Part 1
The mirror. It's your biggest enemy or biggest ally, and you can't bribe or persuade it to stick to the latter. It decides to be whatever it wants to be, and that is to reflect yourself back at you, force you to look into your own eyeballs and see that you might not be the healthy happy teenaged individual that's able to handle prejudice you pegged yourself as. You've finally gotten respect, maybe some friends, but one by one, they are slowly being taken from you. That's the reflection I saw last night. It made me feel fear for once, not the normal rapid-heartbeats-then-it-stops fear, genuine fear.
"Yo, Earth to Y/N!" The voice of Lucas snaps Y/N out of his daydream and he takes his eyes away from his reflection and onto the boy who's also in the same janitor-like getup that he is. "I'm mopping the floors by myself."
"Right, right...." Y/N quickly responds with a small stutter as he gets back to doing his new duty for the day. He's been 'encouraged' to help Lucas with cleaning up after a series of messes as punishment for their involvement with the Carrie Rave'N prank, doubled in the case of Y/N due to yelling in the principal's face. But hey, what can you do? "Sorry, I just keep thinking about...."
"Xavier?" Lucas guesses correctly with a raised brow, causing Y/N to blink surprisingly at him. "What? I'm not allowed to read human emotions?"
"The fact that you even remembered his name is more of a shocker." Y/N remarks with a small chuckle as he wets his mop and gets back to work. Guess the mayor's son still remembers when his gang and Tyler Galpin wrecked Xavier's mural that one year ago. Though, that little fun fact about them isn't so important in the grand scheme of things anymore.
They continue doing their thing silently with one another, humming a few songs in their heads to relief the boredom, until they hear the rapid clicking of tall shoes charging towards them. You think it was some kind of baby bull, but really, it's an excited Enid Sinclair jogging up to them. "Hey there-" She tries to speak brightly, only to seemingly pause and start sweating when Y/N looks up and shares eye contact with her. Now, all of a sudden, you think you were staring at a cowardly dog. "H-H-Hey, um.... Y/N."
"Hello, Enid." Y/N casually greets her, ignoring the blatantly prejudice way her emotions changed. Lucas then stands up straight and waves at her as well.
"Sup, Enid?"
"Oh! La! La! La! Sorry, I can only hear traitors coming out of this ear." Enid harshly remarks in a sassy manner as she points to the ear closest to the Walker, who just nods his head with a sigh, having somewhat expected a reaction like that.
"A simple 'go away' would have sufficed..."
He wheels away to leave the two be. "Can I help you?" Y/N asks like he's a waiter ready to take her order, which could technically be his subconscious way of making fun of how scared Enid seems to be whenever she's around him.
"Yes, I-I-I really need you to help me with a special, uh..... s-s-s-special favor." Enid tells him while her teeth chatter like she's freezing, which would make sense if they were outside and not where it's currently heated up like a kitchen without air conditioning. "I-I-I don't know if you know this, but it's going to be.... it's going to be Wednesday's birthday in a couple days."
Y/N blinks upon hearing this information, having certainly not heard about this new discovery. "And you know this.... what? Because you stalk the comments about her on your blog?" He randomly questions her.
"What? No! Thing told me." Enid instantly corrects, looking morally offended that he would assume she does such a thing, though Y/N makes a face that reminds her who gossiped about Wednesday in the blog she created on the first place. "A-Anyway, I need your help with-"
"Alright, stop." Y/N interrupts her with a raised hand. "Look, no offense to anyone involved, but when I think of 'Wednesday' and 'birthday' put together, I think of Jughead. And Jughead, hated his birthday." He brings up with a knowing look, a weird comparison for the werewolf. "So, whatever you're thinking, it's probably not a good idea."
"Aw, but come on..... you don't think we should at least try to make Wednesday feels like she belongs here with the rest of us?" Enid asks Y/N, bringing up what he feels like is a solid point, but his view of the situation still stands.
