🔮💭 200 Facts About GT (Part 1) [20 July 2018]
So this is one of those commemorative things where you reach a milestone. Me? 200+ followers ATM. It'll probably fluctuate a bit. I'm surprised I got this far since maybe 20 of the accounts are dead.
Anyway, without further ado, 200 amazing facts about GT.
1.) I'm a dude
Male subspecies of the human race. Or at least I hope so
2.) Almost 6' tall
It's mostly the long legs. I'm surprised I got this tall taking into account my parents' heights.
3.) Pokémaniac
Up to Gen 5. Gen 6 and beyond is a mystery to me. And I'm kinda hazy with Gen 4 because I lost my version of Diamond. My cup of tea is Johto.
4.) I like shorts
Rain or shine, you'll find me wearing shorts. I am pretty sure I used to wear jeans back in elementary...but that was many many years ago.
5.) Sunny California
In the most populous city in the south bay.
6.) I know more about some things than what I seem
Yknow people are amazed when I can name defense coverage schemes for american football.
7.) Curious and a researcher at heart
It's sometimes more fun to learn about something than it is to actually show what you've learned.
8.) That curiosity will be the bane of my existence
It has gotten me into trouble many times. For those victims of it, I apologize. But I just love knowing stuff.
Curiosity killed the cat is how the saying goes if I remember correctly
9.) And we're at my favorite number
I've always had a fascination for the number 9. It was one number below ten. The largest single-digit number.
10.) Pun Master
Or so I thought once a pun a time
11.) Repeats Jokes
On purpose. Trust me. I don't forget very often. Speaking of which...
12.) Superb memory
I've been told that I "have the memory of an elephant" or something of that nature. Though I do have a memory, merely recalling information only helps if it's the right information
13.) ex-NJROTC Cadet
So basically, I spent two years training to be in the Navy. Which I didn't enjoy. But now I can say I did it, so that's a plus.
14.) Hopeless Romantic
I tend to destroy the feelings of characters. What even is a happy ending?
15.) Ride a Bicycle
Well I've been doing it since the beginning of middle school. I've always been relatively active, but not purposely. Basically, I don't have a gym membership. But I am not the fittest person either. Or the strongest. I just do what I do.
16.) Loves all kinds of food
Sweet, sour, spicy, you name it. If I've tried it, I probably like it.
EXCEPT instant rice. That stuff is blech
17.) MTG casual player
Modern is my savior. Trying to make commander. One day
18.) Age
18 is correct.
19.) Likes manga
Okay so all that time I spend not reading pokéfics (that's a lot of time btw), I'm usually reading manga. And that's where some inspiration comes from. People say "the best writers are readers." Well I just read other stuff. Not on Wattpad usually.
20.) Writer
Not an author. Cuz I'm bad at writing.
21.) Likes Anime
But I haven't watched any recently. I should do that.
See the thing is, anime is just an animated version. If people just ignored the art style, the stories are fantastic. Maybe if they were live action more people would watch something like Naruto.
22.) Top bunk
My sister always took the bottom. So I've been on the 2nd floor my whole life.
23.) Soft rock
And sometimes hard, alternative, or punk. But I like rock music the best.
24.) Garbage at FPS
I've played less finesse controlled games. So I'm just bad.
25.) Work for a restaurant
At a later date, I'll describe it in detail.
No, GT isn't always on Wattpad in his spare time
26.) Favorite color?
Blue (___22)
27.) Stand-up comedian extraordinaire
Or so I call myself. A friend of mine IRL are working on a full routine. Maybe one day we'll perform on a live stage.
28.) Lack of social media
I've got this Wattpad account and a Discord account and a dead Skype account and...that's it.
29.) Recently, got a taste for Stubborn Soda
Idk man. The stuff tastes great.
30.) Also trying to make a visual novel
BUT I suck at digital art. The story I can barely scrape together. But art? Yeah, no
31.) Btw I suck at art
Mostly suck at drawing. But I've taken an animation course, but that was a long time ago.
32.) Got one older brother, one younger brother, and two older sisters
Number 4 out of 5
33.) Retro gamer
I mean, I've got this old PS1 that still works. It's got Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Tetris, Frogger...good stuff I tell you
34.) Rule 34
Don't look it up
35.) Haven't traveled out of the country
Out-of-state is yes.
36.) Join the Discord server!
