Chapter 6 - Spider-Gang
|| Before chapter starts, I want to Thank you for 1k reads on this story, which I maneged to get barely under 1 month, So Thank you for reading it||
We are curently on the bus we luckly catch up. Miles is sitting like in the Physicis class, Y/N is sitting behind me and Peter is at the back seat snoring.
I am looking at the broken goober that Miles gave me in my hand and Y/N is also looking at it too over my shoulder.
Gwen: "He broke this?"
Miles: "Yeah. He's actually really embarrassed about it. So, just keep it between us, ok?"
Y/N raises a eyebrow and gives him "Really" look.
Miles: "Yes, really."
Y/N rolled his eyes while I giggle.
Gwen: "I know where we can make a new one. And won't let him break it this time."
I smile, and he smiled backed. Then his face turned a little sad.
Miles: "I'm sorry about your friend."
Y/N bit his lip.
Gwen: "Thanks, Miles... I know how hard this is, to have to figure this stuff out on your own. It's kinda nice not begin the only Spider person around."
Y/N: "I can agree on that one."
I turned around a smile at him. He gave me small smile back.
Miles: "Yeah. If you ever decide to do friends again, I could always open up a slot."
I consinder his proposal. While I am consindering, in corner of my eye, I could swear I saw Y/N raising a eyebrow and smirks at him.
Gwen: "I'll keep you posted."
He smiles at me.
Miles: "Cool."
He then turns to Y/N.
Miles: "What about you."
I could see his eyes widen so I jump in.
Gwen: "Emm, Y/N's also lost him, in exactly in the same way."
Miles look at me in confusion. And if I belive sadden?
Miles: "Wait, are you to from same Earth."
Y/N: "No, no but I'm from Earth-64 and she is from Earth-65, but some events are same."
It seems Miles get it. And believed he also relifed?
Miles: "Oh, I'm sorry."
Y/N: "It's okay... maybe friends thing not yet, but... as allies, definitely."
He stretch his arm to Miles with a smile, who after seconds of supraise, shook it and smiled back.
I am suprised at this. Y/N sees this and says.
Y/N: "Gwen, maybe I don't make any more friends on my Earth, but expect Harry, I made a lot of allies, like Avengers."
Gwen: "Wait, they don't hunt you or blame you?"
Y/N: "Well, no because Harry help me to convince them that I didn't kill Peter. I'm not the part of the team, but me and Harry are their aces in New York."
Gwen: "Do they know your identy?"
Y/N: "Unlike yours, and Peter over there, my Nick Fury is smart and reasonable man, he didn't push me or harry to realive our identies to them because of all 'Hydra is Sheild' thing that happened."
Peter: "Holy shit. Hydra was in Sheild in your dimension too!?"
We look at Peter who seems he awaken up.
Y/N: "Yea, but only part of Sheild that was making new hellicarriers."
Gwen: "Your Earth is very weird and intresting at same time."
Y/N shurgged.
We are currently standing infront of Aunt May's house. There are cards, bouquets and toys cluttering the porch.
Peter, because he was lazy to get to the bell, fire a web at it.
Peter: "We should probably go."
Y/N: "Oh boy." - He pitched his nose.
Gwen: "Peter, we're literally on the doorstep."
Peter: "Bad idea, bad idea, this a bad idea--"
He starts to walk away but, me and Y/N fire webs at him and brought him back.
Gwen&Y/N: "Just relax."
We both look at each other.
Y/N: "Probably because of our Earths are basically neighbors, there should be some kind of connection, I guess."
He sighs and I nod my head. Then front door opens. We see aunt May peeking with a baseball bat in her hands.
May: "You guys are all very sweat but no more fans today, please."
Her eyes widen when she sees us, especialy at Peter.
Peter: "I'm not ready for this."
May: "Peter..."
Peter: "Hey Aunt May... So this is going to sound crazy... but I'm pretty sure that I'm from an--"
May: "An alternate dimension."
Peter: "Yeah."
May touches his face in awe while Peter absorbs her touch.
May: "You look tired, Peter."
Peter: "Well, I am tired."
Y/N leans near mine and Miles.
Y/N: "(whisper)Was he even sleeping when we were in the bus?"
May: "And older. And... thicker."
Peter: "Yeah, I heard that already."
Gwen: "Yup. That's what they are."
Y/N lowers his head to hide his smirk.
Miles then approches May.
Miles: "I was there... when it all happened. I am so sorry."
Y/N: "That's explains why they had high secrutry that night."
May: "And what dimension are you from?"
Miles: "Brooklyn."