"Betty Cooper had that same thought as well, and we all know just how well that turned out." Y/N then adds the second Enid brings up the argument. "Sorry, but he last thing I want is to play a game of secrets which ends with me accusing Divina and Kent of twincest." He remarks for yet another reference, causing the girl to wince disgusted.
"Yeah" Y/N agreeingly nods. It would be memorable, but it sure wouldn't go anywhere. In fact, he's more of the opinion that there is enough high school drama plotlines for now. "Anyway, I just think that a 'surprise party', which I suspect is the favor because of you meeting me in person instead of handing me a card, will just end with everyone in a bad mood, two strangers hooking up, and one person completely wasted. Plus, I'm too busy being punished right now.
"But, it's Wednesday...." Enid brings up with sing song voice, as if trying to tease Y/N's inner feelings. "Okay, yes, you're a massive D-hole for ruining my outfit at the Rave'N, but.... Wednesday kinda likes you, even if she doesn't admit it, and if it's not that kind of like. Plus, me and Thing are already trying to figure out the cake."
Y/N scoffs in response. "That's not gonna work..."
"And it's red velvet."
Y/N drops the mop.
"So, what do you want me to do?"
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
Wednesday sits legs crossed in the center of her dorm room, currently alone, with an entire array of candles surrounding her in a calculated circle. She holds up the neckless of her mother's gift, using it's obsidian texture for her spirit trumpet while she whispers the words to herself like it's her first language. A stone tablet filled with words of the alphabet and numbers lays in front of her on top of a large one with 'Goody' engraved on the top. The flowers for such an occasion incased in vases, waiting for the wind to drag them out.
The fire burning against the wax flickers like a lightbulb, she can hear it cackling, making her wonder if this is truly working. She continues whispering the chant, not breaking one single word in her eternal loop, until eventually, the dorm room's door opens and the wind blows all of her lights out of their flame.
If you think this means that Goody Addams has finally answers her prayers..... you would be a moronic fool, because it's only Enid hopping inside like she just went shopping.
She breaks her smile when she sees the frustrated look in Wednesday's eyes. "Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your....." She tries apologizing, though pauses when she looks around the decor covering the floor. "Uh.... do I even want to know?" She asks with a creeped out look as she turns the lights on.
"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative." Wednesday answers the question anyway as she stands up to step out of the smoke that is now blowing into the room, making sure she's in the spot to breath the stuff in through her nostrils.
"Feels very on brand for you?" Enid notes with a smile, making sure that sounds like a compliment. She eyes the attempted seance curiously. "You have a relative named Goody?"
"She was one of the original Outcasts." Wednesday explains to her as she crosses her arms as a sign of frustration. "I've been attempting to summon her, but she seems to be ignoring my entreaties."
"Oh! You thought of using one of my scented candles?" Enid offers pridefully, and Wednesday turns to her with a skeptical glint. "The aroma of steak tartare is to die for." She adds, though it unknowingly just butchers the idea anyway. Addams doubts that the last thing Goody wants to be reminded of is the charred remains of her family and friends at the hands of Joseph Crackstone.
Or actually.....
Before she can reply, the two hear another noise of wind entering their room, though this one sounds like it's coming from fiber. They turn around to see a note written in newspaper cut-out letters sliding under the door. "Maybe Goody answered you after all." Enid remarks, though the chosen use of letters contradicts that, as Wednesday would expect something more like nail-writing.
"I doubt Goody would communicate in Magazine cut outs." Wednesday comments with a sarcastic glance. Enid looks over her shoulder as the two read the mysterious message together.
If you want answers, meet inside Crackstone's Crypt. Midnight.
Wednesday mentally considers this. It sound like a trap, but then again, she currently is out of new leads in her investigation thanks to the extreme derail of her father's unjustified arrest. If there is answers relating to her case...
Who is she to welcome a potential knife to the neck?
