Chapter 3:
The 3rd chapter is here.
I hope you guys like it, it took me a while but here ya go.
"I-is this...really necessary?" You asked awkwardly as both Princess Peach and Lace were seated beside you at the dining table.
In front of them was a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs.
Like this:
Each girl also had a fork in hand and were attempting to feed you, much to your embarrassment.
"Yes it is (Y/N)." Lace insisted and Peach nodded along.
"All those hands and you can't even feed yourself." Peach added sternly.
"I just forgot to have breakfast once!" You yelled only for Peach to silence you by stuffing a forkfull of spaghetti into your mouth.
All your protests were silenced as the amazing taste of spaghetti reached your taste buds.
"Hmmm." You said enjoying the taste and swallowing.
"Wow...that is some good Spaghetti." You said with a big smile. "Did you make it Peach?"
"I made some of this, but not all and the Spaghetti I didn't." Peach admitted. "You'll have to thank Chef Toad for that."
"Well, I do thank him, this is delicious!" You said happily before Lace stuffed more spaghetti in your mouth.
Meanwhile the Maria Sisters were watching all this go down with differing expressions.
Louis was blushing red and looking around trying to avoid making eye contact with you.
Maria had her arms crossed and pouted as she was really looking forward to that amazing plate of spaghetti.
Louis trying to avoid eye contact was a defensive response to avoid embarrassing herself.
Back in her younger days, when Louis tried to talk to attractive boys she'd usually end up saying or doing something embaressing which would weird them out.
She hasn't gotten over that habit and she really didn't want to weird you out.
"He's...he's so beautiful..." She thought covering her face having completely forgotten about the food and what she wanted to eat. "The Princess wasn't kidding!"
Maria's stomach let out a soft growl as she watched you enjoy her favorite dish being fed to you making her let out a soft and grumpy "hmph."
After you swallowed some more of the amazing Italian dish you looked at the 2 sisters and noticed their expressions.
You raised 2 of your disembodied hands to stop both girls from shoving another fork of spaghetti in your mouth.
"You girls aren't eating?" You asked concerned and Louis flinched upon your question while Maria kept her glare.
"O-oh...I-Im n-not hungry." Louis stuttered out.
Unfortunately her stomach betrayed her as it grumbled out letting it be known that it craves sustenance.
The green plumber girl's whole face went red with embaressmrnt making you chuckle.
"Are you certain?" You asked with a chuckle.
Louis looked down, too ashamed to look you in the eye.
"Y-yeah...I just...have...diarrhea!" She yelled out and it was followed by extremely awkward silence.
It took a moment for Louis to realize what she just said and when she did, her shame skyrocketed.
"Oh...well...if it's acting up...perhaps you should go to the bathroom." You suggested awkwardly.
"I-I'll do that." Louis said getting up and walking out of the room.
"Stupid, stupid, STUPID!" She yelled at herself as she walked out of the dining room.
Once outside she simply leaned against the door and buried her face in her hands feeling nothing but shame and embarrassment.
"Diarrhea, seriously!?" She muttered to softly.
It would be best if she stayed
Meanwhile, back in the dining room you saw Maria still had the scowling look.
You noticed her glare was on the spaghetti the 2 girls were feeding you and you immediately knew what was up.
"Would you like this?" You asked the Italian woman holding up the plate of Spaghetti.
Maria nodded angrily.
"Heh, sorry I was hogging it all." You apologized before in a flash of purple you teleported from between Lace and Peach and into the seat beside Maria.
"To make it up to you, I'll feed you." You offered holding out a forkfull of spaghetti for her to eat.
Maria immediately perked up upon hearing that and nodded rapidly accepting your offer.
You smiled and began feeding the plumber some spaghetti which she happily accepted and ate while Lace and Peach watched with looks of disbelief on their faces.
"SERIOUSLY?!" They both thought now wishing they were in Maria's position.
The woman in red was in complete bliss as her favorite dish was being fed to her and the fact that it was such a handsome boy was just a bonus.
"(Y-Y/N)...we were feeding you." Lace said a bit of jealousy in her voice.
"I'm fine Lace, I can feed myself." You assured with a chuckle. "I do appreciate you girls worrying for my health though."
Lace and Peach both sighed in defeat as you continued to feed the plumber.
"So, I heard you and your sister are quite the heroes." You said as Maria nodded happily.
"Well, thank you for keeping my old friend and her entire kingdom safe." You said smiling at Peach making the Princess Blush.
