We Share Beds
Me and Brandon shared the same bed even though I have a crush on him. He's known this for a while but never acted upon it. I confessed to him on June 9th, 2017 when I was 14. I'm now 16 and he's 15. And I still love him. Even though he's got a bitch for a girlfriend.
April 1st, 2019. It was Brandon's favorite time of the year. He threw a prank on me every single year. I looked to my alarm clock positioned on my night stand. '7:25' damn I'm going to be late.
As I rushed to brush and take a shower at the same time. Yeah I know I'm skilled. Hehe but in all seriousness as I run over to Brandon who seems a bit quiet. The other students were looking at me. "He hasn't talked at all this morning" Brandon was always up early and got to the bus stop before everyone else. Fucking morning person. Ew! He apparently hasn't talked this whole time. Which was unlike him. As we all got on the bus I took a seat next to Brandon. "Hey bud, are you OK" he looked to me "I'm OK" which he didn't seem like it. My father says that proper men leave their friend alone when upset. Guys are prideful and don't like getting told how they're supposed to feel. Or is that women? I don't know anymore. I should ask my dad again.
As me and Brandon walk, his girlfriend runs up to him and gives him a big kiss on the cheek with her tuna lips. Ew straight people. As she looked to him with her annoying eyes she asked "baby, are you OK" I honestly didn't want to intervene between the 'lovely' couples conversation. As I walked away I felt a bit bad but honestly I didn't want to hear him give her the same lame excuse. Because she'd fall for it and be like "OK darling. May I kiss your ass some more?" I fucking hate her if that hasn't become apparent. I walked over to my locker and unlocked it. Me and Brandon used to share a locker until he got his precious girlfriend. Even though I love Brandon. I still wanted what's best for him. Nothing made me more happy than him. I want what's best for him. As I walked to my next class I see a short plump girl. She was my best friend 'Penelope' "hey fattie" I said to her and she smirked "hi fag" we chuckled. "So how did you like the toothpaste Oreo's" she smirked "I actually liked them for your information." All I said was "ewww"
As we walked in, ruckus was going on through out the class. Up until the point the teacher yelled "HEY" the class went silent "please sit down everyone so we can get this lesson over with" We all sat down and listened "before anything we have a new student. Please introduce yourself" he walked through the door nervously. "M-my names Levi Connors" he sounded strange. A different accent of some sort? I couldn't figure out if it was a southern accent or some French accent either way it didn't match him. he then sat down away from everyone without saying a word. As we all sat there, the lesson started. I looked to Levi and he already got out a sketching pad and continued a drawing. I just laid my head down and fell asleep.
As I walked around I saw Levi struggling with his locker. I walked over to him "do you need help" he jumped when he heard my voice "no" he said with a quiet voice. He was taller and more muscular than me. He looks like one of those typical jocks but he's so shy. It's kind of cute. Sorry brain. My mind,body,and soul is dedicated to Brandon. I looked to him with a skeptical look "bull" he sighed and handed me a locker combination. I chuckled "what is it?" I looked to him with a smirk "your locker is upstairs" he looked shocked "shit". I nodded "come on" I said to him as I waved for him to follow me. As we walked down the hallway i saw the bitch. "Brandon didn't talk in the morning to you guys since his mom has cancer" I stopped in the middle of walking. "What is it?" He looked to me. What. The. Fuck.
"HEY" I walked over to his precious one and yelled at her "why're you telling them this?" She crossed her arms "they asked" I balled my hand in a fist "you do realize Brandon most likely told you this in secrecy!" She shook her head "no he didn't say anything like that?" I teared up "he told you because he FUCKING trust you. He didn't tell me and we've been close friends for forever" she tilted her head and said in a sarcastic tone "well maybe you two aren't that close of friends?". I glared at her "your a FUCKING HEARTLESS BITCH" I said as I pointed to her. Levi walked over and split us up "Dude. Come on. Let's go" then I heard footsteps "what the hell, Shane?" I looked behind me and saw Brandon. He had a hallway pass. Fuck. No please let this be a nightmare. Please have me wake up "b-Brandon" he shook his head. The bell rung "get to class, Shane." He looked to her and hugged her telling her sorry about my behavior.
Levi dragged me away from the group and we found his locker and helped him. "I'm sorry about that" he sighed "Shane, it's OK" I smirked "your not shy anymore" he shrugged "I know your name now" he then waved goodbye. I walked over to my next class. I looked to my art teacher "hey why're you late, Shane" I sighed "new kid" he nodded his head. I sat down next to Penelope. "Hey are you OK?" I tilted my head "what do you mean?" She took out her phone and showed messages between her and Brandon 'I saw him being an ass to Millie' and Penny responded with 'dude I'm not talking shit about our childhood friend' and Brandon reacted with 'k. Fuck you too'. "He took her side" penny sighed "we both knew something like this would happen. I can't believe this. We were friends for years and he broke it just in one day. Fuck my life.