Crackstone Crypt: Midnight
Welp, here she is at the appropriate time like always. Wednesday hikes through the woods with a stubborn Enid in their winter jackets while using flashlights for the obvious reasons. She doesn't have much trouble treading her shoes through piles of leaves, unlike her roommate who jumps and unleashes her claws at a weak branch falling off a tree in the distance.
"You insisted on coming along." Wednesday reminds the shaking werewolf as she shines her flashlight on her, re-directing her attention to the task at hand, even if she seems not committed to it at this point. "I was fine on my own." She claims before turning around and approaching the doors leading stone construction, eyeing the numerous angelic statues and the arch over the entry with the owner's name on it. Pointing the light towards the doors themselves, she notices them open a few cracks. "Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here."
"I-I-I don't think it was that kind of message. Everyone knows those rumors about you aren't actually true." Enid defends with a face that's kind of surprised at Wednesday's assumptions, only to see the confused look she gives her. "O-Oh! You meant the whistle..... uh.... never mind." She turns back to the doors with an embarrassed look, causing her to breath in the stench inside. "Ew.... what died?"
"Smells like childhood." Wednesday comments with a whiff of nostalgia. "Come on." She tells her as she steps inside.
"S-Second thoughts, why don't I just stay out here? You know, as a-" Enid suggests, and Wednesday doesn't even glance at her before pulling on the door's handle which closes with a loud thud, not needing to be asked twice.
Wednesday steps into the crypt with eyes full of curiosity as her flashlight explores every nook and cranny, her footsteps echo with each tap against the stone littered with leaves. She approaches the center until she hears rustling mixed with what could be mistaken as spirits whispering in the shadows, causing her to turn around and see nothing. "Enid?" She calls out, but nobody answers.
She patrols the weirdly empty looking crypt for any sign of her mysterious messenger, her attention grabbed by some odd-looking writing on a memorial. But before she reads it, she hears human coughing close by. "Whoever you are, show yourself." She demands the horribly hidden watcher as she snaps her head and flashlight in a maneuver she got from being her own electronic security system. "Try anything and you'll lose limbs."
Her threat is rewarded by the sight of a shadow stepping out of the crypt......
Before half a dozen teenagers suddenly pop out behind it.
"Surprise!" They all yell with bombarding voices scrambles Wednesday' brain as she sees Ajax, Yoko, Divina, Kent, and two other people she doesn't recognize at all staring at her with radioactive smiles, excluding the Vampire. She tries rebooting her system, but there's a constant display messages of errors. "Happy Birthday to you~!" They sing to her in a horrible attempt at the same time. Enid steps in from the entrance with a cake while joining in the amateur choir, and a few inches away, Y/N walks out of his spot and leans against the wall with Thing next to him, somehow able to wear a party hat. "Happy birthday to you~! Happy Birthday dear Wednesday~! Happy Birthday to you~!"
Once the feeling of true disappointment finally comes, Wednesday looks towards Thing and Y/N, who both wave at her in their respective ways. "I should've known the two of you would set aside your differences aside to be behind all of this." She states as she flashes both of them, mostly the person with eyes since he's the one who needs to squint to due to the irritating pain. "I'm assuming Thing didn't tell you about the oath, 'no party under the penalty of death'?"
"No.... " Y/N shakes his head, perplexed at the choice of words. "Oh, is that why you kept slapping me everytime I tried insisting on a half-orc for the stop instead of the grim reaper?" He asks Thing, who taps something snarky at him. "Okay, smart-ass." He quips as he slaps the hand, who slaps back.
"You designed it?" Wednesday questions him with a skeptical brow, to which Y/N shrugs.
"I.....may or may not host a little baking goods stand on the side during commissary."
"The pink balloon was my little touch." Enid adds though, which is a fact Wednesday or anyone would've deciphered himself as it stands out from the rest of the black and out frosting. Plus, it is doubtful that Father Death would carry an object like that to go with his scythe. "Why don't you make a wish?"
