Chapter 13 - Frist Date
It was a week since Y/N and Gwen became a couple and today, they'll go on their frist date.
They agreed to have date on Earth-64 or Y/N dimension because they'll not worry to much about crime because Harry decided to watch over it with couple of Y/N's superhero or vigilante alleys and friends.
Not forgot to mention that everyone is happy about them two begin together, well, one's who know about them after all.
Y/N was waiting for Gwen in his base. He wored green-gray shirt and pants and light gray jacket.
He was working on his eletric web shooters. While he was working on that, Gwen came out of the portal outside of the base.
She comes in through the entrance. She see you working on something. She sneaks behind you and puts her hands around your eyes, stoping you what you been doing.
She scenes you tense up a little so she spokes.
Gwen: "Guess who?"
You calm down and smirks.
Y/N: "I hope it's my girlfriend?"
Gwen smiles and remove her hands of your eyes and letting you turn to towards her.
Gwen: "(smiles) Hey."
Y/N: "(smiles) Hey."
You kiss each other, Gwen placing her hands on your shoulders and you your hands on her hips. After couple of seconds you separate.
Y/N looks at his girlfriend. She's wearing white shirt, green jacket over it and black pants.
||This frist one and biggest or FULL body||
Y/N: "You look adorble."
Gwen: "(blushes) Thank you. You look handsome yourself."
Y/N: "Ready?"
Gwen: "Yea, where we going?"
Y/N: "Flushing Meadows Corona Park, it's an public park."
|| That's Real public park in Queens, New York." ||
Gwen: "Oh, I heard for it my dimension, but never got a chance to visit it."
Y/N: "Oh, then you're going to love it."
Gwen: "Did you tell Harry?"
Y/N: "I did. Don't worry, he gots everything under control, but if worse happens then I'll have go, but I'll come back."
Gwen: "I know you will."
Y/N and Gwen are walking the city until they came to the park. It's biggest public park in Queens and 4th in New York.
While walking, they're holding their hands together and Gwen is admiring the beauty of the nature around them.
After sometime, Y/n points to the bench and tells Gwen to sit there. Gwen is confused why but still goes there and they sit. They were sitting there for 2 minutes when Gwen decided to ask Y/N why did he want to sit here.
Before Y/N can answer it, a bird lands on Gwen shoulder, surprising her while Y/N chuckles.
Then another bird lands on Gwen's other shoulder. Gwen looks at both brirds then at Y/N who is nearly starting to laugh.
Gwen: "This is why we sit here?"
Y/N nods.
Y/N: "Birds in this park know to land near people, so workers in this park decided to put these specialy made benches which will lure birds to come here when a person sits here."
Then another bird lands this time on Gwen's head. They giggle at how birds keep coming.
Gwen sees how Y/N is looking at her with birds on her.
Gwen: "(giggle) Are you jelaous, babe, that they love me more than you?"
Y/N: "Frist of all, they were always landing on me when I came here so I feel betrayaled. And second, no I'm not jelaous at you getting all attention from birds, I'm jelaous because they are getting your attention more than me now."
They laughed.
Gwen: "Awww, babe, you know I only love you?"
She smiles at him. He smiled back. They lean up and kiss. When they separate, they scare all birds away and got up. They grab their hands and start walking again exploring the park.
Now they were walking through the zoo. They saw a lot of diffrent animals. Y/N had enough money so they take a bout tour on the lake.
After the bout tour, they exited the zoo. While walking they entered the golf area.
Y/N: "Ever played golf?"
Gwen: "No, never got a chance."
Y/N: "Do you want to try it now?"
Gwen: "(smirks) Of course.".
So they started playing golf. It was easy to Y/N because he already play it so he with his spider strengh could shoot the ball very far.
On Gwen's side, she was having bad time shooting, acutaly, trying to hit the ball on the spot. Y/N was laughing how easyly Gwen was missing the ball.
On the score, Y/N was winning by hitting the the hole on avarage after 4-5 shoots while Gwen after 9-10 shoots, but that didn't matter to Y/N because he was loving how silly his girlfriend was.
