of herself during various moments of her life since the beginning of Nevermore.
She knows she's closer to the truth, at this point, there's no doubt in her mind that she has all the pieces of the jigsaw, she just needs to slot them into place. She watches as Lucas as his mother stand up, hugging Sheriff Galpin. Glancing at everyone here, Ajax, Enid, Thornhill, Tyler, Kinbott, she must look past the masks of grief. Until now, she may have been outmatched and outmaneuvered, but the final gambit has yet to be played.
The killer will make a mistake, and she'll be ready.
After staring at it for who knows how long, she looks up and sees that she's almost going to be the only person left staying around the grave, how ironic. She looks around to see who's left, which is when she finds the one person she didn't identify during the whole ceremony, Y/N, leaning against a tree. Once she sees him, he puts his hands in his jacket's pockets and walks off, prompting her to follow.
As she jogs into the wilderness, her foot splashing against the occasional puddle or too, she sems to have already lost the guy only a few minutes into trying to follow him. Ever since that.... that moment in Ophelia Hall, Y/N has been more distant than ever before lately, and not just to her. She needs to figure out why.
Once she realizes that she's practically running around in the woods alone, she stops and scans her surroundings, wondering how she lost him so easily. Her eyes remain squinting as the fog whistling eerily past her ears until she hears a loud thud of footsteps hitting the dirt behind her. She swiftly pulls out the sharp tip of her umbrella and jabs it towards the figure's face, only for them to grab the tip and give it an electric shock, forcing her to drop it with a small gasp.
"Still as sharp as ever, my pigtailed protégé!" The figure compliments with a familiar voice, causing Wednesday to stare at the person in shock, no pun intended, as they take off their hat and reveal their bald-headed and troublesome face.
"Uncle Fester!" Wednesday recognizes with a massive grin on her face, excited to finally see him again.
The man snickers, the feeling being incredibly mutual.
Nevermore: Courtyard
Everyone has a limit until the serial murders taking place around your child's school catches up to you. It's just a shame that the limit usually involves tragedy. The press told you it was a bear, so why would you think that a monster with claws and big eyes would be roaming around, ready to chop your daughter up into little bits?
You didn't, that's all.
Y/N saw the car rolling up to the front of the campus, so with a bag wrapped around his shoulder, he walks outside just in time to see Kent tucking his bags into the back of his parents' car. The entire scene reminds him of that time with Rowan, only this time, it's to actually wish him goodbye and not test with him a trick question.
"Saying farewell to Nevermore?" Y/N questions in a friendly voice as he walks over, causing the Siren to turn towards him. He's annoyed at first until he sees that it's only L/N's face, probably having expected another one of his fellow scales to come along and offer condolences or what-not.
"Not by choice." Kent replies with a shrug. "Mom and Dad knew that this place was going under a crisis, but after what....." He takes a deep swallow, briefly closing his eyes in grief. "....what happened last week was the straw that broke the camel's back, you know?"
"I get, completely." Y/N expresses with a small nod, wishing he was in his shoes right about now if he didn't feel like had a duty to finished what he volunteered in. "Well, if you're going now, then I want you to have this." He then takes the bag off his shoulder and extends it towards him. "For nostalgia's sake."
Kent takes the bag with a curious brow, opening it up to reveal an old jacket Y/N hasn't worn in a while. "Is this the jacket that we used to tease you about?" The Sire surprisingly recognizes in spite of his tiny brain, causing the other teen to chuckle in confirmation. He then feels more weight and digs further into the bag to find even more clothes that he and Bianca's gang have messed with in the past. "Why are you giving me this?"
"Saw some cool stuff on Amazon, figured I should clean out a good part of my closet." Y/N explains casually, referencing just how short each one is that the students are given. Even less room when added shelves are added to it. Not to blame the building for, because money, but still.... gotta do something, right? "I can give them to someone else, if-"
"No, no, don't worry about it. I need to feel more casual anyway now that I'm leaving the private boarding school." Kent remarks somewhat humorously, putting everything back in the bag with a grateful smile for the thought at the very least.
