Chapter 14 - Peter's Remarried Wedding
Today was finally a day when Peter and MJ will get married... correction, remarried. Because it wasn't kind of big deal when it was when frist happened, they decided to invite people they know and who live in New York, not like last time where they had people from Romania to Australia. So about 30 to 40 people. And of course Spider-Fam was invited, only problem begin explations about the cartoonish living pig who can stick to walls...they'll figure something out or not.
Peter chosen Harry as his Best-man and MJ chosen Glory as her Best-maid. Gwen, Noir, Ham, Miles, Y/N, Peni, Betty and Mr. and Ms. Watson as their groomsmans at the wedding.
At their old house, Gwen, Peni and S/N were helping MJ with her dress.
Gwen: "I think that's it."
MJ went to look herself at the mirrow.
S/N&Peni: "You look amazing!"
Gwen: "Yea."
MJ giggled.
MJ: "Well you look adorble in those pink dresses."
Peni: "Thank you. You'll look adorble when dancing with Peter."
S/N: "Well, we know with who will Gwen dance."
Gwen got red on her cheecks while girls in the room giggled at Gwen's reaction.
Glory and Betty came from the living room.
Glory: "If you are reddy, we can go now."
MJ: "We are. Come on girls."
At their new house, where in their big backyard will be wedding, all male spiders were helping Peter to get dressed.
Peter: "Aren't you looking to tight in those blue tuxs?"
Y/N: "It was your idea to wear a blue tux."
Peter: "Yea, because you wanted to wear black and black would kill the mood, wouldn't it?"
Miles: "Maybe, but we wanted to make it easier for Noir because all he has is white and black cloths."
Noir: "That's why I thank you for your try but I think this blue tux which Peter bought me looks great."
Peter and Ham smiled while Y/N and Miles rolled their eyes at that.
Peter: "I think we are ready so let's go."
Y/N: "Oh, I need go to the bathroom real quick, you go, I'll come."
Peter nods and rest leave while goes to the bathroom. When you were finnished, you were going out when your RFMD started vribating in the box where you all put your RFMD's.
Y/N: "Maybe it's Harry, but I already told him I was on wedding, eh, maybe nothing importan."
Not a step after you moved, you glicted and fall on the floor.
Y/N: "Ouch."
Then again your RFMD started vribating. You look at it surprised.
Y/N: "I told Harry if's somethink dangerous then to call me 2 times."
Then you glitched again. You groan after realising you'll miss the wedding.
Y/N: "Atleast my acuse would be saving milions and glitching."
At the stage, girls finnaly came and took their positions. On other end where boys and Peter waiting for MJ to come. Gwen notices that Y/N was missing. Before she could ask about him, music started playing so she had to keep question for hetself.
[skipping the vows because i dont know how to write them XD]
After Peter and MJ kissed, everyone stand up and claped for new or again couple. Everyone started dancing shortly after. Peter of course danced with MJ, Noir with Glory, Miles asked nervously S/N would like she dance with him which she accepted,while Ham stayed at the food table.
Only one who didn't dance was Gwen. Some Boys came to her and ask if she wanted to dance with them but she rejected because she wanted to dance with one person, but that person was no where to be found. Gwen approched Peter and ask him about Y/N. Peter answered that last time he saw him was when they were going to the stage and Y/N has to use bathroom.
Gwen thank him and went into the house. Coming upstairs to the bathroom, there was no one. Gwen looked around until she spoted the box where they all put their RFMDs and saw one was missing.
Gwen realising where Y/N could went, she picked up hers and tried to call Y/N. She got worried so she open her portal to her dimension. She went to her suit and put it over her dress because she was worried as one caring mother.
When she put her mask on she open portal to Y/N's dimension and came into his base.
With what she know about computer shit, she maneged succesfuly located where Y/N was and opened his cam in his mask.
When it opened, Gwen saw that Y/N in his suit, Harry in his Green Goblin persona on glider and his know Mysterio were fighting together Carnage who was destoying the city.
She immediately headed to the scene of the fight. When she came close enough, seeing no people around, she landed on the rooftop. What she saw next terrifed het. She saw how Carnage was fighting one v one with Y/n and slaming him into the wall and then shoot a very sharp spear from his arm which inpaled Y/N's shoulder.
Y/N groaned and nearly started falling unconscious. Gwen gaps and got angry. She swing into Carnage and hitting him hard enough to push him 20 feet away. She didn't want to let him recover so she trowed a pole lamp at him, making Carnage losse footing.
Before Gwen could make another hit on him, Carnage strech a hand at her which grabs her tight. Then he smacks Gwen into ground 3 times. Gwen groans while Carnage puls her close to his face.
