Chapter 7 - Spider-Gang VS Villans
I was swings and walking on rooftops trying to find where Miles went. Luckly, my Spider-Sense helped me.
I land on rooftop of one of buildings. I was looking around when I heared something. I turn my head to the building, with doors of balcony opened of one of apartments.
Then my Spider-Sense went off, indicating for danger and then I see the Prowler coming from the balcony, looking down.
I followed his gaze and heard something crashing down in the ally. I caught glimpses of Miles who is invisible and running from the Prowler probably.
Y/N: "Oh boy!"
I fire a web to follow them and help Miles. I was behind them, and now Prowler is on the motorcycle! Come on.
He was going to grab Miles, who was holding himself on the RedEx truck, but I swing into him, kicking him off motorcycle and he went flying into the other side of street.
I quickly grab Miles under my arm and swing us on the rooftop where I drop Miles, who is sweating and breathing very fast. And had shock and terrifed look on his face.
Y/N: "Woah, woah, woah, calm down, you saved for now. What happen? How did he found you?"
Miles: "My-my u-uncle... he is the Prowler... he tried to k-kill me."
Y/N: "(Widen eyes) That's a pretty hardcore origin story." - I thought."What!?"
Then my Spider-Senses kick in again. I look on the side and see Prowler is back on his feet.
Y/N: "Miles, go now! I will keep him company."
Miles: "But-"
Y/N: "GO!"
He got up and start running, while I stand into fighting stance, because the Prowler started running towards me.
He tried to hit me in the head, but I dodge and hit him in the jaw instend. That didn't do that much, because he fast slash his claws at me, but I dodge them too, but he used that dodge to kick me with his leg strait into wall.
Y/N: "Ouch! Are those metal boots?"
I asked while dodging his strike to smash my head.
Prowler: "Come here, insect!"
He slash his claws, but I dodge again.
Y/N: "It's arthropods." - I correct him while kicking his head and dodging his hits.
Then I turned invisible. I tried to sneak on him behind him, but I guess he has heat-signuture because he kick me into stomach and send me flying on the ground.
He tried to jump on me, but I teleported behind him, confusing him. I tried to do electric blast on him, but no thing happen when I put my hands on his back.
Y/N: "Huh?"
Then out of nowhere, an metalic arm punch me, sending me into wall. A fuck, rest of villans are here.
Tombstone tried to shoot me with his guns, but I dodge all of his shoots. Doc ock send her arm at me, but I webbed them.
Scorpion tried to hit me with his pointy tail, but I dodge it, but then Prowler stab me with his claws into my leg.
Y/N: "ARG!!!"
I kick him away, then Tombstone shoot at me again. I dodge, but one bullet flied really close to my shoulder, not hitting me but still touched my skin and nows there is a wound on it.
I pitched and winced a little when one of Doc ock arms grabs my neck and pinned me to the wall.
Ock: "Well, well, well, look what we have here, one of the white spiders that help other two escape with my computer."
Y/N: "It nice to now there is female eight-legged wonder of the sea, but question is: Is it from the Atlantic or the Pacific, because I'm pretty sure you're from Mexico?"
Ock: "Oh, so, does all spiders have a funny flu in them?"
Y/N: "If you don't consinder that as an offence, then yes."
She tighs up the hold of her choke on my neck.
Ock: "Okay, now, let's get to the real point, where are the others?"
Y/N: "You though that I will say that very easily. More easy then that is when villans revealed their evil plans with 'Bad guy' speech."
Prowler show his claws into my face.
Ock: "Last chance."
I didn't respond. Prowler goes to finnish me, but then...
Y/N: "... fine."
Every villan that didn't have a mask, had visibly smirked.
Ock: "Then lead the way, spider."
We were in the living room currently when Peni came and hand me a new goober, when Peter took it from my hand and hangs it around his neck with lanyard.
Noir was laying on the couch, examining a Rubiks Cube.
Noir: "This is purple."
Ham: "No."
Noir: "Blue?"
Ham: "No."
Gwen: "Has anyone heard from Miles or Y/N?"
Peter: "Look, Miles just clearing his head. I think Y/N knows that he has what it takes, just like me too. I believe Y/N has... more... simularities with him because... he become Spider-Man that young... I bet they are going to come back trough that door, Miles recharged and ready for fight and Y/N will teachs our buts the lesson."
I look at him, half believing what he's saying then Miles came trough doors breathing heavily.
Miles: "My uncle!"
Peter: "Hey, where have you been, we--"
Miles: "My Uncle Aaron, he - - he's the Prowler!"
Peter: "Ok, slow down. Slow down, Miles."
Gwen: "Miles, where's Y/N?"
Miles: "He works for Kingpin, he tried to kill me if it wasn't for Y/N! He stayed back to hold him off while I escape."
Noir: "This is a pretty hardcore origin story."