After this hour, I had no classes with Penelope and 4 with Brandon. 1 with Brandon and Millie. I wish I could fast forward time. The opposite of Maxine Caulfield and the weird storm thing. OH and I'm not confused about my sexuality and I'm a guy.
-After school-
Usually I went to Brandon's house and slept in his bed but plans weren't that way. I don't know what I'll do. As I walked home, I saw many little kids running around me. I then saw a car park by the house next to mine. I saw someone familiar get out of the car "Shane!" I looked to see Levi and a woman way shorter than him. I walked over to him "do you live next to me?" I pointed to behind him and he looked "damn. Ya live really close" his mom said. She sounded a bit southern "oh my god. That explains your accent" he looked to me "I have an accent?" I said that aloud. Shit. "It's weird though." She chuckled "you should've heard him years ago he used to have a really bad lisp and a southern accent". Levi blushed "Mom!". Me and his mom chuckled. "SUGAR BUN, COME HOME" My mom yelled with her sweet voice that shouldn't yell like ever.
He mocked me "ha sugar buns". I blushed "oh my god. Your a di-" then I realized his mom is that so I just groaned "goodbye" I ran home "hey mom" she smirked "ooo HES CUTE" those two looked over "MOM". I pushed her inside and closed the door behind us. God this women is crazy. I looked to mom "they heard that. You know that right?" She smirked "maybe he's gay" I groaned "mom" she smirked. My dad walked downstairs and walked over to me "wait why're you home?" My mom was shocked "wait why are you" I sighed "he choose her" my parents frowned "I didn't think Brandon would do that"
I sighed "well It happened" I crossed my arms "hell I'd rather him be single than date her" my parents knew I liked Brandon. Like. Actually love. He's my life but at this point I don't know if I could do without him. My family decided to eat out for dinner. I asked if we could go to Paula's. It was a popular little area to go to. Also I wanted to see Penny. Her family owns the place. She says that's the reason why she's so pudgy. But she isn't insecure about it. She's a strong girl. As we drove up to the place I saw Penny sitting there with her mom and dad. We usually ate their after hours. They did as well. We walked in the restaurant "oh hey guys" Penny ran over to hug me "wanna eat some leftover fries" I smirked "of course" we both ran into the back and ate some fries. "Hey I'm sorry about Brandon" I groaned "can we stop talking about him and enjoy the deliciousness we call these fries!"
"Shane, we're talking about this" I teared up "why?" I looked to her "Why should I?!" She sighed "because it makes you feel better" I crossed my arms "whenever I think of Brandon it upsets me so please. Can we just leave it alone?!" She sighed "no. We can't. Shane tell me" I said no "Shane tell me" I said no once again "TELL ME SHANE" she kept repeating "HE TRUSTED HER!" I yelled "HE SAID HE WAS OK TO ME BUT HE TOLD HER SOMETHING PERSONAL!" She looked to me "will you tell me what?" I was full out bawling my eyes out "I-I" she sighed "you don't have to tell me"
I covered my mouth "his mom has cancer and he didn't tell me" she hugged me "come on sugar" she rubbed my back "where's confident sugar" I sighed "right here" she nodded her head and wiped the tears away from my face "there he his" I chuckled "Shane Parker, you're the most best friend I could ask for" I smirked "I love you" I hugged her "I love you too". This was getting fucking awkward "god lets eat some fries now" she chuckled as she let go out me.
-later that night-
As I laid down on my bed, I realized this was the first time in 10 years I've slept in my own bed..by myself. I missed Brandon. Even though he didn't like me back or well more of he never replied to my confession. I told him in person of course but there was no response. It's been 2 years since then though. I looked to my phone and thought of calling Brandon. Maybe this was bound to happen. I don't deserve him. Brandon is hot as he double hockey stick. God damn! I sighed and sat up. I hovered over his phone number. Should I call him or should I not?
