Chapter 3: Friend or Woe
(After a talk with the Nightshades, she "escapes" with the book. Cut to the Quad where the students are gathered.)
Wednesday's thoughts: There were so many threads to my investigation, I could weave a burial shroud. I still have no idea how Rowan mysteriously rose from the dead. Or why that monster is prowling the woods. But right now, nothing intrigues me more than this book. If I'm going to be responsible for Nevermore's demise, the question is, why am I sharing this apocalypse with a pilgrim?
(Y/N happens to be looking over her shoulder.)
(Y/N): I see that you found the book with your more than likely destruction of Nevermore.
Wednesday: Yes, I did. No thanks to you.
(Y/N): Considering you never asked for my help...
(Principal Weems gets the students' attention.)
Weems: All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00. As you know, this year Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students. As representatives of our school, I trust you all will put your best face forward.
(The students get their pamphlets with where they will be working. Enid runs up to the Addams siblings.)
Enid: Yes! I got PIlgrim World.
(Y/N): Good for you.
Enid: I do have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice. What'd you two get?
(They open their pamphlets.)
Wednesday & (Y/N): Uriah's Heap.
Wednesday: Whatever that is.
Enid: Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though. (Y/N) not so much. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together.
(Y/N): *rolls his eyes* I'm gonna go find out what Eugene got.
(Cut to Y/N walking up to Eugene.)
(Y/N): Hey, roomie! God, he's got me saying it now.
Eugene: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Where are you gonna be volunteering at?
Eugene: Pilgrim World.
(Y/N's thoughts): You've got to be kidding me.
Eugene: How about you?
(Y/N): Uriah's Heap.
Eugene: Too bad we won't be volunteering together.
(Y/N): You'll manage without me. I'll try to get a taxidermied bee for you.
Eugene: That may be hard. I don't think Uriah's Heap has the proper equipment to taxidermy insects.
(Y/N): Either way, you're ending up with a souvenir.
(Cut to the students going to their volunteer assignments.)
Wednesday: I found out something new about the drawing.
(Y/N): Oh, pray tell.
Wednesday: So, that giant pilgrim that is standing across from is Joseph Crackstone.
(Y/N): Joseph Crackstone. I don't know who that is.
Wednesday: I didn't either.
(She quickly walks up to Enid & Y/N follows her.)
Wednesday: Enid. Switch volunteer assignments.
Enid: What? No. Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag.
Wednesday: It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World.
Enid: But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?
Wednesday: Because Ajax is volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment. But if you're not interested--
Enid: No!
(They switch assignments.)
Enid: Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!
(She goes inside Uriah's Heap.)
(Y/N): [groans] Let's get this over with.
Wednesday: (Y/N), I'm only going to say this once.
(Y/N): Okay?
Wednesday: You're losing Enid to Ajax.
(Y/N): Thank you for telling me that. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Wednesday: You're relying way too much on you two being the same species. If you really want her to notice you; be bold.
(Y/N): I...I can be bold. [breathes confidently] Thanks, sis.
Wednesday: Don't mention it. Ever.
(Y/N goes into Uriah's Heap as Wednesday makes her way to Pilgrim World. Cut to her there now.)
Eugene: Hey, Wednesday, want to grab a Hummers group photo? I know technically it's not a group photo with (Y/N) not here but he's here in spirit and I know he'd love it.
Eugene: Guess not.
(Wednesday finds out that the Meeting House is being renovated so instead she'll be giving out fudge samples along with everyone else.)
Uriah's Heap
(We see Y/N, Enid, & Ajax looking at the dressed up taxidermied animals.)
Enid: [grimaces]
(Y/N): Never once have I thought about dressing up taxidermied animals.
Ajax: I'm pretty sure it's dead. See the tire treads across its tail?
Owner: Local artist scooped that fella up right here on Route 22.
Enid: You telling me someone actually goes out and collects roadkill and turns them into that?
(Y/N): Whatever pays the bills.
Owner: Can't keep them on the shelves. Got a whole section dedicated to these beauties. Squirrels, skunks, snakes, and my personal of ferrets at a clambake. Too cute.
(Y/N): Indeed?
Owner: You three want to make yourself useful? I reckon they could use a good brush with a Tangle Teezer. It freshens up the fur.
Enid: Maybe we can do that after, like, a...An extended coffee break. Right, Ajax?
Ajax: Uh, yeah. We'll hit up the Weathervane. Want us to pick you up something? Anything you'd recommend for her, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): The scones are out of this world.
Owner: No need to pay for that overpriced hipster swill. I'm brewing chaga. It's my own blend. Mushroom tea. I forged the little buggers myself. Better get teasing. You're in for a treat.
