Part 1
Wilderness: Roads
Can't believe she's thinking this, but Wednesday is honestly starting to wish that she just minded her own business. The butterfly effect has now forced her into this car with her parents as an obnoxiously sweet song plays. In front of her, her dad, Gomez Addams, recognizes the song and starts singing along to the lyrics, his gaze pointed towards his wife and her mother, Morticia Addams, smiling affectionately.
Needless to say, it makes her sick to her stomach.
Pugsley, who's sitting in the front along with the zombie driver, Lurch, glances at them through the rear-view mirror and rolls his eyes alongside her, especially when their parents share a 'romantic' kiss right in front of them, as if not knowing the rules about things children should not catch their parents doing. Though Wednesday is certain they lost that rule book while under the sheets.
(Jokes aside, this song slaps, check out Elliot James Reay's cover too)
After all that, and Lurch hits a few crows flying near them, causing Pugsley to jump, Morticia turns to Wednesday and notices her dead stare pointed at them. "Darling, how long do you intend of giving us the cold shoulder?" She asks her with a small frown, hating the way her blank stare as more blank-ness to it than it normally does.
Wednesday blinks at her before turning her head around towards the driver. "Lurch? Please remind my parents that I am on longer speaking to them." She requests before facing forward again, and the butler relays this to the parents via a grunting.
"I promise you, my little viper, you will love Nevermore." Gomez tells her as he leans closer towards her with an excited smile that is already imaging her future there. "Won't she, Tish?"
"Of course she will." Morticia agrees with a quick nod, having the same thoughts as her lovely husband. "It's the perfect school for her."
"Why? Because it was the perfect school for you?" Wednesday queries with a glare that calls her mother out for thinking that she's some kind of clone of what she once was. "I have no interest in falling in your footsteps, becoming captain of the fencing team, queen of the dark prom, President of the Seance Society." She lets her know, and while Morticia awkwardly looks out the window, Gomez nods with every reference to her previous titles, still proud of her for them.
"I merely meant that, finally, you will be among peers who will understand you." Morticia 'corrects' Wednesday, but she knows the real reason, and that her smile is really because they've ran out of alternate schools to enroll her into. "Maybe you'll even make some friends, or a high school sweetheart." She adds with a suggestive face, but thought of that second part makes Wednesday shudder in the inside.
Like that's ever going to happen.
"Nevermore is like no other boarding school." Gomez tells her daughter with a face that has lots of stories to tell, though Wednesday if certain that she would rather not hear ninety percent of them. "It's a magical place....." He says as she then turns lovingly to Morticia. "It's where I met your mother...." And she locks eyes with him. "And we fell in love..."
"You guys are making me nauseous." Wednesday comments before the two can start sucking face again, causing them to turn to her with some slightly annoyed looks. "And not in a good way."
"Darling, we aren't the ones who got you expelled. That boy's family was going to file attempted murder charges." Morticia reminds her with her elbows on her lap, causing Wednesday to glance down with mixed feelings at the use of the two words. "How would that have looked on your record?"
"Terrible." Wednesday admits, looking down with a haunted expression.
"Everyone would know I failed to get the job done."
As they continue the rest of their journey in blissful silence, they pass a car heading in the opposite direction of them. A few minutes later, the passenger of that car taps on the driver's shoulder and points towards an obvious path into the woods on the side of the road. "Just over here is fine." He directs the driver over, prompting them to park at the edge of the road. "Thanks."
"You sure you wanna get out here?" The driver asks with a face that questions his sense of safety while the hiker steps out and grabs his stuff out of the back. "The trail might look pretty, but it runs right past Nevermore."
"The school for outcasts?" The hiker recalls as he faces the driver, who scoffs in response.
"Well, that's a polite way of putting it."
"Hmmm, I never had a problem with outcasts." The hiker mentions to the driver with an off-handed kind of approach to the matter. "My counselor at summer camp was a werewolf." He shares with her, chuckling. "Great guy."
"Yeah, they're just like you and me...." The driver sarcastically replies. "...until they rip your throat out."
In response to that very dark comment, the hiker just nervously stands there as the driver then continues staring at him with this dead-pan look that's daggering a little to far into his soul. He awkwardly laughs. "Thanks for the ride." He says to quickly get out of the conversation, tapping on the hood of the truck before walking into the woods, the woman's dark-gaze following him then entire way through until he's out of sight.
