Chapter 1:
Okay, so guys, so the reason this took so long was because I was figuring out how I could make Floralia work in Mario.
This is what I came up with, Floralia was originally located near the Mushroom Kingdom.
I feel like this works because Triple Deluxe takes place in the Sky Kingdom right, not Floralia.
So yeah Floralia is in the Mushroom Kingdom and Sectonia left to go conquer the galaxy.
The reason she didn't conquer the Mushroom Kingdom will be revealed later in the story.
We focus in on the Mushroom Kingdom, more specifically Peach's castle in the dining hall where almost every Toad could be seen scrambling around preparing some kind of great banquet.
A large table had been set up and a lot of food had been placed upon them, with an extra large cake that the Princess made at the center.
Overseeing all of this of course was Princess Peach herself with a smile on her face.
Princess Peach:
The feast was beautiful and things were going smoothly.
"Princess the grand feast is almost ready." Came the high- pitched voice of her servant Toad.
Peach nodded her head in approval.
"Very good Toad, I don't know what I would do without you guys." She thanked giving Toad a pat on his mushroom hat.
"No need to thank us Princess, we're all happy to serve." Toad said giving a salute.
With that he scurried off to make the final preparations for the feast.
Just then the main doors to the dining opened surprising Peach.
"Oh you're early, I thought..." Peach said turning to face whoever came in but stopped when she saw it wasn't who she was expecting.
"Oh, Maria, Louis, I'm so happy you could make it." Peach greeted the Mushroom Kingdom's heroic sisters.
She remembered she had invited both sisters to this feast as there was someone special she wanted them to meet here.
"Hello." Maria greeted with a wave while Louis stared on in awe at the large feast that was being prepared.
"Wow Princess, that looks so good!" She stated drooling a bit.
"I hope it is Louis, after all we have a very special guest coming over." Peach explained before letting out a sigh. "It's been so long since I last saw him."
Both Maria and Louis gained curious looks upon hearing Peach say that.
The Princess notcied this and giggled.
"Don't worry, I'll explain when he gets here." She giggled. "I know you both are gonna like him a lot, he's such a sweetheart."
Both sisters nodded and offered to help set up the feast which Peach accepted.
Now all that was left to do was wait for her guest.
While this was going on at Peach's castle, in Toad Town 2 very interesting looking people could be seen walking through it's street.
They were male and female, and somewhat bug-like.
One of these 2 was you, (Y/N) the current king of Floralia.
Walking a good distance ahead of you was of course your personal bodyguard.
As both of you walked through town, a few Toads gave you some curious looks.
In return you gave those a friendly wave which they immediately returned.
Unfortunately those who waved at you in turn got a glare from Lace which scared them off.
"Lace, it's okay to let your guard down, no one here is going to hurt you." You assured.
"It is not me I'm worried about my King." Lace stated, her hand still gripping the hook hilt of her needle ready to cut down anything that came within striking distance of you.
"Lace, you can call me (Y/N) and I don't think anyone here's gonna hurt me." You tried to reason.
"You never know my King and I feel it would be disrespectful to call you by your true name." Lace stated making you sigh.
"It's not disrespectful if I allow it, in fact I feel even more offended if you didn't use my true name." You replied going up beside her. "Are you that uncomfortable around me that you don't want to use my name?"
Lace immediately froze up and stopped walking looking down.
You noticed this and stopped to give her a curious look.
"N-no my King...I like you just fine..." She stuttered taking her hands off her needle and rubbing her shoulders. "I just feel...I can't to use your true name."
Ever since you returned to Floralia after...the incident and became it's king Lace became your personal bodyguard.
She was always rather orderly and proper and did her best to follow rules.
You didn't really mind that, but you've known Lace for a long time, before you were king and considered her a friend.
"Lace, you're more than just my advisor, you're my friend and so I give you full permission to use my name." You assured with a warm smile.
A smile that made Lace blush deeply and with her dark skin it made it very noticeable.
Luckily, you mistook it for her being embarrassed and simply giggled.
"If it makes you feel any better, as King, I order you to call me by my real name." You jokingly ordered. "There now you HAVE to call me by my real name."
Lace couldn't hold back a light chuckle at that and rolled her eyes.
"Very well...(Y/N)." She replied with a bow.
However, she immediately went red in the face again when she felt your hand upon her head.
You were giving her Headpats.
Lace right now:
"Good girl." You praised with that same smile that Lace loved.
Her heart threatened to burst from her chest with how hard it was beating.
She wanted to tell you how much she loved and adored you, ever since you and her met while she was still training she had loved you.
But then you told her something that dashed her hopes completely and even though times have changed since then she was still very unsure.
"Anyway, we should get going." You stated snapping her out of her thoughts.
"O-of course...(Y/N)..." Lace answered rising hoping you wouldn't notice her blush.
With that you both continued your journey towards your destination which was Peach's Castle.
You had just become Floralia's king recently, about a month ago to be exact, once you managed to get things in order there you got in touch with another old friend of yours which was Princess Peach.
You hadn't seen each other in a long time due to...issues.
So not only was she pleasantly surprised to hear from you again, but she was even more so when she found out you had become a king.
She then immediately invited you over for a feast to welcome you back and you accepted.
Originally you had intended to come alone since the Mushroom Kingdom was quite peaceful.
However, Lace being as protective as she was insisted she come with you to make sure you were safe.