(Back at Pilgrim World; Wednesday discourages some tourists from trying the fudge & she saves Eugene from the same kids that harassed her & Y/N at the Weathervane. She's now broken into the Meeting House & Eugene is on watch. Inside she sees a painting with the same girl from her vision, she's even holding the same book. She finds the book, Codex Umbrarum. Latin for "Book of Shadows." But it turns out to be a fake. However, she does find out that the original was stolen two months ago.)
Uriah's Heap
(Y/N watches what looks like a homeless man walk past him after being rude to Enid.)
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure he just stole something.
(Just when he's about to follow the man, he notices Enid walk over to Ajax who's staring at a married rat & squirrel.)
Enid: Ooh. That gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Ajax: I don't know. You think squirrels and rats could ever work out? I mean, they're two totally different species.
Enid: Oh, yeah. I mean, totally. Why not? They both have more in common than you think. Most people are scared of them, so it would just be us...them...against the world.
Ajax: Wow. That was...deep. You know, by the way, I totally dug the way you scratched out the bottom of our boat at Poe Cup. It was pretty badass.
Enid: Thanks. You're not mad you lost?
Ajax: I was just doing a solid for Xavier. I mean, he's my boy, but he's super competitive.
Enid: Seems so laid-back.
Ajax: Bro's got a darker side most people don't see. I think it's because his dad is...well, you know, famous. All that pressure.
Enid: You realize this is, like, the longest conversation we've ever had?
Ajax: Gorgons are taught not to engage. You know, I don't want to accidentally stone someone.
(She touches his arm.)
Enid: I'm not afraid of being stoned by you. It's just temporary.
Ajax: Really? You mean that?
Enid: One hundo! So, um, I was thinking of sneaking behind the greenhouse tonight. Supposed to be a blue moon. Only happens once every 23 years or something crazy. Should get a killer view from there.
Ajax: Cool. Hey, have fun. By the way, you know that's where a lot of kids go to hook up, right? I mean, it could get awkward.
Enid: Ajax! I just spend all morning flirting and hinting and trying to act cute while bursting some roadkill just so you would ask me on a freakin' date.
Ajax: Oh! Oh! That's what you were doing. I kind of wondered when you spent so long brushing that opossum's tail.
(Imagine Y/N watching from behind the shelf.)
Ajax: Hey, so you want to meet up behind the greenhouse tonight?
Enid: Yes. Yes, I do.
Owner: Ajax, can you help me move the badger dentist to the front window?
(He leaves to go help the owner.)
Enid: Yes! I can't believe he asked.
(Pan over to Y/N from behind the shelf.)
(Y/N): Neither can I.
(He grabs a taxidermied rabbit & rips its head off before storming out of Uriah's Heap. Cut to the celebration of the Joseph Crackstone monument. The mayor pushes a button & water comes out of the bottom of the monument but unbeknownst to everyone, Thing replaced the water with gasoline & on Wednesday's mark, he lights a trail that leads to the monument & sets it on fire.)
(Everyone there runs in a panic except for Y/N who's too busy in a state of doom & gloom to get up from the bleachers he's sitting on. Late at night, Wednesday is typing on her typewriter while Enid is getting ready.)
Enid: Too much?
Wednesday: I feel like you just napalmed me, Enid.
Enid: So glad I have my date with Ajax tonight.
Wednesday's thoughts: So much for (Y/N) being bold.
Enid: Get my mind off that trainwreck of an afternoon. I literally think I have PTSD. I didn't even get to do my dance routine.
Wednesday: What a tragedy.
Enid: What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event?
Wednesday: You're going to be late.
Enid: Wish me luck.
Wednesday: If he breaks your heart, I'll nail-gun his.
(Cut to Enid waiting for Ajax.)
(After some time, Enid realizes that Ajax may have stood her up.)
(Cut to behind the bus where we see Y/N.)
(Y/N): [softly] Time to be bold.
(Walks out from behind the bus.)
(Y/N): Enid.
Enid: [exhales] (Y/N)? What are you--why are you here?
(She walks up to him.)
(Y/N): I know I'm not the one who you were expecting.
Enid: You're definitely not.
(Y/N): I'm sure I can improve your night though.
Enid: And how are you going to do that?
(He fixes the jacket she's wearing by putting it back over her shoulder, adjusts her hat, & cups her face in his hands.)
Enid: (Y/N)...?
(Y/N): Shh.
(He kisses her gently.)
(Y/N): Night improved?
Enid: *blush* Uh, yeah. Kiss me again.
(He kisses her gently again but this time, she reciprocates by gently kissing him back. Their night ends with Y/N's arms wrapped around Enid & the two gazing at the blue moon together.)
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