After some time into his hike, the man finds a turned over tree on the side of the path and decides to take five for a couple minutes or so. As sets his bag down, he double-checks his map and realizes that he may have been going the wrong direction, causing him to let out a huge sigh as he plants it down next to him as well.
He grabs his thermos and tiny plastic cup where he pours a shot of a orange energy drink, he whipped up for moments like this when he's tired as balls. During this, he finally takes a moment to breath in the fresh air.
Right as he's about to take a sip though, he hears a loud rustling in the leaves and the bushes nearby, causing him to anxiously scan his surroundings. However, due to all of the fog, he can't really see anything that screams danger. He brings the cup back to his mouth, though a little bit more slowly...
And that's when he hears a loud crack. He turns his head to find the most horrifying thing charging at him.
The man screams until his head is ripped off.
Nevermore: Dormitories
That box is still sitting on Y/N's desk in the dorm room he's found himself in. It's kind of been it's own ancient artifact with how long it's been collecting dust, waiting for someone to spill its secrets so it's known for something else. Y/N L/N's aware of that, yet so far, that dice isn't swinging correctly. Instead, he's spending rest of the morning he has with his notebook, writing down symbolic images of what is currently plaguing his mind, it's one of the only things that help gives him peace.
He must've been a little too absorbed in it, because someone finds it necessary to snap their fingers next to his ear. "Hey, housemaster's calling everyone." The boy tells him, and Y/N turns around to find his dormmate Xavier Thorpe trying to get his attention. "You know, part of me wonders if you actually transfer your mind to your pencil or something."
"You're one to talk." Y/N remarks with a smiling scoff as he closes his notebook and puts it where it belongs. Given that Xavier's a creative artist himself, he shrugs touché as he walks back to get his uniform. "I thought I was allowed one hour of self-degradation." He says as he stands up to do the same thing.
"You can do that when you're not making me look bad by always trying to show up late." Xavier responds in a somewhat snarky tone as he grabs the jacket that helps to go with his uniform before putting in on, a style of putting on his preferred clothes plus his uniform that Y/N has found himself doing as well. "Whatever the sirens said about you can wait."
"Horrible job at trying to hide that you've been listening to them from time to time." Y/N points out to which Xaiver lets out a small sigh. "So, tell me, do you really like painting on the walls of the campus or is that just an excuse to listen to Bianca's voice?" He queries teasingly, crossing his arms.
"That's not what I meant..." Xavier claims while his eyes focus down on his clothes, and Y/N raises a brow. "And what even gave you that idea?"
"What? I can't criticize you now?" Y/N questions with a raised brow, causing the psychic to just roll his eyes as he walks towards the door. "Hey, I know my relationship didn't end any better, but that's why I also can't be fooled by this whole, 'cool guy' act you keep putting on." He states as he followers Xaiver out the door and down the hall.
"There is no 'act'." Xavier denies, causing Y/N to snort.
"Yeah, and the sky grows red." Y/N replies in a sarcastic manner. That probably didn't help, as Xavier seems to then start walking faster. "Hey..." The kid speaks in a slightly softer tone, not wanting to antagonize the guy. "Look, I get it, but the term, 'moving on' doesn't happen right away."
"I know that." Xavier claims before giving him a look as if wondering what his experience is with girls to talk like he knows what it's like. Y/N obviously doesn't buy it.
"Sure you do..."
"Hey, anytime you plan to tell me what actually happened at your previous school and prove me how wrong everyone is, then I'll happily cry out all my girl troubles to you." Xaiver bitterly remarks with a look, to which Y/N clicks his tongue, nodding.
"Point taken."
Nevermore: Principal's Office
The family's car passes through the gates leading to the school grounds, the clouds letting out a little bit of rain for the time being. They eventually park and enter the academy where they are greeted by the principal dresses in all white, including her hair. She leads them into her office where Mrs. Weems, the mentioned principal, goes through the girl's history before finally acknowledging all three of them.
"Wednesday is certainly a unique name." Weems comments with a plastic smile on her face that the girl simply stares back to, not finding it any kind of 'friendly' in the slightest way that the woman probably thinks she's coming across as. "I'm guessing it was the day of the week you were born."
