Chapter 12 - Injury and Fellings
It was Saturday and as planed, Y/N, Gwen and Miles agreed to meet in Gwen's dimension to hang out.
As a usual, Y/N won't come on time which now become normal because of uncontoled crime on his Earth but he will make it.
Gwen and Miles were hanging out in Burger Prince while waiting for "late" spider to show up.
They were joking, telling about events that happened on their Earths until Gwen was ready to tell about something to Miles.
Gwen: "Miles... there's something I have to tell you."
Miles: "Hm? What it is Gwen?"
Gwen took the big breath and sigh.
Gwen: "Of all of you, spider-fam, you and Y/N stood out, with your personalities. You were one's who made me change my mind about making friends again. That's why I like you both."
She looks up into his eyes.
Gwen: "Miles, I like you... but...I think I love Y/N ... I hope you understand why because I know you like me too, so I hope you're not mad about it..."
Miles after seconds of shock and surprise said.
Miles: "I understand that Gwen. Come on, wasn't it obivious about that. I saw how you look at him."
Gwen blushes a little.
Gwen: "Wait, you saw me blushing at looking at him?"
She blushes even more.
Miles: "Sometimes yes. And too be honest really, only reason why I'm not mad at all because... emm I think I g-got c-crush on his s-sister."
Miles turns in embaresment and laughs a little. Gwen laughs at that and hit him playfully on the shoulder.
Gwen: "Let's hope he won't kill you."
They laughed.
Miles: "So, when you were going to tell him about that?"
Gwen: "Well, I think today because it's kinda ideal. Maybe we can go to cinema and after the movie somewhere to tell him that."
Miles: "... Can I be your wingman?"
Gwen: "We will see how thinks goes out, ok."
Then they hear an explosion outside. They sigh and groan.
Gwen: "We never can get a break, can we?"
Miles: "Yea!"
Gwen: "You brought your suit?"
Miles: "I did."
Gwen: "Come on. There's an alley near."
They paid for their food and walked into the alley were they quickly change into their suit and then they swing to where an explosion was heared.
They came on the sceen and saw 3 villans: Rhino, Vulture and Doc Ock.
||Rhino is acutaly an mercenary hired by Matt Murdock at the behest of the Kingpin to kill George Stacy in comics but because this is a movie so idk if its any related to comics (Probably not) so I Will GO with original Earth-65 version of him||
Miles: "I know how now male doc ock looks like but who the hell are others 2 guys?"
Gwen: "One with wings is Vulture and big guy is Rhino."
Miles: "Wait, that's Rhino!? Totaly diffrent from Y/N's Rhino."
Gwen: "I know. Let's show them pain."
Gwen swang into Rhino while Miles into Vulture, kicking them of their feet or air. Ock turns to them.
Ock: "Spider-Woman, what pleasure to join us. I see you brought a friend."
Gwen: "Hey Ock, you finnaly decided to leave a ocean."
Ock greets his teeth.
Miles: "What? You didn't pay your bills soo you lost your--"
Miles dodge an attack from Ock's arms.
Ock: "Shut up already?"
Miles and Gwen were dodging Ock's arms when Vulture came in and grab Miles.
Miles: "Woah!"
Miles and Vulture were fighting in mid air until Miles venom stike the Bird man sending him into ground knocked out and webbing him.
Miles went back too see Gwen fighting Rhino and Ock. She had upperhand until Ock grab her and stab here with his sharp ends of one of his arm into stomach.
Gwen: "Arggg!"
Gwen groans as she bleeds from the wound.
Ock's trows here into the wall hard and making her unconscious.
Miles saw this while swinging towards them.
Miles: "Noo!!"
He swing hard into ock and sending him crashing into the building.
Miles dodge Rhino punch by jumping on his back and venom blast him too and then webed him. He ran to unconscious Gwen. He kneels near her and see that her wound is very bad.
Miles: "No, no, no. Gwen! Gwen! Can you hear me?"
He shakes a little and she wokes up little.
Gwen: "M-Miles..."
Miles: "Listen, you are going to be okay. Do you here me? You're going t--"
Then an Ock's arm grabs Miles by torso and trows him away.
Miles get's up and tries to attack but Ock's arm slashes him on his suit and Miles groans falling on the knee.
