Chapter 2: Woe Is The Loneliest Number
(We see Wednesday, Y/N, Principal Weems, & Sheriff Galpin on their way to her office.)
Wednesday: How could you miss a dead body?
Sheriff Galpin: 'Cause it wasn't there.
(Y/N): Are you sure you didn't just walk over it?
Sheriff Galpin: Yes, I'm sure we didn't just walk over it. No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night.
Wednesday: Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me.
(Y/N): And I saw the aftermath of the attack.
Sheriff Galpin: Get a good look at this monster thing?
Wednesday: It didn't stick around for a chat.
Sheriff Galpin: Maybe it was one of your classmates. Or your brother. That's right, I know what you are.
(Y/N): This may come as a shock to you Sheriff, but I've never killed anyone. Maybe I should start with you?
Sheriff Galpin: Are you threatening a police officer?
(Y/N): What do you think?
Weems: Not another word, Mister Addams. Sheriff, I find that question offensive.
Sheriff Galpin: I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods.
Weems: The mayor said those were bear attacks.
Sheriff Galpin: Well, the mayor and I disagree on that.
Weems: So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed.
Sheriff Galpin: I'm sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?
(Cut to them in her office.)
Weems: My guess is Rowan ran away. State troopers have put out an alert, and I've contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him either.
Wednesday: Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls.
(Y/N): Because of them being, you know, dead.
Sheriff Galpin: What were you doing in the woods with him, Ms. Addams?
Wednesday: I heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate. That's when I stumbled upon the attack.
Sheriff Galpin: And that's when your brother showed up?
Wednesday: Precisely.
(Y/N): I heard a snarl and my sister happened to be there.
Sheriff Galpin: Then what happened?
Wednesday: Then we ran into Bianca Barclay, and I told her to go for help. Next thing I remember, I was awaking in my dorm.
Sheriff Galpin: And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?
Wednesday: I've hibernated with grizzlies. I know the difference.
(Y/N): I've hunted with grizzlies and if you saw the body, you'd know a grizzly couldn't have done it.
Weems: Thank you, Sheriff. I think the Addams are done now.
Wednesday: Actually, we would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone.
(Y/N): We would?
Weems: I'm not sure I can allow that.
Sheriff Galpin: I'm sure I can take them down to the station and get a formal statement.
Weems: Yeah, let's go.
Weems: Fine. You have five minutes, and everything is off the record. Play nice...or I will call the mayor.
(Principal Weems leaves her office.)
Wednesday: Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder. It's the only reason to scrub the crime scene.
Sheriff Galpin: Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?
Wednesday: Our father's twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower.
(Y/N): Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Sheriff Galpin: It's been a long night and I'm tired of your games.
Wednesday: We're not playing games.
(Y/N): We're telling the truth.
Wednesday: You want to reject our claims but you can't.
Sheriff Galpin: Why is that?
Wednesday: Because we all know there's a monster out there. And Rowan is his latest victim.
(One of the sheriff's deputies opens the door to the principal's office, showing the three of them that...)
(Cut to Y/N walking up to Enid while her Poe Cup team paints their canoe.)
(Y/N): Enid.
Enid: Hey, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Cool...canoe. So, I just wanted to-
Enid: You want to apologize for leaving me abruptly at the Harvest Festival.
(Y/N): Indeed. How'd you know exactly what I was going to say to you? Can you read minds?
Enid: [chuckles] No. It's just that you apologize a lot. Okay, maybe you don't, but to me, you do.
(Y/N): I'll try to do less of that.
Enid: Good! Besides, if I thought one of my brothers were in danger, I'd run off too. One second.
(She turns back to her team.)
Enid: Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners. If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!
Wednesday: I would pay money to see that.
(Y/N looks beside him to see his sister. Enid skips over to the Addams siblings.)
Enid: Howdy, roomie! I'm so glad you decided to stay.
Wednesday: I thought you wanted your single room back.
Enid: Full disclosure, I don't like living solo and Thing gives a killer neck massage. It's a win-win.