"I was born on Friday the 13th." Wednesday instantly corrects her, not liking the idea of it being such a boring idea as that.
"Her name comes a line from my favorite nursery rhyme." Morticia explains with a face of nostalgia. " 'Wednesday's child is full of woe'." She references with a sudden doom-like expression that mirrors her daughter's which ironically does make a lot more sense when she says it in that way.
"You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia." Weems comments to which the other woman scoffs amused. Wednesday detects some passive-agressiveness between them with that exchange. "Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?"
"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday questions with a seemingly amazed phrasing. "Impressive." She remarks, noticing the slightly offended look her mother glances at her with while Weems moves on.
"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey." Weems comments as she scrolls through the note-worthy stuff with her pen. "Eight schools in five years."
"They haven't built one strong enough to hold me." Wednesday states as if that is something to be prideful about, not shying away from her serial expulsion spree. "I bet this place won't be any different."
"I believe what our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity." Gomes speaks for his daughter in an effort to save her face, which Wednesday doesn't appreciate all too well.
"Nevermore doesn't usually accept students midterm." Weems mentions with a small hum as she folds her hands together with a smile that carries great news. "But, given Wednesday's perfect grades, and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception."
Gomez and Morticia smile and grin at the news, reaching behind Wednesday to hold each other's hands excitedly. Her, on the other hand, slightly moves her head in a way that you'd miss it if you blink, her mind starting to finally fathom the reality of being in this dungeon. "Larissa, what about Wednesday's, um, therapy sessions?" She then inquiries about, glancing at her daughter with a swallow as she knows that the two have a really hard time mixing well. "The court ordered them."
"The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho." Weems lets her know with a calm assurance, taking a sip of her cup of tea that stereotypically comes with her British accent. "She can see her twice a week."
"Did you hear that, my little storm cloud?" Gomez happily talks to Wednesday, as if having high hopes for her while she's here. "You're in excellent hands."
"We'll see if she survives the first session." Wednesday notes with a mental hum, as if already knowing that the two will exchange dialogue like paper getting along with water. Gomez's expression changes, meanwhile, trying to figure out what that means.
"I've assigned to your mother's old dorm, Ophelia Hall." Weems tells Wednesday, which makes her mother suddenly gasps in delight, prompting her to turn her head towards her.
"Refresh my memory. Ophelia is the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?" Wednesday queries her mother curiously, and while Gomez looks upwards, not really knowing, Morticia giddily nods in conformation. How ironic, Wednesday thinks, knowing that she'll soon might follow in her footsteps.
She turns back straight, to which Weems gives her that irritatingly 'adult to child' grin.
"Shall we go meet your new roommate?"
Nevermore: Dormitories
Meanwhile, back in the dormitories, the housemaster Vlad currently has all of the psychics and gorgons of the school lined up due to a matter that has gotten his attention. They don't normally do this kind of thing, but it isn't exactly are either. When someone 'important' comes, gotta do a discount-instance of a roll call.
"And so, for the last time, please make sure you've covered your mirrors before taking a shower, even the psychics." Vlad finishes his lecture with a very serious look on his face, something that is common when it comes to him. "I have gotten six stoned students naked in the show this week, and it's Monday, so next time it happens, it'll be the stoned that pays the water pill, understood."
"Yes sir." Almost everyone repeats, knowing that the man treats his job very seriously and makes it seem like they are in the military school rather than one with outcasts in it. Guess it's possibly a little familiar. Everyone splits up, but Vlad isn't done yet.
"Mr. L/N, mind staying for a few more seconds?" Vlad requests the second everyone begins to split up, a few knowing kids begin chuckling amongst themselves while Xavier glances at him with a worried look. Y/N closes his eyes tightly before turning around with them open. The two then walk out of the lounge.
"Coach Vlad?"
"A few of your fellow students here at the dorms say that you've been sneaking out of your room at night, trying to hike the woods on your own." Vlad relays to Y/N with his arms crosses, once again having been brought with another accusation that he didn't want to do in front of everyone. "Is this true?"
