"Fred Weasley!" Olive stormed throughout the castle, covered head-to-toe in earwax scented confetti. She wouldn't have minded if it were, say, strawberry scented, but the odour was almost to much to bear.
It was as if trouble just happened to befall her. Of course, it was impossible to avoid if you were friends with Fred and George.
She finally caught a mop of red hair disappear around the corner. Olive raced after it, absentmindedly wondering if this is how Alice had started after the White Rabbit.
There was a problem, though. She wasn't that athletic. Olive had paused to catch her breath and as quickly as she had hesitated, Fred had been lost to the many twists and turns of Hogwarts.
But all wasn't over as George approached. A lightbulb went off in her head and she smiled innocently at her friend.
He looked suspicious.
"Say, George, I'm not that fast of a runner, and your twin has covered me in this... would you mind pranking the hell out of him?" She asked, George narrowed his eyes.
"Say again, why would I help you if you wish to prank my brother?" He retorted, but Olive had a plan.
"Because that would make you ten galleons richer than him."
George opened his mouth and closed it again, clearly surprised at how much Olive was willing to give him. Olive smirked triumphantly.
"So, what is your decision?"
George sighed in defeat and nodded.
"Yay!" Olive cheered, and moved closer to whisper her plan.
Olive munched on a piece of toast as she read the headline of the Daily Prophet.
'Dedalus Diggle is back to his party animal self as he is seen setting off fireworks at his house in Jordan Avenue. It appears he has a new lover by the name of Georgia Custon."
Olive groaned, it must be a slow day in the Wizarding World for the front page to be about Dedalus Diggle and his new conquest. Although, she was intrigued that this new lady, Georgia, had the same last name as her. She was always excited to hear that someone had the same name as her.
Olive was swiftly pulled out of her thoughts as she heard a furious voice calling her name. Fred. Of course he had been informed by his twin.
"What is it?" Olive smiled angelically, and just managed to stifle a laugh at Fred's hair.
His usual ginger locks were now an electric blue, and stuck up in all directions.
"That's a pretty... hairy situation you have there." She giggled, and Fred glared at her warningly.
"I... moustache you a question!" Olive continued, her eyes watering from containing her laughter.
"I swear, Custon..." Fred said, holding up a hand threateningly.
"Never mind, I'll... shave it for later."
Olive took off, running as fast as her legs could carry her. Her sides were aching as she was struggling to move as she was laughing.
In fact, she was laughing so hard she didn't even notice the wall that she was rapidly approaching.
And of course, due to her clumsy nature, she smashed right into it.
Olive's eyes fluttered open as she gazed blearily around a room. The line of beds on either side of her told her that she was in the Hospital Wing.
And dear God was her head hurting. She just knew that there was a wicked bruise either blossoming or already there.
She must have hit that wall pretty hard. Olive began chuckling to herself at the stupidity of it all, she doubted anyone else in the history of Hogwarts ended up in the Hospital Wing for getting knocked out by a wall.
"Hey, are you okay?" A concerned voice pulled her from her doubts. Olive looked up to see Fred and George peering down at her. She shot them a weak smile.
"I'm fine, honestly!" She added, seeing the look on their faces.
"We definitely believe you, especially because of the bump the size of an egg on your head." George replied sarcastically. Olive sighed in slight agitation.
"I'm okay, dandy, amazing, whatever you want to call it! At least I'm not dead!"
Olive winced as a searing pain went through her head, and she groaned.
"Look, it's not your fault. I'm... great..." she muttered as way of apology.
Fred ran a hand through his hair, which had reverted back to his normal bright ginger.
"You were always clumsy." He said jokingly, attempting to diffuse a scene. Olive was relieved that the situation wasn't going to turn ugly.
As George opened his mouth to speak, when a rustling of skirts alerted the trio that Madame Pomfrey had come to check on Olive.
"Get out, knowing you two, Olivia will end up with broken skull!" Madame Pomfrey shooed the twins out, as Olive shot them an apologetic glance. But despite the favouritism in her patients, Madame Pomfrey wasn't going to let Olive off the hook.
"Olivia Custon, what in Merlin's name were you thinking?" She snapped.
"Uh... that the wall seemed rather friendly?" Olive winced. Madame Pomfrey shook her head furiously.
"Honestly, the nerve of some people!"
Luckily, Olive didn't have to spend too long in the Hospital Wing, and was gratefully back with the other Gryffindors. But obviously she had the worst luck aside from the second year, Neville Longbottom, as Draco Malfoy just had to catch wind of what had happened.
"Did you actually run into a wall and get knocked out?" He snorted, Olive glared at him.
"Oh, get stuffed, Malfoy!" She spat through a mouthful of chicken, choosing to get involved rather than ignoring him.
Judging by his glittering, malicious eyes, she had fallen right into his trap.
"Wow, the rumours about Mudbloods being idiots must be true!" Draco sneered, and Olive reeled back in surprise and blinding fury. She didn't get a chance to speak, though.
"Shut your trap, Malfoy!" A voice had appeared beside her. Draco smirked and turned back to his goonies - Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle - whispering loudly about how the Weasleys definitely needed to stop being blood traitors.
Olive turned her anger to Fred, the one who had snapped at Draco on her behalf. She wasn't angry at him, but she was in a foul mood, and so she took it out on him.
"I could have handled that!" She huffed.
"You needed help!"
"I most certainly didn't, Fred Weasley. Are you making assumptions about me?"
"No, I--"
And that was that. Olive when back to her chicken, stabbing it violently with her fork.
If there was any word that would describe Olive, it would be about her temper. Fred had just witnessed firsthand how shitty it was to get on her bad side.
"U-Um... Olive?" He stuttered, speaking to her as though she was a ticking time bomb and his words could be the ones to set her off.
"What?" She hissed, and then, "sorry..."
Fred chuckled as she grew teary-eyed.
"No, no. It's bad that I did that! I know I should start learning to control my temper, and, and--"
"Hey." Fred said, resting a hand on her arm.
"It's cool. You know, how about we go find George, last time I checked he was in the Owlery sending a letter to Mum. I answered her Howler this time, so he sends the unapologetic letter back."
And Fred was right. George was wiping sweat from his brow as he approached the pair. Olive laughed, her temper successfully evaporating like water on a hot day.
"You can laugh now, but wait until you meet our mother, she's terrifying!"
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