Wednesday stares at the cake a little bit before getting purposefully distracted by the writing she saw earlier, which results in the candles burning out before anything is said. The words seem to be scrambled from the English point of view as Pluet Igne Cum Sl Rrexero, but she's able to pick it up. "Wait, it's Latin...." She says to herself before translating it. " 'Fire will rain from the skies when I rise'."
Enid makes a face. " 'Kay, that's not really much of a wish."
"That's what your disappointed about?" Kent asks her as he points towards the foreign words. "One of my favorite sentences is now ruined."
"The first part of that phrase was burned onto Nevermore's lawn." Wednesday points out as she starts seeing the connection with Crackstone and the threatening calling card, thinking that this may not be such a waste of time after all. "This can't be a coincidence."
"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax realizes with a disappointed voice, causing Enid to look down in embarrassment and sorrow. Wednesday puts her hand on the phrase, causing the boys in particular to watch intently as her hands brush from the left to the right....
Until they land on Igne which causes her to spasm and fall backwards. The students quickly catch her so her head doesn't bang against hard stone.
Meanwhile, Y/N blinks rapidly, letting out a row of yapping stutters. "W-W-Wha-! Oh, come on! How the heck is she actually going to get a vison right here because of a word!" He exclaims angrily as he gestures towards her, and causing everyone to turn towards him and Thing. The hand taps on the boy's wrist and expectedly holds out his palm, to which Y/N to reluctantly hands him a dollar bill with a loud sigh.
Wednesday's body goes from landing on a hard surface to landing on nature's dirty floor. She opens her eyes to find herself in a similar field of thick fog and a midnight sky. "Crackstone is coming...." A voice in a Mexican accent whispers in her ear. She stands up to find herself standing in front of a large house that looks close to abandoned. "Crackstone is coming." The voice repeats, though much clearer.
She sees a shadow and squints her eyes closer to see a figure that represents what is close to her body standing on the other side of the gate, meaning only one thing. "Goody." She identifies her.
"You are the Raven in my bloodline." Goody mentions the obvious before disappearing when Wednesday blinks. "Wednesday." She is then suddenly speaking through her right ear, causing her to turn towards her.
"I was told you could teach me how to control my ability."
"There is no controlling a raging river." Goody states with a shake of her head. "You must learn to navigate it without drowning." She corrects the phrasing of her purpose, before turning her body towards the mansion itself. "To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek."
Wednesday hears a strong rattling coming from the gate, and looks over to see another person now slamming their body towards, grabbing at the bars in a desperate attempt to rip it apart as if such a thing is possible. "GOODY!" The boy roars her name with rage as he keeps trying despite his attempts obviously being in vain. "Goody! I'll kill you! I'll rip you apart!"
"That's the boy who killed your mother and the Psychics with her." Wednesday recognizes as she can't help but feel an energy similar to the monster with the way the boy continues pulling, pushing, and kicking at the gate.
Goody nods in confirmation. "Chax, one of the first ever of his kind. Crackstone is officially the one who discovered his deeper secret, and has now turned the boy I was loved into a slave of violence." She explains, though is still as specific as an intoxicated man who though Obama wrote the 'I have a dream' speech. "Unluckily for him, he can't really do much in this realm."
"Is it true about what Rowan said earlier?" Wednesday then brings up, ignoring the detail about Goody's mistake to indulge in romance to focus on the bigger picture. "That I am meant to get Y/N L/N killed?"
"It is one of the only visons that has no clear guarantee." Goody tells her, an interesting answer since Wednesday has so far created every single outcome she saw. "Whoever dies will be of their own sacrifice, not by another's hand."
Wednesday squints at her irritating way of speaking. "Do you always speak in riddles?"
"Do you always seek simple answers?" Goody asks sarcastically, having seen her to be capable of more than that. "The path of a Raven is a solitary one. You end up alone, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them."
"Is that supposed to scare me?" Wednesday queries, mentally scoffing at her. Goody stares at her blankly before turning into the fog surrounding them, with a few parting words.
