Catter 1 The Fiht Aganst the Sitters 1
(Wait...didn't we already have a chapter one *I think*?Also,are we fighting against the sitters,who I joked about being Stargleam's sisters?)
"Oh nose!" (What nose?) yellded StarPaw (downgrade) she wus so horrorifed. "LakePaool (upgrade) is buck and seh is NUT OKA!" (Did you mean okra sweetie?)
"Of coarse im not okay!" LakeFall (Namegrade!) screchemd loadly she issed at StarGlame. (The Star Games:Mary Sue Murder) "I'm being posesd by HolyLeaf wut do you THINK!" ( does she know that?!) she yelddl and hulrd hessly at StarPaw.(downgrade) StarGlme (upgrade) was so surpissed she culdn;t mofe
Then... "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?) It was... (Spongebob! :D)
REDPAW! (Dang it...also there isn't a TC apprentice named Redpaw!) Redpaw runnth over to StarPaw and jumped in font of herr and LakePolawm (What is this even supposed to be) hit her insta.
"Nuu Redpaw!" chked StarGlamea and she locked at RedPaw. "RedOaw are yu okayo?" she esked upsed. (OF COURSE SHE'S NOT OKAY!!) RedPaw cughed. "No im not but at leaat I sawed yuour lif! (Lif game time!Let's make Stargleam a rabbit,the most hunted down animal in the forest version! >:D) she sed and then he (genderbent) did. StarFlame (namegrade) locked at RedPaw she wus so buttifly (Because a dead cat always looks like a butterfly) then StarGleam shock her hud. (Hood?Is she wearing a jacket because it's leaf-bare?) "No Im STRREET!" she taught madly. (So why aren't there tons of monsters running over you right now? T_T) "but now what do we dao (THE WAAAY!) agant LakePaw!" (downgrade) she lucked up. (We're up all night to get lucky) LakePaw was runnen toward Loinblzx (Loinblitz) and she was WIDESPED! (So she's fat now)
"NOWWWWWWW LIonHEAR!" (Lionheart reincarnated! :D)wisprd StarGalem and she ran towed LionBlaze and she hit LakePaw, who did to.
"StarGlame I will get u for thiss11 sed LakePaw as SatinClaw drag away to hellClan.(WHAT!!WHAT!!SATINCLAW?!HELLCLAN?!?Also,he isn't leader is he?He's SatinCLAW.Also,THIS IS THE SAME AUTHOR WHO ACCUSED FLAMERS OF BEING SATANISTS!WHY IS SHE PUTTING SATAN IN HER STORY?!) He waswerng oink naie Polish. (Such a manly color .D.) then StarGlame stinted to crry as she realed that her sitter ass ded. (Your sister was not a butt,Starbutt!)
"you killd my Subjt!" HolyLeaf rared turng back in a bare.(HOLLYLEAF PUT SOME CLOTHES ON) "Ilus get you for thi!" she saud and then she rudhed at StarPlame. "Oh o!" yelld every1 "tarPaw (down+namegrade) got our of the Way!"
Tim semd to slow danw (Dawnsparkle mention) as StarPawlem (...?) run awy from the bare. But she ran left into... TIGGERSTAR!" (TIGGER WAAAIII)
"Fuhrstar! (Furstar .D. Also are you losing your sight?)yellded a TiggerStraw. (down+namegrade)"You ar gong to did now!"And he held out... SOME JEW! (NO.)
"Omg jyew!" elld FamePaw she locked at the yew. (Wait...are those berries YEW or JEW?) "But it wooden work becas thers a lizded on it." (Because that is TOTALLY how you keep poison from working,kids c: )They all locked at the lizard. It wus a newt. The nwt ran away.
"... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled FamePaw. "Now the yew is gunna wkr!
"Ete the yew!" sadi TiggerStar ( yew grows in leaf-bare?Because 'ete' in French means 'summer' in English) he thirst it at StarGlame StarGleam baked away. (She's a baker now apparently) "You're never get moi to ete it!" (And she's French!The Warrior Cats series is goin' French,guys!) she esked (You didn't say that in question form) and then she held "YOUE NEVER TOOK ME ALIV!" (Tigerstar,PLEASE PLEASE PLEEAASSEEE take her alive!You were capable of leading a pack of dogs to your Clanmates and you were able to take over SC!I don't see how you couldn't just get rid of her now!)
"are you so sur?" aksed TigerClar (downgrade) and then he lung at StarGlema and grabed her and ran away. (Like...on his hind legs?) "Youl never cathg me!1111 he laght meanly. "Im gong to Shadowcaln!" (WHY ARE YOU TELLING THEM WHERE YOU'RE GOING?!) And then he luf.
Guyx I ben working relly hard on this wile I was gon. (You clearly have not been working on this really hard judging by the terrible grammar) im sor'ry for the wait. Revew betetr and ill updat mor quick (I won't review better,but you'll probably update anyway)
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