"No sir." Y/N denies with a shake of his head, while mentally sighing and boiling on the inside. Sure, he's not supposed to be breaking curfew rules, but having him be the only one that gets snitched on is the anger-inducing part of it. He doesn't hear this about Xavier when he goes out to paint. "Thorpe can confirm that I'm always in my room at night."
Vlad slowly nods, humming to himself. "Given your situation with the socialism of your peers, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." He tells him before leaning closer. "But a reminder that breaking curfew is not a 'minor' rule to break."
"Of course." Y/N replies with a nod and blank face. Vlad accepts this response and walks away, allowing the kid to finally clench his fist so hard that he almost makes his palm in pop and bleed. Yeah, that was made to sound like the teacher's still on his side, but he knows that kind of tone from a mile away.
He's waiting for Y/N to give an excuse for punishment, as high as it can get.
He eventually steps back inside the lounge where all the boys pretty much hang out here if not at the quad, waiting for classes to start. During which, he spots Xaiver leaning against the back of the couch while two other boys, one of them Y/N also knows, playing retro games on the tiny television they've got.
He slowly approaches with his hands in his pocket, the kid on the couch closest to him eventually noticing. "Oh, Y/N, man, there you are." The kid in the beanie, Ajax Petropolus, waves him over, and Xavier nods at him when he sees him too. "Please, come be my new Smash opponent, this guy sucks harder that Kirby."
Y/N shrugs as he walks over to the side of the couch. "I don't know-"
"You wanna play with him?" The boy sitting next to Ajax asks as he points to him with a judging look directed at the gorgon. "Why? You know he's gonna touch you mid-game?" He brings up, causing Y/N to drop his head with a bitter swallow.
"You mean like tapping me on the shoulder? Everyone does that." Ajax mentions with a confused shrug, obviously not understanding the remark. Xavier does though, and he slowly shakes his head, Y/N still sheepishly looking away. "What are you even talking about?"
"Whatever, you do you...." The other boy shrugs, though walks as far away from the couch as possible the second he stands up and drops the controller. Xaiver sighs in disappointment while Ajax blinks, still perplexed.
"So...." Ajax then looks up at Y/N with an expecting look.
"Yeah, yeah, sure..." Y/N snaps out of his dark thoughts and nods, walking over as Ajax scoots over so he can easily take the closest spot on the couch. The kid hands him his previous opponent's controller and the two begin playing the art of Smashing Bros.
"Oh, you guys hear about Enid's new roommate?" Ajax then brings up with a small grin, his constant substance use always making him join in on the gossip train. "I heard they had to pull her mid-term because she got expelled from like, twenty other ones."
"Twenty?" Y/N questions with a slightly surprised look, before quickly shaking his head as he doesn't want to humor it. "I-I mean, why would we care?"
"It's just rumors, Ajax." Xavier agreeingly states with a hand gesture that repeats what Y/N just said.
"You haven't heard what everyone's been saying? Her reason for expulsion landed her in court, guys. Straight up orange-jacket." Ajax tells them with a face that seems way to excited to share that kind of information, the mention of court making Y/N feel pinch the bridge of his nose.
"Wait.... does she wear all black?" Xaiver blinks before asking, as if now recognizing something about what his friend is saying.
"I don't know." Ajax simply answers with a shrug before blinking as he turns to him with an interested look. "Wait, did you get another dream thingy of the future? Is she gonna over-creep Bianca?
"Nevermind..." Xavier waves him off as he then walks away, assuming to go to the quad to do some morning art. Ajax blinks as the two boys watch him leave, one more confused than the other.
"Was it something I said?" Ajax asks Y/N as if he really needs to know, to which the other kid just chuckles at him.
"Nope, not at all." Y/N tells him with a big smile as he puts his focus back to the game. Ajax blinks before shrugging, not paying anymore mind to it because, you know, videogames. It should stay that way..... until he detects something moving from the wind to his left.
He instantly holds up his hand and easily catches the ball that was flying towards him. Ajax jumps while Y/N casually looks towards where that was coming from, and sees the same kid from earlier along with some others who turn wide-eyed at his effortless catch.
He softly throws it back towards them which makes the boys jump and jog out the room, not bothering to catch it. "Whoa...." Alex looks in awe. Meanwhile, Y/N shakes his head at the idiots before his mind goes back to what he was gossiping about earlier. Mid-term enrollment, huh?
