Nevermore: Hallway
Wednesday feels an actual chill going down her spine as she looks down at her dress. Whatever angelic entity of good and happiness influenced her to go through with this deserves her fist, at least, that's what she keeps telling herself to make her feel like she's still the real her, even though somewhere deep inside, she's glad that this ended up happening anyway. Thing did say, after all, that she deserves a 'happy day', after all, but it better be worth her ego's troubles.
She walks down the steps with her new dress from Uriah's Heap on, seeing Y/N idly staring at all of the display stuff on the other side. He eventually turns around upon spotting her reflection, to see her in her antique-like outfit. And his eyes indicate that he is immediately blown away. "Well, well. I didn't think you'd actually get that dress." He silently exclaims as he looks her up and down. "You look..."
"Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?" Wednesday almost immediately puts words in his mouth, to which Y/N lets out a nervous chuckle, taking a few moments before giving his actual critique.
"All that, with an extra side of Greek's most dangerous Goddess." Y/N adds onto her attempt at self-degrading with a cherry on top, making Wednesday shift a little bit as she feels her heart bit a little bit faster. "Seriously, Wednesday, I love it." He tells her, just to let her know that he isn't just saying that for sake of being a nice date. He offers his arm with an expecting look, and after a few seconds, she takes it in a way makes one thing she's actually excited to be here.
The two of them walk until they eventually pass through the misty entrance of the Rave'N, their eyes being hit with the flashy winter aesthetic. Y/N eyes his Y/C suit, fixing it up a bit to make sure he's looking good next to his date the second all eyes fall onto them. "Your grip is getting a little tight..." He warns her with a whisper, which only makes Wednesday squeeze it more.
"I know." Wednesday confidentially replies, giving her a blank look that makes him just nod and accept it without laughing in her face. Y/N accepts it a little bit, wishing he could brush his fingers against her arm if the angle was right.
"Holy crap! Look who busted out of her cocoon!" A nearby voice chimes in, causing them both to stop and turn to see Xavier Thorpe walking over to them with Bianca right next to her in her flashy scale-dress. The second they see each other, Wednesday and the Siren engage in a tense stare down while the boys are completely oblivious. "You know, Wednesday, Y/N tried to convince me you would stand him up."
"Dude, come on...." Y/N mutters as he begs him not to look an ass right in front of her.
"And I like proving ignorant boys like you wrong." Wednesday boasts with no visible reaction to Xavier's comment, which the Psychic nods to respectfully, more than happy to hear that in a 'big brother' kind of way. "And for the record, his dress looks better than yours."
"Ouch." Xavier says with a small chuckle, clearly not as offended as Bianca is, if at all.
Then, a loud and almost-deafening feedback attacks their ears. "Yo, yo, yo, yo, who's ready for a slow-mo? Get on the dance floor so we can start the real dance I know some of you are waiting for!" The DJ, MC Blood Suckaz, announces to everyone, getting some more students rushing to the dance floor.
Y/N turns to Wednesday with a raised brow, wondering if she's down. Thankfully for him, Wednesday nods and takes his hand, allowing him to get them a spot right in the center of everyone, with her Uriah Heap's dress taking the spotlight in comparison to everyone. During which, he glances at the other Nightshades from across the room, most of them giving him looks or gestures of encouragement, including Divina and Xavier.
Once they're at that perfect note, Wednesday lets Y/N wrap his hands around her as she feels herself oddly into this slow dance. Maybe it's the torture of it all, diving into this vat of acid with a boy who likes testing her shell gets her aroused in a certain way. She moves her hips along with him, feeling a little disappointed when the slow-dance eventually ends, until the next song, more fast-paced, kicks in right after.
There, Wednesday really lets herself shine, without a care in the world about what anyone things. Her bizarre and crazy dance moves make Y/N's face bright up, and he too, eventually starts getting into his own unique rhythm. Heck, even Kent is going all out, doing the worm on a misty dance floor in front of everyone.
At one point, though, Y/N abruptly stops dancing, looking straight at Wednesday with a mischievous smirk on his face. This makes Wednesday cease her movements as well. "What is it?" She asks him, perplexed by his strange action. This only makes the boy's lips creep up higher as he steps closer until their chests are inches apart.
"I may or may not have convinced the boys who made our visits to Jericho hell to give us a little surprise." Y/N suggestively answers, knowing it will be something that'll make them think it's doing something, when in reality, it's going to bright her day. Wednesday squints until she feels something liquid-y splash against her face, she looks down as one then gets her hand, allowing her to see what it is...