Miles looks up and sees Ock infront of him. He send a punch at Ock but Ock's arm grabs it and then *snap* is heard.
Miles: "Arggg!!!!"
Ock's arm broke Miles hand. Other arms grab Miles and pinned him into the wall.
Ock: "Any last words spider?"
Ock is ready to finnish him but something punching him into the face making him fly away and droped Miles on the floor who groans in pain.
Ock looks around but sees nothing.
Ock: "Whata? Wh--"
Ock is punch into stomach, then into face.
Ock: "What? Show yourself coward!"
???: "On your back."
Ock turns his head around and see Y/N turning visible on his back.
Ock: "What!! Another on--"
Before Ock can finnish the sentence, Y/N venom blast his spot where his arm are connected and destoying them and sending Ock into the wall.
Y/N webbed him and ran to Miles.
Y/N: "You okay?"
He helps Miles to get up but he groans because of his broken arm.
Y/N: "Wait, don't move I have and idea."
Y/N rips his hood and then gently place it around Miles broken arm's elbow and then makes tic web and puts it around Miles head and shoulder and connetcing it with ripped hood, making it stable for him to walk.
Miles: "Thanks."
Y/N: "Where's Gwen?"
Miles points his finger towards Gwen. Y/N turn his head and gasps. He teleport to Gwen and sees that wound is really bad.
Miles: "We goota bring her to hospital." - He said while slowly walking towards him.
Y/N: "No. Hospital is to far away... To Aunt May. I saw in Peter's cave there is a medic bed, we can use it."
Miles: "That's good idea, let's go."
Y/N: "No, frist I have to wrap her wound."
Miles: "With what?"
Y/N looks around until he looks at his arms.
Y/N: "I know."
He rips his long sleevs of his suit on his hands. He wraps them around Gwen's torso.
Miles: "Smart thinking, but you just--"
Y/N: "I will repair it. Luckly I made myself a second suit." - He said while opening a portal to Earth-1610.
He slowly picks up Gwen and they walk through portal into Aunt Ma's backyard.
Miles went to the door and knocks. Seconds later May opens the doors and gasps when she sees in what condition they are in.
May: "What the hell happen?"
Miles: "We been fighting--"
Y/N: "Short story: They fought villans and got injured, especaly Gwen. Can we use medic bed in the cave?"
May immediately nods and goes to the
to open the doors to the entrance.
They came down the elevator.
Y/N: "May, you take care off Miles hand. After you did join with me over Gwen."
May: "Why me? Why not you? I'm--"
Y/N: "I know, but I studied enough to become doctor for "spider-people" and looks of her wound, it can be worse."
May stays silent for couple of seconds before noding and Y/N went to the medic bed."
May turns to Miles.
May: "Miles, I need something from you and it may seem hard but it will help."
Miles: "What?"
May: "To call others and...your parents."
Miles: "(shocked)Wait, wait what? Why?"
May: "Frist of all, your mother is a nurse, right?"
Miles nods.
May: "Then ask her to bring some stuff to treat Gwen's wound because I think Y/N can just stable it and your arm."
Miles stays silent for minute.
Miles: "Fine, but you will because I can't, here you go."
He gives her his mobile and RFMD. After May done that she started on treating Mileses arm.
While May was treating Miles's hand, other spiders started coming from portal and surround Miles while he talks about what happen.
He said it was frist time he felt helpless after his uncle dead and they could both be dead if Y/N didn't show up. Spider-Fam calmed him by hugging him gently.
When May was done with his arm, then his parents came.
Rio: "Omg, Miles!"
They ran to him.
Rio: "Estas bien?"
Translate: Are you okay?
Miles: "Estoy bien mama."
Translate: I'm okay mum.
May: "He's okay right now Ms. Morales. Did you bring what I ask you?"
Rio nods and raises a bag.
Rio: "It's not all, but best what I could."
May: "No problem."
She takes the bag and goes to Y/N but Rio ask her a question.
Rio: "Are you sure you don't need me to check on her?"
May chuckles and turns around.
May: "There's no need Ms. Morales. Kid in there is very special one."
May went to bring the bag over to Y/N. Jefferson looks at others.
Jefferson: "Sooo... You're really from another dimension?"