Sounds like someone's special.
Nevermore: Ophelia Hall
The Addams family walks into Wednesday's new dorm room for the rest of the semester, finding a room that is overely decorated with everything associated with the rainbow. One of the beds, the ceiling, the circular window that replaces the clock head, the carpet, the desks, all of it has been punched by something colorful. The sight makes Morticia physically, and Wednesday mentally, gasp.
"It's so.... vivid." Gomez comments as they look around, also seeing the visual unappealing aspect with his girls. Weems nods blankly while the girl responsible for all of this..... addition to the room, stands up and runs over to Wednesday with an expression of someone who's a little too excited to meet a stranger.
"Howdy, roomie!"
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair." Weems introduces the girl to them. Seeing the way she postures herself and unable to keep a heel still for more than tow seconds, Wednesday feels goosebumps, the bad kind, crawling up her skin. She..... she has an extrovert for a roommate. This is officially it.
It's over.
"Are you feeling okay?" Enid asks Wednesday with a slightly concerned look. "You look a little pale." She notices, not knowing that she always looks like that.
Gomez glances at her daughter, noticing her wide eyes. "Wednesday always looks half-dead." He explains to Enid for her, to which the brighter girl slowly nods, accepting.
"Oh.... well, welcome to Ophelia Hall!" Enid excitedly says with arms stretches out for an over-the-top greeting, causing Wednesday to almost immediately step back the second she tries to make physical contact. "Not a hugger.... got it." She acknowledges with an awkward nod, respecting her space.
"Please excuse Wednesday, she's.... allergic to color." Morticia informs Enid, which explains her and their choice of colors when it comes to their attire. It was a common trait for both parents that has not genetically transferred to their children.
"Oh, wow...." Enid replies in awe as she turns to Wednesday, taking that completely literally. "What happens to you?"
"I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday exaggerates, one of her many instances that she will. It succeeds in making Enid swallow, believing it for the time being.
"Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform." Weems informs Wednesday, letting her know that she won't be sharing the same dark blue color that everyone else carries. "Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with a copy of her schedule." She instructs a girl before giving the special girl another fake smile. "And give her a tour along the way."
Enid physically but quietly squeals in excitement. Wednesday turns around, glaring at both of her parents with a look of hatred that reminds them of who put her in this school, with this.... thing, called a roommate. She then reluctantly marches away, with Enid skipping right behind her. As they leave, the three adults awkwardly stare at each other.
They're sure that they are gonna get along just fine.
Nevermore: Hallway
Enid does as ordered, walking side by side with an uninterested Wednesday down the halls of the school to give her the old-fashioned tour. To it's credit, the place looking like it was built from an old castle stands out here, giving it a much more unique flavor to the standard doorway and common room. However, for this one instance, Wednesday doesn't actually want it.
"Nevermore was founded 1791 to educate people like us." Enid tells the scripted speech to Wednesday, in spite of them not having shared eye contact once since they left the dorm room. "Outcasts, freaks, monsters. Fill in your marginalized group here."
"You can save the sanitized sales pitch." Wednesday cuts into her means of dialogue as she stares unamused at all of the decor. "I don't plan on staying here for long." She states as they stop in front of a trophy display, while Enid blinks at her.
"Why not?"
"This was my parents' idea." Wednesday answers with a disgusted tone before spotting an old photo from the fencing team on one of the shelves, expectedly, Morticia is in the front as the captain. "Oh, look. There's my mother, smirking at me." She bitterly remarks as she seems to be glaring at the photo as if they are in some kind of staring contest. "They've been looking for any excuse to send me here. It's all a part of their nefarious yet completely obvious plan."
"What plan?" Enid asks with a smirk, wanting Wednesday to spill the family drama tea.
"To turn me into a version of themselves." Wednesday tells her. It's something she will not let happen for as long as she holds breath. She knew the seconds she came out of the womb that she was going to create her own future, not be in a clear mirror of their past.
"Well, in that case, perhaps you can clear something up." Enid mentions with a weird face as they continue their way down the hall. "Rumor's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school and your parents pulled strings to get you off."
"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" Wednesday casually responds, causing Enid to abruptly pause while she continues off like nothing's wrong.