Crimson red liquid.
She looks at Y/N in realization. Soon, the sprinkler's fully open up, causing them to unleash and entire farm's worth of fake-blood all over everyone. Everyone at the Rave'N except the bullies seem to think it's real though, causing the girls to eventually scream before everyone else soon follows in freaking out.
Wednesday stares at Y/N as if hypnotized, before giving him a grin, a real grin filled with genuine happiness. She decides to test his practical effects and gives it a little taste, moaning when her tastebuds get hit with actual Pig's blood. "I must have actually infected your mind somewhere." She playfully quips with a loving smirk, to which the boy chuckles.
"And I'm glad you did."
Deciding to give it a chance, Y/N hesitates a second, but slowly leans in. Wednesday seems to freeze up a second when she realizes what he's doing, but with such happiness glowing inside her, she wasn't a second before recuperating his feelings, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately.
Y/N responds by wrapping his arms around her hips and kisses back, matching her energy. While everyone else is running away, sleeping on fake blood and falling on tables to get away from the 'horrifying' prank, the two of them are shamelessly making out in the center of it all.
Life couldn't get any better.
But then......
"Hey, Wednesday!" Bianca's voice yells through her ear, her fingers snapping in her face. "You okay?" The Siren asks her with a concerned face, bringing Wednesday out of her day-dream. She looks around in the real-world she's living in. The morning sky, the actual trees, and as she glances at the other teeen, she remembers where she is.
Jericho: Cemetery
"Of course, I'm not." Wednesday tells her bluntly, knowing that there's no use trying to come up with a pathetic lie. How could she be? She stares down at the gravestone that has 'Y/N L/N' engraved in big and bold letters, practically screaming at her that she should've taken him to the Rave'N instead of Tyler, she should've never pressed him when he caught her in Xavier's art studio, even better, she should've never gone there at all.
There's so many thing she should've done, and now she can never make up for them.
"I'm sorry about what happened to him." Bianca expresses to Wednesday as she joins her in starring down at Y/N's grave, feeling extreme sympathy because there's no way she can understand how the Addams feels right now. "I wish there was a way we could bring him back."
"It'd be foolish." Wednesday notes, knowing that it's because of her that it happened in the first place. Fate is a ruthless trader, if she didn't die, Y/N would've have had to trade his life-span for her, and he would be alive right now. Everyone would've gotten their happy ending now that Xavier, Noble, Divina, Rowan, and everyone else was avenged, but instead, here they are now, lamenting about what they lost.
"Fair point..."
"Hey, guys...." Ajax chimes in as they both look over to see him and Enid approaching them from the grave they just visited, looking more awkward than ever thanks to the cold, harsh reality that has punched them in the face. "You know, the funeral ended ten minutes ago."
"Not right now, moron." Bianca scolds the Gorgon with a look, reminding him that Wednesday is standing right next to them.
"You know, I hate to admit, but I think I'm gonna miss Principal Weems as well." Enid also adds as she glances over at the woman's gravestone one more time, feeling a weird sorrow every time she sees it.
"She was kind of a pain...." Bianca admits with a sheepish shrug.
"But she was tough." Wednesday also asserts, much to the other's slightly-surprise. "And she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school. For that, I have immense respect." She says without a shed of bitterness hidden in her voice, to which they all agreeingly nod.
"She was one of us."
"You know what? Since we're all going down self-guilt lane..." Ajax brings up as he seems to remember something. Everyone turns to him as he reaches into his jacket's pockets until he finds the thing he was looking for, a phone with a pitch-black casing that he pulls out and hands to Wednesday. "Xavier wrapped it, I guess he was gonna give it to you for his birthday before.... you know."
Despite herself, Wednesday takes it, giving it a scan with her eyes like it's some sort of xeno-device. "I'll consider using it." She lets Ajax know, who nods with a bittersweet smile.
"I'm sure he'll appreciate that, as well as Y/N."
"Speaking of which, with classes canceled for the rest of the semester, I think all of us should hang out at my place in San Fransico in their honor." Enid suggests with an attempt at a smile, wanting to offer some ways for all of them to start going through this eternal process together, still using her bright personality to try and find a way to help. "I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day."
"Oh! Me and my guys have a special Stoner spot there." Ajax also chimes in with an excited grin. "We should definitely hit it up, it goes really well with the bad thoughts."