Shameless self-promotion for the Pokémon fandom Wattpad group I run. PM me for a link if you're interested. It's only got like 57(?) members if I remember correctly
37.) Now we'll be taking questions from the audience
Or at least, I asked for a few
38.) From FallaffaTheLamaQueen
What are your dreams? Aspirations?
Hmm probably to be remembered. Whether being famous or infamous, I feel you're still alive if people remember you. So basically, I yearn for immortality.
39.) From espeonrocks
Who is your favorite person in the PWD? (I'm tempted to add besides Imber)
It's obviously Imber. Hands down, favorite person. No contest.
I believe she's cool with that as long as no one ships us together (please don't. She'll get mad).
40.) And thus ends the questions from the audience
You guys only submitted two 😂
41.) Can get philosophical
And my philosophical rants are denoted with the crystal ball emoji 🔮
42.) Collector
Not a hoarder. It's just coins and pins.
43.) I don't watch much TV or movies
Even if they are good stories. Idk sometimes I just feel like reading. It's my own pace. And I can reread over and over again.
44.) Other fandoms?
I'm about to surprise some people here.
In no particular order: Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, Rune Factory, Animal Crossing, Etrian Odyssey, Senran Kagura, Tales of series, and Harvest Moon.
45.) Above average intelligence-wise
Not the smartest cookie. But I'm no idiot, book-wise. The rest of the world? Complete idiot.
46.) Never learned an instrument
It's a toss up between Steel Drum or Saxophone. To pick something to learn to play, that is.
Gotta learn how to read sheet music though 😂
47.) I never did get along with myself
I've got this internal struggle with myself that I'm always fighting off. Yknow like the angel and devil on your shoulder. Kind of like that. Except I don't talk to my shoulder.
48.) Recently, been into this song called Losing Touch
Could make a good one-shot. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't.
49.) Journalist in high school
The one elective I actually liked
50.) There's a good story that goes with that
So basically, as a tribute to the advisor, I orchestrated the creation of an "Issue 10" (it usually stops after issue 9). It basically had stories all about the advisor (it was lit). Had to get some sneaky shots of him being bored in a PowerPoint presentation. Other than that, it was smooth sailing
But I think he suspected it after I said "it's my version of an April Fools edition." So much for being low-key.
51.) Bland joker
It's called self-deprecation humor. I couple it with my puns for balance purposes.
52.) Magician
Haven't done any card tricks in forever. I'll have to practice that again
53.) Missed exactly one day in high school
Valentine's Day senior year
54.) My middle name is my grandfather's first name
Good to know, I know
55.) My last name is my grandfather's last name
Bet you would've never guessed
56.) Does my Nintendo Wii count as retro?
I mean, it's from 2007, so the thing is legit 11 years old.
57.) I'm a watch person
Other jewelry I don't really fancy. But watches? They actually have a function. And you can't use your phone to shoot tranquilizer darts (will anyone get this reference?)
58.) Tend to sleep early
I went to sleep at 8:30 pm until high school. Then it as extended to 9pm. Because of this early sleeping...
59.) Tend to wake up early
5am daily, regardless of the day. I work? I don't work? I'm up at 5am. Thanks to that NJROTC I had to wake up early.
60.) Someone please teach me how to write action scenes
And violent ones too. I'm too passive and psychological for brute force. I need some assistance.
61.) Strategy games are my forte
But I don't mind a good hack n slash
62.) There's a ton of boxes in my room
Okay so my dad's old work closed down so he just decided to take a bunch of tables and tools they were gonna throw out. And now they're in five-box high stacks in the center of my room. Seriously, get rid of your crap. You don't do anything with it.
63.) Dream career?
Hard to say. I've always wanted to be a private detective. An author would be nice too.
As long as I can do it everyday and not be bored, that works for me
64.) Pets
65.) Dream car?
Ooh this is a doozy.
The Chrysler PT Cruiser.
I have this model on my desk. The shape? It's just so fascinating. Unfortunately for me, they discontinued them a few years ago. They were all the rage in the 2000s.
A friend of mine, his girlfriend nicknamed me PT (ironic since I'm called GT here). Now you can guess why
66.) It's not what you think
It actually had nothing to do with the car. According to her, it stands for "Princess Toastmaster"
Why that is? Idk
67.) Curfew
I've always had this 5pm curfew. Probably because my family eats dinner round that time. Which seems early in comparison to other people from what I've noticed.