Down at the opposite side of where Wednesday and Enid are having their tour, Y/N is walking down while double-checking his map, wondering if he made a wrong turn because this is not the hallway he's used to when going by his usual schedule. Yup, this is most definitely not it at all.
"Crap!" He hears a male student loudly swear and looks up to see one of the sirens, Kent, trying to catch one of the hall's knight statues up before it falls and breaks. Looks like one of the fresher ones he was volunteered to help carry it. "Hey! A little help here?"
The only one that responds to the desperate call is Y/N himself who jogs over and quickly provides and extra lift to the statue. He turns out to make one heck of a difference, as he's easily able to push the knight up till it's standing in just a few seconds. "Whew... thanks, that was my only attempt at saving some lost credit." The Siren thanks him with a small nod as they then start pushing it up to its pedestal
"Kent!" A third party chimes in, and the two turn to see a group from the same cliche eyeing the two briefly interacting with one another with a raised brow. "You needing help from the woods-freak over there?" The leader, Bianca Barclay, asks him with a mocking grin as she points to Y/N.
"W-What?" Kent stutters before glancing back at Y/N and quickly remembering who he is. "Uh.... N-N-No, not at all." He quickly interjects before shoving the guy that just helped him away in order to save his social image with Bianca. "Get out of here, creep!"
Y/N looks at him as if wondering if he's serious while the other sirens laugh in response and Bianca simply glares. "Whatever..." He quietly says as he walks away.
But the second he does, the knight statue falls over and shatters on the floor into a couple fifty pieces, no longer having the strength that was pushing it up. "Oh, no....." He whimpers looking back towards Y/N who's now long gone.
That went well, didn't it?
Nevermore: Quad
Enid then plans to conclude the tour with the schools most common and well-known of the campus. "Welcome to the Quad." She introduces Wednesday to it with her arms stretched out in a gesture that hints that she'll be passing this part of the school more than twice. The other girl does a quick scan of the shape and finds a clear contradictory.
"It's a pentagon." Wednesday points out with a disappointed tone, wondering which idiot gave this place that name. Enid just glances at her with an unimpressed look.
"The whole 'snarky Goth girl' thing might have worked at Normie school, but here things are different." Enid tells Wednesday with a cheeky smile, noting the different standard in normalcy among the peers here. "Let me give you a Wiki on Nevermore's social scene." She offers as she beckons Wednesday around the edges of the quad.
"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés." Wednesday notes as she reluctantly follows her.
"Well, then use it to fuel your obviously bottomless pot of distain." Enid suggests with a manner that shows that she can be snarky when she talks too. Phrasing aside, Wednesday could definitely see it that way. "There are many flavors of Outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales." She lists them off as they pass a table of gentlemen students all wearing sunglasses, all drinking from a glass filled with red liquid. "Those are the Fangs, AKA Vampires. Some of them have literally been here for decades."
She makes a face before continuing on, where she then spots a table with more energetic students. "That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA, Werewolves like me!" She points to them as the gang catch the scent of Enid and begin excitedly howling at her at the sight of one of their own. "Full moons will get pretty loud around here. That's when Furs, like, wolf out, I suggest you pick up some noise-cancelling headphones." She offers some actually good advice for Wednesday, though she'll use something else to block the sound in when the time comes.
She looks around and sees the tinier group in size standing/sitting next to the fountain, as if attracted to the water. "I'm assuming Scales are Sirens." Wednesday correctly assumes.
"You catch on quick." Enid confirms as she then points at the one dipping her hand into the water, illuminating some scales that constantly glow along her wrist. "And that girl, is Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although, her crown's been slipping lately." She introduces while they both watch as Bianca glances over at a student painting an image on the wall with a mixed expression. "She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorp, but they broke up at the beginning of the semester. Reason... unknown."
"Fascinating." Wednesday sarcastically comments.
"I know, right?! My blog is, like, the number-one source for Nevermore gossip." Enid exclaims as she turns to Wednesday, not at all catching it. "Oh! And the biggest one, definitely has to be that guy over there." She then points to an unusually absent side of the Quad, where a student leans against one of the pillars with a dead expression and his hands in his pockets, having people take the path around him just so they don't catch his personal space. "Y/N L/N, he just started his semester her as well, but.... due to the record he got because of reasons kept hidden to 'protect' the 'victims', he's earned himself the rotten apple of the bunch."