Carnage: "Who are now you, another spider? Well you'll make good meal before I get control of Phantom-Spider."
He opens his mouth and starts to put Gwen closer to his big mouth. Gwen tries to free herself from the grip but grip it's to strong. When she thinks its over for her, a web sticks to Carnage head and legs and puls him away, lossing his grip on Gwen and she falls on her knees. She lift her head up and sees Y/N, barly standing on his legs because of his big wound on his shoulder who shoots enough webs to hold Carnage and making enough time for Mysterio to serprate with his green beams Carnage from his host and Harry catching now only symbiont Carnage into small glass container which is enough to hold him.
Harry approches you seeing the SHEILD cars coming towards you, giving you a container because you are the one who talks to SHEILD agents, but this time, you decided go to Mysterio and give him a container to upper hand because you told him that he was the one who acutaly helped more defeating Carnage and that him giving it to SHEILD will make him good for some time in Fury's book so he accept it and takes it to the SHEILD.
You then approched Harry who is helping Gwen to get up on her feet slowly.
Y/N: "Can we get some time alone?"
You said to Harry, your mask begin damage from battle so your left side is and left eye is visible going like a moon to the lips, who are also visible, having a small cut on them.
Harry nods and leaves you two. You can see Gwen is going to say something but you stop her.
Y/N: "Not here."
Gwen nods slowly and you put your hand on her shoulder, teleporting you on the rooftops, far away from any ears. You little groan because of the wound. Not even second later, Gwen slap you on the face, you didn't even react.
Gwen: "That's for leaving the weeding."
Y/N: "Fair enou-"
Gwen then immediately pull her mask off her head and smashed her lips againts yours. After seconds, you serprate.
Gwen: "That's for staying alive."
Gwen started to tear up, she hugs you and started sobbing on your good shoulder while you rub her hair and back with your hands, not expecting this behaviour from your girlfriend.
Y/N: "It's okay, it's okay..."
Gwen: "N-no it's n-not... I-I could have l-l-lose you today and I-I don't w-want to lose you like I d-did Peter."
She falls on her knees, you catching her. You lift your damage mask off.
Y/N: "I'm not going no where, but I can't leave this crime lossed. That 1 week I was gone and crime is left uncontroled but I'm glad that I did left or been puled in another dimension and left it uncontroled for that one week and do you know why?"
You moved her head with your hand, her teary eyes looking at your E/C eyes.
Y/N: "Because if I didn't, I would never met you."
Gwen smiled while tears were rolling down her face. She hugs you tightly, but not over your injured shoulder, placing her head on your chest while you hug her back.
You stayed that way for some time. When you serprate, Gwen still has some tears on her cheecks so you lean up and started kissing her on cheecks, removing the tears while she giggles.
You both get up and slowly headed your way towards your base.
Later on, you were sitting on the chair in your also ripped a little blue tux because you fastly put your suit over it when you were hurrying to fight Carnage. You heared doors of bathroom open, you looked up and froze when you see Gwen in nice Pink dress when she removed her suit. Gwen seees your glare and blushed.
Gwen: "W-what do y-you think?"
Y/N: "You look... astonishing."
Gwen blushed even more. She walks up to you.
Gwen: "Isn't that tux to tight for you?"
You rolled at that, remembering that Peter said the same thing. Gwen giggled at your reaction. Then you remember something, you get up and went to the computer and started tipping on the keyboard.
Gwen: "What are you doing?"
Her question is answered when slow music started playing. You walk up to Gwen.
Y/N: "I wanted to ask you this on the wedding but problem came, so I'm asking you now: Will you dance with me?"
You said while raising your hand towards Gwen. Gwen smiled and accepted you hand.
Gwen: "Of course."
You lead her to the more space in the base and started the slow dance. In the dance, Gwen lean up on your chest. After some nice time together you look at each other in the eyes.
Gwen: "I love you so much."
Y/N: "I love you too, but more."
Gwen smirks. You both lean up and kiss each other. So rest of time you spend dancing slowly together, not wanting to let go from each other grip.
||So I finnaly release a chapter. I didnt have any ideas so i chosen on this idea which i didnt want this early but i didnt have any other idea, So I am asking you if you have any ideas for next chapters, i would be glad to read YOURS ideas.
And Another news, I'm stating a New book.
It Will be Gwen Stacy X Male reader and it Will involve characters from Into the Spidervers also. The name of the book is on the cover of the book i Will show you now as your suit also:
Your suit ( drawen by myself )
( WORDS:1925)
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