Peter: "(chuckles) Well yea. Didn't Ham already make it obivous?"
They laugh.
Jefferson: "Is there anything I have to worry about you?"
Miles: "Papa!"
Translate: Dad!
Jefferson: "What? You know I wouldn't let you hang out with unknow people. Especaly from another dimension."
Peter: "No worries Mr. Morales. There's no problem. We take care of him."
Jefferson: "Jeff is enough. Thank you."
Peter: "No problem."
Then Y/N came through the doors. Everyone looked at him. He had blood on his hands. They wear nervous looks.
Y/N Sighs.
Y/N: "She'll be okay. She was stabed very bad but thanks to her's healing factor, it helped me with treating the wound. She lost a lot of blood so I gave her some of mine. She just need rest now."
Everyone sighs in relief.
Noir: "We didn't know you were a good doctor now?"
Y/N: "For spider-people, yes."
Peni: "How?"
Y/N: "I was looking into dad's old boxes and found papers on how spider healing factor works and how to treat wounds."
Jefferson: "Thank you for saving my son life."
Y/N: "No problem. I know it's cops job, but for us heros, it's an duty after all."
Jefferson smiles.
Jefferson: "I like you already. They're right about you begin the special one."
Y/N looks at others with raised eyebrow. Everyone shrug its.
Y/N: "I'm going to my dimension to change and take a shower (points with his hand at himself) and come back after I sort things out with my sister."
Miles: "Wait, you will sleep here all night?"
Y/N: "Yea, I don't know if you will, maybe not and because I have to overlook her state of her wound."
Everyone nods and Y/N left. After sometime, Miles's parents said they have to go work and ask if one of spiders can bring him home when he wants to leave which they agree.
May went to look how it's Gwen and she comes back saying that she's awake and everybody can go see her now.
They all come in surprising Gwen.
Gwen: "Guys? What are you doing here!?"
Peter: "We got the word of what happen so we as usual always come to check on one member of our family."
Gwen: "Wait, how did I end up here?... Where's Y/N?"
So now Spider-Fam explained everything what happen in past couple of hours.
Gwen: "Wait, wait, you're telling me that Y/N save me and Miles and then help us both with our injuries?"
Peter: "Yes, it hard to believe but he really did it. He's really special one."
Then they hear portal opening. Then Y/N spoke out.
Y/N: "Is she awake!?"
Miles: "Yea!"
Y/N: "I hope you're not traumatizing my patient in there!?"
They all giggle.
Gwen: "No worries Y/N, they are not."
Then Y/N walks in and everyone widen their eyes because Y/N walk in his replacement suit for now. Suit is white and red with a hood of course.
||IF you dont like it, you can draw it yourself and send to me and Ifs any Good, I May put that Picture insteand of this Picture||
Y/N: "Oh wow, same reaction when Miles made his suit."
Miles: "Bro, that sick."
Y/N: "Don't have high hopes yet because this is just replacement suit for now until I repair my original."
Gwen: "Well, I perfer you in original suit." - She had small shades of pink on her face.
Peter: "Me too, but what is with you and the hoods?"
Y/N: "Oh, that's acutaly funny story.
So, I dress up into this suit and show myself to S/N who say it's good but then starts walking to me and saying to remove my hood but I hold my finger to her and said: "Hood. Stays." ~. "
Everyone laughed at funny story. Y/N walks up to Gwen.
Y/N: "How're you feeling?"
Gwen: "It's still hurts but not anymore after your asisstence."
Y/N: "That's good. You just need to rest now. Don't try to get up yet, just only when you need to use WC, ask someone to help you get up which basickly I would be because I staying overnight."
Then Gwen's stomach crumbles and she turns her head in embarestment while everyone laughs.
May: "Come on, I've maked dinner."
Y/N: "Oh, I already ate so I will bring food to Gwen."
May nods and everyone go to eat dinner. Minutes later, Y/N came back to Gwen with food.
Y/N: "Here you go."
Gwen: "Thanks."
Y/N: "Eat slowly. Your healing is still working so don't want to trow up."
Gwen nods.
Y/N: "Okay, I'm outside so just call me if you need something."
Y/N prepares to leave but Gwen grabs his arm.
Gwen: "Wait."
Y/N: "What is it?"