Peni, Spider robot, Ham and me look at Noir with 'really' looks and Peni hits him in the shoulder.
I see Miles is trying to fight tears. We all looked at Peter who seems doesn't have the slightest idea what to say.
Peter: "It's okay, it's okay, we're gonna figure it out."
Gwen: "Were you followed?"
Miles: "No. I don't think so."
Then ours Spider-Senses went off and we fast put our masks on then...
DING DONG! The door bells rings, then--
CRRAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHH!!! Doc ock suddenly walks in trough the door. A tentacle shoots out and knocks a tea tray out of Aunt May's hands.
Ock: "Cute place. Real homey."
May: "Oh great, it's Liv."
Miles: "I guess I was followed."
Gwen: "Oh no..."
Then Ocks chuckles.
Gwen: "Why is she chuckling?" - I ask myself.
Peter: "Get out of here kid."
Miles turns to run trough the kitchen but he is blocked by Tombstone.
Tombstone: "You messed up big time kid. Very sloppy coming there. That cost your friend capturement."
Tombstone pushes past Miles and our eyes widen, revealing Scorpion who has Y/N in the choke hold.
Gwen: "(gulps) No!"
Scorpion: "Mira todas estas aranitas."
Translate: "Look at all these little spiders."
Ock: "We didn't follow the kid, he told us where the kid was heading. He put a good fight, but neverless, he couldn't beat us all."
Y/N: "Worst... taxi drive... ever." - He said while trying to free himself from the grip.
Peter: "Let me guess, you're Scorpion? Well, we're the, uh... Spider-gang."
May: "Would you mind taking this outside?"
Noir: "We don't pick the ballroom we just dance."
Doc Ock seems to see new goober around Peter's neck.
Ock: "Oh I think I'll be taking that."
She sends a tentacle to reach towards to grab the goober, but Peter dodge.
Then Scorpion stab Y/N with his tail into his back.
Y/N: "Arg!!"
And trows him backwards, hitting the wall and falls unconscious.
Gwen: "Nooo!"
I dodge more tentacle and everybody starts fighting.
Third POV
Scorpion after trowing Y/N corners Miles. Miles trys to defend himself with couch cushions.
Scorpion: "Ninoto dale."
Translate: "Give up, little boy."
Miles: "Preparate a miror. A man stupid pillows."
Translate: "Prepare to die."
Cushions are stuck to Miles's hands and Scorpion attacks him, but Peni and her robot are there to save him.
Doc Ock smashes Peter into the ceiling.
Frist, Noir is smashed into little closet, then one of Doc Ock's tentackles destroy the mirrow and vase, then Scorpion's tail destroys the closet and finnaly, Ham smash a plate on his head, smashing it into pieces.
May had enough so she swings her baseball bat at Tombstone and knocks him out of the front door, onto the street.
May: "I said take it outside!"
The goober comes loose and Miles goes after it.
Miles: "I got it!"
Miles chases after the key but he is trown againts the wall.
Gwen webs it away from Doc Ock but Scorpion knocks it out of her hand. Noir catches it but glitches, dropping it.
Miles contineus to chase after the key as it is kicked around the room.
He finally grabs it when his Spider-sense goes off.
Suddenly, the Prowler crashes in trough the window, landing in front of Miles. Peter webs the goober out of Miles's hand.
Peter: "I got this buddy. Leave the kid alone!"
Peter and Prowler fight and strugle for the goober.
Miles: "No, no, no. No!"
Peter kicks Prowler off himself and out trough the wall into the street.
Peter: "You gotta go, man."
Just then, SP//dr and Doc Ock slam into Peter and all are knocked out of the front of the house into the street.
Me and Scorpion smash trough the rooftop. He reveals his 4 metalic Scorpion legs.
He tries to smash me, but my Spider-Sense goes off and I quickly jump out the way him crashing.
I push myself with my hands on other roof, again escaping Scorpion smashing me.
I do the spin in air, then landing onto next roof in crouching position, Then jumping and kneeling Scorpion into his jaw, sending him away.
I land on the roof. I look around too see where others went but my Spider-Sence go off again, but it'too late.
Scorpion, who recovered quickly, grabs my leg and trows me hard onto ground.
Gwen: "(groans)"
Scorpion tries to jump onto me, but I moved out of his way. He then tries to hit me while I crawls back and dodging his hits.
Then he grabs me by my neck and smash me 3 times into ground.
Gwen: "(groans and a little dazed)
Scorpion: "Adios perra arana."
Translate: "Goodbye, little spider bitch."
He raises his tail about to finnish me, but the I hear electrity sparkling behind Scorpion.
Then all sudden, he is electro blasted off me on the street. I look up and see Y/N standing with his one hand raised still with some electrity sparkling on it and with other hand holding his side.
Y/N: "Doviđenja retardu."