Y/N pitch his nose while I put my head in my hand.
Y/N: "He is from this dimension or Earth-1610."
May nod at him.
Miles: "Did Peter have a place where we can make another one of these?"
He shows her a broken goober.
May: "A goober... Follow me."
She kicks open a door and leads us to a garden shed in the tidy yard.
Peter: "Oh yeah, I got one of these too. A little shed where I keep my spider-gear--"
A spider-graphic begings to glow on the shed's door, which opens to reveal an elevator.
Y/N: "Hah, secret doors, just like mine base."
Peter: "I mean, this place is pretentious."
Elevator goes down and we see a cave looking base. There is a plane, a spider-mobilne, just every Spider-branded product in existence.
Miles: "Whoa. Dude, was yours anything like this?"
Peter: "Mine was like this, but take away the jeep, the plane... imagine it way smaller. Imagine a futon. I feel sad for this guy.
Gwen: "Y/N, how does your look like?"
Y/N: "Big circle table in the middle of base, surrounded by rooms for training, sleeping, rest, like that. And I don't have veichles yet."
Me and Y/N were looking at many diffrent spider suits when we heard Miles talk.
Miles: "Hey Peter, I think this is a cape."
Peter can't not but smile. I smile a little. Then I see Y/N walking up to something.
I look in directions where he is going and see a lot of pictures connected like police case.
I too now starts to walk to it, like all others. All pictures are connected to a picture of Kingpin.
May: "Peter know how dangerous the job was. But he figured the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man.
Miles: "Kingpin knows we're coming. We're going to be outnumbered."
May: "Don't be so sure."
She holds out 4 pens and 4 'My name is' stickers to us.
May: "You might needs these."
Then our Spider-Sense went off. I thought frist it was danger, so I spin around, until I looked up.
We see 3 pair of eyes bright in darkness.
May: "You think you're the only people who thought to come here?"
Frist to speak is a Spider-Man in black and white, has a coat and a hat.
???: "Hey fellas."
Miles: "Is he in black and white?"
Y/N: "Definetely in black and white."
Peter: "Where is that wind coming from? We're in the basement."
???: "Wherever I go, the wind folows. And the wind,--"
Y/N: "Smells like rain?"
???: "--smells like rain... wait what?"
We all looked at Y/N.
He looks at us, everyone looking at him.
Y/N: "Plot of every movie in black and white in my dimension."
Then a girl, who looks like anime, with short black hair lands down with a robot.
???: "Hi guys! Konichiwa! Hajimemashita yoroshuku?"
They land in a badass Spider-pose.
Y/N: "Emmm... Sumimasen?"
Translate: "Sorry what?"
Again, we all loked at Y/N.
Gwen&???: "You know Japanese?/Anata wa nihongo o hanashimasu?"
Translate: "You speak Japanese?"
Y/N: "A little bit, yes."
Peter: "This could literally not get any weireder."
Then Y/N eyes widen.
Y/N: "Take that back."
We turned around, and saw a PIG? in Spider-Man suit.
???: "It CAN get weirder! I just washed my hands that's why they're wet. No other reason."
Then our Spider-senses went off again, as same with other people in the basement.
Everyone: "You're like me."
Spider-Ham's/Spider-Man Noir's/Peni Parker's Story
In my universe, it's 1933 and I'm a private eye. I like to drink egg creams and I like to fight Nazis. A lot.
I am from New York in the year 3145. I have a phychic link with a spider who lives inside my father's robot, and we're best friends. Forever.
Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something, anything.
I'm a photographer for the Daily Beagle. When I'm not pooching around, I'm working like a dog trying to sniff put the latest story. I frolic and I dance and I do this with my pants--
Peter: "Ok, enough!"
Then he turns to Noir.
Peter: "So, uh, how did you get here?"
Noir: "Well, it's kind of a long story."
Story Time:
-Suck into portal
-Collider explosion
-Hit a billboard
Noir: "Maybe not that long."
Peni: "And now we're just trying to find a way home."
Robot makes a sad face.
Noir: "The only way home is back through the collider gizmo. The only trouble is--"
Ham: "--One of us has to stay behind and destroy it."
Noir,Ham,Peni&Gwen: "I'll do it."
When we said that, Miles eyes widen in shock, Y/N nearly chokes and Peter stays calm.
Miles: "No, no, no, you don't get it."
Peni: "Don't get what--"
Then we all, expect Miles and May, start to glitch, real ugly.
When it stops, we heared someone still glitching. It was Y/N. He glitch 5 seconds more than us.
