Chapter 18 - Surprise(s)
F/C = Favourite colour
S/F/C = Second favourite colour
It is Sunday, 2 days after school ended. In L/N's house, Y/N is packing his bag. Today, he and Gwen are going on the beach and Y/N has the perfect spot, not just the view, but and privacy too.
Y/N hears portal opening in room next to in which he is.
Y/N: "Already ready?"
Gwen: "Yea, you?"
Gwen responded.
Y/N: "In sec!(mutters) add note 37: Not all girls are slow in packing stuff."
Y/N puts last of what he needs and zips the bag. He put it on his shoulder and walks out the room, he sees Gwen leaning on the wall. She wears short sleeve yellow shirt and short jeans.
Gwen turns to look at you and her cheeks turn red. You look at her confused, then you realise why she's red.
You wear F/C short sleeve shirt with Avengers logo infront and S/F/C shorts, but shirt is so tight that reavels your body shape and abs.
( bettet decription: your body shape is something similar to Captain america but a little smaller) You smirk.
Y/N: "What, never seen me like this in the suit?"
Gwen nods.
Y/N: "So do I need to tight up the suit too now?"
Gwen blushes harder as you laugh and walk up to her. You hug her and kiss her on the cheek.
Y/N: "How did you finnish school?"
Gwen: "Average marks, you?"
Y/N: "Top of class."
Gwen: "I should expected that, who was second then?"
Y/N: "Harry, a little worse them me."
Gwen: "And that as expected, how did S/N passed?"
Y/N: "Also top of her class."
Gwen: "Woaw, L/N's on top, can I become L/N then too?"
You raised an eyebrow. Gwen realising what she said, blushes again.
Gwen: "Em, w-where S/N anyway?"
Y/N: "Oh, she's not coming with us."
Gwen: "But didn't you say she will go with us last time?"
Y/N: "Yes, but change if plans, she Will be hanging out with her friend."
Gwen: "Did she said with who exactly?"
Y/N: "No... wait, that's 100% suspicious."
Gwen: "It's not if it is a female friend."
Y/N: "Eh, fair enough."
Gwen: "Where are we going?"
Y/N: "Grab your things and then hold with me, I'm going to teleport us there several times to our destination."
Gwen listen and does what he said. She grabs her bag and then holds with Y/N.
Gwen: "You know this is my first time doing this?"
Y/N: "Yea, that why I won't teleport instantly, don't worry."
Gwen: "Okay."
Y/N: "And I want you to have closed eyes through it, because I want to be a surpise you."
Gwen nods and takes a breath. She nods to you, signaling she's ready and closes her eyes.
You sighed and closed your eyes. Then you in blink of second teleported put of house. It took some time to teleport there, taking 3 seconds stop between teleports. Then you teleported to your destination. You can feel fresh wind hitting you on the faces.
Y/N: "We're here."
Gwen: "I gotta adapt to that bec... woah..."
When Gwen opens here eyes, she's sees a house next to the sea and view is breath taking.
Gwen is so frozed out that Y/N snaps his fingers infront of her face and she's still frozen in place. He smirks and starts to tickle her which unfroze her as she giggles.
Gwen: "Alright, alright stop. (giggle) Y/N, this place is just...woah."
Y/N: "I know, stop with Neo reffrence because you really can't decribe it."
Y/N walks up to the door on the fence and open it and gesturing Gwen to go first. Gwen smiles and mutters gentleman as she goes through entrence.
They walk up to the house yard/court which has the beautiful view on the beach and the bridge and pathway to it.
Gwen: "You didn't tell me about this."
Y/N: "Eh, more of my family traditions. My father and uncle as kids came here with my grandparents every summer. I came here twice before my aunt died, but I came her last year again with S/N."
Gwen: "Your family was luckly to buy this house here then."
Y/N: "Not bought, build here in 1922 and it was only house here until New York expanded and road and house were built here."
Gwen: "I see where you get your
"building" skills."
Y/N: "I see where you got your (french accent) "detective" skills."
Gwen laughs as she leans up and kiss Y/N on the cheek.
Later on, Y/N change into boxer for swiming. He hears doors open from toilet room as he looks up at shy Gwen who wears nothing then bikini.
Y/N: "Of course pink, shall I call you pink panther now too."
Gwen: "S-shut up." - She answered shyly.
Y/N awws at his girlfriends reaction and walks up to her to give a hug. He whisoer to her ear.
Y/N: "Fristtogetintheseawins!"
He then runs off at the beach.