Translate: "Goodbye retard."
He gives me his hand, which I took. When I got up, I immediately hug him. After seconds of shock, he hugs me back with his right hand.
Gwen: "Thank you."
Y/N: "No problem."
I pulled out of the hug. Then we heared a gun shot.
Y/N: "Go check on others, I will go check the shot."
She nods. I started to head up to the place where shot was heared.
But I felt someone grabbing my hand. I turned around and see Gwen was one to grab me. She had now her masked raised to her nose, just to reveal her red strawberries lips.
She leans up and kiss me on my cheeck.
Then she lowers her mask and goes to find others while I stay frozen for couple os seconds before shaking my head and go my way.
When I came, I see in the ally bettwen to houses, a Kingpin, who has his gun raised towards, now laying but wounded Prowler or Miles uncle and Miles kneeling beside him.
Kingpin tries to shoot Miles, but I swing into him, kicking him so he misses a shot and goes flying fowards.
I look at Miles, who is looking at me.
Y/N: "Get out of here!"
Miles lisentes and scoops up his uncle and swings away.
My Spider-Sense go off and I dodge fired bullets from Kingpin.
I hide behind a wall. When I was preparing to teleport behind Kingpin, Scorpion attack me so I had to dodge the hit by moving into open.
When I moved into opened to dodge Scorpion, I felt pain in my lower part of stomach. I hide next to other wall.
Y/N: "Arg!"
I check and I see I was shot. One bullet has hit me. Good thing because isn't lethal.
I look up and see others going somewhere so I know I had to end this fight quickly.
I teleport behind Kingpin and electro blast him into Scorpion trough wall.
I put one hand where bullet hit me and with one hand I start to swing to follow others.
Miles is tearing trough his room in an emotional, teenaged rage. He pushes all of his homework and books off his desk and his sketchbook falls open on the floor.
Miles sees book of 'great expectations' and trows it out window.
Then suddenly that book flies back trough the window like a boomerang and Miles catches it.
We followed Peter by climbing into room trough the window.
Peter: "Hey, bud. You okay?"
Miles takes step back and a deep breath, trying to hold back tears.
Then we hear swinging outside and see Y/N landing and climbing in trough window, one hand on his stomach.
He sees Miles.
Y/N: "(whisper) How is he?"
Peter: "(whisper) That stupid question."
Y/N: "(whisper and sighs) I mean can he talk at least."
Peter: "(whisper) Why you don't go frist then?"
Y/N sighs and nods. He walks up to Miles.
Y/N: "Miles... You oka--"
Then instantly, Miles hit him in the head and stomach where his hand was, Y/N strumbles back.
We all gasp.
Peter: "Woah, woah, woah, calm down!"
Peter holds Miles from getting closer to Y/N who is on the floor.
Miles: "Why! Why!... I thought Spider-Man doesn't betrayels others, why did you reveal where we were? If you didn't, maybe my uncle may still be alive."
He shouted at Y/N. We others are very shocked at this.
I could see Y/N's widen eyes and his bloody nose and mouth. He slowly lowers his head.
Peter looks at us with face which means to follow what he will do next.
Peter: "We've all been there. For me it was my Uncle Ben.
He put his hand on his shoulder.
I now get it. Noir than steps up.
Noir: "For me it was my Uncle Benjamin."
Peni: "For me it was my father."
Gwen: "For me it was my best friend."
We all look at Ham.
Ham: "Miles, the hardest thing about this job you can't always save everybody."
Then...we all look at Y/N.
He sighs and looks at Miles.
Y/N: "When they pinned me down... I wasn't going to tell them where you were... I was going to sacrifice myself... but I remember why I shouldn't die and let them win..."
He goes for something in his pocket. He grabs it and raised a 2 Pictures to give it to Miles who took them.
I look the pictures.
On one picture is a brithday picture. 4 adults, 2 in their 30s and 2 older and 2 kids, 1 who is young Y/N and other is
a girl with H/L H/C hair sitting in the middle, while others surrounded her and on the table is a brithday cake.
Second picture is probably on the school competition. It shows Y/N and... Peter, one arm around each others necks and their other hands in the middle holding a trophey on each side.
Y/N: "Do you see all these people?"
Miles nods slowly.
Y/N: "Well... only one who is still alive of them... is my sister. All others died in some same way like their counterparts in others Earths of Gwen, Peter, Peni and Noir. So... I couldn't let my sister be alone and especialy don't know what happen to her only member of family she has..."
Miles lower his head.
Miles: "I'm sorry, I--"
Y/N: "No, no, no. Don't be sorry. You couldn't know and I don't blame you. You just went trough sadness and rage. That's understanding."
Y/N gets up slowly, but when he gets up, I see a blooded wound on his stomach.
Gwen: "(gasp) Y/N, your stomach."
Everyone look at it and also gasps.