"No problem." Maria replied giving a thumbs up.
"Oh, that reminds me (Y/N)...why were you gone for so long?" Peach asked and you immediately froze up and dropped the fork you were using to feed Maria.
The Plumber gained a curious look as your eyes darkned and your breathing hitched.
Lace noticed this and got worried, the same could be said for Peach.
"It's's prepared yourself for this." You thought using one of your disembodied hands to clutch your chest.
"Okay, okay...I'll..." You got ready to explain why you left, only to stop when suddenly a tremor shook the castle.
This made everyone else stop as well and look around.
The dining room door opened and Louis poked her head in nervously.
"S-so...I assume we all felt that." Louis said a little terrified.
Once again, a tremor shook the entire castle, this time much more violently.
"What was that?" You asked looking around.
"Oh no." Peach sighed placing her hands on her face.
"Oh yeah!" Came a new voice from somewhere in the room making everyone look around in confusion.
"What was that?" Lace asked a hand on her blade, ready for anything. "WHO was that?"
Everyone else in their seats got up as well.
Another brief bit of silence passed and suddenly, all 4 of your eyes turned to loom at the giant cake in the room and saw that it was...vibrating.
"Um...Peach..." You said getting the Princess' attention. "Is this Devil's food cake, because I believe it is possessed."
"Huh?" She asked titling her head before she along with everyone else looked at the vibrating cake.
It began vibrating more violently.
Then suddenly, multiple figures burst out from the giant dessert causing cake, icing and other confectioneries on the cake to splatter everywhere.
You managed to avoid getting splattered with cake stuffs by bringing up a dome-shaped shield of purple energy.
The rest weren't so lucky, but Louis was quick enough to shut the door to avoid getting covered in cake and peeked her head in again.
You brought the shield down and glared at whoever was hiding in the cake.
The Koopettes (Ignore the Clown Cars):
It was a group of 8 girls with spiked accessories, tails and spiky shells.
"The Koopettes!" Louis yelled fear clear in her voice.
Your eyes widened in shock at the sight of the girls as a blush appeared on your face and keeping that shocked expression you turned to Peach who was wiping the cake off her with an annoyed expression.
"Peach...this is kinda messed up!" You yelled. "These girls are clearly underage!"
It took a moment for Peach to process what you said, but when she did, a blush similar to yours came onto her face.
"N-NO!" She yelled raising her hands defensively. "I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE IN THERE!"
"How did you not?" Lace asked wiping the cake off her. "You baked this behemoth of a baked good."
"I don't know!" Peach said with a shrug.
"Your security sucks, that's how!" The leader of the group of girls answered with a laugh.
Bowsette Jr:
"Indeed, in fact I think it's getting easier to hide under your nose princess." The one with big blue hair known as Ludwig added with an evil chuckle.
"Easier?" You asked getting the eight's attention. "So, this isn't the first time you eight have hid in a cake?"
"Nope...whoever you are." Bowsette Jr confirmed raising a brow at you. "Who dis guy?"
"I'm (Y/N)...a friend of Peach." You replied crossing your arms. "And that is my bodyguard Lace."
"Huh?" Jr asked tilting her head only to immediately go stiff when Lace suddenly appeared in front of her and had her needle pointed directly at her neck.
"Now small child, please tell me why you were in that cake...that I was looking forward to eating?" You asked crossing your arms.
Upon getting a closer look at Jr you couldn't help but feel you've seen her before.
"W-well...that's easy." Jr said trying to keep up a brave face but one could see her smile falter a bit. "B-but why don't you ask my mom?"
You raised a brow, only to have another earthquake rock the castle nearly knocking you and everyone else off balance.
Then suddenly, the entire roof of castle broke sending down various bricks and debris down into the dining room.
Once again you brought up a dome shield to protect yourself from the falling debris.
Louis panicked and dived out of the way of some falling debris that nearly crushed her.
Lace ended up slicing the debris that nearly fell on her.
Peach and Maria swerved and dodged the falling debris.
Once everything settled down you brought the shield down and glared up to see an airship looming over you all.
Play music:
You had no idea weather you should be relieved or annoyed by this development.
On one hand, you now had an excuse not to tell Peach about what happened to your Queen.
On the other hand, someone was attacking your friends, and that was absolutely unacceptable.
You glared at the 8 girls once again and crossed your arms.
"I assume this is why you didn't just immediately jump out?" You asked with a raised brow.
