🔮 The Truth Behind Valentine's Day (GT-STYLE) [12 Feb 2018]
I didn't want to make a chapter about this, but it seems the world doesn't understand it at all.
St. Valentine's Day is a holiday used to dedicated our love to one another. Aww, so sweet amirite?
Okay admittedly it's a sweet idea. But the only thing sweet about it is the loads of sugar packed into the candy we give to each other.
Small history lesson: some guy named St. Valentine married people in secret at one point when people couldn't marry. He also fell in love with a blind girl...blah blah blah *history stuff* and tada! A holiday.
See, the whole premise of the thing is just screwed up. Something happened along the way...and it's become more of a material holiday.
Just like some of your other beloved holidays, St. Valentine's Day has become a material holiday. Dun dun duuuuuuuun
In any case, "what is the stupid point you're trying to make, GT?" some of you may be wondering.
Well I hope you don't think it's stupid, for one. (That would hurt my feelings 😒).
What I'm trying to say is, the holiday has become an escape. Now it's not representing our love people, but to satisfy our love to people. What do I mean by that? Here's a quick anecdote (names have been changed to protect the innocent):
"GT! Any plans for Valentine's Day?"
"*sniffle* Umm...no not really."
"Well I'll be taking my significant other out and get her some of her favorite swiss chocolates."
"*sneeze* That's...nice."
-end of anecdote-
In case you're wondering, that was from my senior year of high school. I only missed one day that year (I was sick). Can you guess what it was?
+10 points to those who said St. Valentine's Day.
But that isn't the true lesson here. I'm not bitter like dark chocolate about missing it. I'm bitter because it is an escape for whoever I was talking to.
The conversation kept going. He would draw her a poster of love. He would cut her a dozen roses. Fun stuff representing love like that.
My point is this: when did humans stoop so low?
GT! You're confusing us again! Why with the riddling questions? Just get to the point already! is what you're probably thinking.
Here's the thing. I'm a nice single pringle (props to wattpad user Calypsole for using that term) and I feel like people are just using the holiday to be cheap with their loved ones.
Humans have stooped so low. The holiday is used for marketing slogans, sales, and specials. It's just run itself into the ground.
If I were a man in a romantic relationship (emphasis on the if), I wouldn't even celebrate Valentine's Day.
Think about it: Valentine's Day is a day where we celebrate that we love each other.
Me: why would we limit ourselves to one day? If I love someone, I'd freaking celebrate that every single day of the year. Loving someone and them loving you back is a constant celebration! It makes you feel fuzzy and warm inside (or so I've heard)! It shouldn't be limited to twenty four hours out of the whole year!
Goddamn it people. If you love someone, don't just remind them on St. Valentine's Day! Remind them all the time! You love that person after all.
Humans are stupid for limiting themselves to just one day out of the year to love each other. That's just stupid. You think love can be contained within the walls of one holiday? You're mistaken. Even Japan separates it into two days of "Valentine's Day" and "White Day". They're on the right track in comparison to somewhere like here in 'mericuh.
Well that's my philosophical rant for the day. Thanks for not skipping and reading the whole thing ✌. If you want a summary, it's this: love people every single day, not just one day. Don't limit yourself to do something for them. Because you love them.
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