68.) Thus I don't really hang out with people in the evening
Unless it's a Friday night Shauntal session in that discord server, that is. Same reason why I don't work nights.
69.) Obligatory 69 joke
69 LOL
70.) I never really understood extra OLs
If you say LOLOLOLOLOL, doesn't that translate to "laugh out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud" or something?
You're too loud, geez. You're disturbing the neighbors
71.) Men's 9.5 US
Shoe size
72.) Contrary to popular belief, I can't read your mind
So please spell out stuff for me, would you? That's how dense and tactless I am with other people
Even if I tend to be clever with my own things.
73.) Pretty sure this is an amazing number
It was explained like this...
73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th prime number. And its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3. And in binary, 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.
74.) I'm very skinny
Not even slim. Like borderline underweight for my height. People say it's my metabolism
75.) I'm loyal
Okay so I know I have a ton of crappy qualities. But I am loyal. If you're my friend, I will stick with you. I've been betrayed too many times to try to do that to other people.
76.) Wavy, brown hair, brown eyes
Nice and generic
77.) Glasses
I'm basically blind without them, so I wear em (and low-key have a fetish for them).
78.) Agnostic
I'm not particularly religious nor do I believe God can't exist. I like to keep my options open
79.) Rarely eat out
Mostly because I'm antisocial/my family has a 5pm curfew
80.) Four pairs of shoes
And that's about it
81.) None of them are high tops
I dislike the feel. It rubs against my ankle too much
82.) Favorite fruit?
White nectarine. Especially when they're not quite ripe yet. They still have that subtle sweetness and that crunch. Mmm so good.
83.) Once had a terrarium for...baby praying mantises
You read that right. My father found this online and you wait a bit and a bunch of praying mantises hatch and tada. A lot of mantises
You'd think he'd get butterflies for my sis and I but no. Praying mantis.
84.) Lived in four different homes
One on a hill on Senator Ave. One in the cul-de-sac of 243rd St. Another on the corner of Pennsylvania St. And currently hidden on the corner of Andreo and Santa Fe.
85.) Tried my hand at Pokémon TCG
No one else plays though IRL. Which sucks.
86.) Favorite band?
The Gaslight Anthem
87.) ISTJ-A
whatever that means
88.) For a handful of random facts
You never know when you need them
89.) Decent at awkward, uncomfortable scenes
As in constructing them. Not writing them. I mean, people seemed to like the foreigner scene in HDtM so...
90.) Mystery Fanatic
I wish I could do it more. Puzzles and mysteries are so fun to solve.
91.) Rhythm games (?)
Okay so maybe not idol games or osu!
But I've played Cytus. I like Cytus. And Deemo. Those were fun
92.) I have lots of random notes
And mostly they're facts or inspirations or bits of ideas. I should probably sort those.
93.) I tend to get lost in memories
Especially when going through stuff when cleaning. Oh look, an old yearbook!
*twenty minutes later*
What was I doing?
94.) I've watched Studio Ghibli
For those who haven't heard of it, it is essentially the Disney of Japan.
For those who have heard of it, my favorite is Whisper of the Heart (from like 1997 I think). Look, I didn't like Ponyo very much. Kiki's Delivery Service was my first on VHS. And Arrietty is nice. Spirited Away was kinda creeoy, but satisfying. Howl's Moving Castle is great. And The Wind Rises is so heartwarming. And there's a soft spot in my heart for The Cat Returns.
95.) I like RPGs
To be transported into a world, it's fascinating. Especially how in-depth it can get to parallel a real world.
96.) Ever play Reigns or Her Majesty?
By Nerial. It costs money, so go pirate it as an .apk. But ifind it intriguing to balance out the four indulgences. It's a good way to pass time if you don't have social media
97.) The backyard isn't really a yard
It's a stone-paved and concrete alley that goes around the apartment. No grass, but there are flowerbeds. And this annoying ivy wall on the other side of the wooden fence.
98.) I get hurt too often
Yet not lethally. Just banged up and scraped
99.) But I consider myself to have an awesome inner balance
I don't trip over air like some people. I'm not a complete klutz. Or so I like to think.
Is also a song my sister likes from some boy band that I don't remember its name.
I'll get to the rest later. This 2600 word entry should spam my notifs for awhile.
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