Y/N: "Why? (groan) Why 5 seconds more? (groan)"
Miles: "None of you can stay here. If you stay here, you'll die. I'm the guy who's going to turn it off and I'm going to get you all home before I do. Look, I made a promise. So I have to keep it."
Y/N: "I agree... I'm the best still living proof."
He said rasing one hand, still laying on the floor while we others already got up or on half of it.
Noir: "--Who are you again?"
Peter the jumps in, like 'music man' sales mode.
Peter: "This is Miles, and he's going to save the multiverse."
Miles: "Yeah man."
Peter: "This kid can turn himself invisible! Watch this, he can do it... now!"
Miles struggles to turn invisible but he can't.
Miles: "I can't do it on command."
Then Y/N spoke up, sitting on his knees, taking deep breaths and me kneeling next to him, one of my hands on his back.
Y/N: "You will turn invisible when you sense danger or you're really embarrest. But you can learn how to use it in your advantege, like sneaking or escaping from a enemy. So you just need to think you want to turn invisible, best way if you have a goal, like I want to sneak past Peter right now."
Miles try's again, this time he is seen he can go invisible but can't.
Peter: "He can't do it on command. But it's cool... wait, how did you know what to do."
Then, out of nowhere, Y/N goes invisible and I jump. Everyone is shocked about what just happen.
Miles&Gwen: "(stuned) You can do that too."
Then Y/N appeared hanging upside down, as if walking on a roof, two webs holding his legs, between Miles and Peter's heads.
Gwen: "Whata, how did you end up there?"
Y/N: "Teleportaion, something I learnd in embarrest moment." - He scratches his neck.
Noir: "Jesus, you're one hell of an experiment."
Y/N looks at him with "Really" face, but shook it and turned to Peter.
Y/N: "What else can Miles do?"
Peter: "... Oh yes, show them the zappy thing, Miles."
Y/N raises an eyebrow.
Y/N: "Zappy thing? You call that zappy thing."
Peter: "Well yea, zappy thing, because he can zap people, come on Miles, zap me again."
Miles put his hand on Peter's hand and again concreated but failed again.
Miles: "I can't do it on command."
Peter: "Y/N, a little help."
Y/N sighs and pitch his nose.
Y/N: "Fine."
He jumps down.
Y/N: "Okay, frist of all, don't call it a zappy thing."
Peter: "Then how do you want to call it."
Y/N: "A eletric blast."
Peter: "... Okay, I see now why some words that villans say sound badass."
Y/N: "Okay, let's start."
He put his hands on both of theirs shoulders.
Y/N: "Did you feel anything, expect me touching you, Peter?"
Peter: "No."
Y/N: "Why you didn't?"
Peter: "... Because you didn't do it?"
Y/N: "Correct, Miles?"
Miles: "I didn't feel anything."
Y/N: "Why?"
Miles: "Because you didn't do it?"
Y/N: "Incorrect."
We all look at him with 'What?' faces.
Peter: "Hah, he is bluffing, he can't do it either."
Then,when he said it, Y/N hands start sparking and then he electric blasted him to the couple meters away on the floor.
Peter: "ouch~that hurted more than when Miles did it."
Y/N: "Oh, that wasn't even 10% of it."
We all looked at Y/N with shock in our eyes.
Y/N: "So back to the point, Miles, what you think: why you didn't feel nothing
when you should?"
Miles: "... Emmm.. because of the suit?"
Y/N: "No, it's because you also have the current of electricity that passes through your body, so you are technically immune to the most of electricity."
Gwen,Peni,Ham&Noir: "Holy shit."
Y/N: "So now Miles, put your hand on mines."
Peter who came back to us said.
Peter: "Won't that too send you back like it did to me?"
Y/N: "No because I also have current that passes through my body, so insted we will see Miles's and mines electricity sparkle."
Miles: "Okay..."
He put his hand on his."
Y/N: "Remember, current is passing in your body. Try to become part of it. When you are part of it, lead it to your hand and then ZAP!"
Miles tries, but nothing happens, we just see a little of electricity comes out Y/N's hand.
Y/N: "Hmm, electricity came out mines insted of yours, there must be something that is blocking you using your powers on your own, do you have any other powers?"
Miles: "Just those two things--"
Peter: "--Just those two things."
Others seemed they didn't belive so I jump in.
Gwen: "Look I've seen him in action. He's got potential. I think he's gonna get us home."
Gwen said with conviction. I could see others wants to believe it. Then Noir steps foward I guess to prove it out.
Noir: "Ok, little fella, Kingpin's gonna send a lot of mugs after ya, I'm talking hard boys, real biscuit boxer. Can you fight them all off at once?"