"Fascinating." Wednesday against comments, a little less sarcastically. There's a brief moment where the two catch themselves sharing eye contact, as if something about the other is alluring them closer. But due to not really knowing her, Y/N eventually looks away. "Competition is rare, but at least it'll mean I have a reason to add my count up to three." She notes, to which Enid blinks rapidly at her.
"What does that-"
"Yo, Enid!" A voice calls out to the blonde, causing the girl to mentally jump and spin to face the guy in the beanie walking over to her. "You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate." Ajax expresses with a funny grin. "She eats human flesh! Totally chowed down on that kid she murdered! You better watch your back."
Well, this is awkward. Enid slowly steps to the side and reveals Wednesday standing right behind her. "Quite the contrary." Wednesday lets him know, while Ajax's curious snake slithers back up to his beanie, showing his embarrassment. "I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets."
"Ajax, this is my new roommate, Wednesday." Ajax introduces the two with a tense expression, begging the other not to say something that makes their first impression even worse than how it started.
"Whoa...." Ajax mummers in awe as Wednesday turns to face him. He scans her skin and completely color-less clothing, seemingly memorized by it. "You're in black and white..... like a living Instagram filter!"
"I-Ignore him." Enid quickly cuts in, pushing Ajax back to his group as that plan goes out the window. "Gorgons spend way too much time, getting stoned. He's cute, but clueless." She explains with a tiny shrug, knowing that they can't help it since the weed helps keep the little snakes under their hat garments. "You know, it's a small school and there wasn't much online about you, you've even out-shadowed Y/N's infamous scandal which might explain the increase in gossip. Oh! You know, you should really get on Insta, Snapchat, and TikTok." She energetically suggests, to which Wednesday just stares at her.
"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation." Wednesday tells her point-blank before turning around to get this uniform-chore over with so she can get to more important matters.
Enid just slowly nods, knowing that she at least tried.
Just outside the massive arch leading into the walls of the campus, Wednesday returns to her family wearing her new uniform she will have to 'get used' to during her time here, which has been given a drainage of color, now in slightly darker black along with the black strikes, a favor for the Addams.
"Look at you, my little death trap!" Gomez exclaims with a very happy father's voice, walking over to her to observe her unique uniform up close that blends perfectly with the rest of her colors. "Seeing you in the uniform brings back so many terrible memories." He remarks, grinning at Morticia. "Doesn't it, Tish?"
"Yes." Morticia agrees with a massive grin, before remembering something important to do before they leave. "Why don't you boys wait in the car? Wednesday and I need a moment." She requests, and Gomez, likely knowing what, steps away so Pugsley can walk over, practically jumping at her sister to give her a massive hug.
As they eventually separate, Wednesday stares at her brother like a drill sergeant staring at the fresh meat. "Pugsley, you're soft and weak. You'll never survive without me." She tells him, not unless he stands up to the next set of bullies that stick him with an apple and shove him in a locker. "I give you two months, tops."
"I'm gonna miss you too, sis." Pugsley sarcastically responds with a nod, him and Gomez walking back into the car where Lurch opens the door for them.
Morticia then takes another step closer to her daughter. "Any plans you have of running away end right now." She states to Wednesday with a look that reminds her that she's no fool, she saw the gears spinning in her head the second Weems said that she was accepted into Nevermore. "I've alerted all family members to contact me the minute you darken their doorstep. You have nowhere to go."
"As usual, you underestimate me, Mother." Wednesday remarks with her arms crossed. "I will escape this educational penitentiary, and you will never hear from me again." She declares before her, seeing Morticia's words as just a challenge that she's been called to conquer.
"You are a brilliant girl, Wednesday, but sometimes you get in your own way." Morticia notes with a shake of her head and a sigh. "I'm sure you are going to love Nevermore, and find it as.... life-changing as I did." She promises with a bright smile, before revealing something she's had in her palm this entire time. "Oh, I got you a little something." She holds up a neckless with a letter engraved in the center. "W...." She brings it upside down. "M.... our initials. It's made of obsidian, which Astec priests used to conjure visions. It's a symbol of our connection."
