Backstory Chapter Part 2
S/N = Sister's name
I slowly open my eyes and then smile because my alarm song we will play in 3...2...1...
Alarm/Y/N: "Into to the Motherland, German army march!"
I yawn smiling than reach out my hand to the alarm and hit stop. I got up, stretch my body still yawning. I look on my watch and it reads 6:32 am.
Y/N:"Ah well, i could sleep more but nah, i gonna make breakfast for me and sister."
I got dressed into my school uniform and silently went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made usual american breakfast: eggs with cooked bacon. Well I could make acutaly usual breakfast when we lived in Croatia because my mother is Croatian so we lived there because my father moved there for work and there he met my mom. That's how me and sister know Croatian. Only thing about it when we talk on Croatian, most of my friends think it's Serbian, which is not.
YES!!! Croatian and Serbian are nearly same but never say they are the "SAME" or you will get in big big trouble my friend.
When i finnished making breakfast, I looked at the clock and it read 7:12.
Y/N:"Better wake her up."
I went up to her room, slowly open the door of her room and i saw her still sleeping... more acutaly snoring.
Y/N:"Wakey, wakey, before my triger finger get shaky!!!" - I shouted.
She wake up scared and fell of her bed.
Y/N:"Oh, sorry, my bad, are you okey?" - I said trying not to laugh.
S/N: (Groans)"Ah, again, you did it again."
Y/N:"Sorry, but that is very effective metode."-You said grining while helping her get up.
S/N: "SHUT UP!" - Punches you in the shoulder. (yawns) "What time is it?"
Y/N: "*checks your's watch* it's 7:15."
She looked at me with supraised look.
S/N:"When did you started to get up so early?"
Y/N: (chuckles)"Yea i know. I made you breakfast." - I said turning to the door.
S/N:"Let me guees. Egges and cooked bacon?"
S/N:(sighs) "Next time make what we eated in Croatia."
Y/N:"Of course, you are luckly because tommorow is Saturday."
I walked out of the room to let her drees and went to the bathroom to brash my teeth. After I done that i went to pack my bag for school.
We were waiting on bus stop for bus to come. When it did, we hope in. Going though the bus, somebody call for us.
(???) : "Y/N, over here!"
Of course, my best friend or could I say half-brother Harry called for me to sit next to him. He always saved the sit for me in the bus. When i came closer i could see my another best friend sitting next to him, Peter Parker and they save 2 seats for us infront of them. When we sat on our seats, i turned around to face them.
Y/N:"Hey, Peter, hey Harry, how is going?"
Peter:"Rather good."
Harry:"I'm fine, how are you?"
Y/N:"Good as usual."
S/N:"He's not, he waked up very early today."
I turned to face my sister with half supraised and half smirk face while Peter laughed at that qoute and Harry chucled.
Peter:"Ah, good one... em Y/N, are you free today, if you are I was wondering if you wanna hang out today after school because Harry and I are free today?"
Peter said with a face that meant he needed to show me something and that's about my other life, life of a hero. Harry had the face that readed that Peter already told him that because he is also a hero so Harry and I are protecting New York every day, but rarly toghether because of our normal lifes so we have secret communicators to communicate to see who is gonna to patrol that day. Before i could say anything it, S/N cut me off.
S/N:"Yes Peter, your "boyfriend" is free today."-She said with a grin on her face
I turned around and punch her in the shoulder while Peter and Harry burst into laughter.
Y/N:" Nevermind, yes I'm free today because S/N is going to a friends place to do a project so I'm alone today so yeah, I can hang out." - I said with nearly same face that saying that we can go to my secret base after school to check what Peter has to show us.
After school when me and sister said goodbyes to each other, we part ways. I met with Harry and Peter at school backyard where we started walking to my secret base.
We finnaly came to a door of my base, more like a wall of my base because I had a atomatic wall which opens when i set a password on the panel behind a trash can. I enterted the password which is "S/N", wall started to open and we went in. My base was very big. It had a lot of my diffrent spider costumes, even one with a cape, but i don't wear it because i watch to many times
incredibles movie. It has many rooms on the sides, like for traning, experimenting, entetaring and 2 empty rooms. In center of the base was a big rounded table with hologram which was controled on the panel next to. All round were just computer shits and that.