"If you really do care about Y/N..... it should."
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
So... Wednesday has to find some kind of haunted mansion that one would make Ed Gein proud somewhere around here, huh? Hopefully, it's somewhere near Jericho, or she might end up having to 'run away' again. But, she'll make sure to leave a note letting Weems know that she'll only be gone for a short amount of time and....
Actually, you know what? She prays that it's near here.
As Wednesday writes down that gate with every single detail she remembers, plus a bit of the house in the background, she feels Thing crawling up her back to look over at what she's doing. "Careful, that's my cold shoulder." Wednesday tells the hand harshly, causing him to slowly slide off in fear.
"Don't blame Thing. The party was my idea." Enid chimes in to Thing's defense, not wanting them to have another strained stand-off where one has to apologize to the other again. "I believe everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday."
"I prefer to be vilified."
"Speaking of, what happened? Y/N wouldn't tell me." Enid queries Wednesday with a slightly concerned look, her body suddenly going into some kind of paralysis shocked scared everyone back in the crypt. "It looked like you were having a seizure." She comments, to which the girl sighs.
"I'm not that lucky. He didn't tell you because he knew I wouldn't want him to."
"Ooh! That's that mean the two of you are, like, back on friendly terms? I thought that Normie pressured you into hating him." Enid asks curiously like the gossip queen she is. However, Wednesday doesn't satisfy her with an answer, though her black nails grip the pen tighter since the suggested topic makes her uncomfortable. The werewolf sighs. "Can I at least get some kudos for pulling a fast one on you?"
Wednesday pauses with a mental sigh of defeat. "The subterfuge was impressive."
A small click emits and the two look over to see Thing pulling something out from under Wednesday's bed, a cliche hiding spot that somehow worked expertly. He pushes the box towards her, prompting the girl to stand up and kneel down, observing the note that was left on top of the lid. " 'May your sixteenth be as sour and misery-filled as your desire. Your ever doting mother and father'. "She reads it out loud.
"They asked Thing to hide it before the left on Parents Weekend." Enid explains with a smile as the topic of gifts comes along, only for her to then see dead frozen squirls, and chemicals, and surgery tools inside the second Wednesday opens it. "Ew! That's so gross!"
"I would've preferred live squirrels...." Wednesday comments what she sees is the only con with this present. Enid winces before grabbing something from her desk just so she doesn't keep staring at that, especially when her roommate opens the kit.
"While we're still accepting presents...." Enid says while holding up a wrapped bag filled with something soft. Wednesday looks up at her with a skeptical brow, before standing up and deciding to humor her by tearing the plastic apart. Inside is a black and white....... scarf? "Well, do you like it?"
Wednesday stares at Enid, perplexed. "What is it, exactly?"
"It's a snood, silly! I made it in your signature colors." Enid states with pride. "And you wanna know what the best part is?" She asks before reaching over and revealing a second one in bright pink and magenta. "I have one too!" She exclaims while putting it on gleefully. Wednesday never thought she would be more terrified of something in her life. "We can wear them together, to class."
"Oh.... Enid... this is..... far too unique to wear to something like class." Wednesday stutters as she nervously tries to find a way to get herself out of this, seeing that Enid's being serious about that idea. "I suggest we wait for a more special occasion." She suggests, saving the happy grin her roommate has. "Like a funeral."
Enid's expression drops.
Nevermore: Boy Dormitory
Y/N and Ajax play darts in the longue while the morning is still early, trying to get the most fun they can after that dropping disappointment in the crypt. A disappointment even for the boy who saw the birthday girl's reaction coming, because he's now short twenty bucks. At least they could say that she ended up getting something out of that little ruse, right?
"So, what did you get here?" Y/N asks Ajax innocently as he scores a perfect bullseye, almost landing a dart on top of a dart. "Or, I guess, what were you planning to give her?"