Gwen: "Hey!" - She yells as she runs after him.
Y/N frist came and walk into the sea, not even bothering if is a little cold and start to swim a little deeper. When finally Gwen did the same, she stands up and half of her body is under the sea, she looks a round for Y/N but he's no where to be seen. She's confused.
Then she is lifted upfrom the down. Y/N emgares on the surface. He lifted Gwen that she sitting on him, her legs a round his neck.
Gwen: "Y/N!" - She screams and laughs as hshe in the air.
Then he moves and Gwen falls off him. They both laugh as he helps Gwen to get up. He lifts her and spins her as she laughs and giggles.
You stop spinning her in the air as you lower her a little down that her face is same height as yours.
Gwen: "You asshole. (giggle)"
Y/N: "But you like it, no?"
She laughs as you kiss passionately while sun shines on both of you. If someone pictured both of you, with a camera, kissing at the most beautiful view, you probably would end up on the magazine cover page or something.
Later on, Gwen is sitting on the beach watching the Sun slowly falling into sunset. You came behind here and sat next to here, hiding something behind your back which she didn't noticed.
Y/N: "Like the view?"
Gwen: "Yea... is very beautiful and... romantic."
Y/N: "Yea, it is..."
Gwen: "I'm glad you brought ne here with you."
Y/N: "Me too. It was nice change of pace for once, to leave hero duties for a day."
Gwen: "I agree."
She leans on your shoulder as you put your hand around her shoulder.
Y/N: "I got a surpise for you."
Gwen: "Hm?"
With your other hand, you grab something behind you and bring it towards Gwen. It's a box wraped like a present. Gwen takes it in her own hands.
Y/N: "Open it."
Gwen curriosly tears up the foil of a box. She opens it. In the box is a heart shaped box and a cake on which is write "Happy Birthday". She gaps.
Y/N: "Happy birthday Gwen!"
Gwen: "You r-remember?"
Y/N: "Of course, how not to."
Gwen hugs tightly.
Gwen: "Thank you."
Y/N: "Check the little box."
Gwen realese from the hug. She picks up the heart shaped box. She opens it and inside of it's a white and black necklaces with a pink heart with a white spider logo of Gwen's spider of her suit printed on the heart. Gwen puts her hand on her mouth as she gaps again.
Gwen: "Y/N... you m-made this? For me?"
Y/N: "Yes... justfor you."
Gwen: "I love it."
Y/N: "Do you want to try it on?"
Gwen nods. You take the
necklaces as Gwen turns her back to you. You go around her head/neck as you put the necklaces on. She turns to you after you did.
Gwen: "How does it looks?"
Y/N: "Amazing." - You smile at her.
She smikes back. Then she leans up and kisses you passionately on the lips, putting her hands on your face as you both fall down, you on your back and she on top of you as you put your hands on her hips.
After the minute, you realise from the kiss, looking each other in the eyes.
Gwen: "I love you so much."
Y/N: "I love you 3000."
Gwen laughs as she again kisses you. You both spend rest of time cuddling and kissing or making out on the sofa in the house.
When night came, you teleported both of you to your home so you can make dinner for you two. You walk by entrance into living room to the kitchen, but you slowly walked back
to the entrance, turning you head.
Your eyes widen. You raised your eyebrow as your jaw drops a little, making "dam" face.
Gwen: "Y/N, I - -"
You shhs her as you signaled to her with your hand to come to you. She comes to you confused until she looks at same direction you're looking at.
She quitly gaps as you smirk and lean on the wall.
Infront you
On the couch
You see S/N and Miles
Kissing each other slowly.
[ you readers about now: *magnum shootgun loaded*]
[ *dialls the phone* "Hey, Wick, I have bad news, Miles killed your dog."]
You coughed loudly, which got their atttention, turning and seeing you and Gwen and they blushed instatntly.
Y/N: "So, S/N, is this the friend you said you will "hang" out?"
Your Sister nods you shyly, still blushing as Miles scratches back of his neck, as Gwen started to laugh a little, hand on her mouth.
Y/N: " I gotta say Miles, you pulled the dark souls game move on me. I got Gwen, you got S/N, a soul for a soul."
Silence gets in the room, expect Gwen's quite laughing.
Y/N: "You 2 get yourself ready to explain to me and come when dinner's ready."
You said as you take Gwen with you to the kitchen, leaving two younger teens in the caught moment.
(School started for me and marko on monday, but i Will still update my books.
And this happen in Frist Round of Croatian Cup)
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