Y/N:"Here we are."- I said."What did you want to show us Peter?"
Peter:"Go change into your hero costumes and go to the training room."-He said with a big smirk while walking to the training room.
Harry:"That smirk can only mean one thing."
Y/N/Harry:"He made a hell of a hologram."
We both chuckled at repeteat sentence we always said when Peter made a shithole of a training hologram.
We both enterted the training room, Peter closing and locking doors behind us, in our costumes. I in my original white suit, while Harry in his Green Goblin suit on his hoverboard.
Y/N:"Okey Peter Pan, what have you prepared for us this time?"-i said grining under my mask facing Peter on opposite side of the glass in control room.
Peter:"So you already faced the octupus, a rhino and a bird called bad guy, so I have a new animal prepared for your animal villans collection."-He said while tapping something on the panel.
When he finnished, a new opponet appeared. It was a about 3 meter big, had a green skin, a big tail and big sharph teeth and claws.
Harry:" What is this, a lizard looking creature mixed with an dragon and human?"- Harry quoted with a raised brow.
Y/N:"It seems so, but just called it a lizard because i don't want to call it a dinosaur full real like name."
[timeskip because i'm not ready to write fright scene because i'm not english speaking person and Google translate is SHIT so yea you will wait a bit longer when i post chapters about into the spider verse were a Fight scenes are the most in the film]
After the fight, very tiring fight, we finnaly beat the hologram of lizard down.
Y/N:"He... *sigh*... finnaly make something... good and hard."
Harry chuckled at my sentence.
Harry:"Yea... good job Peter."
Peter:"Th-thanks."- He said a little concern but i ignore it because i was very tired.
I went to the door but i couldn't open it. I forgot that doors always lock up when we are doing this kinda shit. I chuckled at my stupidity.
Y/N:"Hey Peter, can you open the door please."
Peter:"Yea... about that." - He said what look like guilt in his voice.
Harry:"Hah Peter, goo-" - I cut him off.
Y/N:"Harry, I don't think this is a joke."
Harry smile in 5 second turn into concern face. Peter started to walk to the table and grab something from it. It look like a needle with some weird serum inside.
Y/N:"Peter, what are you doing!?" - I said while trying to pull off the door with my strengh.
Peter:"I am tired... of everything."- He stated.
Harry:"What are you talking about?"
Peter:"I am tired of bullying. Tired of not being able to help others. Yes, I help you in your hero stuff, but I want to be more than just a nerd and loser kid."-He quoted while started to look at the needle thing. "With this I should become just like you Y/N, but diffrent. You saw that new hologram i made? I should by my caculations become that."
Harry and my eyes went wided. We look at each other, than back to Peter before quoting.
Y/N:"Peter, listen to me. We know that you experience those stuff, but only thing what i want to is you to not get hurt. I appreciate your hard work for me but i can't see again someone close to me dying again."
Harry:"Peter, he's right,don't do this!"
Peter looked at us, then the needle and again at us.
Peter:"No. I must do this."
Y/N:"Peter, list-"
Peter:"No, Y/N."
Y/N:"Peter, d-"
Peter:"NO!! Y/N, NO! I must do this. You risk your life for others while you don't pay attention of what others might think about what are you doing! - He snap at me, I backed up a little."What would your sister think when she learns that you are Ghost-Spider... Phantom-Spider whatever, what will she think about that.That her only living sibling of her family is every day risking his life for milion others? Do you have any idea how much she will be hurt when she finds out one day, day that you died. She probably couldn't even live afterwards.
Peter finnaly calmed down. I look embarrest and defeted so i face the floor. How i couldn't think about that. It seems that hero life has really change perspective from which one i was looking on before. Harry was spechless.
Peter:"I don't know what to do, but i know i have strengh to do it."
Harry:"What if it goes wrong?"- He said concern.
Peter:"If it is, I already made a cure for it. I put in the my locker."-He qouted like he was gonna do it.
Y/N:"Peter, please don't do it, please, do it for your aunt."- I said defeted trying to covince him not to do it.
Peter:"Please forgive me." - he said when he inject himself with it while Harry and I scream "Nooo."
After couple of second, nothing happened.
Peter:"Hah... hah... it worked. Yes, yes, y-ARG."