Y/N slowly nods in response before glancing up at the morning sky. "Nice weather..." He idly comments with bliss before turning around and walking back into the building, to which Kent blinks, perplexed as he watches him leave.
Call this another stupid observation, but did he just enjoy life for a second there?
Wednesday and Uncle Fester walk down a random dirt trail, ambling around the woods. She never forgot about the old man, but she didn't think she'd be seeing him during all of this chaos. Needless to say, his presence is almost a gift at this moment. She's been too busy trying to figure out how to come to terms with her new-found nature of being a lone Raven. The side-effects have been dripping ever since....
Ever since that night.
Her head on his shoulder. Y/N hesitated for a bit, knowing that she's not a hugger, but Wednesday beats him to the punch by grabbing his arm and lifting it around her shoulder.
She's never felt more peaceful, like she wanted this.
The problem with it is, she's never had a conversation with Y/N after, not even for something as painful as small talk. "Protege, are you alright?" Fester questions her curiously, snapping her out of her flashback. "You look like you're actually experiencing human emotional conflict for once."
"I would more likely be found swimming in molten lava." Wednesday instantly remarks, causing Fester to laugh teasingly in response as if not believing her. "How long have you been stalking me?" She asks him to pleadingly change the subject.
"Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia." Fester answers as he looks up at the sky with a bright smile, which strikes Wednesday's curiosity.
"I thought you didn't go to Nevermore?"
"I didn't, your dad got all the brains, but I would usually drop in on him." Fester answers before glancing at her with a mischievous smirk. "Usually, from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth, just to keep him on his toes." He drops the punchline, cackling at his own joke, and Wednesday smiles, heavily amused. Sadly, she doesn't do laughter, or else she would be crying.
"Of course."
"He filled me in on what's been going on." Fester then informs Wednesday, the two briefly stopping to face each other and address the elephant in the...... the woods. "Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun!" He comments with a gleeful reaction. "I told him I had a job in Boston, but I'd be checking up on you."
Wednesday squints at him, the idea of her uncle working an honest living is like a pig working a sauna. "What kind of job?"
"The kind that means I need somewhere to lay low for a couple days." Fester answers honestly with a face that indicates he's gotten himself into something deep and is inches away from getting himself buried. Wednesday smirks at him victoriously.
She knew it.
She leads him through the woods and into the Hummer Den, which is less quiet today since it's hibernation season for their little friends. She knows that Fester isn't as bothered by them at all, in fact, he's the type that gets excited when he finds a hive of bees. "This place belongs to a friend." She tells him as they enter, almost instantly closing the door behind them.
"You've actually made a friend?" Fester asks with an impressed hum as he walks over to the open table where he sets down his stuff. "That poor kid will be going home in a body bag." He quips, not knowing how much that effects Wednesday when she glances down with a dark expression in her eyes. "Ooooh, I like a hideout that comes with snacks." He comments as he steps towards the current bed of the little bees.
"Those bees are hibernating. They're practically Eugene's children." Wednesday points out the obvious, as if it wasn't clear enough with the sign under the bed. Fester, not an expert at taking the hint, still opens the top and grabs one, causing to frantically buzz when he opens his mouth. "Which means do not eat them!"
Uncle Fester freezes as he turns around to see Wednesday's eyes indicating that she's being serious about it. So, reluctantly, he puts it back into the bed and closes it back up with a sad sigh. "You know, when you give me that death stare of disapproval, you remind me of your mother." He remarks, causing Wednesday to finally break her glare, slightly embarrassed. "Speaking of scary things, do you know what kind of a monster you're dealing with?"
Now that's a good question. "Haven't been able to identify it." Wednesday answers honestly as she pulls out Xavier's sketch and hands it to Fester, who hums in recognition, slightly haunted upon seeing it.
"It's called a Hyde." Fester tells her, causing Wednesday to raise a brow curiously as she puts the sketch back.