(Y/N): Thanks for telling me about Thing by the way.
Wednesday: I didn't.
(Y/N): I was being sarcastic.
Wednesday: You're not good at it.
Enid: So...why the change of heart? I take it your brother had nothing to do with it?
Wednesday: He didn't. He did go on about his Ferris wheel ride with you, nearly made my ears bleed.
(Y/N): Who else was I going to tell?
Wednesday: I refuse to play the pawn in someone else's corrupt game.
Enid: You mean Rowan?
Wednesday: I witnessed a murder, Enid.
(Y/N): I saw his body.
Enid: It's just, we all saw him this morning. Very much, like, not dead.
Wednesday: I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind. It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated. You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?
Enid: Other than being a weird loner...Uh...No offense.
Wednesday: No offense.
Enid: Xavier Thorpe's his roommate. If you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask him. Yoko. Come on! Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one.
(Y/N): What is the Poe Cup anyway?
Enid: Only my entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot race, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration. You could grab a brush. Ms. Thornhill just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?
Wednesday: I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much. Besides, it'll cut into my writing time.
Enid: No worries. Just as long as you're lakeside cheering us to victory on race day.
(Imagine Y/N next to Wednesday.)
Enid: Or you can just glare uncomfortably. Whatever works for you.
(Y/N): I'll do the cheering for her.
Enid: I knew you'd say that.
(Cut to Wednesday barging into Principal Weems' office.)
Wednesday: I need to speak with Rowan. I can't find him.
Weems: It won't be possible I'm afraid. He's been expelled.
Wednesday: For what?
Weems: Never you mind. He'll be on the first train out this afternoon. What were you doing out in the woods with him in the first place?
Wednesday: I told you already. I heard a noise, and I went to investigate.
Weems: That excuse might have placated the sheriff, but you can't fool me. You had a psychic vision, didn't you?
(This surprises Wednesday.)
Weems: I realized you might be having them when we passed by the accident and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck. Your mother started having visions around your age. They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous. I remember at first, she might be losing her mind. Have you spoken to her about them? Have you at least told your brother?
(She remains silent.)
Weems: Clearly the person withholding information here is you.
Wednesday: May I go now?
Weems: Not until you've picked your extracurricular activity. We want our students to be well-rounded.
Wednesday: I'd prefer to remain sharp-edged.
Weems: I took the liberty of putting together a list of clubs that have openings.
(She slides the list to Wednesday.)
Wednesday: How thoughtful.
Weems: You need to have picked one by the end of the day. I'll be keeping my eye on you. No doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy.
Wednesday: The last person who tickled me lost a finger.
Weems: Oh, your brother will be accompanying you.
(Y/N): Why?
Weems: Because he's already joined a club. I'm sure you'll be able to join the one he's in if you don't like the others.
(Cut to Wednesday & Y/N in front of Thing.)
Wednesday: Weems is clearly trying to keep tabs on me. Keep an eye on Rowan. Don't let your fingers out of his sight.
(Y/N): Good luck.
(The Addams siblings walk towards Bianca Barclay & her Pitch Slaps.)
Bianca: Weems said you two would be stopping by. But to be honest, after your performance at the Harvest Festival, the drama club might be more your speed.
Wednesday: After I passed out, who did you tell? The sheriff?
Bianca: You think I'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Weems and let her handle it. Anyway, let's get this audition over with. What are you? Alto, soprano or just loco?
(She proceeds to sing that cracks a kid's glasses & some glass around campus.)
Bianca: What was that?
Wednesday: A note only dogs can hear.
Bianca: Should I even bother with you?
(Y/N): No. Unless you're interested in hearing different ranged growls and/or bleghs.
(Cut to them walking up to Xavier shooting arrows.)
Xavier: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Sup.
Xavier: Your sister actually showed up. Have either of you ever shot a bow and arrow before?
Wednesday: Only on live targets.
(Y/N): I'm more of a hands-on type of hunter.
Wednesday: My brother does enjoy his bloodbaths.
(Y/N): Guilty.
