Chapter 28
Everyone laughed out loudly watching her literally dance around like a complete idiot.
"He sure is a kid," Namjoon chuckled watching his junior with fond eyes.
"Hey hey look who is so excited? Is it the first time you are walking Sushi?" Taehyung passed a boxy smile at her. She stopped dancing around walking upto him, "Hyung, you wanna go and eat something. My treat."
"Include me, I also wanna eat," Jungkook said while he was already eating a piece of bread.
"I cannot tell who is the maknae," Hoseok beamed.
"Obviously he," Jungkook pointed at Ari, "He is the maknae, I am the golden maknae."
"How are you the maknae when he is?" Jimin questioned.
The one person who was quiet was Suga, he sat on one of the chairs with an inquisitive countenance. Maybe pondering over something, or someone.
"Forget it. What do you wanna eat?" Jimin asked Ari.
"Cheesecake. I live for cheesecake. I may die for it," she said dramatically with literal hearts in her eyes that made everyone laugh. Even Yoongi was trying hard to stop his face breaking into a smile but it somehow ended up in a smirk.
As she was blithely moving around, she did not realised a pen that splayed beneath her feet making her loose balance. Jungkook and Jimin were quick in motions ready to catch her if she falls but astonishingly she never did.
Yoongi caught her by her hood making her body arch in a perfect curve. He pulled her back from the same hood and gave her a death glare which she assimilated in a second.
"Oh God Soo, you don't even have a trace of abs," Jimin chuckled. He was in a position ready to catch her from falling and Suga's method lifted her hoodie a bit, displaying a little of her stomach.
"Really? Show," Jungkook insisted. A bashful blush crept up her cheeks as she held onto the hem of her black hoodie pulling it down, in a futile attempt to extend it.
Yoongi gestured him by his eyes to literally 'get lost' and that was what she did, she ran away quickly to her room and closed the door behind.
"He sure runs fast, why don't he try being an athelete?" Hoseok chuckled.
The recording of their theme track was completed in a week. By the time, everyone was complacent with Ari. Her amicable countenance took them by stupor and they eventually gave in.
"This is gonna be a boom!" Jimin grunted, taking another shot of vodka.
"Tone it out man," Taehyung hissed, himself inebriated.
"Why do you drink if you become like this?" Jin was a bit annoyed at the callow mein till he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked upto Namjoon.
"Hyung." Namjoon said vigilantly, all of a sudden his face melted into a broad smile, "Saranghae."
Hoseok choked on his wine hearing that and Jin passed a frustrated expression. The worst out of everyone though, was Yoongi who was passed out at the table itself while Jungkook was doing some stuff no one could make out.
"Soo," Jin called out.
"Yes Hyung?" She responded promptly. After the previous incident, she won't ever touch alcohol.
"Take Yoongi home in the car please. We all will follow," he beseeched and she nodded.
"I'll help you to the car," he added. He helped her take Yoongi to the car and practically threw him in the passenger seat. Ari sat beside him and the driver took them back to the dormitory.
"Hyung," she said, shaking him a little to pull him out of his slumber. No response.
"Hyung!! Wake up," she insisted, pulling him by his hand to make him sit straight.
His eyes squinted and as soon as he saw her holding his hand, he yanked off her grip, "Don't touch me."
He opened the car door and dallied sluggishly towards the entrance. She followed his unsteady gait. He was swaying in the effect of alcohol running through his veins.
"Hyung..." She called out for him as she entered the dorm but could not find him. She looked around all over till she finally found him in the kitchen, leaning to the counter top.
"Oh my god, I found you SpongeBob!" He smiled broadly, gripping the kitchen sponge.
Her eyes widened at how he was acting, somehow trying not to laugh. She had always seen him poised and disciplined. This was something new.
She tapped lightly on his shoulder, his head snapped in her direction and he instantly frowned, "I said, don't touch me," he insisted.
She retreated her hands and pursed her lips in a thin line. No, she wasn't hurt by his words. It was somewhat clear in her head that Yoongi didn't like her and moreover, he was drunk.
"Hyung, you should sleep," she dared to speak in a low voice.
"Don't fucking tell me what to do- yes, SpongeBob! Where were we?" He looked back towards the sponge in his hands.
She had to make him sleep. How? She didn't knew but she had to. She snatched the sponge from his hands and ran towards their room instigating Yoongi to follow her sluggishly.
"How dare you... You idiot," he grunted. He stumbled upon the door step but she caught him in time. He pushed her roughly, "I said, don't touch me!"
"Okay okay," she raised her hands in defeat, "I won't. Just sleep, hyung."
"You don't tell me what to do. Understand?"
She nodded almost instantly and gulped.
"Good," he smiled, "You're a good girl, aren't you?"
Her heart raced at the words, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her eyes widened a little bit she composed herself, shaking off the feeling she was getting.
"Answer me!" He demanded.
"Y-Yeah. Can you please sleep?" She asked.
He nodded and a wave of relief rode over her. He continued his phlegmatic walk towards the bed, dancing under the influence of alcohol. He was about to fall again, she hesitated but just gave a hand to him.
He pulled her instantly making her back land over the mattress and hovered over her. Her breathing hitched and she could hear nothing but her own heart ringing in her ears. A sort of warmth covering her entire body, leaving it all red, as if fire touched.
"H- Hyung-"
"I warned many times," he blubbered, placing his lips upon hers lightly. She panicked, her thoughts were a wild mess and everything felt hazy and unreal. Her stomach as if took a 360° flip. Her hands reached his chest as she pushed him harshly such that he rolled over the bed, unconscious.
She wiped off her lips, running out of the room in utter bewilderment.
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