Today was cool, finally I was able to display my talent to people and seeing their optimistic response really made my day. I really appreciate their generosity in compliments, especially Jimin Hyung. He is so sweet, I think I got the reason why he is called mochi.
What's even more fascinating is that I am so used to my false identity now like I address them as 'Hyung' even in my own thinking. Though, Jungkook Hyung doesn't like me calling him that and I can't even get why is he like that. Like, the other day Beomgyu Hyung came in for some work and he was adressing him as Hyung, he had no problem with it. Jungkook Hyung has always been distant to me.
But I shrugged it off because its the last thing I can take stress for.
"Soo? Are you even here?"
"Physically yes. Mentally is debatable." I answered Tae Hyung. I can really be real in front of him. He is the most friendly and approachable person here, maybe cause he is bit younger than others, so, I can connect more with him. We both can literally joke on the lamest of things and can put forth our views that can match till a certain level and then his intelligence goes far beyond my approach.
He flashed his incandescently beautiful smile.
"What were you thinking about?"
"Nothing just that how clouds can be so dark when they have something as colourless and pure as rainwater."
"Dude that's some nice shit. Let's think of it together!"
And we stared at the dark clouds thinking for an answer when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I flinched and yelped at the unexpected contact. It was Namjoon Hyung and he was quite amused seeing my reaction.
"What are you guys doing? Wasting time?"
"Umm-" I was interrupted by Tae Hyung.
"Hyung, why are rain clouds dark?"
"Its because water vapour clumps into droplets leaving large spaces so less light is reflected."
My eyes widened and met with Tae Hyung's and they reciprocated my frustration. We both sighed unanimously, looking at each other we broke into a fist of laughter while Namjoon Hyung stood there appalled.
"What is it with you guys? Are you insane?"
Tae Hyung placed a hand on my shoulder and I wasn't uncomfortable at all, "Are we?"
"And isn't that pretty awesome!" I chuckled.
"Molla. Soo, come on. We have to think of your stage name."
I nodded as we followed him to a room, filled with people with straight faces.
"How about Dark Park?" Some random person said.
Eee... Thats so mysterious sounding.
"I think Sadonna!"
What does that even mean?
"What say about Sa Sa Pi?"
Sa sa what?
"Well. I personally like Sushi!" Tae Hyung passed but it was rejected on terms of being vague. Literally it's better than their weird ass suggestions.
"Any suggestions from you, Soo?" Namjoon Hyung raised an eyebrow at me and honestly, I was flustered.
"Soo - P?"
What I only heard next was Jimin Hyung and Tae Hyung giggling.
"Like you mean, soupy.. soo - p?" Jimin Hyung grunted in between of his chuckles and I felt that warm rush of blood to my cheeks. Was it that lame?
"How about Mr. BEAT" Suga hyung added gaining everyone's attention and I could tell everyone was convinced.
And so I became Mr. BEAT. Like, seriously, BEAT! It sounds like Mr. Bean. But, its better than others though.
We had a little deal signing party at the end of the day. Honestly, I felt alienated there. Namjoon Hyung and Hobi Hyung were busy with the producers and music directors. Tae Hyung and Jiminie Hyung were being themselves, wasted and dancing on the floor, having their own blissful time. Yoongi Hyung was also taken by some important people while Jungkook Hyung and Jin Hyung were bickering among themselves. I quietly sat by the counter, they offered me shots but I refused.
I saw Jimin Hyung approaching me and my lips formed a smile. He was drunk but sober enough to walk and talk like a sensible man, unlike Tae Hyung, who didn't drank much but is wasted.
"Why are you here all along? Join us!"
I shook my head in utter denial. It was way too awkward for me.
"Come on! Don't be such a bore. It is a party for you!"
I was hesitant and I tried my best to dissuade his plea. He grabbed a shot from the counter and shoved it in my hands, gesturing me to have it. I shook my head again, as what we were saying was hardly audible in the loud music.
"-what?" He yelled.
"I have never drank before." I yelled back so he could hear it.
"One shot will do no harm. Don't be a party pooper."
And so, I gulped in one shot, I felt the alcohol content in the drink causing a burning sensation in my throat and it tasted nowhere near nice. I coughed excessively as a reflex of my outrageous action.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
I nodded but I was coughing insanely, I wanted to puke out what I just let to enter into my body.
"Please excuse me Hyung. I think I wanna go to the restroom." I grunted and he nodded giving me a confused look.
"Where is Soo?" Jin Hyung yelled straight into my ear and it made me flinch and like.. how would I even know where he was.
I didn't hated him, I had no reason to but I didn't liked him either. Him being around make me a little uncomfortable. I already have a very reserve nature but the aura around him is different and awkward.
"Why don't you go check on him?" He added.
I gave him a grody expression but examining the situation, it is not that I have any other option. I sighed and nodded.
I went near Jimin Hyung as I saw him with Soo last, and he was reeking of alcohol.
"Hyung where is Soo?"
"Ah. Park Soo? He went to the restroom."
I nodded as I moved towards the restroom and there was no one. All of a sudden, I heard howling of a crowd, as to satisfy my curiosity, I turned towards the sound.
It was from the women's washroom. So, unfortunately, I had to drink down my evil curiosity. There were women rushing out of the washroom, but I had to turn back, as a sort of madness rushed through my veins raising the little hair at the back of my head, when I heard someone saying, 'Park Soo'.
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