Xavier: Okay.
(Demonstrates how to shoot a bow & arrow.)
Xavier: Any questions?
Wednesday: When's the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?
Xavier: You mean the one that was killed by a monster? The Harvest Festival. I haven't talked to him since. But his side of the room was all packed this morning. Rowan's always been a little off, but, uh, the last couple weeks he's been more erratic. You know, telekinesis can mess your head, you know. He's...It started to freak me out. So what's the deal with you and Tyler? I'm sorry, were you the only one who got to ask non-archery questions?
Wednesday: There is no deal. He was doing me a favor driving me out of town.
(Y/N): That's it, huh?
(He hands her the bow & arrow.)
Xavier: Yeah, word of advice. Steer clear.
Wednesday: Why? Because he's a normie?
Xavier: Tyler and his friends are jerks. They can't stand the fact that this school's propping up their Podunk town.
Wednesday: Says the boy whose life was served on a silver platter.
Xavier: Hey, girls in glass houses...
Wednesday: Should throw bigger stones. At least I'm not an elitist snob.
(She throws an apple in the air, shoots it with an arrow, & hits it with a bullseye on the target.)
Xavier: Ouch.
(Y/N): Sorry about her.
Wednesday: I don't need nor want you apologizing for me.
(Cut to them walking towards the club that Y/N happens to be a part of.)
Wednesday: What can you tell me about your club?
(Y/N): Hm? Well, I'll let the president tell you about the club but I will tell you that he happens to be my roommate.
Wednesday: Is he now?
(As they're looking at the bees flying around them, Eugene appears behind them.)
Eugene: Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?
(They turn around & face him.)
Eugene: Eugene. Eugene Ottinger. Founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers. I see you've already met (Y/N).
(He offers his hand for a handshake & she accepts it.)
Wednesday: Wednesday. Wednesday Addams.
Eugene: Addams? (Y/N), is this the sister you've told me so much about?
(Y/N): The very one.
Wednesday: Am I late or is it only you two?
Eugene: The hive life isn't for everyone. Most kids are afraid of venomous insects. Are you willing to feel the sting like your brother here?
(They put on beekeeper uniforms.)
Eugene: Bees have been producing honey in the same way for 150 million years. They're nature's perfect community. All working together to achieve a common goal.
(Thing catches Wednesday's attention & she leaves with him. Leaving her brother & Eugene.)
Eugene: Fun fact, it's also one of the few ecosystems in which females dominate. From the queen bee to her workers. There's no patriarchy in the hive!
(He turns around to see her gone.)
Eugene: Where'd she go?
(Y/N): Oh, she does that from time-to-time. Don't worry though. I'm pretty confident you've just added another worker bee to the hive.
Eugene: Great analogy!
(Thing loses Rowan in one of the Burlington Station restrooms. It's revealed that it wasn't Rowan to begin with, it's actually Principal Weems. Cut to Wednesday back with Enid.)
Wednesday: I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass.
Enid: And you want me to cover so that you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?
Wednesday: I have beekeeping club this afternoon. I need you as decoy.
Enid: Sorry. Two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out.
Wednesday: (Y/N) will be there.
Enid: That does make it a little better but it's still a no. Why don't you ask Thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you.
Wednesday: Why's he mad? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan.
Enid: All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up. He feels like you don't respect him as a person.
Wednesday: Technically, he's only a hand.
Enid: Wednesday! He's your family. And he would do anything for you. Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you.
(Cut to Wednesday talking to Thing on Enid's bed.)
Wednesday: I have nothing to get off my chest, and I am not submitting to your emotional blackmail.
Thing: *taps his finger patiently*
Wednesday: Fine.
(She takes out the drawing.)
Wednesday: When Rowan showed me this, it confirmed my greatest fear.
(She shows the drawing to Thing.)
Wednesday: That I'm going to be responsible for something terrible. Not good terrible, like Ivan. Bad terrible. And I can't let that happen. That's why I need to find out the truth.
Thing: *signs*
Wednesday: (Y/N) knows as much as I've told him.