"As in Jekyll and Hyde?" She asks, to which Fester nods with a confirming hum. "You've seen one before?"
"Oh, yeah. In '83, during my vacay at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane. It's where I got my first lobotomy, but you know lobotomies, they're kinda like tattoos, you can't just get one." Fester replies with a shrug, easily drifting off into a story completely unrelated.
"Tell me about the Hyde."
Fester makes a mixed face as he glances up, going down memory lane. "Ah..... Olga Malacova. Geez, she had it all. Beauty, brains, and a penchant for necrophilia!" He begins, giggling and clapping his hands at the last part. "Olga was a concert pianist, until one night, she transformed in the middle of a Chopin sonata. Massacred a dozen audience members.... and three music critics."
"What triggered her?" Wednesday queries, wondering if the means of transformation may instantly narrow down the list of suspects. "Or did she just change on her own?"
"No idea." Fester regretfully answers with a shrug. "I've only ever seen her in group electric shock therapy."
"There's never been any mention of Hydes in any Outcast book, and Nevermore is reputed for having the best collection." Wednesday vents as she paces around the shed, wondering how she's only learned about this creature just know, after weeks of investigating, running, and hiding.
"You tried Nathaniel Faulkner's Diary?" Fester brings up as a suggestion, causing Wednesday to turn to him with a clearly oblivious look. He hums with a proud point. "Before he founded Nevermore, Faulkner traveled the world, cataloging every Outcast community."
"How do you know this?" Wednesday asks him with a squint, once again, Fester shouldn't technically have knowledge of this due to never being a student at Nevermore.
"You think your parents can't keep their hands off each other now?" Fester references with a massive exhale. "Oy vey...... I showed up unannounced one night in Gomez's dorm room. Let's just say I wasn't interrupting a pillow fight.
"Uncle Fester!" Wednesday cuts him off with a glare. "The diary! Where is it?"
"Nightshades Library." Fester answers easily, having good memory of that interesting place. "Your dad parked me there, said I should settle in for a long stretch, and that's when I found this nifty little safe. I was hoping to a stash of cash or jewels, but instead I found a diary." He shares with a face of dissapointment.
Wednesday glances down as gears turn in her head. It sounds like this just might be the breakthrough she needs. She's tired of always waiting around for a lead that always ends up going nowhere or brings in more questions than answers. If she grabs this diary that has information about Hydes, she'll finally be on the same length as the killer themselves. "We'll seek into the Nightshades Library tonight." She tells him with a determined expression. "In the meantime, lay low." She advises before turning around and grabbing her umbrella, which is when she remembers something else she wanted to say. "If you are discovered, I will disown you and collect all the reward money tied to your capture."
Fester happily shrugs. "I expect nothing less." He replies, prompting Wednesday to nod before walking out the door. The second she's gone, he then quickly goes back to the bed and opens up the top, grabbing one of the hibernating bees-
"Leave the bees alone!"
Nevermore: Hallway
I've never used it much outside of practice, but outside? I still practice with the bow. Three reasons. One, it's still an oddly fun activity, even if the club is hurting a little bit in terms of members. Two, It helps me feel closer to Xavier. And three, I'm going to beat Wednesday at it, eventually, that little......
No, I won't write that word here. I did call her that once, though.
Y/N is once again at a point where he doesn't know where to look for leads about the case involving him. He's likely going to head back to square one, if he's not going to ask Wednesday about it. He would only get in the way if he showed up, anyway. It's not all bad, he has a few ideas, but whether or not a single one of them will work remains to be seen.
As he's walking to his next class, he catches the infamous Bianca who he's surprisingly not run into for a long while, nor has made fun of his past at the pace she usually does. "Hey, Bianca!" He gets her attention, having been wanting to run into her for a couple days no.
"Y/N?" Bianca says his name with a seemingly confused glint in her eyes, not sure if she should be afraid of the friendly way he does it. "That's the first time you've said my name in a way that didn't indicate hatred, to my face, at least."
