Chapter 11 - Surprised Visit and Annoying Theif
Spider-fam is hanging out every once in the while, but at least of all of them to hang out with them was Y/N.
Y/N couldn't hang out with them because crime on his Earth never sleeps.
Now, Spider-fam is hanging out on Miles' Earth in the cafe where Miles and Peter frist went together, but of course, Y/N wasn't with them.
They are having good time talking and laughing, but over some time, Gwen got bord and started thinking about Y/N because when he was around, he would always found the way out of bordroom.
Peter noticed Gwen's silence.
Peter: "Gwen, you okay?"
Gwen jumps from her wondering.
Gwen: "W-what? Oh yea, yea, I'm okay."
Peter could see that she has sadden look.
Peter: "Why are you sad? What are you thinking about?"
Gwen: "(sighs) It's Y/N. It's been a when he last time hang out with anyone of us."
Peter and the rest nods.
Peni: "We miss hanging out with him too, but after he was gone for a week, crime on his Earth rised and you can't put that for later."
Gwen: "I know, but he from everyone of us is most stuborn person and never give himself a break."
Gwen lowers her head down, sad. The Miles got an idea.
Miles: "Why don't we pay the visit?"
Everyone looked at him, Gwen bringing her head up.
Gwen: "Visit? To who? "
Miles: "To who other then Y/N, to surprise him."
Noir: "Didn't he said he will invite us when we can come to his dimension?"
Miles: "I know, but come on guys. Gwen is right, he never takes a break and I think a surprise visit is the best way to calm him down from his hard day."
He said with an raised eyebrow. Everyone looked between the self, then Gwen smiles.
Gwen: "I'm agree with Miles. I like a idea."
Then after some minutes, everyone agree on that. They pay for their food and walked out of the cafe into the alley where they open their portals to Earth-64.
Seconds later they land on the rooftops in their normal clothes. They look around. Miles can see surprised look on Gwen's face.
Miles: "What is it Gwen? Why so amazed look?"
Gwen: "His dimension is very similar to mine's. Look, less pollution in the sky, same colours... even the same name of one of most famous brandings.
She pointed to the shop which has the name: Burger Prince.
Peter: "Well now we know that they change only the status of the royal family member.
Ham: "Yea."
Noir: "Ah, more colour to guess, great."
Everyone giggled at Noir's reactions.
Gwen: "Good thing we are in Queens so his house should be close."
They start walking to the adress that Y/N gave them. On the way, they were comparing with their own's, mostly Gwen.
After some time walking, they finnaly reach the adress. Gwen went to the door and ringed the bell.
???: "Wait! In the second!"
They hear a femine voice from the house shout out.
Seconds later, door is opened by a young girl with H/L H/C hair with light brown eyes. She looked like half American and half Europen. She was about 160 cm's ( 5'2 ft ) tall.
Girl: "Hello, how can I help?"
Her voice sounded American but there was still strong Slavic infllunce in the voice.
Gwen: "Hello, we are looking for Y/N L/N, we're his friends.
Girl's eyes widen in realisation.
Girl: "Oh, you must be one's Y/N has been talking about.
They looked at her surprised and confused. Girl giggles.
Girl: "Come in, I'll explain it to you."
She moved out of the way so they can come in. House wasn't that big or not to small but it was nice.
They enter the living room.
Girl: "Are you thirsty?"
Gwen: "Yes, water please, thank you."
Girls nods and walks to the kitchen.
Peter: "Nice place his has."
Miles: "I am asking how he could afford for it."
Peni: "He said something about Norman Osborn buying him a house."
Ham: "Yea."
They were looking around the place when the girl was back with glasses of water and place it on the small table.
Girl: "Here you go."
Everyone sat on the couch or were standing while holding a glass of water in their hands.
Peter: "So, we are guessing you are Y/N's younger sister."
Girl: "Yea, I am. My name is S/N, nice to meet you... emm elder version of Peter."
Peter: "Nice to meet you too S/N... I'm sorry what happen to your dimension Peter."
S/N: "No worries. Didn't Y/N tell you that it's okay talking about what we went through."
Noir: "Emm maybe we forget or just want to be nice people."
S/N looks at Noir, Peni and Ham.
S/N: "(points at Noir) You must be Noir or another Peter, (points at Peni) you're Peni, (points at Ham) and you're Ham which I really can't believe is a talking pig."
They laughed.
Peni: "Well you got that right."
Ham: "Hey, aren't you looking like what they call Anime?"
Peni: "Touche."
S/N turns to Miles and Gwen.
S/N: "(points at Miles) You must be Miles? The one that I heared my brother calls a little brother."