They were near a hole and it was Gwen's turn. Y/N could see her hands shaking after so many failed tries to hit the ball.
He came slowly behind her, wraping his hands around her, reaching her hands and gently grabing them. Gwen little tense up, but calmed when she realise it's you.
You leaned on her left shoulder.
Y/N: "Let me help you."
She nods her head while you were gently caressed her hands.
Y/N: "First, put the golf club near the ball, facing the middle point of the golf club."
You gently help her move the golf club like you said it.
Y/N: "Now, lift you head up and look where the hole is. Than follow the straight line from the hole towards the ball."
You move your head up so she can look on the side. You took one of yours hands of hers so you can move her hair to the side so she can see. She makes a little smile at you doing it.
Y/N: "Now, slowly raise the golf club away from the ball. You want to raised it between 0° and 90°, never higher then 90° in preparations."
You slowly move your hand with hers, lifting the golf club away from the ball in the right side.
Y/N: "Now, you don't want to shoot it to hard, so train by raising the golf club by how many degrees you think you need to make how powerfull you want to hit ball. In this case, raised it 20°."
You move her hands to make a golf club go into 20°s. You slowly repeated that some times before stoping.
Y/N: "Now, when you think you ready, lift the golf club to the degre you are sured it's needed for you power hit and then hit the ball and praised the rest to go well."
You realise the grip on her hands, now your hands gently connecting with hers.
She raised the golf club, that makes your hands go with hers, and makes a a little swing, hitting the ball, which roles down the ground, going towards the hole slowly, until falls into it.
Gwen smiles.
Y/N: "Great hit." - You said while moving your hands on her hips.
Gwen: "All thanks to you."
You chuckled. You lean up and kiss Gwen on the cheeck. Gwen turns her head and lift one of her hands to your head, turning your head to face her and smashed her lips on yours, kissing you.
You realised from it, smiling at each other. You bring your hand up to look at the time on your watch.
Gwen: "Can we play more?"
Y/N: "No, the movie is soon and we don't want to be late, do we? We'll play it next time, right? "
Gwen: "Right, of course."
You packed up and left the park. After some minutes, you reached the cinema.
There were a lot of movies to choose from. You eventually agreed on to see Alita: Battle Angel.
The film was great. Maybe critics say it would be a box bomb before it was realised, you were one of who knew this movie will be great and Gwen like it very much because finnaly there was respect towards female leading role in the movie after a long time.
||You see what I did there, I replace Wonder Woman with Alita to be frist great movie where leading character is female and get respect after a long time, last I know was Alien and Terminator franchise ||
After the movie, you lead Gwen to the alley where he told her to hold on. She hold on you and you teleport yourselfs to one of near rooftops where they sit on the edge of it.
Gwen leans her head on your shoulder while they are admiring the city sight before the sun sets.
Gwen: "It was a nice day... no, it wasn't just nice, it was fantastic too."
Y/N: "Agree. I enjoy every seconds of it, with you."
Gwen: "Yea, I forgot how does it feels to hang out when Peter died, but now I hang out with my boyfriend, you, that makes things even better."
You both smile at each other. You got up. Gwen opens her portal. You hug each other and kiss before saying goodbyes and Gwen jumping into the portal.
You teleports somewhere where nobody will see you and then start walking towards his house.
You came infront his house. You open the door.
Y/N: "S/N! I'm back!"
S/N: "Finnaly, can you make dinner!?"
Y/N: "You didn't eat!?"
S/N: "Yea!"
Y/N: "Fine, I'll make pancakes"
S/N: "Yes, thank you!"
You walked into the kitchen and start getting out the foodstuff (I forgot how you called it stuff for recepy imao)
S/N walks into the kitchen.
S/N: "How was a date?"
Y/N: "It was great. I teach her how to play golf."
S/N: "How did that went?"
Y/N: "Like when we frist play it."
You both laughed.
45 minutes later, while eating pancakes, roled ones of course, You hear a door bell ring.
Y/N: "I will."