I then heard my window open wide open and then I screeched but got my mouth covered "dude be quiet" I looked to see Brandon. He took his hand off of my face "what the hell?" He sighed "I couldn't sleep" I looked to him awkwardly and then decided to be a dick since I'm apparently good at it "sounds like a personal problem" he sighed "can I stay here tonight?" He sighed "I swear I wouldn't have bothered you if I didn't have THE nightmare" I looked to him with shock "wait you really had the nightmare again?" He nodded. Sometimes Brandon has identical nightmares and I had to comfort him from time to time. "Fine but just for tonight" I fluffed my pillow "I'm still pissed at you" he said. "Fair enough" I said as I laid down. He got underneath the covers and got close and far enough to be on my tiny ass pillow. It seems like even now i still love him even though two seconds ago he just basically said he hates me.
As we laid there his back faced to me, he sighed "why did you yell at her". "She was talking about" I exhaled "she told others about the fact that your mom has cancer, Brandon". He turned around to me "your joking" I shook my head "this isn't a joke" he sighed as he looked to me "I'm sorry" that was a first. He wrapped his arms around me. And I cuddled into him. Damn I missed this "can we sleep now?" I nodded my head. As I closed my eyes, it felt peaceful. Nothing else can compare to his cuddles. I know that these will be made just for Millie some day or another woman. I fell asleep as I peacefully laid in his arms.
-in the morning-
As I opened my eyes I look to see Brandon sleeping in front of my very eyes. He was so beautiful. I sighed and got up. I walked over to my closet and got changed in my classic jeans and hoodie. Today felt happy ish. I looked over to him who was still sleeping. I picked out some clothes for him and threw it at him "get dressed" he groaned "why" I smirked "because schooool". He got up and took off his shirt. I couldn't help but watch from the corner in my eye "um dude" he pointed to below the pants buckle and I saw the sword in all its glory. "Oh MY GOD" I ran out and slammed the door behind me. I ran to the bathroom across from my room and locked the door behind me "god fucking damn it" it was pulsing and it really hurt. Alright remember vagina, boobs, and women moans. Alright that shall do. This boner is gone.. for now. It'll be back and when it will I hope I'll be alone. I heard a knock at the door "dude are you OK?" I sighed I got out "yeah I was feeling sick" he chuckled "sick with a boner"
I looked to the floor "ummm" he chuckled and nudged me on the arm "dude chill out. I understand" dude! Can you fucking tell me how you act normal about this! As we both walked out the door to our way to school he got a phone call. He ignored it for a bit until I told him "dude, your phone is ringing" as he took the phone from his pocket it stopped the call and I could see 19 Missed calls from Millie. Shit. This is bad. What's going on you might ask. I have not a fucking clue.
He powered off his phone and looked to me "eh just some advertising" he lied to me. I nodded my head but as soon as he looked away I frowned. He's never lied to me before. As we took a step into the overcrowded building. He groaned "god it's packed today" I chuckled "don't you remember anything" he looked to me "it's assembly day" he face-palmed "god damn it" Brandon has always hated assembly's, dances, and any social events from the beginning. Even though he's popular as hell he hates socializing. He's mostly popular for two reasons 1. He's dating Millie 2. He's hot.
I was spacing out towards the crowd of people when I heard a loud slam as I looked over to Brandon. It was Millie who had slapped him "Millie, what the fuck" she balled her fist "what the fuck?" She crossed her arms "I've called you 19 times, Brandon!" He looked to her with anger and pointed to her "I said I NEEDED A BREAK" everyone was looking over to us. I tried to step back but Brandon gripped a hold of me "this" he looked to me "is my boyfriend" I blushed. "Wait wha-" he then leaned over and kissed me. I closed my eyes but as I realized something. I felt nothing.
This kiss was something I dreamed of for years and I felt nothing. Except scared for him, sad for her, and maybe a little embarrassed. Even though I was gay PDA was still going to be weird. He then pulled away smirking towards me. I got loose from his grips and pushed pass the crowd hearing Millie scream "fuck you" or simple gibberish as I ran off. I went into the bathroom and splashed water over my face. Nothing felt right at this point. I mean for years I thought I was gay. And when I kissed him I feel like it didn't match. Am I gay?
"Fuck" I teared up. After giving everyone the trouble of my homosexuality. I'm not even sure I'm gay. Holy shit. I then heard the bathroom door to swing open "L-Levi" he waved "I wanted to check up on ya, bud" I sighed. He then continued onto what he was saying "so um are you two actually dating" I shook my head "I was just something to make his girlfriend jealous" Levi walked over and patted me on the head. He was about to take his hand off when I stopped "what're you doing" I let go "um I'm sorry" I rushed out.