"It can't be that surprising, considering everything that's happened." Y/N remarks with a bittersweet smile, causing her to then glance down with a face that knows what he's talking about. "I know you and Divina were still somewhat friends, are you okay?"
"It.... it doesn't help in the fact that Xavier's still gone." Bianca answers honestly with a mixed shrug. "But, thankfully, this bitch has not isolated herself from everyone."
"Could've fooled me." Y/N jokes with a cheeky smirk, causing the two of them to share a laugh together. Yes, a laugh, the world really is ending with every second that passes. "Anyway, glad I ran into you. You should take this before I forget again." He then says as he reaches into his bag and pulls out yet another gift.
Bianca, obviously surprised by this gesture, slowly takes it the sword-sized wrap before revealing a fencing saber with a unique hilt to it. "This is yours, isn't it?" She recalls with a raised brow.
"I mean, you kicked Wednesday's ass, kind of feels like you earned it." Y/N remarks with a small chuckle, still remembering the duel they shared that sparked their eternal rivalry, even if things have been distracted from that since the Poe Cup.
"But.... I thought you said this was your uncle's that one time I kicked yours?" Bianca brings up as he stares Y/N with a bewildered look, unable to help but feel like this is some kind of trap her mother was set on her if she was as gullible as she was back then. "You're giving it to me?"
"Consider it a peace offering for the rest of our time at Nevermore, and a apology for embarrassing you at the Poe Cup just because I was mad at my ex." Y/N claims with a clap of his hands before lifting his backpack on his shoulder and stepping back. "By the way, I heard about Lucas. Can you do me a favor for a favor and tell him to text me back? I want talk about our mutual Jeffery Dahmer." He requests before turning around to walk away.
Bianca stands there, blinking, almost watching him go in awe at his shamelessness from declaring the reason he wants to talk with him. Usually, he would take the Wednesday approach and be all sneaky about it.
What's up with him?
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
The tapping is endless, her fingernails would probably scream at her that they are being punished at this point if she was able to feel anything in the hand she plays knife games with. Problem is, it's not because she's typing on anything, it's because the wood of her desk is now feeling everything her keys used to do. She's not writing anymore, which she hates, thus prompting this subconscious hand movement. She's been staring at the wrapped gift for at least ten minutes at this point. The Spanish music she has playing in the background makes it feel like a unique game show except the goal is to keep playing until the audience gets bored and leaves. You know, like American politics.
Rubbing her face, she looks back at what was Enid's side, still having a lot of stuff left over from it, in spite of everything the werewolf packed when she booked it out of the room. Goody predicted this quest for answers would become a lonely pursuit. Of course, Goody is nowhere to be found when I need her. The dead can be just as annoying and unreliable as the living.
Before Thing can ask her what's wrong, they hear the door opening with a creak, and to no one's surprise, it's Enid once again failing to sneak back in without her noticing. She jumps slightly upon seeing her, but regains her composure. "Hi..." The werewolf anxiously greets her, able to keep a fake smile for the most part. "S-Sorry, I figured you were still at Mayor Walker's wake."
"As soon as the dirt hits the coffin, I'm out." Wednesday remarks coldly, obviously using the tone Enid expects to disguise her discover of her current uncle that is currently hiding from a new mob boss that he has pissed off.
"I can't seem to find my bottle of Silver Moon nail polish." Enid justifies her wannabe-ninja arrival while Wednesday once again pauses her music. "Do you mind if I look around?" She asks, though tip-toes to her side anyway. "Yoko's hosting a mani-pedi for her crew."
"This is the third time in twenty-four hours you've forgotten something." Wednesday points out as she makes sure to stand on her side, crossing her arms while looking suspiciously at the girl. She's Enid, but even the Addams would expect her to grab everything she didn't have time to pack earlier on the first re-visit.
"So..... how's everything going?"
"Solitude suits me." Wednesday answers with brash. "With no annoying distractions, I was able to look outside the window in bliss the past few nights." She comments, prompting Enid to turn to her with a scoff.
