A/n I don't know the process of identifying a body would be like so please bear with me if I did some mistakes. Thank you
"Ms. Chase?" A police officer announced. Edrea's head snapped to the direction of the voice. She was still sitting with hot chocolate in her hand. While her other hand played with Eliana's hair. Her hair intertwined with her fingers perfectly, leaving little curls in her head. Edrea played with Eliana's with full of carefullness so she wouldn't wake up.
Eliana was sleeping peacefully. She was tired of if all. Harry was next to her, sleeping as well. He had his arm wrapped around Eliana and her. She took a minute to remember what happened 1 hour ago.
Edrea took a step out of the police car. While Eliana was holding her hand. They walked into the big building that was displayed in front of them. As soon as they walked pass the door, Edrea heard someone calling her name.
"Edrea! Eliana!" Harry runs to both of them. One of his hand was holding some food he brought from his home, while the other one was swinging while he ran. He was wearing a red hoodie with worn out jeans. There was a stream on his face indicating that he was crying before. She was stunned. She never saw him crying before.
As soon as he was there he dropped the food carefully and hugged her as tight as he can. He stroke the back of her head while whispering "it's okay, it's okay, i'm here now. You're not alone." He didn't care if his hoodie is now drenched because of Edrea's tears. He only cared that he was there for both of them, Edrea and Eliana.
After that he went to Eliana. She still had tears in her eyes. They whisper to each other and nodded. After that Harry gives her a joke that made her laugh. Edrea watched in awe, she knew that Harry's mother had a miscarriage and the baby was a girl (A/n I just made this up. In the movies and I think comics there it was never mentioned about harry having a sibling). So she knew that Harry will play the big brother card to Eliana.
After that they all eat in the waiting room and Eliana started to get sleepy. So Harry started singing a lullaby for Eliana.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
Edrea smiled at both of them. Harry knew that Seasons of love is one of Eliana's favourite song because she would sing that song to her. It was their mom's favorite song too. The three of them would sing it arohnd the house. Her eyes teared up again because of the sudden memory. But she held her tears and then joined Harry singing. Eliana shot a wide sleepy smile to both of them.
In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles
In laughter, in strife
Edrea took a sip of her hot cocoa. Minutes past as they sing. They were the only ones there so they didn't miss the opportunity to sing it a little bit loud.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of love
Edrea felt love. A brotherly love from Harry, a love from the sleepy Eliana, A love from the song, and the notes from the song that calms them. It was certain, the room was engulfed with love, and moments before it was full with grieve. Maybe that was the magic of a song.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
Edrea stopped singing for a moment. She knew the next lyrics are a little bit sensitive for the moment. Eliana eyes was already closed, but she still hummed to the song. Luckily Harry continued the song without that part of the lyrics.
It's time now to sing out
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Edrea and Harry looked at eachother. They smiled. Their friendship was more than that. It was a brother and sister bond. In most stories they would be lovers. But in here they were satisfied as friends. Maybe as brother and sister.
Remember the love
Remember the love
Remember the love
Measure in love
Measure, measure your life in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of love
With that Eliana was already in deep sleep. She looked so peaceful. Eliana used Harry's chest as a pillow while her arms cuddled the little bunny plushie. Harry smiled at her and soon joined her. Wrapping his arms around her and Edrea. Edrea tried to stay awake so she just stared at them.
"Ms. Chase?" The voice snapped her back to reality. She gently sat up, successfully not waking them up, and walked with the officer. "We just need you to identify the body, after that you will talk to sergeant Diaz." He explained as they walked.
He paused in front of a door and looked at her for approval. She just nodded and he opened The door. She walked in as the officer closed the door behind them. Inside there was doctors and five bodies on a bed, covered with white fabric.
She paused and froze, calming herself down. She already seen her parents state at the ruins, but she wasn't ready to see them like this. Tears formed in her eyes as she took a step closer to the figures that was laid in front of her.
The doctor was already beside her when she finally arrived. The officer took of his hat for respect. The doctor gazed at her for approval. She just nodded as they open the tip of the fabric.
That was it. She lost it, she saw the figure who once was her father. Her father was really close to her, while Eliana was more closer with their mom. There was chunks of dirty blonde hair left, but the facial features confirmed it all. That was her father she once with.