Just when we thought it was safe, he started to scream. It look like he was transforming into the lizard we fought earlier. While he was on ground, me and Harry were trying to open the door with all strengh. When we finnaly open it, we were faced not with Peter, but with 3 meters high lizard. He looked at us, with what left of Peter, his brown eyes. Than his eyes went into angrie look and he charge at us. We both jump our the way of his sharph claws.
Y/N:"Harry, the cure, i will make him occupided!"- I shouted at Harry, he noded and started to run to Peter locker while i take on now know Lizard.
[i gonna now just skip fighting scene, you know why, but i will say a little about it]
After we both punched each other a lot, I finnaly had him on the floor, before i could put him unconsciouas, he with his tale wipe me on floor. When i got back up i saw him runing towards the entrence and going though it, smashing it completly. Than Harry came to me with a lot of needles in his hands, but and in his bag.
Harry:"Where's he going?"
I took time to think about it and then hit me.
Y/N:"City... CIVILIANS!" - I said eyes wide
Harry eyes widen too and we started catching up with the Lizard. When we walk into streets, we saw Lizard attacking people. He didn't eat them so that good, but when he bite them they slowly started to transform into Lizard but smallers ones.
Y/N:"Harry, you cure people and get them out of here. Try not to get bit by one, I will try to stop Lizard from biting."
Harry:"Ok and you will need this."-He trows me a pack of cure needles. We went seprate ways, Harry to sve people and I save Peter.
[timeskip to the end of battle, you fought Lizard and cured people on the way.While battling Lizard, he seemed to get weaker every second which you could realise he was dying so you have to be very fast. ]
I kick Lizard into ground and went to cured people he bited, but always when I cured them, Lizard got away but slower because i know he was dying. I saw Lizard climbing into one of apartments so i follow him. When i came though the broken window i saw 3 children, 2 adults which i guess are their parents screaming on the kitchen side of house. I turn to the right side of room and saw Lizard holding a 11 year old girl in his claws and then biting her. I my eyes went wide and i got really now pissed.
Phantom-Spider:"NOOO! NOW YOU REALLY CROSS THE LINE!!!" - I shot a web at girl, pulling her to me and then done ballerina moves on Lizard, punching him very hard and then kick him with electric kick thourgh window into street.
I turned and ran to the girl, her family has already surrounding her.
Panthom-Spider:"Move, I don't know how fast will she transform into that thing."
Mother:"Please, help her, I beg you."-She said with tears in her eyes.
I moved my hand to my open it, I saw last needle. Before i can cure her, i hear like groaning in the streets which i assume that Lizard was near deadth, so i called Harry on coms.
Panthom-Spider:" Goblin, do you still have those needles?"
Green Goblin:"No, I just used last one, but everybody is cleared."
That shock me. I had the last one and there were two last infected. I stayed speacless looking back to the window and girl on my kness. I had a hard decision: save the girl or my closes friend and i knew both could die.
I looked at the girl, she had scared impression on her face and was sobbing.
Girl:"Please, Panthom-Spider.. help me."
I felt heartbroken. I closed my eyes and screamed to what i was gonna do next. I crawled to the girl, pick up the needel and said to her:"This gonna hurt a little." - I said to her not trying to cry but my voice revels the pain i just went though again.
I infected it in her neck and she gasp a liitle, but that's it. I moved from her and let her parents near her, hugging her while i stand up and ran to the edge.
I saw, not Lizard but Peter laying on the ground, it seemed that Peter transformed back to his human form, but he wasn't good. I jump down and ran to him kneeling and picking his head up in my hands. Tears started falling on my face. Then Harry came and landed near us.
Green Goblin:"Do you still have needles?"-He asked worried.
I slowly moves my head to him and he saw my tears because my mask was torn off so you could see my eyes and my left cheek.
Y/N:"... No..." - I said sadly. Harry gasp and put his hand on his mouth and i could see that he tried not to cry. I turn to Peter. I could felt his hand moving to mines so i grabbed it. With his last breath he said his last words.
Peter:"I just wanted to be special... just like you."
With that he went limp. I close my eyes, holding tigltly his hand while tears were just falling from eyes. I just lost another person i cared about, but this time, it was my because of my decision.
"The ones you cared about or love is like 500 milion people to you."
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