"Was I an annoying distraction?"
"You definitely had some annoying habits."
Enid raises a brow at her. "Such as?" She asks challengingly, starting a new verbal war amongst the battlefield that is the clock tower room of Nevermore.
"You giggle when your text, which is a twenty-four/seven addiction." Wednesday brings up as she takes a scolding step forward. That seemed to have gotten the reaction she bets Enid was expecting.
"Well, at least it's not a migraine-inducing typewriter hammering into my head." Enid responds boldly as she too takes a step closer to the line that no longer isn't visible, but still there.
"When you're not grinding your canines, you growl in your sleep."
"As opposed to late-night cello solos?"
"You overcommit to clubs and activities and then complain about them nonstop."
"I'd take that over your obsession with all things creepy and dead!"
"You could gas an entire village with the amount of perfume you spritz, and that's just off the top of my head."
Enid's jaw clenches as she feels like this could go on, before finally coming up with the perfect comeback that none of Wednesday's complaints could muster. "Guess I'm the lucky one with a new bestie that doesn't try to find ways to endanger literally everybody she comes into contact with." She remarks acidly, doing her best to one-up her. "In fact, Yoko and I are so in sync that she's begging me to be her new roomie.... permanently."
Wednesday stares at her for a couple seconds, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts, before one side wins and she swiftly turns around so she's no longer facing the werewolf. "Don't let me hold you back." She rudely quips as a way of encouraging her, causing Enid to mentally gasp.
"Enjoy your solitude, Wednesday!" Enid wishes her with an offended voice, grabbing her Silver Moon and stomping out of the room.
"It's not solitude if you're still here!" She says before the door slams shut.
She won't let her emotions win that easily.
Nevermore Library: Evening
Once the night falls, Wednesday, you guessed it, sneaks out of her room to go into the quad so she can open up the library. With her now being on everyone adult's radar, she makes extra careful with each corner that no one's following her before snapping twice. She doesn't even wait for the statue to fully back up before she walks down the steps. She bets that Thornhill has been assigned to check her room every two hours for all she knows.
As her feet leave the last step, she looks around the room, only to find it much quieter than she expected. She was sure that her uncle was going to beat her here, yet there's no one to be found. "Uncle Fester?" She calls out, prompting someone to walk out from behind a pillar.
"Who's Uncle Fester?" Y/N's voice queries, prompting Wednesday to turn around and see him standing there with a bright-purple book in his dominant hand. She tenses up a bit as she sees him, having thought a Nightshade would be the only other person that could be in here.
"What are you doing here?" Wednesday asks him, avoiding the question for family's sake.
"Looking for Nightshade-related books." Y/N answers calmly as he walks over and places the one he has back into its shelf. "I'm kind of lost, so I was trying to learn more about Seers in the Psychic family, see if there was anything else about their kind of visions I could learn about." He explains, knowing that it was just wishful thinking, however. "What about you?"
Wednesday glances down until she comes up with an excuse. "Research." She tells Y/N, snorts in response to her horrible lie.
"Okay, pretending that I believe that, I'll save you the trouble and tell you something you already know." Y/N remarks with a sarcastic smile as he turns to face her. "There's nothing else in this library that relates to the monster. At least, nothing right now, I have noticed one of the spaces in a shelf missing, but that's about it."
Guess that means he has no idea about the safe. Yet again, how would he? This place's secrets must've been swept aside ever since Garrett Gate's death that triggered the end of the true secret society. "Guess someone knows I was onto them."
"And yet, you still wanna pursue this mess?" Y/N comments with a small chuckle. "You know, you have the most stubbornness than everyone here combined, and that's saying something coming from me." He compliments her with an admiring smile, which sets Wednesday off in an uncomfortable way. "I'm jealous, really."
"If you're doubting me, don't, I'm at the stage where the culprits are now going to make a mistake." Wednesday assures Y/N, confident that she only has a few missing pieces left before she finally gets herself an arrest. "Every vison I've gotten, I'm managed to put together."