"I didn't get or plan anything, man. I was way too scared I'd mess it up." Ajax answers him honestly with a slight shudder as he remembers what he never expected would be one of the scariest decisions of his teen phase. "Then she'd, like, make me stone myself and throw me into a lake or ocean where I would drown the second I came to because I would sink to the bottom." He shares with Y/N who chuckles.
"Yeah, she probably would've."
"What about you?" Ajax shoots back the question. "I mean, you had to have gotten something, right? You're like, the kid who sits next to her. That's one rank below roommate here."
"Hasn't arrived yet. I didn't think the whole birthday party thing was actually going to happen anyway, nor did I know it was her birthday." Y/N answers with a small shrug. Even if he did, he plans to give to her in that kind of, 'I offer you this peace offering so we shall form a temporary truce to catch the ghastly beast that plagues our good school' or something like that. "Did everyone know except for me?"
"Well.... we kinda already assumed you would know." Ajax answers in a way that's painfully slow, causing Y/N to glance at him skeptically, telling him not to lie to a liar. "Or, you know, it was, like...."
"It was like Enid feinted and was too scared to ask me until the last minute, right?" Y/N guesses with a knowing look, causing Ajax to drop his head with a sheepish chuckle.
"Yup. I tried to tell her you were cool.... but I think people here still believe your record is real." Ajax admits with a small shrug, causing Y/N to shake his head with a sigh. No one is going to believe the same thing, no matter what you try to tell everyone. The news station on the television is still eating up the constant words about Jericho's beast problem, as well as the whole scandal with Gomez Addams. It's starting to feel old at this point. "Man, I wonder how the heck the cops haven't neutered that monster freak already..."
"Ask principal Weems...." Y/N mutters bitterly which perplexes Ajax, causing him to clear his throat and give an answer that won't get him in trouble. "I think the real question is, why haven't they found the Mr. Craven yet. It's been three weeks, and yet no one has stumbled upon his, uh... him."
"I thought they, like... sold the place and moved out, didn't they?"
"Actually, that's the thing. I checked it, and no is registered to a place near Hamilton or an airport. And their cars? They were sold and scrapped, every single one." Y/N points out with a serious face as he shares a bunch of clues that bewilder the poor Gorgon. "Not only that, but the house went into debt before it eventually was given to someone else. That's a weird way to move out, isn't it? No.... they disappeared like the rumors said, I know it."
"Since when did you get so invested in the lives of a bunch of potion dealers and caffeine experts?" Ajax remarks with a raised brow, causing Y/N to chuckle at him.
"Since I realized that there's a mystery in that town that I wanna figure out."
Nevermore: Yard
Wednesday finds herself back outside of the building where the memorable threat of doom was branded onto the grass of campus grounds. 'Fire Will Rain', and now she's aware of what the true phrase is, making her suspect that whatever the monster or whoever is behind this is close to fulfilling the last parts of their plan. Time is running out, and Wednesday doesn't even know what the deadline is.
"Hey there..." A second person appears next to her, but Wednesday can easily recognize the way Y/N talks. "So, you mind sharing with me what you saw last night, in the crypt?" He asks her with a curious tone. "Every time you get a vision, it usually means you have a new set of clues to pursue."
"It wasn't one of this usual type of visions...." Wednesday says in a rather odd way, causing Y/N to awkwardly lick his teeth.
"Look, if this is about the birthday party, I told Enid that the surprise thing was never gonna work out. I tried saving it with the cake design." Y/N states in his defense, hand on his chest, but that's not entirely what has Wednesday mentally imbalanced right now.
"A few days ago, back when we were in the Sheriff's cells, it wasn't just Garrett Gates I had a vision of." Wednesday shares with Y/N blankly, not exactly the response that the boy was looking for. "There was someone else, as well, some stranger getting his throat slit.
Y/N blinks at her. "Are you really trying to change the topic on me?"
"It showed me a murder that looked completely irrelevant from Gates besides a vial of nightshade that was in the breast pocket of a suit he was wearing." Wednesday continues anyway, her description of it, causing Y/N to then slowly recognize what she is talking about. "Do you know anything about that?"