You just wished she'd ease up a bit.
Suddenly, you stopped when you noticed something a short distance away.
Lace seemed to not have notcied your sudden stop, too lost in her own thoughts.
It looked like a large construction project was taking place and multiple Toads were hard at work.
There were cranes, a pulley or 2 and each Toad wore a hard hat and were doing their job rather fine.
You then saw one Toad that certainly stood out among the rest.
One of the reasons was the fact that she was the only female Toad among the crew of workers and...she had extremely noticeable assets for her short size.
She was also sweating a lot, the sun wasn't blazing, so she had to have been working extra hard to work up a sweat like that.
You had to admit, she was a rather attractive little Shortstack but you weren't really checking her least not entirely.
What caught your attention was what was going on above her.
Above her was a group of Toads on the steel beams which made up the skeleton of the soon-to-be building.
And they were attempting to pull up a large POW block for some reason.
Mushroom Kingdom architecture was something you found strange.
The odd question-mark blocks which usually contained Mega Mushrooms and other power-ups that were just kinda spread out randoml and the pipes that lead to random locations.
It was very odd, but hey you weren't an architect.
Anyway, the Toads seemed to be struggling very hard with the POW block, from your understanding they were quite heavy and could cause earthquakes if they hit the ground.
The block was also right above Toadette's head, if those Toads weren't careful then...
The Toads could not seem to handle the weight of the block and the rope they were using slipped from their hands.
This caused the POW block to plummet towards the ground, directly where Toadette was standing.
On instinct you used your magic and in a bright purple and pink flash you vanished.
You then suddenly reappeared beside Toadette who yelped and flinched at your sudden appearance.
You quickly raised your hands up.
Instantly a large bed-sized fully-spun spider web manifested above you and Toadette.
The silk that the web was made of seemed to be comprised of solid purple energy with a bit of electricity sparking off it.
The POW block came in contact with the web and like a trampoline it not only prevented it from crushing Toadette, but also launched the POW block high into the air.
It sailed a good distance away before finally crashing onto a random part of Toad Town which in turn caused the POW block to do what it did best.
There was a large tremor from where it landed and soon after a few buildings in that area began to crumble, break and collapse followed by the screams of some townsfolk.
You let out a gulp while tugging at the collar of your coat.
Toadette meanwhile stared up at you in shock.
"(Y/N)!!" Lace yelled running up to you as she finally noticed you weren't following her. "What happened!?"
"Um...sorry...I..." You were silenced by Toadette raising her finger.
Both you and Lace took a moment to stare at each other before looking back at Toadette who was now glaring up at the Toads who shook in fear.
Toadette's glare was one of pure fury and rage, fire literally burning in her eyes.
Okay, that was a little scary, and you know scary.
"YOU WORTHLESS GOOD-FOR-NOTHINGS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She screamed and that made you flinch a little.
Lace immediately got in front of you in a protective manner as Toadette unleashed her rage upon the poor workers.
"NOT ONLY WOULD I BE SQUASHED FLAT, THAT POW BLOCK COULDA DONE A LOT MORE DAMAGE TO EVERYTHING...INCLUDING THE BUILDING WE WERE WORKING ON!" She yelled furiously stomping her foot which in turn caused her noticeably large breasts to bounce around.
You blushed furiously and tried to look away.
Lace noticed where you were looking previously and looked at her own much smaller breasts before sighing sadly.
"Boss, we're sorry, that POW block was just too heavy!" One of the 3 Toads yelled back.
"The others were too busy..." One attempted to argue.
"THEN WAIT UNTIL A FEW OTHERS WERE FREE, THERE WAS LITERALLY MO REASON FOR THAT!" Toadette yelled pointing at the area the POW block landed which now had smoke emitting from it which only made you feel worse.
"I'm sorry..." You said softly.
"Oh...okay..." You said before staring at the rising smoke. "I hope the people over there will be alright."
"Don't worry, so long as no one's dead you're good and besides, like I said...IT'S MOSTLY THEIR FAULT!" Toadette yelled pointing at the 3 Toads above who was terrified.
Suddenly, Toadette gained a more pleasant smile and aura and asked:
"So what's your name?"
A bit taken aback by her sudden change you shook your head and replied.
"Oh, I'm (Y/N) and this here is my friend Lace." You introduced. "Say hello Lace."
Lace stared down at Toadette with a look of disdain and muttered out a:
"Well I'm Toadette, and thanks for saving me?" She thanked making you smile.
"No problem." You chuckled with a light blush. "Again, I want to apologize for..."
"Don't worry, I'll go teach those three up there a lesson." The pink female Toad stated punching her palm which made the 3 above flinch.
"(Y/N), we should be leaving, it's rude to keep a princess waiting." Lace urged and you nodded.
"Well Toadette, I hope to see you again." You said giving her a salute.
"Me too cutie." She replied before walking off to find a way up and beat the crap our of those poor unfortunate Toads.
"C-cutie!?" You asked very flustered.
"Okay (Y/N), let's get going." Lace insisted pushing you along the path towards Peach's castle.
This was meant to be a little visit, just to see your old friend and nothing more.
However, soon it'll be the start of something very grand for you.
Let's see how you handle it.
Here's chapter 1, it's slow, but that's how most of my first chapters go and I really didn't want this to run too long so I'm stopping here.
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