Y/N: "(sighs) Fucker got me when I was dodging attack from Scorpion but I had to move from my cover so Kingpin luckly shot me...but thanks to my better Spider healing factor then yours, I only need to remove a bullet and I'm fine."
Then we all heard a jiggling at the door.
Peter: "Oh no..."
Doors opens revealing Ganke, Miles's roommate, entering with his headphones on, playing music.
Ganke crosses to his desk and we see everyone, expect Y/N who is invisible hiding in the corner, plasterd to the wall in back of Ganke.
Oblivious, Ganke grabs his Spider-Ham comic and starts to read, foot on his desk.
Peter: "(whispered) That way! That way!"
Ganke spins in his chair...
Peter: "(whispered) Other way! Other way!"
... and now Ganke is facing them, but the comic is blocking his view.
Ganke sits. Lifts up his comic and lowers the comic too see all of them sticking on the wall.
Miles: "Hey there!"
Ham: "Do animals talk in this dimension? Cause I don't wanna freak him out--"
Then Ganke faints to the ground, unconscious.
Y/N turns visible.
Y/N: "Of course *Cough* they don't."
While Miles put Ganke into bed. We all climb trough window. When he look at us, it's only Peter, me and Gwen, who is on the window preparing to climb trough it, still in the room.
Miles: "What's going on?" - He look at us confused.
Gwen: "Bye Miles."
And she climbs trough the window. He look at Peter.
Peter: "Miles, We came to say goodbye."
Miles: "We can say goodbye at the collider."
Y/N: "You're not getting it. You're staying here." - I say leaning on the window, holding my wound."
Miles: "I need to be there. So you can all go home."
Miles grabs goober off his desk and goes to pick up his mask.
Peter: "They are going home, Miles. I'm the only one staying."
Miles turned to us. It's silent for couple of seconds.
Miles: "You're taking my place...? If you stay here you'll die."
Y/N: "He's doing what has to be done. He justed wanted you to hear it from us."
Miles: "What about MJ?" - He asks Peter.
Peter looks at the floor.
Peter: "Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober."
Miles move his hand from Peter.
Y/N: "(sighs) Don't make him take it from you."
Peter steps foward while Miles look at us furious.
Miles: "That's not fair! You've gotta tell them I can do this!"
Peter: "It wasn't their decision."
Miles: "I gotta make Kingpin pay! You have to let me make him pay!"
Y/N: "We can't when you are emontionly unstable. You're gonna get yourself killed."
Miles: "But I'm ready, I promise--"
Then Peter does a combo move, nearly knocking Miles to the ground, if Peter wasn't there to catch him.
Miles is hanging down, held up by Peter.
Y/N: "Then now venom strike him right now, or turn invisible on your own or on command so you can get past him and me."
He tries to do what I said to him but he is concreating on his anger, so that only makes me and Peter even more right.
I look trough window and see others are listening to our conversation.
Peter: "Look, I know how much you want this, kid."
Noir: "Poor little guy."
I make eye contact with Gwen. I guess she could see a little guilt I had in my eyes.
I turned my head to face Miles who is now on the floor standing while Peter is standing behind him.
Peter: "But you don't have it yet."
Peter then webs a desk chair under Miles, spins the chair and webs Miles into a cocoon.
Peter: "I'm sorry kid."- He said and takes the key from his hand.
Peter walks away, couldn't look at him. I move out of the way so he can climb trough window frist.
Miles: "When will I know I'm ready--"
I cut him off by webbing his mouth, Peter turns his head around.
Y/N: "You won't... It's a leap of faith. That's all it is Miles... A leap of faith."
Peter moves a little so Y/N can climb trough the window. We all look at him, his eyes looking down, eyes mixed with guilt and right.
He sighs and pulled his mask down and his hood up.
Y/N: "Let's go." - He said firing a web and swinging away, we followed after.
After we swing away so we couldn't see Miles room anymore, Y/N land on the rooftop.
Gwen: "Why did you stop?" - I said landing next to him, others followed.
He holds his wound and looks down at it.
Y/N: "I'll go to May, so she can remove the bullet because it will hurt when I teleport. You go."
Gwen: "But we must all go together now before they activated the collider."
Y/N: "I know, I will catch up with you." - He said looking me into eyes.
Peter: "But that miles away, how you will catch up with us?"
Y/N: "Ah yes, miles, this isn't Europe, right. I will catch up with you because I have organic webs so I won't run out of webs and I can teleport. You don't have organic webs, so you have what has left in your web shooters and second... I know you will take a bus."
We all looked at him shocked and amazed how he put the puzzle that quickly together.
Some of us scratch our backs of our necks in little embarresement.
Peter: "...Fair point."
He chukled.
Y/N: "Now go."
We nod and swing away while he swings in other direction.
(WORDS: 3766)
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