"You mean, Mr. Craven?" Y/N queries, which makes Wednesday turn to him.
"You know him?"
"Not really, he was managing Weathervane in Outreach day before I found his body in the old meeting house." Y/N answers before putting that together with Wednesday's vision, now more invested in that than the recent one. "What else did you see?"
"Nothing that you probably didn't already discover." Wednesday answers cryptically as she puts her eyes back on the burned message, only befuddling Y/N some more. He almost thinks he accidentally did something to her that would make her angry at him. "What happened in the crypt wasn't important."
"Wasn't important or you just don't want to share it with me?" Y/N questions as he looks at her with a hard stare, not sure if he's supposed to feel worried or accused. "Did you... did you see me in it or something?" He guesses, which makes Wednesday glance at him for a brief moment.
"No, I didn't."
"Then what's the problem? I thought we at least had a mutual agreement to scratch each other's backs?" Y/N asks her with a concerned face, only for Wednesday to continue staring down at the glass like it's got her hypnotized or something. He sighs, giving up. "Alright, well.... if you ever need my help, you know where to find me." He reminds her as he walks away, hands in his uniform jacket's pockets.
Wednesday doesn't want to admit it, but the last thing that Goody's said to her constantly whispers in her skull every time Y/N tries to do that, get closer to her. It's something she can't risk. She can't risk Y/N's life over such a trivial thing called love.
Because love is a weakness.
Y/N walks down the path, trying to figure out what he did or what Wednesday saw that is making her suddenly be so cautions around him, until he passes by someone who catches his attention. "Hey there, sailor." Divina greets playfully, causing the boy to snap out of his thoughts and turn around to see her separating from a random Siren. "Mind if I walk with you?"
"Sure." Y/N answers with a shrug, accepting the social invitation. Divina smiles gratefully as the two then hike down the concrete path together.
"Wednesday in another bad mood?"
"I'm sure she's just thinking that she can handle everything on her own, like always." Y/N replies with an amused scoff, thinking that he knows the girl well enough to understand her independency. "Can't say I blame her. She probably could've busted her father out without my help."
"Oh please, she would never have figured out to question her mom if the two of us hadn't manage to swipe those old DNA results from that cop." Divina retorts with a comforting shove of her arm, not wanting Y/N to try and sell himself short. "Probably just need to give her a minute, or an hour, God forbid she ever opens up to anyone."
"Alright, relax, she helped save you from prison too, remember?" Y/N brings with a small chuckle, to which Divina rolls her eyes.
"I know, but she didn't exactly have to treat me like some sort of stranger trying to grope you earlier back on Parents Weekend." Divina mentions tiredly, possibly still trying to shake off that 'dead fish' comment the girl harshly threw at her earlier. "She could lay off the insults too."
"Fair point." Y/N admits with a slow nod, the conversation pausing for a bit until something interesting pops into his mind. "Hey, you think Thornhill will mind if I stumble into her classroom that was built without a lock?" He queries her, curious to hear her opinion.
Divina giggles in response. "I don't see why she would, she practically sees students like you or Wednesday as her second children." She remarks jokingly, still remembering the way she complimented the Addams in class that one time, and having Y/N help with the Rave'N.
Y/N scoffs humbling. "That's a.... overexaggeration but I'll keep that in mind." He quips before the two share a tiny laugh.
Sounds like he knows where he'll be going next.
(A/N) Welcome to the new episode!
Sorry for the wait, I was trying to figure out where to connect the Cravens back into the story, as they are a minor detail to my cut of this story. The first section of this part took a little longer than I was expecting, but I wanna get this update out to you guys without forcing such massive wait on you all.
I appreciate the support people have given me, as every comment means a lot. I was worried I was going to trash this book again because I'm never usually good with fanfics involving tv shows. I never thought I would make it this far.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any kind counts as feedback, and I'll see you all in the next one!
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