Gwen: "T-thank you for saving me and Miles and healing me today."
Y/N: "You don't have to thank me. That's what friends do for others, no?"- He smiled at her.
Gwen pull him closer to her.
Gwen: "But I do."
They stared at each others Blue and E/C eyes. They start lean up their faces closer to each other until theirs lips connect, kissing each other. It last for couple of seconds until they separate.
They look at each others eyes again. Gwen has blush on her face and red on the ear.
Gwen: "Y-Y/N... I l-love you."
Y/N: "Gwen...I love you too."
They kiss again, this time Y/N placing his hand on Gwen's cheek, deepening the kiss.
When they pull away again, they are smiling at each other, Gwen is red like a tomato on her cheecks and ear.
Gwen: "Does this mean w-we're a thing now..."
Y/N: "What do you think, of course."
Then Gwen smiled at him with her cute smile with a gap in her teeth.
Y/N: "God, I love that smile."
Gwen turns her head because she's now has volcano on her face.
Gwen: "Gosh, stop begin nice at once."
Y/N laughed. He leaned and kiss her on forehead.
Y/N: "Now eat, don't let your food get cold. I'm going to see if May needs any help."
He smiled at her and she smiled back. He got up and left room, leaving Gwen with her heart beating fast and still having red face.
After dinner, Y/N stayed to help May with dishes while rest of fam stayed doing their own things. Miles decided to go check on Gwen.
When he comes in, she done eating but still had red face which Miles noticed.
Miles: "Why you got an red face?"
Gwen was confused for couple of seconds until she looks at the mirrow, seeing her red face, that makes her get redder even more again.
Miles was too confused but it clicked it in his head.
Miles: "Wait, you--oh oh oh. So how it happened?"
Gwen: "Emm w-well w-we emm, not now but w-we're a thing now."
Miles: "That great. Only thing that I couldn’t be your wingman."
They giggled.
???: "Knew it!"
They turned their heads to the door and see Peter, Peni, Ham and Noir walked in.
Gwen: "W-what? How did y-you know?"
Peter: "Well we had some speculations about you two."
Peni: "And those came true when Miles told us while Y/N went to bring you food."
Gwen glared at Miles who raises his hands in defences.
Miles: "Hey, they asked me too many questions ok."
They laughed and Gwen hit him in the shoulder.
Gwen: "Try to keep secrets next time..."
She looks at Noir who gives Ham a money in his hand.
Gwen: "Wait! You bet on me and Y/N getting together."
Noir: "Well, acutaly all did expect Miles."
Gwen blushed a little and glared at all of them who just started to whistle and turning there heads around.
Peter: "Well we have to go now. We will try to visit you everyday as posible."
They all hug Gwen gently. When they serparate, they started to leave.
Miles: "Tell us when you are going on the date!"
Gwen get redder.
Gwen: "Miles!"
They giggle and laughed when they leave the room.
While they were walking towards the elevator, they met Y/N.
Y/N: "Already leaving?"
Peter: "Yea, have to lead Miles home and go back to MJ. We'll try to come everyday as posible."
Y/N: "Got it."
Peter walks to Y/N and pats his back.
Peter: "Congratulations, great job kid."
And he wink at him as did the rest of fam before getting on elevator. Y/N is confused until he got it and smiled.
Y/N: "I will guess you also bet on it, didn't you, clankers?"
Miles: "They did, sorry, but you were perfect match."
They laughed.
Y/N chuckled to himself when they left.
Y/N: "Those fricking simps."
It was 11:30 pm. Y/N went to check on Gwen. When he come in, he sees her awake.
Y/N: "Can't sleep?"
Gwen: "Yea..."
Y/N: "Do you want me to lay next to you?"
Gwen blushes and nod. Y/N smiled. He went to bed. Gwen moved so he can lay down next to her. When he did, he moved his hand around Gwen and she cuddle with him. They look at each other and kiss before going to sleep now together as boyfriend and girlfriend from diffrent dimension but very very close ones.
||So finnaly, Y/N and Gwen became a thing. Before this chapter, I already maked some fan pics about Y/N X Gwen so here are they (they're not great but still make them. If you want you can try yourself and maked an one if you want) ||
||And i have one last question Before I leave:
( WORDS: 3255)
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