Miles: "Yea, I am and wait. He really calls me that?"
S/N: "Yep. He also said you listen to sunflower."
Miles: "Yes I do."
S/N: "We totaly have to check our's playlists."
They laughed what time anymore.
( 😂 )
S/N: "(points at Gwen) And you're Gwen? A girl who is copying my big brother."
Gwen: "(smirks) Okay now. How much information did he gave about me that is in copy cat style like?"
S/N: "I lost a count, but he said other nice things about all of you... Y/N told me you will come when he invited you, so why are you here now?"
Miles: "Well, he didn't hang out with us in the while so we decide to pay him a surprise visit."
Everyone nods in agreement and S/N smiles.
S/N: "I can see now why he calls you his second family or family he wanted me and him to have."
Peter: "He really says that."
S/N nods.
Ham: "He must be great and caring brother."
S/N: "He is. After all that happen to us, he work hard to gave me this somewhat of normal life that he could never have because of his powers. He sacrificed his normal life for mine. He is to me already Best thing I can have in life, so I didn't worry or panic too much when I found out he was a Phantom-Spider. So I respect him begin a hero and didn't covince him stop begin a hero because that how I could pay him pay a little as possible because he doesn't want me to pay him back anything but I did with that."
||jeez,I know how to write Long emotional texts, don't I 😂 ||
Spider-Fam were Surprised and heartbroken. Some of them had tears in their eyes. They learned more about how not every spider hero is having that of hard life and still sacrificed what left of his normal life for someones else. Maybe that what truly does means to be spider hero or
"With great power comes great responsibility." And Y/N has overcome it or maybe already passed it already and really got it.
S/N looks at their faces.
S/N: "Do you guys need that big hug from Y/N that you always do?"
Everyone looked at her then between each other. They nod and smile and came closer and embrace into big hug with S/N.
S/N: "I see why Y/N likes these hugs."
Some laugh and some giggle at the statement. They realise from the hug.
S/N: "Come on, I will lead you where Y/N could possible be.
After minutes of walking, they came under the bridge and walked into the alley. They reach the dead end of it.
S/N: "Try to find it."
Peter: "Another secret doors? Really?"
Miles: "Well Peter, you should appreciate that he even has the secret base."
The group look around, some of them looking at the wall for secret stone lever.
Gwen looks at suspisious looking trashcan placed there that has no smell even having a trash in it. She moves it and sees the button plate.
Gwen: "Aha!"
She presses the button and wall start to move or open, revealing a secret hallway.
S/N: "Good job."
They start to walk in. They come to the big room and big round table in the middle.
S/N: "Y/N! Are you here!?"
It was quiet for couple of seconds when a voice was heared.
???: "Y/N isn't here, S/N!"
Gwen: "That sound's familiar."
S/N: "Harry is it you? Where are you?"
???: "Yes, it's me, Harry. I'm in tech room."
They follow S/N to the room that they now know is a tech room. When they walked in, they see Harry working on his glider.
S/N: "Hey green."
Harry: "(chuckles) Hey S/N."
They hug each other. When they realise, he sees Spider-Fam and his eyes widen in surprise.
Harry: "Are that friends Y/N has been talking about?"
S/N nods.
Miles: "Hi, my name's Miles."
He offers his hand for handshake which Harry accepts.
Harry: "Wow, I am more surprise then when Y/N told me about you guys."
Peter: "How many people did he tell about us?"
Harry: "Only me and S/N. Didn't Y/N say that you--"
S/N: "Yea, that, but they came to surprise Y/N so do you know where Y/N could be."
Harry: "Oh, he's patroling right now. How I know, he is going to finnaly catch misterious theifs this night."
Gwen: "Oh."
Harry: "But he put an camera into his mask so we can watch from here what he's doing, follow me."
They follow Harry to the room where is an big monitor screen displayed. He sat in the chat and started tiping on the keyboard.
Peni: "Wow, didn't expect this kind of tech Y/N has."
Harry: "Well, he build most of it, while I brought some materials from Osborn storage."
Miles: "Very impressive."
Harry: "Connecting to spider cam... now."
||So know I Will do just Y/N POV so there Will be no reaction from the group but on the end of it, i Will put little parts decribing how some of tgžhem felt While watching through Y/N's cam. ||
I was swinging around the city While talking to Yuri on the com.
Y/N: "(com) Where is the robbery going to take place?"
Yuri: "(com) Our sorces say that unkown number of people will sneak into the lawn shop near your current location."
Y/N: "(com) Copy that."
I land on the rooftop overlooking the pawn shop that should be robed tonight.
I fliped my night goggles for better view and what you know it, I see the hole on the roof.
