Chapter Five Untidles
UR OLL JUST SAINTS (I'm not a saint.I'm not perfect) y cant u just except (wrong accept/except) jEsuss it wold mae ur life so much mor engoyable (People can accept Jesus,some of them just choose not to.And heck,a person could worship an Egyptian god or goddess-I don't see how that would make life more enjoyable) u would never haf to worr/ again (No matter who you accept as your god,you'll still have to worry about several things)
StarPaw sad (She sad) "I..i....." she was so foncusded! Thes to cats hard asked her to b there mates an wht was she supops to do? They we beoth handsome and althing, but bot had matss! (A robot can have a mate?) Nhd she luvved them both! (...I'm questioning if that's possible) FirstAr (Firstar.Firestar got a namegrade) wus so kind and he oviusly likked her allot. GayStirpe was so funny and col.
"!" (Wow.She LITERALLY said '!') said StarPaw ass (Yes,run away Starpawbutt) she ruan in to the forest. It wus to muck# (#lifeismuck) she culdnt choss!
She run and ran and run (...What) til ur paws (I don't have paws.I'm a Twoleg) her hurtinged. Hen (and now she's a hen) she rrellized she corsed the broader. Oih no she thugh Shadowclan will get me. (I hope they do) "wut are you ding here?" sd BalkStar s he waked up. (Wow.Blackstar showed up at the EXACT MOMENT in the SAME EXACT PLACE that Starpaw is in!Also,what is he doing out of camp?Shouldn't he be assigning patrols,leading his Clan?)
"I'm sorry!" mewoed StarKit (downgrade) I didn't men (gender change) too!'
That's ok" sed blackStar. "no wons perfeck.""no that's not true." Said StarPaw, (Sadly she's not wrong;also upgrade) offed. "StarClan is.""Waht do you mena?" wemed BlackStar.(...wemed?)
"well the give us all this halpand stuff" said Starpaw. (And that makes them perfect how?Anyone could give help,but you wouldn't consider them perfect would you?) "without them we wold be lust." She said. (So you...I...I don't would have a strong desire for something?!)
"I gess that's ter " balkcStar said, "besid I didn't relly mean that neway.
"o really why?" said starpaw. "becus yo are."
'WHAT' YOWLED sTarpaw jumping away BlackkStarTried to nugle her. "WHAT ARE O TRIG TO DO MOLE STRAEP ME?1?" (Yes,Starpaw.We're going to strap a poor little mole to you.)
"e—" BlakStar started too expaln,(All you said was 'e'!) but, StarPw wass to quick
"no" she Sid (Sid the Sloth) "I don't doned another tom after me!" "I got enog (I read this as eggnog) porbelms arigt now anywy!
"but yor pahfect." Said Blackstar. "you betted me in badle you HAVE TO BE " (Or you're just surprisingly weak)
"NO!" shitted SarPaw (How does one poop the word 'no'?) Again runnin into the forst. Ters ralled down her checks she was cyring. (Cats can't cry like that) 'its too much" sahe though. "Starcalnb help me....!"
Please no one help this StarClan-forbidden Mary Sue.
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