Tears stream more than ever. She wanted to scream, but she still had to have respect for the the other people who was here. Behind her a middle aged women went inside too. She went to the furthest bed at the room, crying.
"May I confirm that the victim is 'Brian Oliver Chase' and presumably your father?" The doctor asked. She held her hands to her mouth while still crying. After 1 minute, she nodded.
"Okay miss, one more to go. Stay strong miss." The officer said to her while he guided her to the next bed. The doctor gazed again to her for approval. She took a deep breath, close her eyes, and nodded.
Once again, the doctor revealed the face of the victim, this time she got out a little scream. She took a step back. Her eyes poured out more tears. Her mother was laid there. Her brown hair was still there, even though it wasn't much. Her once warn and full of hope eyes was dull. Her passionate smile wasn't there any more.
She muffled her own scream by putting her hands on top of her mouth. Sometimes she wished this was all a dream. She would wake, seeing her mom and dad dance in the kitchen before going to work, even though it was summer. She would hear their laugh again while Eliana would talk to Mr. Carrots or as more known as her bunny plushie. She would see them again making breakfast while Edrea would set up the table. Then they would eat while making small talks before both of their parents would go out of the hose while holding hands.
"May I have your confirmation that this victim is 'Alyssa Wulfric Chase' or as known as your mother?" The doctor asked. She nodded as he saw her mom's face for the last time there.
"We should be going and see Sergeant Diaz" the officer said as he opened the door. She couldn't take it anymore there so she went out of the room as quickly as possible.
They walked for a few minutes before going into an office. The officer knocked and opened the door. Sergeant Diaz who was presumably reading a file closed the file. He had a warm but yet cold features. His warm brown eyes and blond hair gave him the warm look, but on how he looks at files and leeds makes him look cold.
"Ms. Edrea Chase, thank you for coming." He said while extending his arm. You took it and he gave a firm shake. He looked at the officer and said, "You may be excused now officer. Thank you for the good work. Now take some rest, tommorow's going to be a busy day." He said. The officer nodded and went out, closing the door.
"Now, Ms. Chase, presumably you know the story from the news. We investigate the matter and made a conclusion that it was an experiment gone wrong. There was no CCTV evidence because of the explosion. We're sorry we couldn't give a concrete answer." He said sincerely
Edrea wanted to scream on what really happened a few hours ago. But she held back, knowing first she would blow her cover and second the Sergeant wouldn't trust her easily. So she just nodded.
"Your parents was on the scientists side, but with no doubt they helped us. They always helped us on crimes investigations too that needed chemical engineering. Your parents are realky honored by the police forces. With that we would give them a honourable funeral for your parents." He said.
Her mouth went agape. She was gobsmacked at the new info. She never knew her parents was that honourable. She always knew they wee scientists, but never more. She nodded in approval. "That would be very wonderful sergeant. Thank you" she said, for once wasn't using sarcasm.
"You're welcome. Your parents deserved the most. Let's go on to the other subject. Now we know you're still underage to live alone without a guardian." He stated. She just nodded, knowing the both of them would be tossed to the system.
"Now, I know what you're thinking. 'I'm going have to stay with foster parents or with the orphanage'. But you're lucky, we found another living member of your family. Your uncle to be exact." He explained.
"M-My Uncle? Who? I thought he disappeared?" You asked. Your father was an only child, in the other hand your mom had an older sibling. After she got married she left her house because she didn't want the fame of her brother. But your mother never mentioned his name.
"Yes your uncle. After your mother got married, a few years later his brother got their parents company. She didn't want the fame and her brother respect that by not telling the paparazzi. She wanted a normal life. But it's not secret that your uncle is a very rich and famous man.
He helped the military by selling weapons before turning his weapon company into a technology company. There he made his first robot suit and used it many times.
After that he was in the avengers, before the sokovian records kicked in. After that he is now helping the government. Sounds familiar by the story?"
You had one answer to all of this. All the conclusions went to one answer. But she didn't believe it. It couldn't be. Her mom would tell her about his. But yet again, her mom wanted a normal life. She swallowed a big gulp that was in her throat, and whispered "it couldn't be him right?" She asked.
"I'm afraid it is true. Your uncle is none less, Anthony Edward Stark, or known as Iron man"
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