"Sounds tempting." Wednesday remarks, though she might actually mean it.
The four of them all share smiles and laughs, celebrating life for the sake of the fallen before they start heading to their respective parents' cars, all except for Wednesday, who says that she's going to stick around in this town for a little bit longer.
"I love you too." Wednesday tells Y/N before she turns away from the dirt he's buried under.
She glances at her shoulder once she feels Thing crawling onto it, nodding with his wrist.
There's a place she has to visit one more time before she leaves.
Jericho: Sheriff's Station
Tyler Galpin is now the one that's sitting in the cells of the station, chained up like a rapid animal. He sits down on the floor, playing with the chain that's connected to his chest, staring down like a spec dirt on it owes him money. There's nothing else he can live for anymore, so why should he try messing with it? Why should he try getting out?
His thoughts are interrupted when the lights starts flickering, causing him to look with curiosity as the pace increases until they eventually turn off for good, soon replaced by a dark, menacing cred lighting. Someone's knocked out the power.
Then, he hears his cell opening, and turns to see Wednesday and Thing standing in front of it with that signature blank expression. He slowly stands up, wondering what could've prompted such a visit, right before the hand then swiftly lunges forward and grabs the Hyde's neck, pinning him to the wall.
"I thought that nobody could ever out-smart me, unless they were Nikola Tesla." Wednesday begins as Tyler gags a bit, but doesn't struggle under Thing's grip, not finding any point to it. "You've given me a valuable lesson, but if you were hoping you gave me trust issues starting now, you're wrong."
"So..... what now?" Tyler queries her as Thing only loosens his grip a slight bit, letting him talk without choking on his own spit. "You're gonna kill me? Like you killed Thornhill?" He assumes. It's what he would do, what he tried to have Y/N do until his idiot father messed everything up, and gave him more time in this unique form of Hell.
"That's a rather tempting offer." Wednesday comments, lifting her chin up. "But why would I give you what you want?"
"He's dead, isn't he?" Tyler abruptly deduces, seeing it all over Wednesday's face, her eyes showing that he's right on the money when they react in a depressed manner. "You're so.... pathetic, you know that? You were so easy to trick, and you gave us the perfect window to not only lock him up, but kill him as well."
"That's not going to work on me either."
"And now, you unleashed him." Tyler continues in spite of Wednesday's claim, spouting his nonsense whether she wants to hear it or not. "Thornhill always liked to talk about him. Under the dirt.... under the bedrock.... under the very ground we walk on. He's been waiting for this moment for a long, long time...." He mummers, now sounding like a complete mad-man in front of the girl, which is saying something. "And it's all because you let Y/N die."
Wednesday creates a fist as a knife then slides under her sleeve, Tyler looks excited once he sees the blade, closing his eyes right as she grabs the blade tip to throw it.......
But nothing happens.
As the backup generator finally comes up, Tyler opens his eyes in confusion. Wednesday has vanished once again. He looks down at himself, but doesn't feel any pain or find any stab wounds on him. He looks over to see that the knife has been impaled into the concrete wall, shocking even him. Wednesday must've really put everything in that throw.
However, that also means the cell doors are closing, and Tyler turns around with an angry expression. "The bell.... cannot be unrung!" He furiously yells into the air as tries to grab at the bars, only to be pulled back. "He's angry..... he's found us...... AND HE'S COMING!" He cries out, getting himself pulled down until he hits his head, where he sinks into the dirty floor. "Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding....."
He cackles, shedding tears as he keeps repeating himself.
"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding....."
Meanwhile, back at Nevermore, the painting of that mysterious figure Thornhill identified as Revrax stands in the center of the secret library as ever, but something changes. The eyes that were once hidden in darkness underneath the hood....
They open, glowing red.
Once she's back home, Wednesday finishes her novel thanks to Y/N's typewriter.
Viper's first special mystery.
(A/N) The End.....?
Wow, can't believe I actually made it here. You know, I've never completed a fanfic based on a TV show. Even though I keep coming back to them, I keep losing motivation and then go do a movie fanfic that I eventually complete. I think it's safe to say that without you guys, and the small bit of fame that Wednesday has on Wattpad, I would never be writing this Epilouge.
Thank you to everyone who stood by from beginning to end, whether you were here since the Prologue, or started reading once I published Episode 4, or who just found this book after it was completed and is finding themselves binge-reading the entire story. Seriously, you guys are the best.
Anyway, please vote and comment, and thank you for reading.
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