"That's right Mr Handsy..." Wendy the one wearing mostly pink with a polkadot bow started.
"Please don't ever call me that ever." You said flatly.
"Anyway, the Princess is coming with us to the Koopa Kingdom!" Jr yelled out.
Suddenly, the airship sprouted a giant mechanical hand from it's side and immediately went to grab Peach.
The Princess let out a scream as the giant hand came at her.
However, the hand missed it's target and grabbed nothing as Peach was suddenly pulled away by you after you quickly shot out a long purple rope of web energy, wrapping it around her waist and pulling her to you.
"The Princess isn't going anywhere." You said holding her close to you in a protective manner making her cheeks go light pink.
"Yeah!" Maria yelled coming to your side and getting into a fighting stance.
"R-right." Louis stated also coming to your side.
The hand attempted to make another grab for the Princess and came at you.
It didn't get far however as it suddenly fell apart having been sliced up by Lace.
Said girl having seemingly teleported beside you and the others and resheathed her blade.
The Koopettes along with Jr all gained nervous looks.
"Well, usually this part's a lot easier." Iggy the one with glasses stated.
Stop the music:
Within the attacking airship there were various turtle-like creatures known as Koopa Troopa.
Basic Koopa Troopa:
Along with the Koopa Troopa were mushroom-like creatures with feet and faces known as Goombas.
Basic Goomba:
These creatures came in different shapes and sizes and manned various posts within the ship.
The moment Lace destroyed the giant mechanical hand the entire ship shook and got rocked causing everyone aboard to nearly lose their balance.
The entire crew was panicked and confused, especially one Koopa Troopa manning a large computer which seemed to control most of the mechanical functions of the ship as he kept pushing buttons.
The Troopa however stopped what he was doing and went stiff when a loud angry voice boomed behind him.
The Koopa Troopa went from scared stiff to a quivering mess when he heard loud footsteps stomping towards him.
A large shadow loomed over the poor shelled creature and any Koopa or Goomba nearby immediately scattered, getting as far away from him and the looming figure as possible.
The scared Troopa hesitantly turned his head and looked up to look directly into the eye of their leader.
The scourge of the Mushroom Kingdom, the Queen of the Koopas herself.
"Well?" She asked with a raised brow making the little Troopa shiver more.
"W-well M-ma'am...the....the hand..." The Koopa Troopa attempted to stutter out and it was clear his stuttering was irritating the Koopa Queen.
"Come on man, spit it out!" She demanded making the Troopa flinch again.
"M-ma' destroyed." He finally managed to speak and this made Bowsette raise a brow.
"Excuse me?" She asked putting further fear into her Troop's heart.
"Th-the hand...f-from our ship..." He squeaked while withdrawing his head into his shell. "I-it's de-destroyed."
"How!?" Bowsette asked angrily. "I don't recall that stupid Plumber having enough strength to destroy something that big and durable so quickly."
Immediately the poor Troopa let out a yelp and quickly pushed some buttons on the screen to change the screen to show the destroyed castle from their position above it.
"It was that one!" He squealed pointing at the woman in pure white known as Lace.
Bowsette narrowed her eyes, glaring at the gang down below currently conversing with her children.
Her look reflected nothing but pure hatred when she layed eyes upon her arch nemesis Maria, her sister and Peach.
Her look of disdain turned to confusion when her gaze shifted to Lace.
She had never seen her before in her life, but if she was the one who destroyed her ship's grabber then she's an enemy.
However, the moment she locked eyes with you, her eyes went wide with wonder.
She immediately smacked the Koopa Troopa aside and began finicking with the buttons on the monitor.
She had the screen zoom in to get a closer look at you and when she did get a good look at you, her heart nearly skipped a beat.
"(Y/N)?" She whispered bringing a hand up to her chest as her heart thumped harder.
It was really you.
The white hair, the green outfit with white gloves, the extra set of eyes atop your head.
Yep, it was you.
Bowsette rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things and much to her joy, she wasn't.
You were back, the spider creature person she fell in love with was back.
And when it finally processed, her confused face turned into one of joy.
"(Y/N)!" She squealed while multiple hearts suddenly appeared around her as she brought her hands to her face while her tail wagged happily.
All her troops were extremely confused at the sight of their leader behaving like this.
"He's back, my Spider Prince has returned!" She squealed happily before suddenly running and climbing out of the hull at insane speed leaving behind a trail of the hearts.