Miles: "Well, I, I haven't actually fought anyone--"
Noir: "--Surprise attack!"
Miles tries to fight Noir, but Noir knocks him down. Peni jumps in.
Peni: "Can you re-wire a mainframe while beign shot at?"
Miles: "Can I what?"
Peni: "Show me!"
Noir: "Surprise attack!"
Noir knocks him down again.
Gwen: "Can you swing and flip with the grace of a trained dancer?"
Noir: "Can you close off your feelings so you don't get crippled by the moral ambiguity of your violent actions?"
May: "Can you help your aunt create am online dating profile so she can get out of the dang house once in a while?"
Ham: "Can you float through the air when you smell a delicious pie?"
Miles: "What?"
Gwen: "Can you be strong?"
Peni: "--Ruthless--"
Gwen: "--Disciplined--"
Miles: "I don't know, maybe--
Ham hit himself with a hammer on his head.
Noir: "--Show me some moxie, solider--"
Gwen is helping Miles to get up.
Gwen: "Above all, no mater how many times you get hit, can you get back up?"
Then she kick him with a leg down again.
Noir: "Because when a Spider-Man is on the floor--"
Gwen: "--When you think you've given your all--"
Ham: "--When you can't keep going--"
Noir: "--Spider-Man always gets up."
They totaly beat Miles. They say something he obiosly can't do. They really think that he can do what they can!? I had enough of this.
Y/N: "Guys, stop."
Gwen: "You can do this!"
Y/N: "Stop!"
All spiders: "Get up Miles! Get up!"
Peter: "Alright guys, cool it..."
Gwen: "C'mon Miles! Get up!"
They wouldn't stop so I said to Peter.
Y/N: "Jump when I say now."
He nods and gets ready.
Y/N: "Anddd... Now!"
He jumps and I punch the floor with my hand, sending electricity trough the floor, which electrifies the rest.
After 3 seconds, they are going fall so I fast just grab Gwen and Peni because I don't hurt girls and woman, if they are not totaly bad or bitches.
When I grab them, everyone looks at me, expect Miles, who is beaten by the pressure.
Y/N: "Are you done, because Peter wants us to gather up."
Then we all gather up in a circle to talk.
Gwen: "Peter, come here. You need to be more honest with yourself about this. He's not ready, it's obvious."
YN: "No, he--" - I was cut off by Ham.
Ham: "There's no way. He's just a kid."
Then I look at him with "THE FUCK" look.
Gwen: "But if he can't do this, we have to stay and do it from him."
Noir: "He's looking right at us while we talk about him..."
I just pintch my nose at this. Then we heard a beat. I looked at where Miles is but he isn't there and see elevator moving up... he did it, but in embarrestment.
Peter: "Miles? Miles? See that? He can uh, turn invisible..."
When he was out, I face palmed.
Y/N: "... (Sighs) Jebote."
Translate: "Fuck"
Gwen: "Y/N, you know that he isn't ready."
Y/N: "No, no he is!"
I snaped.
Y/N: "You totaly beat him, did that happen to you when you got bitten, did anyone put pressure on you than yourself."
They shut up. Then Noir ask me.
Noir: "Than aren't you just as us?"
Y/N: "No I'm not like you."
Peni: "How, you got bit--"
Y/N: "No, I wasn't bit by a spider... I was born this way..."
Their eyes widen.
Y/N: "My dad has Spider powers too but he didn't want to miss mine and sister's lifes, he was one to help me to control these powers. He died in car accident with mom when I was 4, only sister and I surived. Then we move to US, where then my Aunt died because of heart attack and uncle when he tried to stop the robbery, but he was shot. Then I become Spider-Man, to protect weak, but then my best friend dad, who was a Green Goblin, died because he wanted to kill me. I tried to save him, but it was to late, glider went into him. Than to make it worse, I lost my other best friend, Peter Parker, who was the Lizard. I had a cure but it was him or the little girl. And you may guess who I choose to save...We Spiders work alone, right? Well I changed that because I have a partner and help the Avengers some times. We learned to hide our identitys from others, but never learned how to trust them with our secret lives. I didn't become Spider-Man on 'With great power, comes great responsibility.', I become with this: 'Don't be a hero in your eyes, be a hero in their eyes.' And now, because he isn't Spider-Man yet, he already lost fate in that...I will go talk to him... and you try not to lose another ally."
Y/N shot a web to elevetor and swing up, leaving others who are embarrest.
||I'm tired as hell||
( WORDS: 3471)
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