I swong to it. On closer inspection, I see traces of claws.
Y/N: "Oh no. You gotta be shiting me."
I crawled throught it until I found another hole which leads into the shop.
I quietly jump down. I walk around slowly when mine spider-sence went off so I jump out of the way of someones claws.
I land down and look up.
Y/N: "Ah great, 2nd most annoying theif."
Infront of me was no one then infamous shop buglar Black Cat.
Black Cat: "Happy to see me Spider?~"
Y/N: "Definetly not after our last envounter."
Black Cat: "Aww, did I bit Spider spot?~"
Y/N: "Now, you have 2 options: 1. Surrender and go to jail or 2. Get your ass kicked and go to jail."
Black Cat: "Aww no 3rd option?~"
Y/N: "Frist of all, that's your option and second, I don't like it."
Black Cat: "Well then, you won't be able to catch me now."
Y/N: "Why?"
Black Cat: "Because you'll be to busy fighting him."
My spider-sense went off again as I dodge another claws. I look at a man like cat wearing Puma shoes standing infront of me.
Y/N: "Another cat? Where did you found him now? In the jungle?"
I said while teleporting away from his claws.
Black Cat: "Well let's say that we met in the shoes store."
I dodge another his try to hit me.
Y/N: "Can I call you Puma, because you basickly wear yourself now."
I dodge another hit.
Puma: "Get here bug!"
Y/N: "OUCH, watch the mouth."
I flip Puma on the floor. I web him and knock him out. I Look up and there's no sight of Black Cat.
Y/N: "Oh, no, not this time."
I ran though the hole I came in. When I climb on the roof, I see Black Cat running on the rooftops.
I swing fast to her and shoot a web at her but she dodge it.
Black Cat: "You beat my partner very fast? Very impressive, I think you deserved an award.~"
Y/N: "Yes, an award getting two cats into the cage and then get fair hours of sleep."
I teleport behind her and try to hit her but she dodge it. She tries to kick me off feat but I jump over it. I kick her some feet away and shoot a web at her but she uses bad luck on me so web comes back at me.
Y/N: "Oh n--"
Webs webbed me into the wall.
She walks up to me.
Black Cat: "Looks I got you again.~"
She place her hand on my chest and starts prrrring.
Gwen get's a little angry and starts rubbing her hands."
Y/N: "Ah, jeez, you're annoying."
Black Cat: "Oh, so you don't want to get laid?~"
Gwen face is now red out of the anger.
Y/N: "If you were last person in the world, definetly not then or now."
Black Cat: "Oh, you're strong one. Am I not purr-ty to you?~"
Y/N: "Better I tell you a joke then."
Black Cat: "What joke?"
Y/N: "Never ask a devil a dare."
Black Cat: "Wha--"
She gets knock down and out. Infront of me stands my other partner and lawyer, Daredevill or Matt.
He unsticks me from the wall.
Y/N: "Thanks, Matt. I think I wouldn't stand a second more with her."
Daredevill: "No problem. Now let's take these kitties to the dogs."
Y/N: "I like sound of that."
Me and Daredevil arrest two cat theifs and bring them to Yuri and the cops.
Y/N: "Finnaly, I can rest."
Daredevil: "You know I could do some of your job, right?"
Y/N: "I know, but this time "my" villan showed up."
Daredevil: "(chuckles) You know you're not alone in this."
Y/N: "I know. That why I hope next time we do it together. I'll call you then. "
Daredevil: "Sure thing."
We shake hands.
Daredevil: "See ya, web head."
They split ways. Y/N swing towards his base. When he enter it, he's surprised to see Spider-Fam there.
Everyone: "Hey, Y/N."
Y/N: "Whata? Hey, didn't expect you here. Didn't I told you--"
Gwen: "We know, but you didn't hang out with us in the while so we decided to pay a visit."
Y/N: "(chuckles) Well, I'm free finally so how Saturday sounds?"
Gwen: "Well, me and Miles are then free, but that still count as to hang out with us, so yes, Saturday sounds good."
Y/N: "Great, but I need rest now so you can leave now, I'll call you when I'm rested."
Peter: "Sure thing pal."
All spiders embrace into the hug. When they realise, Y/N looks at S/N and Harry.
Y/N: "Was there any problem?"
S/N: "Not at all."
Y/N: "Well, see you soon then, bye."
All spiders: "Bye Y/N."
They all open their portals and leave.
Harry: "Still won't get use to that."
S/N and Y/N laugh.
Y/N: "No worries Harry. You will soon."
||Well here you go, a big chapter. I could realise it Before but i acidently delete frist Part of it so I had to write it again. For now, bye. ||
( WORDS: 2788 )
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