The Koopa Troopa who got smacked away had quickly completely retracted himself into his shell to protect himself as he got smacked so hard he got embedded into the wall.
His shell hit the ground and he uncurled from it letting out a sigh of relief.
"Well...that could have gone worse." He stated only to immediately notice the other crew members giving him looks of horror.
"What?" He asked confused.
One fellow Koopa Troopa gestured towards it's own shell and so the Koopa Troopa looked towards his own shell.
His eyes widened in horror when he saw his shell was cracked and nearly shattered.
The poor cracked Koopa Troopa could now only do the only appropriate thing, let out a horrified scream.
The scream was so loud it could even be heard even from the outside of the ship and catch the attention of yourself, Lace, the Maria Sisters, Peach and the Koopettes.
"Is someone getting tortured?" You asked and all the Koopettes merely shrugged telling you they did not know.
Before anyone else could say anything, another sound reached everyone's ears.
It was a long whistling sound indicating that something was falling.
You all looked up and indeed something was falling and before you could all react, whatever it was landed.
The impact was so powerful it created a powerful shockwave that also knocked up a lot of dust.
You were forced to cover your face to protect all 4 of your eyes from the dust and the others including the Koppettes did the same.
Peach being a lightweight was nearly blown away by the shockwave, but thankfully one of your hands had a firm grip on her own which prevented her from being blown away.
Once the dust cleared up, you looked ahead to get a good look at who or what just landed.
All 4 of your eyes widened upon seeing basically an older version of Jr and that feint familiarity you felt with Jr made sense.
Though that just raised further questions for you.
"(Y/N)." Bowsette said dreamily with a very lovestruck look on her face.
"Oh,'ve...grown." You said a bit nervously.
The Koopa Queen let out a giggle as she looked you over.
"So have you." She replied with a grin flashing her sharp teeth. "And grown rather nicely I'd say."
"Um...thanks..." You replied rubbing the back of your head.
"(Y-Y/N)...y-you know her?" Louis asked curiously.
You nodded in response and this made Bowsette squeal in delight.
"I'm so happy you still remember me!" She yelled joyously her tail wagging furiously.
"" Jr said said walking up to the Koopa Queen tugging at her dress.
"Yes dear?" Bowsette asked placing a hand on her daughter's head while still keeping her heart-shaped eyes locked onto you.
"A-are we still kidnapping the princess?" Jr asked.
"Forget the Princess." Bowsette stated licking her lips. "I want him now."
When she said that she pointed her index finger directly at you.
Everyone present aside from her gained looks surprise mixed with Confusion.
Except for Lace who had a look of pure anger on her face.
They wished to kidnap you did they?
Not if she had anything to say about it.
Your bodyguard without hesitation moved with amazing speed right towards Bowsette and got ready to slice her to pieces.
"Lace, wait!" You yelled out, but it was too late.
Lace attempted to slash at the Koopa Queen, but Bowsette being quite quick herself saw the oncoming blade and...
She bit Lace's blade completely breaking it.
The warrior in white was obviously shocked by this and this shock gave Bowsette the opportunity to deliver a hard uppercut to her gut.
Said uppercut was strong enough to not only knock the wind out of Lace but also launch her skyward.
You, Peach, the Maria Sisters and the Koopettes all looked up sweatdropping as Lace's body vanished in a twinkle as it kept traveling upward.
"Wow...I think she's dead." Iggy said now suddenly holding a pair of binoculars.
"Anyway, girls, get that sexy Spider!" Bowsette ordered. "There's something I need to discuss with private."
Jr looked over at her adoptive siblings who all looked as confused as her.
Why was their mom suddenly changing their plans from kidnapping Peach to kidnapping some guy they didn't know?
Well, their mom seemed to know him and really wanted him, so...
Jr shrugged and pointed at you.
"Get...him..." She ordered a bit uncertain and the Koopettes after a bit shrugged as well all got ready to detain you.
"I don't think so!" Peach yelled as she and Maria got in front of you protectively.
Louis still next to you gripped your arm and hugged you close just as protectively.
"Th-that's right." She stuttered out a bit more confidently.
It was clear Bowsette didn't like this and gained an extremely annoyed look.
So this had turned from a feast, to an assault to a fight over you now.
"Talking about Sectonia isn't looking so bad right now." You thought letting out an audible sigh.
Thanks for you patience and I do hope you enjoyed reading this.
See ya'll later.
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