You get up from the chair, went to wash your hands then go to the door. You open it and see Gwen standing outside.
Gwen: "Hi, again."
Y/N: "Gwen? Hi, I didn't expect you to come. Did you forgot something?"
Gwen: "No, I didn't, just my dad is taking night schedule again and I'm home alone. I was wondering if I can over sleep at you?"
She gaves you a small smile. You smiled.
Y/N: "Of course, come in."
You moved out of the way so she can come in. When she did, she already smells something.
Gwen: "Do I smell pancakes?"
Y/N: "Yes, I make them because sister was hungry."
Gwen: "Yum."
You enter the kitchen.
S/N: "Gwen? What are you doing here?"
Gwen: "Hi."
Y/N: "She was lonely home, so she came here to ask if she can oversleep at us."
S/N: "Oh, of course, but she will have to sleep on the couch."
Y/N: "No, I will. She can sleep on MY bed."
Gwen: "Bat coch is nic!" - She said with pancake in her mouth.
Y/N and S/N giggled.
Y/N: "It over now, I'm on the couch."
You went to prepare the bed while Gwen stayed eating pancakes.
After that, you gave her your cloths to change because S/N was to small for Gwen. When you saw Gwn in your cloths, you giggle and said she looks adorable, which made her blush.
It was night and both of yoh were watching TV on the couch, cuddling. After some time, Gwen fall asleep on your shoulder. You slowly pick her up and carry her to the bed, placing her on it. You lean up and kiss her on her forehead and wished good night and went down on the couch and fell asleep.
It was 2 am when Gwen woke up to go use the bathroom. When she come back to sleep on the bed, she couldn't fall asleep, so she got up and went downstairs.
She's sees you sleeping on the couch. She quietly sneak next to him, lay and then cuddle into you and then fall asleep with you on the couch.
When you waked up, it was 8 am. When you tried to get up, you felt something next to him. You turn your head and sees Gwen, cuddling with you. You smiled. You tried to slowly get up, but Gwen groans.
Gwen: "Nooo, don't..."
You chuckled and sighs, giving up from moving from your's girlfriend grabs. Then you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and see your sister.
Y/N: "S/N, can you make breakfast this time?"
S/N: "Why?"
You point at Gwen. When S/N sees this, she awwws and said ok and goes to make breakfast while your stuck in cozy posistion, cuddling with your girlfriend.
After some minutes, you noticed Gwen starting to wake up. When she opens her eyes, she sees in what posistion she is. She blushed.
Gwen: "S-sorry, couldn't fall asleep when I woke up."
Y/N: "I can see that."
She gets redder even more.
Y/N: "Good you're waked up because breakfast is ready."
She gets up the little, now sitting in your lap. You lean up and kiss her now red cheeck.
After breakfast, Gwen ask you were her cloths is. You said you put it your bedroom because she was sleeping there.
When she gets to your bedroom, she sees her cloths. When she grabs is and is ready go to change into the bathroom, something catches her eye.
She walks up to it and gaps. It's a painting of her in her spider suit.
She is examing it up close, tapping the painting over the surfaces with her fingers.
???: "You like it?"
She turns around and sees you smirking at her.
Gwen: "Yea. You painted this?"
Y/N: "Yes."
Gwen: "I didn't know you can paint."
Y/N: "Maybe I can't draw good as Miles, but when comes to painting, it's my territory then."
Gwen: "It's beautiful."
Y/N: "Not as beautiful as you."
Gwen blushed and smiles. She came closer to you and kiss you on the lips.
Gwen: "I have to go now or dad will get worried. I hope we can do this more."
Y/N: "I too and we will."
You both embrace into hug. When you serprate, Gwen opens her portal. You say bye to each other and she jumps into it. Both of you can agree it was great, fantastic and nice your frist offical date.
|| Hello there, just wanted to say to look at my anoucments I made on MY profile here on Watpad because I made a vote for this chapter what to be and a date chapter won but a little of you voted. You dont have to if you dont want to, but I would apprecieted if you do. For now
( WORDS: 2523)
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