(Thing gently taps her hand.)
Wednesday: Breathe a word of this to him or anyone and I will end you.
(Cut to Wednesday, Enid, Y/N, & Eugene at beekeeping club.)
Wednesday: If Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word.
Enid: Payback is going to be a bitch.
Wednesday: I'd expect nothing less.
(She turns to Eugene.)
Wednesday: Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb.
Eugene: Snitches get stung. It's hive code. Besides, I should be thanking you. I've already thanked your brother.
(Y/N): For?
Eugene: This is the most I've ever had in the shed. Other than bees.
(Y/N): Ah.
Wednesday: Shocking.
Eugene: I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks.
Wednesday: The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1%.
Eugene: So I've still got a shot? Yes!
(Y/N): Are my chances better than his?
Wednesday: Significantly.
(Y/N): Oh. [chuckles dryly] I was not expecting that response. I don't suppose you could tell me the exact number, could you?
(Wednesday leaves the shed without answering her brother. The two Hummers walk up to Enid.)
Eugene: In ancient times, honey was used to treat wounds and in sacrificial burial rites. Cleopatra was rumored to bathe in honey. Gave her skin a luminous glow. You ever taken a honey bath?
Enid: I just don't want to get stung.
Eugene: The key is to remain calm. Bees detect fear, but don't need to worry. Because I have a very big smoker, and I handle it like a pro. Would you like to see it?
(Y/N): Okay, she's obviously new to this. How about you let me show her the ropes? You know, a not-so newbie helping out the actual newbie.
Eugene: Your bee analogies get better with each meeting, okay!
(He leaves Y/N with Enid.)
Enid: Thanks for the save.
(Y/N): No problem. Eugene's a bit much at first but once you get to know him, he's an absolute sweetheart.
Enid: Hm. That was a good bee analogy back there.
(Y/N): You really think so? Since I've become a Hummer, bee analogies are the only things I think about. By the way, you won't get stung. The suits were wearing protect us from their stingers, but the bees do die afterwards so don't go finding out if I'm telling the truth.
Enid: You can count on that. I'm sure you have fun fact for me.
(Y/N): I do. Let's see, my facts probably won't be as "fun" as Eugene's because he knows way more than I do.
Enid: I don't care.
(Y/N): *smirks* Well, bees pollinate approximately 130 agricultural crops in the US including fruit, fiber, nut, and vegetable crops. Bee pollination adds approximately 14 billion dollars annually to improved crop yield and quality.
Enid: No Cleopatra but still fun.
(Y/N): Glad to hear it.
(Cut to Wednesday entering her dorm room through the window after finding the book from Xavier's room & hearing what Bianca said about her.)
Enid: [crying] Where have you been? I'm literally having a heart attack right now. Yoko's in the infirmary.
Wednesday: What happened?
Enid: Garlic beard incident at dinner. She had a major allergic reaction which means she's out of the Poe Cup and I don't have a co-pilot.
Wednesday: It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it.
Enid: How do you know?
Wednesday: Doesn't matter. You and I are going to take her down tomorrow.
Enid: Wait. You're joining the Black Cats? You're willing to do that? For me?
Wednesday: I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat.
Enid: Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?
(She turns around.)
Wednesday: Tell me how she keeps winning.
Enid: It's a real brain cramp. The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking.
Wednesday: Sounds like sabotage.
Enid: There are no rules in the Poe Cup, and she is a siren which makes her master of the water.
(Wednesday turns to face Enid.)
Wednesday: Then we just need to beat her at her own game.
The Following Day
(We see Wednesday walk past Bianca on her way towards Enid.)
Enid: We're all set.
Wednesday: Thing and (Y/N) are in position.
Enid: Wanna tell me what you three were up to all night?
Wednesday: And spoil the surprise?
Enid: Speaking of surprises, your costume's in the tent.
Wednesday: Costume?
Enid: OMG, you look purr-fect! Only thing, where are your whiskers?
Wednesday: Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives.
(Cut to the teams in their canoes & Enid waves at Ajax.)