"Relax, I'm not being sarcastic." Y/N retorts with a playful smirk, which causes Wednesday to blink at him. That's not possible, the boy loved to challenge her during the first days of them meeting each other, and still does every so often. "You're the smartest girl I know, Wednesday. You'll figure it out." He encourages her before trying to walk past.
"Why are you attempting to act that way?" Wednesday asks with a suspicious look, causing Y/N to stop. "You've lost Xavier about three weeks ago, and now Divina's been found dead. I expected you to behave the same way after the Rave'N."
"You know, understanding people doesn't really suit you, Wednesday." Y/N remarks humorously as he turns back around to give her a smirk. "Don't quit your night job."
"I thought you said we needed to be honest and trust each other, especially after what happened in the Gates mansion." Wednesday points out with a blank stare, successfully calling out Y/N's behavior.
"You mean, you actually want me to be sweet to you?"
"Of course not, but after.... recent events, I've been reconsidering what we are to each other." Wednesday admits, still able to keep a blank stare despite threatening to come in genuine contact with her feelings. This makes Y/N sigh, conflicted as he figures out what to say for a few seconds.
"Okay, you want honesty? Here it is..." Y/N begins as he finally turns back into his normal self, if only for a few minutes. "Have you ever stopped to consider that every time the monster is around, I'm always close by? Even when I don't involve myself in whatever you're investigating?" He brings up with a raised brow, causing Wednesday to blink, wondering where that came from.
"Truth is, Wednesday, I saw you chasing after Rowan at the Harvest festival."
"Rowan, come back!" Wednesday calls out to the boy, jogging towards him instead much to Tyler's confusion.
Y/N also notices and glances back, watching the running girl in confusion.
Then, his other side makes a ticking noise in his mind.
He looks around before quickly splitting with everyone and following them. He waits until he's halfway across the bridge before stripping down, where the then transforms.
Seeing Rowan attempting to kill Wednesday, he then grabs the Psychic and rips him apart in a protective rage, pulling out his guts right in front of the girl.
He cleans himself in the river before returning to the bridge, where he turns back into a human and re-grabs his clothes before his normal self returns.
"And that's the true reason why you believed me that Rowan was dead when nobody else did?" Wednesday queries curiously, to which Y/N nods in confirmation.
"And, as you remember, I was there in the old meeting home before eventually disappearing."
Y/N shakes his head frantically, needing to get out of here before the Hyde starts trying to crawl more whispers to his head. He can't be listening to him right now, he needs quiet. That aside, he still has to ask.... What is going on with this town?
Before he can find an answer to that question, he hears harsh footsteps coming from outside of the burned house. He looks around, thinking it was the squatter or Wednesday, but she's still on the ground, and it feels more like he's being watched. He squints as he notices something fading through the cracks.
Blinking, he slowly steps over and peeps through the cracks, hoping that was just his imagination....
Until the monster's massive blood-soaked eye suddenly pops into view.
But once his subconscious is gone, the Hyde realizes that he's only staring into his own reflection from a mud puddle. He looks down at Wednesday, such a strong scent, such a mouth-drooling snack.....
But then something holds himself back and he flees before he can hurt her.
"You saw my footsteps out there, I just didn't remember them at the moment, and that's why I got defensive. Yet again, a killer would deflect, wouldn't they?" Y/N brings up with a small shrug.
"You had the same clothes you were wearing by the time I found you, and someone who was as frantic as you were, given the fact that you threw hands first, asked questions later, signals that you weren't in a good state at the time." Wednesday points out, attempting to contradict whatever weird intimidation tactic he's is trying to cook up
Y/N just shakes his head at her, though, and keeps going.
"And of course, there was the fact I disappeared from everyone for the sake of a prank, but why did I leave instead of enjoying your reaction?"