What the fuck was that? I walked to my first hour. Nothing happened. 2nd hour nothing happened. 3rd hour Brandon tried to talk to me. 4th hour nothing happened. 5th hour me and Levi had an interesting conversation on astronomy. 6th hour nothing happened. 7th hour Millie glared at me. And then 8th hour I saw Levi again. I put on my backpack and looked to my phone to see what my parents are doing today. Welp I'm walking home "HEY!" Levi ran over and got out of breath "jeez I need to exercise" I chuckled "well we live next to each other" oh yeah we do "so how about we walk home together"
he smirked. "GUYS!" We both heard and as I looked behind me I saw Brandon. "Hey you two" as we walked down the street we started conversations on a whole bunch or randomness like school, hobbies, and so on. We were midway through the walk when something irritated the other "listen I didn't mean it" Brandon said annoyed. Levi tolled his eyes "sure you didn't mean it. You fucking kissed him!" He crossed his arms "hell I saw him crying earlier" Brandon looked to me "that's not true is it" I felt ashamed. Everything in my body told me that this is something I will never answer. But Levi then said "yes. If anything he'll choose me instead of you" Brandon grew anger stern look. "I've known him longer! So he'll choose me"
*4 years later*
As I picked some plates up and walked over to put in the sink. I see him. The love of my life. I loved him so very dearly. He sat down by my two best friends. They talked and talked waiting for my hour to be over. "Hey what would you like to order" they all discussed what they wanted and ordered their meal. This shift feels like forever. I've been working here since I graduated from high school. I'm now a struggling college student living with my boyfriend.
*after work*
I walked outside to see him once again I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Hey babe" I smirked "work was difficult" I felt a message "i'm in New York now!-Penny" i squealed and showed him my phone "it's been a while since we've seen her" i held his hand "lets go and pick her up"
We got into the car. As we picked up Penny. She looked to us as we looked away from each other nervously "you guys are too cute" she looked to me "is it alright if I crank up the music" I nodded. She turned up the music and it played some good ole queen. I looked to my boyfriend and then penny and smirked "what's up" penny asked.
"Nothing. I just really love you guys" I put my hand on his shoulder. I love him so much. So much so my best friend penny is here to help me. What with you might ask.. I'm going to propose to him. He's my life. It'll be later tonight. A surprise engagement party. As he parked the car, we got out and walked upstairs to our apartment. It was a bit messy with some kitty toys "whiskers" he called out. Penny laughed "whiskers?" I smirked "it was his name idea" she nodded "you'd probably have the longest name for a cat but have a nickname for it" I dramatically looked to her "George Michael Harrington Miller's the 32nd"
She chuckled. He walked over with my fluffy fat ball "hi honeyyy" I grabbed her and hugged her "my beautiful fur ball" he chuckled "it was his idea to get her though so I named her because I forget her name now and it's basic". I pet her head and she purred but soon enough got bored and jumped out of my arms "come on guys. Let's play some Mario party" he smirked "that $50 dollars will be made worth it".
*later tonight*
as I opened my eyes I heard him snoring. He's extremely loud. I looked over to penny who's asleep. I shook her and whispered "hey" she got up and looked to me "let's do this" she said half asleep. She got up and walked over to the kitchen and brought out the cake she hid in there. I heard a knock on the door and walked over to see my closest friends and one of them had his boyfriend with him.
They walked in and went to the kitchen to talk to penny. I looked to him sleeping again and sighed nervously. Tonight's the night and I must look my best. I walked over to penny and said "hey I'm going to get dressed" before I could leave one of the guys stopped me "hey I wanted to tell you good luck" I smirked and gave him a hug "thanks" He scrunched up my hair "now go get married" I ran over to my room and placed some clothes down. Shit.
I put on my basic pants and buttoned up my shirt. I looked to the mirror and fixed my hair. I then heard the door handle open and saw Brandon "come on. It's time" I smirked and walked out the door to see everyone was still partying. I then looked to see him. I smirked as I thought of our time together.
I love him so much. To see him this happy here and clueless to what will happen as soon as I walked over to him. He continued talking to penny unsure about whats going to happen. Penny looked to me as I kneeled down and opened the case. He turned around as this was happening and he covered his mouth and screeched in joy. "Will you marry me, Luke" he nodded his head so excited as I tried to stand up he hugged me.
This was heaven. Everyone was celebrating and releasing party poppers. As soon as the party was over. Penny slept on the couch. And we walked to the bed and laid down. Few minutes later I said "you still awake?" He nodded his head and turned around and put his arm around me "four years ago. I made a decision between two guys" he smirked "I didn't know what the hell to say and you appeared out of nowhere" he chuckled.
"Sorry to have run you over" when I had to chose this big decision. He had crashed the bike over me. I got a sprained ankle "Luke, I love you. Thank you for spraining my ankle"
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