Wednesday: Focus.
Bianca: What do we have here? The runt of the litter.
Wednesday: For the record, I don't believe I'm better than everyone else. Just that I'm better than you.
(Principal Weems addresses the audience & teams through a microphone.)
Weems: I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allen Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions dating back 125 years. Each team must row across Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk.
(Wednesday looks down to see Thing in their canoe.)
Weems: First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges. Let the Poe Cup begin!
(The teams start rowing their canoes. As the race continues, Bianca gets one of her siren friends to crash another team's canoe. While Wednesday is rowing, she notices something in the distance.)
(Thing pulls a lever that traps the siren in a net. Pan over over to Y/N who's watching the race, on a bank of a nearby island.)
(Y/N): I'm failing to see the need for my involvement...
(On the way back, Xavier's team's canoe starts to sink thanks to the holes slashed by Enid. Meaning the final two teams are the Gold Bugs & and the Black Cats. Wednesday pulls another lever revealing spears on the side of their canoe. Just as they're about to ram into the Gold Bugs; the siren pushes their canoe away & is about to crash it.)
Wednesday: [whistles loudly]
(Cut to Y/N.)
(Y/N): That's the signal. Finally, some action! [deep breathe]
(He dives into the water & as he's underwater, his arms & legs change into their werewolf form. With that, his swimming picks up speed. After swimming for a bit, he sees the siren pushing his sister's canoe.)
(Y/N): [muddled growling]
(He closes the distance & spears the siren away. The two begin to fight underwater. Y/N automatically is at a disadvantage & it becomes clear when the siren effortlessly swims around him & slaps him with his tail. He swims behind Y/N & puts him in a headlock. Thing notices the splashes & dives in himself to help out Y/N, which he does by punching the siren in the face, knocking him out. Y/N & Thing give each other "okay signs" before swimming their separate ways. The Black Cats are finally able to spear the Gold Bugs' canoe, sinking it. The Black Cat's return to the dock & the team takes their flag to the top.)
Enid: Whoo! Yeah, we did it!
(Thing crawls out of the water & shakes himself off as we cut to Y/N walking up a bank while dragging the knocked out siren by his hair.)
(Y/N): *spits out water* That was fun.
(Cut back to the Black Cats winning.)
Enid: OMG, Wednesday, we did it! This is the greatest moment of my entire life. Admit it, you kinda got into the whole school spirit thing.
(Wednesday turns her head to see Bianca crawling up the dock.)
Wednesday: You didn't tell me it was a dark, vengeful spirit.
(Cut to the celebration ceremony.)
Weems: The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today.
(Weems hands the trophy to Enid.)
Enid: Yeah!
Weems: Congratulations to Ophelia Hall! As a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years.
(Cut to Y/N clapping along with the crowd.)
(Y/N): [clapping]
(He watches his sister walk off from everyone.)
(Y/N): Ha, she may be hopeless.
(Late at night, we see Enid sleeping with the Poe Cup trophy & Wednesday typing on her typewriter.)
Wednesday's thoughts: Nevermore continues to be an enigma. A place where the questions far outweigh the answers. But sometimes...
(She stares at the symbol on the corner of the drawing.)
Wednesday's thoughts: The answer is staring you right in the face.
(Cut to Wednesday walking up to the Edgar Allan Poe statue.)
Wednesday's thoughts: Don't worry, Edgar Allan. I see your sanctimonious smirk. But I will get the last laugh. How you never needed a werewolf, I don't need one now. Your penchant for riddles was legendary. And this might be your cleverest yet. Because it's not a single riddle. Rather, each line is its own separate one.
(After solving each of the riddles & snapping twice, the statue reveals a staircase that leads to a library.)
Wednesday's thoughts: Secret societies. Hidden libraries. My mother staring back at me in a judgemental way. These are all things I've come to expect.
(She walks up to a backshelf, finds the book the drawing belongs to, & puts it in her bag.)
Wednesday's thoughts: But the minute I inch towards the truth...
Wednesday: Luckily, I'm not afraid of the dark.
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