#Chapter 49
*Rose's POV*
Why did I even shout at Sev?
I got myself detention for no reason.
What was I thinking at time?! I went off shouting at Sev.
I sighed to myself, as usual, walking to the Potions classroom after classes.
Lupin still haden't told me when I was having detention with him. I suppose that was because it was full moon that night.
There were a few people in detention with me. It hadn't started yet because Sev was not in the class.
I stared around, alone.
I couldn't wait to go to Sirius and talk to him, I had so much to tell him!
While I was staring around, I spotted a familiar face, who was taking a seat, and went up to her.
"Wow, you too, Rosie?" I asked sitting down next to her.
"Snape's been weird since the start of the school year. He's been giving so many detentions, this is my first one this year, though," She said.
Sev was grumpy, indeed. I knew why Sev was was weird this year, Sirius had told me that he didn't Like Professor Lupin (And his friends, of course).
How a longed to tell my friends about everything Sirius had told me.
"Thats true. He's just been so..." I thought about it,"Um.. Snape, I guess."
I cringed to myself, it still felt weird not calling him 'Sev.'
When I cringed, I got a glimpse of Rosie's eyes, they were red.
"Were you angry, like, a few minutes ago?" I stared at her, a bit concerned.
"What gave it off," she asked.
"Your eyes. They are light red, which means you were angry. But your eyes turn as red as my hair when you are angry. They take a few minutes to fade. I have noticed that about you," I replied. I remebered the first time I had seen her eyes red. It was the time when we were hanging out and Madelyn -her sister- had come up to us.
After that, I had done some research on her, getting as much information from the library as I could, but there hadn't really been much.
"Oh," Rosie said, sighed.
I was about to ask about her about joining my sighing club, but I didn't say anything as it wasn't the appropriate time, but I would ask her later.
I suddenly heard Sev's voice, which made me a little, "Not much in detention today. Miss Rose, Miss Greenwood, you two arrange the books. Mr Miller, you help Mr Nott with the Potions. The rest of you have had detentions before, so get to work!"
Moody much.
Both of us talked while arranged the dusty, old-looking books. We talked about life and how the past few days in Hogwarts had been, I made sure to leave out the parts when I had seen Sirius.
She did look like she was hiding something from me, but I didn't question it.
Soon she told me something that I couldn't belive was possible.
"Madelyn apologised? TwIcE? You are joking, right? RiGhT?" I asked in disbelief.
"Exactly how I reacted. I don't think I should belive her. What do you think?" Rosie asked, placing the books in alphabetical order.
"That's not my place to tell. If she is really sorry, she is really going to show it," I stated remembering my fight with Draco, he really had looked sorry.
Rosie and I talked and placed books till detention was over, and it was almost time for dinner, which was great as I was starving!
As I was about to leave, I heard Sev say,"Not so fast, Rose," he said that in voice he usualy used for Harry, that was enough to tell me that I was in alot of trouble.
"Indeed you are in alot. Of. Trouble," Sev said reading my mind.
I growled at him. There was something called privacy, but it looked like I wasn't going to get that.
"I still haven't given you my punishment, as your guardian," Sev said going straight to the point.
I grunted, and he raised his eyebrow at me. As if I cared.
"Oh, you will care, imagine staying here with me, doing Potions work, and not going to The Great Hall for dinner?"
I widened my eyes, missing dinner? But I was starving.
Sev smirked at me,"Come on, you have alot to do."
I sighed and sat down to work
"Right," Sev said,"You can leave. Just be happy I am letting you go this early, as you have fifteen minutes left of dinner. Don't you dare shout at me once again, okay?"
I nodded.
Absuloute cruelty! I said to myself after I had left the Potions classrom.
I entered the Great Hall.
"How was detention?" Blaise asked as I sat next to him grabbing food, not saying a word.
"What's wrong with her?" Blaise said looking at Tracey.
"Let's just say... She is Hangry (Angry + Hungry)" Tracey replied.
Blaise chuckled.
I went into thought, planning on how I was to meet Sirius.
I took a small bag that had been in my trunk for over a year, not even knowing how it got there in the first place.
I put some food in there for Sirius. I was sure he hadn't eaten proper food for days as he no access to anything, he didn't even have money.
Once I had eaten, I quickly stood up, and without waiting for the others, I rushed to The common Room.
I dropped everything, except the food, and grabbed a spare blanket.
I rushed out of our girls dorms, and out the Potrait hole, meeting the group on the way.
They looked at me confused, but I was already out of the castle before I could even look at them.
I pressed the knot on the Whomping Willow by 'Wingardium Leviosaing' a stick.
Once I was inside the shrieking shack, I was greeted by the grin on Sirius' face.
He looked so greatful at me. I decided that I would come everyday to bring him food.
We sat down, and I talked about my day, while he ate his food, chuckling at the bits where Sev was included, commenting,'Typical.'
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