"I said it's none of your business" Y/N snaps again as he finally manages to his face in check enough for him to turn around and face him, driving a finger directly into his chest. He doesn't want to be taking all of this Hyde anger out on him, but his emotions are overclouding the logic in his brain, and he's talking without thinking.
"I just came back to find out that you doused an entire dance full of blood, it is my business!" Xavier remarks as he steps forward to see what the heck is going on with his friend, only for him to take a step away. Before he can try arguing again, the psychic's face goes pale.
But Y/N has already snapped at this moment, he pulls out a knife he stole, swiftly turns around and with a roar, stabs his best friend in the same place his sketch of the monster scratched him. Xavier can only gasp as he looks at his friend with shock and horror before his killer pulls it out, allowing him to bleed out without anyone knowing the true cause of death.
He looks over to see that Xavier saw a bear, and thought it was the 'rapid monster'. Y/N chuckles to himself.
But then, he hears someone and realizes that he's about to be seen standing over a body, so he puts the knife back and quickly gets into character, his back facing away from Wednesday.
Then, once everyone's gone, he turns into the Hyde and attacks Eugene, after he found him at his hideout.
"Jonah told me what you and Eugene were planning, and all those paintings Xavier made of me, especially where I live during transformations, really made he feel like his visons would eventually reveal me as the killer." Y/N adds with a shrug, chuckling a bit as if finding their deaths humorous. "Talk about killing two birds with one stone."
Wednesday wants to argue, but glances down in deep thought. "I'll admit, I have thought about those moments from time to time." She claims, to which Y/N nods.
"And let's not forget about me disappearing from the group so I could transform in the basement and try to silence you all in one fell swoop."
"Hey, Y/N! You in here?" Tyler's voice echoes from above as a struggling Y/N manages to hear his footsteps creaking down the staircase before he eventually starts losing control. "Y/N?" The guy calls out his name again, apparently not detecting any danger yet. He eventually comes down into the basement and sees what he thinks is rival on the floor. "There you are, what is...?"
He pauses when instead of seeing Y/N, he sees a monster half-way through transformation, preventing him from seeing the guy's face before it happened. "Oh, shit....." Tyler shudders, causing the Hyde to then slowly stand up, and turn towards him, his eyes massive and teeth sharp.
He then roars at him with bloodlust in mind.
"Crap!" Tyler exclaims in fear as the Hyde lunges at him, quickly running the stairs and narrowly avoiding the monster's claws. However, that only inspires a chase as the boy's scent lures it to his location. "Guys, get out! It's here!" He frantically yells at the girls upstairs, warning them right before the Hyde jumps into the hallway and slashes him across his back, causing him to yell out in pain.
The Hyde then grabs him and throws him into a wall, slashing at his chest, next, inspiring more screams until his neck is grabbed, cutting off his voice box. It then raises his claws for a lethal decapitation, but right at the last moment, something inside of it fights back, causing it to instead throw him towards the front door, sending Tyler flying until he crashes into it with a harsh thud and shatter of the wood.
The Primal side regains control however, as it then finally smells a much stronger scent, someone that is much more attractive, much tastier, a juicy piece of raw meat it would love to chomp down on.... Wednesday Addams.
"I never tried to make a convenient re-appearance because I accidentally went out of hand." Y/N explains before looking down with a haunted expression.
Wednesday blinks, perplexed.
"When she unknowingly caught herself in my sights."
He looks down, and sees the source of his blood shower. He looks down at sees Divina laying on the ground.
The throat-slashed..... mutilated..... dead body of Divina.
Y/N feels the bile in his throat, so he quickly turns around and vomits everything onto a tree, spitting everything that's left out after. He then wipes his chin as he looks down at Divina's corpse, seeing that everything he was afraid of is coming to life in front of his eyes.
There's then a tense silence after that, with Y/N not having any more photos to add to the murder board, in that This Is The Police kind of way. Wednesday process all of what he says, though in spite of his attempts to incriminate himself, there's one key piece that he's missing.
"And why would you do all of it?" She asks with a serious tone, though a small hint of reluctance in her pupils. "And why haven't you killed me, yet?"
