Chapter 27 A NEW CALN?
There's no chp. 26!
StarKit ran and ran and run (no comment cuz' this is annoying) until she got back to the capm and then RedFur was ther waitng for her!11!
"OMIGOSN NO!" reploned StarPa "I CAN;T TALK TO YOU RITE NOW" (Rude) and she un into the appenticed den. "I CANT LET MUSELF BE SEEN WITH A LESBIAN!1!1!1" (Just.Wow.I'm going to run you over with a lawnmower right now)
"Ad why not" aked RedPaw marcing ofer to StarGkem "I men weave ben rassing you for mons now!" (I know,right? >:T Talk about ungrateful)
"I NO" fried StarGKit (Did Starpaw just fry someone? :P) "But I just saw HawkForst and AshFuru...and they were... KISING!" She was repued (She's reaped for the Games :D) as she said that she couldn;t stand the idaw of HAWKFROST KISTING A GUY!" (Can't can't even kiss on the lips.I guess their version of kissing would be licking each other's muzzles. :P)
"Well thats erfecty fine isnt it?" asked LakwPool coming into the den/ "I mean were gay and there snothing wrong with that!" (You're completely right Lakepool or Lakepaw or whatever your name is.There's nothing wrong with that.Let them be free.)
"YES THEIR IS"! yelld Starpaw (No there isn't.You're just simply delusional) in angry and she RAN FROM THE DEN AND BACK OUT INTO THE FROST (Out into the leaf-bare cold)
BUT THEN SHE RAN INTO HAWKFORT AND ASHTKI AGAN!11111111!111!1111" (How is this possible?)
"YOU! CANT! BE! GAY!" she told them (Yes.They.Can.) (a/n I NEEDED EXTRA EMPHAS BECUSE I DONT KNOW HOW ELSE TO RITE IT!) but they DIDNT MOVES THEY JUST CONTINUED TO MACK OUR! (Make our what?Bakery goods?)
"WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAF"(Yes,just please turn into flowers or some kind of plant to make this OP Mary Sue shut up) she asked quitely (You're not being quiet.) "I MEAN YOUR NOT EXCEPT IN THIS CALN OF MINE!111!" (So they're not plants unless they're in the Clan which isn't YOURS anymore?)
"IT'S NOT YOUR CALN!" HAWKFORST YELLED ITS EVERYBODYS CALN" (Technically it's Jazzstar's Clan but,whatever I guess :P)
"YEAH WELL YOUR GAY!11111!" SAID STARKIT. (And you're a homophobic,delusional,petty brat.)
"FINE" said Hawkforst and he Left With AshFur! "WE'LL GO BE ROGUES." (Alright)
"GET OUT OF MY CALN" (It's not your Clan!)
So they lef. Then StarKit realized SHE HAD JUST BANISHED HER MENTO. (You don't even have that poer -_-)
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