She extends it to Wednesday, who slowly takes it and examines the design for a second or two. "Which one of your spirts suggested this toe-curling tchotchke?" She questions with a disgusted expression, dropping the smile off of Morticia's face. "I am not you, Mother. I will never fall in love, or be a housewife, or have a family."
Morticia swallows up the pain of that blow. "I'm told girls your age say hurtful things I shouldn't take to heart." She notes with frown, trying her best to accept her constant verbal attacks.
"Fortunately, you don't have one." Wednesday remarks with a mental scoff, which ironically makes the woman cheer up a bit.
"Finally, a kind word for your mother." Morticia says with a smile, before turning over to the butler. "Lurch, the crystal ball, please." She requests, to which the butler walks up and hands her the tiny rectangular prism box. "Now, we can't talk to you for the first week while you're settling in. So, we'll call you next Sunday." She lets her know. She reaches a hand over to touch her shoulder, but unlike her dad, Wednesday flinches away, leading the woman to just hover her palm over her instead.
With a pained expression, she hesitantly turns around before walking towards the car where Lurch opens the door for her like with Gomez and Pugsley. Morticia gives Wednesday one more sad look before eventually stepping inside.
As Lurch enters the driver's seat, Wednesday glances down at the neckless, showing a little bit more interest in it.
Visions, you say?
The second they begin driving away, Gomez turns looks over and already sees Morticia shedding tears that show how much she already misses her, and they haven't even left the grounds yet. "Don't worry, my love." He comforts her while handing her his black handkerchief to wipe her droplets. "Our little scorpion won't be alone."
He then flicks a switch on the arm rest, and the bottom of the car opens up to allow a mutilated hand covered in stiches hop out. It then begins crawling back towards the campus with a clear goal in mind.
To watch over Wednesday.
Nevermore: Green Room
Meanwhile, as Y/N enters the first class, gardening, he's about to head to his desk which, guess what? Has it's neighboring seat empty. Big shocker, right? You think the Woods-creep would get some people that appreciate his reputation around her. That was all sarcasm, obviously. But, sorry, getting off track here, as he was doing that, he passes by Xavier's and sees that he's missing something that's usually on his desk with him.
"Hey, you okay?" Y/N asks Xavier with a nod, noticing how irritated the guy looks right now. His roommate looks up to see that it's clearly him checking up on him.
"You mean without my pens and pads that someone stole while I was on the paint this morning, no?" Xaiver responds bitterly with a shake of his head, causing Y/N to hum as he considers helping, but also wants this to pay off for both of them.
"I'll help." Y/N offers, but Xavier can already to detect the ulterior motive behind the kind roomie's expression. "I have a habit of finding things I keep losing as well." He mentions with a shrug.
"That's not as reassuring as you probably thought it would."
"Look, if it will give me something to do besides walk around and get mocked all day for the twentieth time in a row, I'll help a brother out." Y/N promises the actual psychic with a determined nod. "As long as you promise to tell me why you broke up with Bianca and why it's seemingly still bothering you." He then finally reveals his secondary intentions.
Xaiver opens his mouth to protest, but knowing that the guy won't let up and that he caught him at the best/worst time, he nods with a massive sigh. "Fine..."
"Super, bro-potato, you count on me." Y/N tells him with a smirk, tapping him on the shoulder before scooting into his seat. Xavier mentally face palms at the nickname before quickly turning his head straight when he sees the mentioned siren walking into class.
Quest accepted.
(A/N) First actual chapter here!
Wanted to give Y/N something to do besides oogle Wednesday all episode, as well as build up our new potential bromance with Xavier. Other characters like Kent and Divina (The other siren chick who had, like two lines of dialogue) I plan to give a more blatant role in the story, since apparently, they won't be around for the second season. Meaning, I can do whatever I want with them, and Xavier, and not ruin any changes with them. Yippee!
The romance between Y/N and Wednesday will obviously be main focus here, but the goal is to make sure that both be their own characters, and that the male reader's main focus isn't to be a push-over or simp for the girl. Also, in case you're wondering, you're posing as a Psychic.
Anyway, plz vote and comment, any counts as feedback, and I'll see you in the next one!
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