After a few seconds, Y/N then wheezes harder than ever in his entire life. "I have no idea." He tells him as he continues laughing as if all he was doing was telling her a dad joke. "But, you gotta admit, that would be convincing way to tell someone that I did it." He comments with an amused shake of his head. "See ya."
"Your change of heart has been noted." Wednesday comments in a somewhat dark manner, causing Y/N to pause one more time. Then..... after all of that, all he does is shrug.
"Guess I'm finally learning where I belong." He says cryptically before walking up the stairs, finally exiting the library and leaving Wednesday to her devices, whatever she came down here for.
Once he's out of view, and the sound of the statue closing back up echoes throughout the quiet library, Wednesday hears thudding behind her, and turns around to see Fester jumping out of whatever hiding spot he was able to find. "How long have you been lurking." She asks him in a slightly embarrassed voice.
"Long enough to feel the tension between you two." Fester humorously answers as he creates a shock with his fingers, pun intended. "Yowza! Seriously, that the most riveting thing I ever witnessed. The 'will they or will they won't?' energy between you two could make Nikola Tesla jealous." He jokes, before a pair of tapping chimes into the conversation. "I'd recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere." He remarks like it's common for walking hands to be created. In reality, it's not as common as one would think, surprisingly. They both turn to the hand on a drawer. "Hello, Thing!"
However, Thing doesn't have the same excited energy about seeing him again. He knew something was up with Wednesday today, because she was all smiles until Enid sneak into the dorm room the first time. He slams his thumb on the wood angrily, causing Fester to frown. "You can't still be mad about the Kalamazoo job. It wasn't my fault!" He insists, causing the little guy to snap and lunge himself at the man, squeezing his throat. Wednesday then watches as they wrestling around the library. As in, one man flails an arm around while stumbling across the stone floor while a walking body part attempts to choke him to death. "You said you could crack that safe in thirty seconds! Five minutes later, we were still standing there! You were all thumbs!"
"Enough!" Wednesday shouts strictly causing them both to freeze and slowly turn back towards her, Thing's finger in Fester's mouth. "Let him go." She orders her friend, to which the hand reluctantly pops his finger out, allowing her to talk to her uncle. "Show me the diary."
As she turns around to look, Thing takes the moment to stick Fester's ear with his own saliva, to which him to twitch and shock him, causing the hand to fall to the ground with a thud, briefly paralyzed. With that done, Fester then nods Wednesday over to that one painting....
Of course it's that one.
"Here we are! I never really understood what the big deal about this cloak guy is, but he was chosen to represent Iggy and Faulkner's biggest secret. Iggy was Faulkner's right hand, trained a generation of Nightshades." Fester explains, taking a moment to drop that interesting story. "And behind, scary-man...." He grabs the right edge of the painting and turns it over, revealing it to be a secret door to a safe buried in the wall. Thin then crawls up the bookshelves to unlock it. "Do I have time for a snooze, or can you crack this one quickly?"
Thing glances over his wrist to give him a glare before cracking his knuckles and getting to work. With a couple clicks it..... well, actually, it's wrong the first time. "This is turning into a replay of Kalamazoo." Fester remarks impatiently, but after the second time, the handle responds with a welcoming unlatching, prompting the hand to snap its fingers victoriously.
With a bow, Thing then steps back and allows Wednesday to open the safe. Inside, is just what Fester said there would be, an old journal that belongs to Nathinal Faulkner. Her and Uncle Fester share a mischievous smirk as they close it back up, and leave it as they saw it, with only one easily missable possession missing.
Today must be Wednesday's lucky one.
(A/N) First part is here!
Yeah, already. We're now at the part of the fanfic where I have everything prepared. It was just the middle episodes I needed some time with, so I didn't break any continuity and whatever. Now that we're at the last two episodes, both Wednesday and Y/N will be forced to confront their feelings with each other, and with Tyler still standing around, you know how difficult that's gonna be.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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